And If You Let Me: Chapter 7 - The Atrocity
Chapter Seven - The Atrocity
As their vacation continued, they enjoyed various activities from fishing, and watching romance movies to roasting marshmallows by the fire. Every iota of every second was filled with gratitude for the time alone. Unintentional romance blossomed in everything they did, but they tried their best to ignore it. Each day Jeongguk had a new recipe on the menu. Jimin, his trusty sous chef, remained by his side mincing and chopping on demand.
However, their commitment to being just friends didn’t come without restraint and incredible discipline. Just because they had agreed to no longer be lovers, didn’t mean they didn’t still want to be lovers. They took every precaution to be vigilant; avoiding nudity, lude comments, or any reference to their twenty-four hours of blissful sin from days prior. Most importantly, they kept the kink box closed and hidden in the closet. They locked the experience away in the private vaults of their minds, even though they could see the memories etched on each other’s faces.
But it was on the evening of the sixth day when an explosive turn of events knocked them completely off course.
“Hurry, Jeonggukie, the movie is about to start.”
“The popcorn isn’t going to pop itself. I like alot of popcorn when I watch movies that make me cry.”
“This is a Marvel film. Nothing about it should make you cry.”
“Says you. Iron man makes me emotional.”
“Just hurry up. The news is on and it’s depressing me,” Jimin laughed.
He crossed his legs on the couch and made way for Jeongguk to join him under the thick yellow blanket. It was an evening of pajamas, snacks and their favorite movies ordered on demand. It had become a nightly ritual to help keep their minds off of the other things they could be doing.
Jeongguk plopped down on the couch and crawled under the blanket with Jimin. As usual, Jimin’s pajamas consisted of baggy black sweatpants but no shirt. Jeongguk noticed his bare chest when he pulled the blanket. His eyes were drawn to a series of small nail marks where Jimin had likely scratched an itch. The marks were faint, with just the slightest deepening of color. Jeongguk couldn’t take his eyes off of them. They felt like something that needed to be kissed.
Jimin noticed that he was being noticed. And that’s when he realized that he needed a shirt. “Oh, sorry. I’m so used to not wearing a shirt at night. I-I um, I’ll go grab a shirt.” No matter how comfortable they were being partially or completely nude around each other, they understood that the deadly attraction was still there and they needed to avoid triggering each other. Having a rock hard dick with no way to satisfy it was a recipe for landing them tied to the bed and fucking again.
Jimin quickly rushed off to find a shirt. Jeongguk casually glanced up at the news while he waited for Jimin to return. There was a woman on television who looked vaguely familiar.
“Principal Han?” Jeongguk uttered to himself.
She appeared to be speaking at some sort of press conference. He turned up the volume on the television to hear her more clearly.
There were at least thirty microphones shoved in her face as she spoke, “I’m innocent of these charges. This is nothing but a conspiracy to sully my name and create doubt in the minds of the board members. I assure you that I have not done any of the deplorable things I am accused of…,”
“JIMIN!” Jeongguk yelled at the top of his lungs.
Jimin came running with his shirt partially pulled over his shoulders, “What’s wrong?”
“DELORES IS ON TV!” Jeongguk pointed towards the image of ugly little Principal Han on television. Her thick unibrow glistened amidst the bright camera lights.
As Principal Han completed her statement, the news then quickly switched to footage of her being arrested and led out of Hagwon in handcuffs. She was tussling with the police, refusing to leave her office. So they cuffed her. The lower third scrawled across the screen with a list of reactions from teachers at the school.
The news anchor from KBS1 Channel 9 continued the report, “Principal Han of the prestigious Hagwon School of Busan has been arrested on multiple felony charges including misappropriation of funds, violation of ethics & standards regulation, and blackmail.”
“What in the actual fuck is happening here,” Jimin fell onto the couch with his shirt still stuck over his shoulders.
“I don’t know! I don’t know!” Jeongguk stuffed a hand full of popcorn into his mouth as his eyes glazed over the television in disbelief.
The reporter who was reporting live from the front lawn of the school, continued to deliver the story, “Suspicions around the Principal's action surfaced when several teachers and senior staff noticed that new rules and guidelines had been enacted unilaterally by the Principal without the proper authority from the school board. Some of the new rules were found to be illegal and discriminatory; against the school district’s fairness doctrine….,”
Jeongguk jumped to his feet, “I told you! I told you she was pulling some of these rules out of her ass!”
“Shhh,” Jimin shushed him so that he could continue to listen to the various charges that were being levied against her.
The reporter continued, “...the investigation into unauthorized rule amendments led to a trail of missing funds and various threats against powerful business owners who had children attending the school. During a raid on her office, her computer as well as boxes of personal files were confiscated and placed into evidence. The board has suspended the Principal indefinitely with a new Principal soon to be appointed as an interim replacement. Bail has not been set. We’ll continue to keep you updated on developments in this story. This is Seoka Hwang reporting live from Channel 9, KBS1.”
“Do you think that’s why the biggest troublemakers in the school were never punished? Was she being paid off by their parents to make their infractions just go away?” Jimin asked.
“That’s probably where the blackmail comes in.”
“You said it. You knew from day one that something wasn’t right. She was being allowed to run amuck with her refusal to adhere to policy. Even our fucking suspension without pay wasn’t authorized. Nothing in the teacher handbook or district guidelines gave her authority to do this. No wonder you wanted to fight. No wonder you were so adamant. You knew. My God, you’re brilliant,” Jimin grabbed Jeongguk and pulled him into a tight hug.
“I feel vindicated. But we can’t get too ahead of ourselves. Until the trial is over, we don’t know what’s going to happen. She could still have a few tricks up her sleeve. At least, we’re rid of her. She’s no longer at Hagwon which should make our lives much better.”
“We have a hearing in front of the board next week. I was feeling really discouraged about it but now I think we have a chance.”
“We’ve always had a chance. After all of this shit with Principal Han, the entire case against us will likely be thrown out and the suspension reversed.”
“Reversed? Why do you think that?”
Jeongguk folded his legs in and faced Jimin, “Because no single entity has the authority to put such guidelines in place. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all this time. The board had no idea what she was doing. Now that she’s gone, none of her ridiculous rules apply. We default to the official handbook. The one that I helped the committee create.”
“None of her rules apply?”
“Not even the one about…staff members dating?”
“Not even that one,” Jeongguk said softly as he tucked Jimin’s dark tresses behind his ear.
Jimin tilted his head and leaned into Jeongguk’s palm as it stroked his cheek. “Good to know.”
“Are we going to watch this movie? I paid for it already,” Jeongguk stated.
Jimin was pensive and quiet. He absentmindedly pulled his shirt into place as he reclaimed his position under the blanket. He could feel Jeongguk’s cold bare toes curled underneath.
“Your feet are cold, put them in my lap and I’ll warm them for you,” Jimin offered.
“I’m always cold. My nipples are always hard, not because I’m horny, because I’m cold.”
“So I gathered from your turning the heat up to near 90 degrees Celsius every night. Stay close. I’ll keep you warm,” Jimin offered sweetly.
It was 1:00 am by the time they decided to go to bed. They’d managed to squeeze three very long Marvel movies into their movie night and they were over it.
“Hmm, that was confusing. And why is Hulk red?”
“Hell if I know.” They turned the television off and walked slowly towards their bedrooms. “So tomorrow? What’s on the agenda?”
“A midnight helicopter ride. It’s our last day so I thought we could really make it special.”
They stopped in front of Jeongguk’s room.
Jeongguk stepped inside but Jimin continued to linger in the doorway. “That sounds fun. Imagine flying over Busan at night. I can throw rocks at my mom’s house,” he leaned against the door frame, looking boyfriendy, cracking jokes.
“Jiminie, be honest. Does Principal Han leaving change how you feel about staying at Hagwon?”
Jimin thought for a moment, “I would miss you alot if I went elsewhere. It’s too soon to say. I love the lower school kids, but haaaaaate those damn middle schoolers. I guess I need to see how everything works out.”
“Same. I do feel much more hopeful now.”
Jimin lifted his hand to scratch his neck. His fingernails left more of the faint red marks.
“Why do you keep scratching that same spot?” Jeongguk asked.
“It’s this damn t-shirt. I don’t even know why I packed it. It’s not exactly the most comfortable. But all of my other clothes are dirty and I can’t run around here shirtless anymore, now can I?”
“You can if you want. Besides, I’m washing all of our laundry tomorrow so that we return home with clean clothes,” Jeongguk said firmly.
Jimin sat on the floor in the doorway of Jeongguk’s room, still refusing to fully enter. “Laundry? On vacation?”
“I love to do laundry. I find it soothing, especially folding the dry warm clothes. I just love it, so give all of your dirty laundry to me. I’ll even come over to your apartment when we get home and wrangle all of your dirty clothes,” Jeongguk laughed.
“Oh, don’t joke. I may take you up on that offer. I absolutely fucking hate doing laundry. My God we’re good together.” Jimin scratched his neck again creating even more divots in his skin.
“You can take your shirt off. I’m not some hapless heathen who can’t control myself. If you don’t want to wear a shirt around me, you don’t have to.”
“You sure? I’m really sexy.”
“Fuck yes you are, but…I’m sure.”
“Oh thank goodness.” Jimin reached around the tail of his shirt and pulled it up over his head.
For a moment, the sleeve got stuck over his shoulder, trapping him with his arms stuck in the air and his entire head covered. And then the collar got stuck on one of his earrings. He tugged and tugged, trying to get loose. As he struggled to work his way out, the nipples on his exposed chest began to harden from the chill. It was another one of those silly predicaments that only Jimin could get into.
Jeongguk could see the marks on his neck. The beautiful, beautiful marks on his neck. “Wait, wait, it’s stuck on your earring. Stop pulling before you rip your ear off. Here - let me help.” Jeongguk worked the earring loose and then continued to pull the shirt up. Jimin’s face was liberated and then eventually his head, but the t-shirt continued to grip around his arms and wrists as they flailed in the air. “Hold still, please. I…,”
Jeongguk felt the seams of his pajamas suddenly tighten around his crotch. Seeing Jimin trapped in his shirt triggered his bondage kink at the most inconvenient time.
Jimin, all tangled in mangled up knots, wondered what was taking so long for Jeongguk to free him. The younger’s face was above his, a fierce gleam of desire burning in his eyes.
“You good?”
Instead of pulling the shirt the final few inches to get Jimin’s arms free, Jeongguk grabbed the fabric and twisted it in his hand, wrapping it around and around until it was tight around Jimin’s wrists. He couldn’t help himself.
“What’s happening?” Jimin laughed softly.
“I’m a hapless heathen who can’t control himself.” He found his lips pressed against the darkened red marks on Jimin’s neck. “Holy shit you’re beautiful,” he said as he kissed up and down the faint etchings in the elder’s skin.
“You hapless heathen. You didn’t ask my permission,” Jimin was already in the game, offering no resistance at all.
Jeongguk held Jimin’s still bundled arms above his head. He pressed him against the frame of the door, and then eventually pushed him to the ground. None of it was planned. It just happened, right there on the floor.
Jimin whispered, “Another twenty-four hours?”
There was a sudden knock at the door. They both startled and stared at each other. Who could be at their door at 1:00am.
“Do you think the deer want to come in and watch in person?” Jimin joked.
Jeongguk was not so jovial. He had a bad feeling about someone visiting at such a late hour.
“What the fuck? Should we even open the door? Who could possibly be up at this time of hour? We’re completely isolated up here.” All kinds of alarm bells rang in Jeongguk’s head.
The two of them walked slowly to the front door. Whoever was there was persistent, knocking firmly and loudly. Jimin grabbed a knife from the wood block on the kitchen counter.
Jeongguk peeped through the blinds to see if it was someone he recognized. It was. He rushed to open the door.
Yu-Jon fell inside, collapsing to the floor. He held his side and peered up at Jeongguk, “Thanks for letting me in.”
“Yu-Jon?” Jimin gasped. “Fuck I would have preferred the deer.”
Yu-Jon was injured. He had a bloody nose, several cuts on his face and he appeared to be holding his stomach.
“Oh God what happened to you?” Jeongguk leaned down by his side, “and what are you doing here?”
“I’m fine, just a little bruised. I was in a car accident. Another car ran me off the road near Haeundae beach. Ended up in a ditch. My car is fucked up but drivable. Oh God Ggukie, my life flashed before my eyes. I thought I was going to die.”
“You need a doctor,” Jeongguk grabbed a few paper towels and wiped the blood from Yu-Jon’s face so he could examine his injuries.
“I probably do…,” Yu-jon laughed and then grimaced in pain, grabbing at his side as he coughed.
“Mmkay,” Jimin had his arms folded tightly against his chest, “so let me get this straight. You crashed near Haeundae beach and instead of seeking medical help that was literally five minutes away, you chose to drive three hours, up a mountain, at night, to come here?” He was fired up. The red scratches on his neck burned red in a visible display of his anger. Everything about Yu-Jon’s visit felt manipulative and Jeongguk seemed to be falling for it.
“I’ll call an ambulance,” Jeongguk offered.
“No.” Yu-Jon protested. “I just need to rest a minute. Catch my breath. I-I-I had to see you Jeongguk. It’s urgent. Please just hear me out and let me talk.”
Jimin didn’t know what to think. The asshole was clearly in distress and his injuries were real. He could see the concern in Jeongguk’s eyes and that was the part that pissed him off. After everything Jeongguk had said about being over him, hating him, considering him an oppressor - there he was, tending to his wounds and giving him yet another opportunity to wiggle his slimy ass back into his life. Jimin felt like he was going to vomit. He sat down on the couch and crossed his legs; every portion of his body tense and anxious.
“You need to go to a hospital,” Jeongguk said once again.
“Fine. But not until I say what I need to say,” Yu-Jon insisted. “I drove three hours to get here to tell you this.”
“Yea, fine say what you have to say but make it quick because I can’t stop the bleeding on this cut,” Jeongguk said with worry.
Jimin felt like crying. Jeongguk wasn’t supposed to care about that creature that lay there on the floor, invading what may have been the most beautiful moment of their lives. Yu-Jon was not supposed to be there. He wasn’t supposed to be laying on Jeongguk’s lap sucking up his attention and affection.
Jimin seethed. He wanted Jeongguk to hate Yu-jon, to kick him out, to let him bleed to death in his dented up car with the shattered windshield. The feeling was all too familiar, he felt his heart breaking once again. Could it be that Jeongguk was truly still in love with his ex?
Yu-jon continued to mumble, while struggling to talk. “I need you. I’m here to beg you to come back to me. I know this is sudden…I know I shouldn’t be here…,”
“You think?” Jimin yelled.
Yu-Jon glanced at him. Jimin was sure he saw a smirk. The injured man continued to speak feebly, “I was a fool to let you go. I was a fool to be unfaithful. I almost died Ggukie. And as I was laying there, I realized that the only person who matters in my life is you. I can’t go on without you. Marry me Jeongguk.”
“What?” Jimin jumped to his feet. He felt his eyes fill with tears. “No fucking way…you ass….”
“Jimin. Come here,” Jeongguk yelled over him.
Jimin was surprised to hear Jeongguk use that tone with him. It aroused him slightly even though it was a very inappropriate time. Jimin rushed over, pausing his tirade. He knelt next to Jeongguk and Yu-Jon.
Jeongguk had retrieved several towels. He was holding them against Yu-Jon’s face and his chest. “He’s coughing up blood. This is serious.”
“Fuck. I think he’s got a collapsed lung.” Jimin suddenly understood Jeongguk’s urgency and why he was paying so close attention to Yu-Jon’s injuries. “We need an ambulance immediately,” Jimin advised.
Both of the teachers were well trained in first aid and CPR. They knew how to keep him alive but he definitely needed help.
“Hold this here and keep it compressed while I call an ambulance,” Jeongguk ripped his bloody hand away and fetched his phone.
Jimin could hear him speaking frantically to the 1-1-2 operator. He curled his lip and gagged as he spoke to Yu-Jon, “So, blood isn’t my thing. Especially your blood, but if I don’t do this, you could die. Soooo, yea.” Jimin grimaced and gagged again before pressing his hand hard against the compress to control Yu-Jon’s bleeding. He could feel the warm gooey blood soaking through the towel and staining his hand. “Fuck I hate this. I hate you.”
Yu-jon managed to utter a few cruel words to Jimin, “He’ll never love you. I’m etched in his brain forever. He’ll always be mine.” He coughed up more blood.
“Are you seriously dense enough to talk shit to the man who’s saving your life? I mean you really are stupid,” Jimin rolled his eyes. He held back another gag as he saw more of Yu-jon’s blood drip to the floor.
Jeongguk was back. He worked on cleaning Yu-jon’s facial wounds while Jimin held the towel in place. “They’re on their way. You’ll be fine.”
“Are you going to give a dying man an answer?” Yu-Jon asked in response to his proposal. “Will you marry me?”
Jeongguk looked at Jimin with sad pathetic eyes. Jimin could see so much beauty within them.
Yu-Jon continued, speaking directly to Jeongguk, “I know you came here with him just to make me jealous. I know there’s nothing between you.” He coughed, voiding more blood from his mouth, “I talked to your friends and even people who saw you at the Hard and Heavy Metal Pub together. They all said you visited often but you never held hands or even kissed. You’re just using him to make me jealous. But I know where your true heart is. It’s with me.”
“You’re right. I did use him and I did it to piss you off and really hit you where it hurt. And that wasn’t fair. He’s not my boyfriend and we aren’t dating. I’m sorry Jimin,” Jeongguk stared directly at Jimin.
Jimin couldn’t believe what he was hearing; Jeongguk admitting their secret to Yu-jon. It felt like the ultimate betrayal. It took all of Jimin’s strength not to run, flee the scene so that he didn’t have to face what was happening. Jeongguk himself had admitted in the past that he and Yu-jon had a pattern of breaking up and reuniting. He admitted himself that he always took him back - always. That was just how they played the game. And at that moment Jimin realized that he was just a pawn in their game. He felt so stupid, so humiliated. His grip on Yu-jon’s bloody towel slackened just a bit. Did he really care if he died? Not at all.
Jeongguk continued to stare into Jimin’s eyes. He refused to dismiss their gaze. After Yu-jon’s soliloquy of bullshit, the younger finally had a chance to speak. But instead of speaking to Yu-jon, he spoke to Jimin. “You look like you’ve lost your best friend. Lighten up. You don’t really think I’m falling for his bullshit do you?” Jeongguk giggled. “You’re the one who said that we had to trust each other, not just in the bedroom, but in all things. I still trust you, but it seems like you’re doubting your trust in me. Please don’t do that, it’s the most important thing we share.” Jeongguk then looked down at Yu-jon. He continued to dab at his facial wounds and hold his head. “As for you asshole. The only reason I opened the door is because you looked like you were dying - and you could possibly be - hell I don’t know. Maybe that’s why you should have driven yourself to a doctor instead of letting yourself bleed out while interrupting my vacation. I have no idea what the damage fees are for allowing someone to die a bloody death on the doorstep of this airbnb, so I let you in. That’s the only reason. Your presence here is irritating the fuck out of me. You should thank Jimin for being so kind because he hates you. If I had let him vote, he would have voted for death for you. So thank you Jimin. The ambulance will be along shortly to take him off of our hands,” Jeongguk said sweetly. He leaned over Yu-jon’s body and kissed Jimin softly on the lips. “Fuck,” he slapped Yu-jon on the shoulder out of frustration, “If you hadn’t shown up, I would be blowing his back out right now, trying to convince him to be my forever boyfriend. You ruin everything, you know that?”
Jimin’s eyes bulged. He had clearly been the victim of his own overthinking because Jeongguk’s response to Yu-jon’s proposal was not at all what he expected. “Forever boyfriend?” he echoed, still in shock.
Jeongguk continued his rebuke of Yu-jon, “As for marrying you…are you dense? I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire so I definitely wouldn’t marry you. The only reason I’m caring for you right now is because my mother raised me to be a good human. And it’s what Jimin over there expects of me…to be a good human. But don’t get things confused, I could care less about you. I don’t wish you any harm, but you could die tomorrow and I’d just…get a cup of coffee.” He shrugged.
Jimin burst into laughter. He never knew Jeongguk had such savagery in him. And the young one wasn’t finished. It seemed as if he was just as outraged by Yu-jon’s antics as Jimin himself was.
Jeongguk continued, “The audacity of you to come here. To risk your own life just to play these silly games and curry favor with me. Trying to manipulate me into taking you back just because you showed up here near death. I wouldn’t be surprised if you drove into that ditch on purpose. You have a mother and a sister who would have been devastated if something happened to you. And they would have inevitably blamed me - like they always fucking do. And your pathetic proposal was laughable. When did you come up with that angle? Before or after you noticed that Jimin was still here? Your manipulative games have always been pathetic, but this is a new low. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Thankfully for Yu-jon, the ambulance showed up before Jeongguk could continue tearing his character to shreds. The guy was in bad shape. He had a myriad of troubles ahead, the least of which being internal injuries as well as the legal matter of leaving the scene of an accident.
“He’s pretty banged up, but he’ll be ok. You can ride in the back of the ambulance with him,” the EMT offered to Jeongguk.
“I’m not going anywhere with him. He has a mother and a sister. Their emergency contact information is in his phone. Call them. I’m going back to my regularly scheduled program of falling in love with this guy,” he pointed at Jimin.
Jimin laughed again. Hearing Jeongguk throw around the word love was ridiculously premature. But he could definitely see a path for them getting there.
Jeongguk grabbed Jimin’s hands and gasped when he saw them covered in Yu-jon’s blood, “Oh no. Body fluids. My poor baby.”
Jimin pouted and nodded. He held his hands with his fingers spread apart and his arms extended away from his body.
“Don’t worry. I’ll wash it all off…If you’ll let me?”
Jimin nodded with a slight smile.
The final day of their vacation was spent making love. Not just fucking, but truly making love while exploring their intimate feelings for one another. Other than their occasional visit to the garden to pick flowers for each other, they never stepped one foot outside of the cabin because nothing the world had to offer was better than being together locked in passion. The kink box made its debut again as Jimin freed it from the closet and they once again sorted through it…
Jeongguk pursued him on his knees, stalking his every move. Jimin tried to crawl fast but the layers and layers of velvet rope around his knees and ankles slowed him down. Being in total darkness because of the chiffon blindfold didn’t help either.
“You didn’t ask permission to eat my ass, you hapless heathen,” Jimin teased.
“I’m going to catch you,” he slapped Jimin across the ass with the pink crop. The slap was so mild that it made Jimin laugh even harder.
“You have my permission to hit me harder than that.”
“Nope. I don’t do pain. Now come here.”
Their cat and mouse chase took them all through the house with Jimin having no idea where he was going. He bumped into several walls as he crawled over the floor. Jeongguk finally caught up with him as Jimin made his way into the kitchen. The elder’s joyful laughter could be heard all the way through the forest.
Jeongguk grabbed Jimin’s roped ankles to keep him from going any further, “Ok, ok. Now may I have permission?” Jeongguk begged. He knew exactly what Jimin wanted, but per usual, the elder made him ask permission. Those were just the rules.
“That’s more like it. Yes, you have my per…,” he didn’t get a chance to give his full consent because Jeongguk already had his tongue inside his clean lavender scented ass, licking and slurping, eating him like he was an early morning breakfast. The edible lube was definitely serving its purpose.
“Oh fuck,” Jimin clenched his eyes shut from behind the blindfold. He sat on his hands and knees, rotating his hips and bucking his ass against Jeongguk’s tongue.”Shit. Shit. Ohhh, make me cum,” Jimin whined.
Jeongguk tugged on his cock as he kissed the rose colored flesh of Jimin’s ass, “Do you need to be cooled down?”
“Yes,” Jimin agreed, even though he didn’t know what that meant.
“May I cool you down?”
Jeongguk left Jimin there on the kitchen floor, still on his hands and knees.
“Shit, don’t leave me. I didn’t mean for you to stop.”
“Shhh, relax baby. It’s not time for you to cum yet. We have time.”
Edging was a new addition to their kink play where they refused to allow each other to orgasm until they had been sufficiently teased to surrender.
He pulled ice chips from the freezer and filled his mouth with them, pushing them into his cheeks like a chipmunk storing acorns. He returned to Jimin’s upturned ass and blew a cold breath into his hole. And then one by one, he dropped the chips of ice inside of him, using his tongue to melt them.
“FUCK!” Jimin screamed and tried to crawl away.
“Now, where are you going?” Jeongguk taunted him. He commenced with licking Jimin’s ass with the frigid ice rolling over his tongue.
Jimin gasped for air. He wanted to cry. The sensation was too intense, yet he never wanted it to stop. He felt himself on the verge of an orgasm again, but he didn’t dare admit it because he knew that Jeongguk wouldn’t allow it.
And then the positions all changed. Jeongguk was on the move. Because of the blindfold, Jimin wasn’t sure of their exact positioning, but he knew he had been turned onto his back. And just like that, his entire cock was cocooned in the warmth of the younger’s mouth.
“FUCK!” Jimin squirmed.
Shivers ran down his leg. He was torn between the soft warm flesh of the back of Jeongguk’s throat and the icy chill in his cheeks where he still held remnants of ice. A new sensation was born, one that aroused Jimin more than ever. He could feel his weighty cock dancing inside of Jeongguk’s mouth as he sucked and released in heart stopping intervals. Jimin grew closer to orgasm yet again. And yet again, Jeongguk denied him. The moment he felt Jimin’s growing tremors, he pulled his mouth away from the elder’s wet cock, depriving him again.
“Stop, stop, stop. You didn’t ask permission to cum, Jiminie.”
“May I…p-p-please?”
“No, baby. Not yet. I’m sorry, you can’t cum yet. May I fuck you? May I fuck you now?” Jeongguk begged with a raspy voice.
“Yes, you may,” Jimin said just as desperately.
He couldn’t get into position fast enough, so Jeongguk helped him. He propped him on his hands and knees, ass out, lube spilling from his hole. And then he entered him, pushing in so hard that his eyes snapped shut and a savage growl erupted from his throat. He hugged Jimin’s back with his hands around his waist as he rotated his hips around and around, pushing in and out, showing no mercy.
Jimin felt his hands sliding across the tile as he grappled for something to anchor himself. He was being tossed all over the kitchen floor. Jeongguk’s arms felt like steel around him, unrelenting in their passionate embrace. The jutting bulge of the younger’s cock burned through him, filling him and emptying him at a mind dizzying pace. Simultaneously Jimin could feel his lover’s large hand tugging at his dangling cock, stroking him to ecstacy while fucking him at the same time.
Up was down and down was up. There was no spatial awareness, no cogent thoughts; only soul filling sensation that fired through his body. The sound of his own beating heart thundered in his ears so loudly, that he could barely hear the moans from his lustful lover.
“Fuck, it’s so good. Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Jimin lifted his hand from the floor and draped it around Jeongguk’s hand that was masturbating him. Together their hands moved in tandem, pulling at the skin of his dick and rolling it back and forth. And then, his face dropped to the tile floor as Jeongguk continued to pound his ass while milking him. “Fuuuuuuck! May I cum, may I…?” Jimin lost his voice as his body quivered.
“Still too soon,” Jeongguk offered with a loving smile. He withdrew, leaving Jimin’s hole trembling. He released Jimin’s cock and pushed his hand away so that he couldn’t continue to stimulate himself. “You can’t cum, until I do.”
Once again Jimin felt kisses all along the back of his thighs and ass. His dick was beginning to ache. For more than an hour, Jeongguk had been fucking him to the brink, but not allowing his release. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it because at that very moment, he was desperate to blow his load.
Jeongguk picked him up and placed him on the kitchen counter. He removed Jimin’s blindfold so that he could see where he was and what was about to happen to him.
“May I cuff you?” He whispered as he kissed Jimin’s neck and gently lifted both of Jimin’s arms above his head.
He unexpectedly handcuffed both of Jimin’s wrists to the cabinet doors above them. “You ok?”
“No…I…can’t hold it anymore…fuck,” Jimin whined. The position was new, something he had never done before. Just thinking about it pushed him to the brink again. “You’re so sexy. My body loves you. Fuck me again baby. Take me like you want me.”
Jeongguk stepped back. “Look at me,” he beckoned Jimin’s eyes to stare at his naked body as he stroked himself. “Do you want me? Do you want this?”
“I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. May I have you? May I cum…this time?”
Jeongguk walked forward. He reapplied Jimin’s blindfold and then gagged him with the soft ball gag. He pulled Jimin to the edge of the counter and tickled his hole once again with the tip of his cock. Carefully he placed each of Jimin’s legs over his shoulders. The ropes dangled from his ankles as he was forced into a submissive position. His body was stretched erotically, contorted in different directions, limiting his ability to move.
Jeongguk continued to tickle the outer rim of Jimin’s hole, and just as his tip slid into him once more, he said the words that Jimin had been longing to hear, “You may have me. And you may…cum…but only if you do it with me…together.”
Jimin was already moaning before Jeongguk even started to fuck him. He leaned his head backwards into the bottom of the cabinet as Jeongguk’s powerful hips started up again. He pushed all seven inches of himself through Jimin’s body with a glide that was smooth as silk. His nuanced stroke enraptured Jimin again. Jeongguk was going in for the kill. With Jimin’s legs tossed over his shoulders, he was perfectly angled for Jeongguk to pound into his prostate.
That was always the plan. Even though he didn’t consider himself Jimin’s pleasure Dom, that was exactly how Jeongguk behaved. He whispered to him, “You ready?”
Jimin couldn’t respond, the fuck was too delectable. He couldn’t even nod. His wrists pulled against the cabinet doors as his body tensed. He could feel Jeongguk’s tip hitting his spot over and over and over again. A tear fell from the corner of his eye as he felt his orgasm start to build. This one was the biggest yet. He was so afraid that Jeongguk would take it away that he tried to hide the true extent of his pleasure. But it was wild, the fuck was wild. The cabinet doors began to rattle at a steady pace as Jimin’s cuffed body bounced against them. The slapping of their skin sounded in Jimin’s ears. Even though he couldn’t see what was happening, he could feel every sensation ten times over.
He moaned through his gag. This was it. This was the end for him. His orgasm went well beyond just blowing his cum. His entire body tingled, his nerves awakened, his legs clenched around Jeongguk’s neck as they rested on his shoulders. He released a muffled scream, an orgasmic alarm that alerted Jeongguk that he was about to cum.
The younger quickened his pace, bouncing against Jimin’s prostate. Between thrusts, he kissed the inside of Jimin’s legs and stroked his cock, ready for his lover’s seed to spill into his large capable hand. “Oh fuck. May I cum? May I cum?” He asked Jimin for permission.
Jimin’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and then he threw his head backwards, hitting the cabinet. At that moment Jeongguk had permission to do anything he wanted as long as he didn’t stop fucking him.
“Together, together,” Jeongguk rattled off incoherent words that Jimin was too far gone to hear. “Let me breed you. Let me shoot all of my cum inside of your body. May I, Jiminie? May I?” He whimpered.
Jimin screamed again as Jeongguk continued to pump him like a savage. His dick erupted, shooting cum across the kitchen, with much of it landing on the expensive cabinets. His perfect lips shivered and goose bumps erupted all over his skin. His silky dark hair fell messy over his closed eyes as he swam in the haze of euphoria.
Jeongguk dropped Jimin’s legs from his shoulders and held them open as he rolled his hips. He was lost in his own climax, clenching Jimin’s hips, embedding his fingers into his skin, marking him red with his fingertips. Kisses, all of the kisses, all of the time. He found Jimin’s mouth and gave him as many kisses as his lips could form. All of his senses opened and the rush of his release began. He poured into Jimin’s body with a gruff moan of satisfaction and shook with delight as he emptied.
Jimin could feel the familiar burst of warmth inside of his body. He had officially been bred.
Jeongguk was terrible at rope tying, mostly because he refused to make strong knots. Pain was just not his thing. As a result, he literally fucked the rope off of Jimin, leaving it tangled around his toes, heels and ankles. In fact, their entire bdsm ritual was vanilla at best. It was something they ventured into more as an expression of freedom than anything else; two men escaping repressed relationships and finding their collective voices within each other. The allure was in the tease, the granting of permission as the ultimate sign of respect. Doing it made them feel powerful and in control of their own sexual identities, as opposed to their past lives of deferring control to someone else. Their version of kink play felt sweet and liberating, like a celebration of loving consent.
They lay there together on the kitchen floor eating ice cream and reminiscing about Jimin getting stuck in the Kitchenaid mixer. It was the last day of their vacation but it felt like the beginning of the rest of their lives. In just seven short days, so much had changed. It was yet another sign of just how destined they were to be together.
They made their way to the fireplace and continued to talk. “So was this just another twenty-four hours?” Jimin asked for clarity.
“No,” Jeongguk responded firmly, “no more limits on this. I want this Jimin, all of it. I can be your best friend, your co-worker, your laundry man, your lover, your terribly cautious pleasure Dom and…your boyfriend. We can do it all because I believe the universe pulled us together for that reason. Don’t you see? You said it yourself. With big risks come big rewards. You’re my reward, not just your body, you. We know how to be good to each other and we know how it feels when we aren’t. Our past experiences, relationships were what brought us to this point. We learned valuable lessons that make us who we are. I’ll take the risk of a million heartbreaks with you.”
“I always understood. But I was respecting your wishes, following your lead.” Jimin sat up, brows furrowed. He scooted away from Jeongguk.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Trust. We promised to always trust each other, but I failed you. I was so scared that Yu-jon was going to talk his way back into your heart that I didn’t trust that you had already given it to me. I’m disappointed in myself for thinking that way,” Jimin admitted.
“Hmm, that’s a tough one. Well, I can forgive you - if you can.”
Jimin nodded and wiped a tear from his eye, “May I have permission - to forgive myself?”
“You may.” He leaned in and pushed Jimin’s hair from his forehead so that he could kiss him there.
Jimin remembered, “Don’t we have a helicopter ride? Should we probably get dressed?”
“Yep. But first, I need to clean all of the cum off of the cabinets. I’m pretty sure they will charge me for damages if we leave that there,” Jeongguk laughed hysterically.
“Mr. Jeon.”
“Mr. Park.”
They greeted each other cordially as they sat at the wooden table in the community library where the School Board hearing was being held. It was concerning for both of them that the entire thing hadn’t been cancelled given Principal Han’s arrest. Still, they felt confident that they would be victorious in their fight.
The situation with Principal Han was so egregious that the Ministry Of Education called in the Regional Superintendent to oversee the case. The more they dug into Principal Han’s handling of Hagwon, the more the parents and board demanded a complete overhaul. The initial thought was to release all of the current staff and teachers and bring in all new ones. But cooler heads prevailed and most of the teachers, especially the newer staff like Jimin and Jeongguk, were allowed to remain.
“Mr. Park, Mr. Jeon, we invited you here today to get testimony from your perspective of how Principal Han was handling staff discipline. We’ve read your appeal. We understand that you were given leave without pay for the infraction of being absent from your class after the bell rang?”
Jeongguk spoke for both of them, “We were coming from the lunchroom. Lower school teachers do not have a microwave or refrigerator of their own, so we have to walk clear across the building to warm our lunches. On our way back we ran into a student who was feeling ill but couldn’t find the nurse. She needed immediate care and I was writing her a hall pass to allow her to get to the nurse after the bell rang. Principal Han didn’t approve. We tried to explain, but we were immediately slapped with a suspension that same day,” Jeongguk concluded.
“Principal Han doesn’t have the authority to suspend a teacher without board approval. A suspension of that magnitude is reserved for very serious infractions, not being late to your classroom.”
Jeongguk chimed in again, “Yes, sir. That’s why we decided to fight it. So will it be stricken from our records?”
“Of course. And your pay will be reinstated as well. I guess in the end you got a few days off and a little paid vacation. I’m sure it doesn’t make up for the humiliation and embarrassment that you had to suffer.”
“I have been at this school for two years. This is Mr. Park’s first year. But even though we are new to this school, we have years of student teaching experience at different institutions and we have never seen a Principal given this much authority to create guidelines. We ask that…if Principal Han returns, that there be much more stringent oversight over her operation of the school,” Jeongguk spoke his peace.
The Superintendent didn’t need to hear anymore. He found their narrative too prolix and unnecessary because unbeknownst to them, the board already knew all of the nasty details of Principal Han’s unjust behavior. She was going to jail for a long time. “Principal Han will not be returning to the school. She has been fired from the administration and is facing many years in prison for blackmail and theft. However, we will remain vigilant in our oversight of the new Principal once one is selected.”
Jimin took a risk and shared more insider information, “Sir, not to pile on, but we believe that we’ve been discriminated against. Because we are male and because we are…,”
“Dating,” Jeongguk spoke proudly into the microphone, finishing Jimin’s sentence.
Jimin looked at him with stunned silence.
“We have no policy regarding dating. We would ask for your discretion simply because kids don’t need to see teachers kissing,” the Superintendent laughed.
Jimin nodded, “Of course, sir. We understand.”
“As for the discrimination claims, you’ll have to prove that. I advise you to file a complaint. Be specific about dates, punishments, conversations, anything you can think of to bolster your case. As we know, Principal Han worked in her own bubble, ignorant to the rules and regulations around her. We’ve already seen evidence of her not handing down discipline in a consistent manner according to guidelines. I’m sure you’ll be able to make your case.”
“Thank you, sir,” Jimin bowed from his seat.
“Thank you both for sharing your concerns…I…,”
“Um, sir. One more thing,” Jimin dared to interrupt the Superintendent again.
“Yes, Mr. Park. What is it?” The Superintendent said patiently.
“We need a microwave in the lower school. And a table or maybe two. Teachers have no accommodations and we can’t properly serve our students if we have to race through the middle school hallway just to warm up our lunch. Please consider it, sir. Thank you.” Jimin partially bowed from the table again.
“After what you’ve just been subjected to, if your only ask is for a microwave and a couple of tables, I’m sure we can have someone look into that right away.”
One year later…
He moved his fingers idly over Jeongguk’s face, tracing each beautiful line, feeling the texture of his shaven cheek and the lush crescents of his eyelashes. He touched his tongue to the younger’s mingling them like silkened heat. They devoured each other in a long kiss before Jimin broke away and buried his mouth into Jeongguk’s throat, right along the scratches and red marks.
Jimin’s breathless laugh dissolved into a moan as he lifted Jeongguk’s long strong legs into the air and examined his hole. Of course Jeongguk was handcuffed because that was the way he liked it whenever he asked to bottom. They hadn’t been able to duplicate all of the toys in the kink box from the cabin, but they did find most of them online from soft bdsm kink shops. A few new toys were added to their playtime as well.
Jeongguk was dressed like a bunny, with long pink fluffy ears that intertwined through his curly black hair. His wrists were bound in thick leather cuffs with miniature chains on them. They were pink of course with soft fur lining the inside. And around his neck sat a pink velvet collar, soft to the touch with sparkling diamonds on the surface. The feather duster lay just feet away, covered in cum from when Jimin used it to tickle Jeongguk’s ass after the first time he came inside of him.
Above them, on the wall, hung the painting that Jimin had created during their wine and paint session. But the pornographic view of Jeongguk that faced Jimin at that moment, looked nothing like the sweet innocent painting on the wall.
The younger’s hole was moist and oily, with lube circling the wrinkled creases, sullying the sheets below them. No longer did Jeongguk have to rely on his big dildo to satisfy him because now he had Jimin. So whenever he felt the urge to stick something up his ass, Jimin’s dick was ready to fill the need. He braced and arched his back, anticipating the not-so-gentle surge from Jimin’s cock.
Jimin held Jeongguk’s legs and pushed them gently into his chest to expose more of him. He bounced the tip of his cock against Jeongguk’s hole several times before finally asking, “May I have permission to fuck you?”
“Yes.” Jeongguk said, “...but this time, just the tip. If you put the whole thing inside of me, I’ll call the safety word.”
“Coward,” Jimin teased. Jimin surged forward, dipping the oily tip of his cock into Jeongguk’s pool of warmth. He worked his hips with shallow strokes, careful not to push too much of himself into him. His dirty little secret was that he loved it this way, using just the tip, forcing himself to restrain himself. It was like a form of sadistic edging all on its own. He had to be disciplined, depriving himself of a full-on ass fuck. Just the thought of it made him rage with arousal. In and out, he pumped with short strokes. The concentrated pressure around the tip of his dick drove him crazy.
He couldn’t get through more than four or five thrusts before he begged for release, “Can I cum? Please can I cum?”
“You may, but do it inside of me. Bottom out and shoot it deep,” Jeongguk demanded.
“Fuuuuuuuck!” Jimin loved it when he said that. Gibberish and tommyrot flowed from Jimin’s mouth as he fell into orgasm. Jeongguk whispered filthy things to him as he felt Jimin’s throbbing cock inside of his own body.
Jimin lowered the younger’s legs and buried his face into his chest while following instructions to breed him and cum inside of him. He happily did as he was told.
“You’re pregnant. I’m sure of it,” Jimin joked as they walked to the carpool line to greet their students.
“As opposed to you being pregnant?”
“My cum is more potent. I’m def your baby’s daddy,” Jimin insisted.
“Line up please children,” Jeongguk instructed his class. He turned back to Jimin with a whisper, “I kinda think that neither of us are pregnant. But…I would be honored to be the father of your children, so when you’re ready, you let me know,” Jeongguk winked.
“I love you. Is it too soon to say that?” Jimin asked.
“Well, it’s been a year. And apparently one of us is pregnant, so I would say, we’re probably a bit late saying it.” Jeongguk laughed again and slapped his knee.
“Hey, keep your hands to yourself. Do not touch the person in front of you,” Jimin scolded his class who seemed to have trouble falling into a straight line. “Hoseok, cover your mouth when you sneeze. I swear to God if any of your spittle gets on me,” Jimin argued with himself mostly because no one in his class was listening.
Jeongguk’s students lined up nicely. They held hands and sang while they wrestled with their backpacks and lunchboxes.
“By the way, I love you too. Alot,” Jeongguk casually tossed out his reciprocating proclamation. He joined his class in singing and led them to their classroom.
Jimin watched him lead his line of students into the building. He placed his hand over his heart, not sure if it made sense to cry. But he certainly felt like he needed to cry. It was the most casual exchange of I love you’s that could ever be, yet it filled him with contentment, pride and absolute joy. He whispered the words again, “I love you.”
“We love you too Mr. Park,” his class all said in tandem.
The Future…
Yu-jon made a full recovery. The accident truly was an accident. However, he did receive multiple citations for leaving the scene of the crime. He married a few years later. Yu-jon and Jeongguk never spoke again.
Jimin’s ex, a man named Beom Seok was convicted on charges of battery and sexual abuse of his partner. He was sentenced to ten years in jail. Beom and Jimin never spoke again.
In return for Jimin and Jeongguk agreeing not to file a discrimination lawsuit against Hogwan, the lower school teachers received their own teacher’s lounge, complete with a television, stainless steel refrigerator and multiple microwaves. They used Principal Han’s old office to create the new lounge.
Jeongguk decided to stay at Hagwon, as did Jimin. Once the new administration came in, the entire environment of the school changed. They both found great joy in their jobs and they found even greater joy in working side by side.
After three years of teaching first grade, Jimin left and transitioned to teach middle school at Hagwon. He found out quite accidentally that his love of poetry and philosophy and art were much better suited for older kids. He created a poetry club for the middle schoolers and even held poetry competitions. He was beloved by the more mature kids who appreciated his style of instruction. His attitude towards teenagers changed drastically after his first year of working with them. He was voted Teacher of the Year the following school year.
Jimin and Jeongguk’s strange flavor of kink play continued. They bucked the rules of traditional bdsm every chance they had. In fact, they followed none of the rules. They did what made them happy because it was the love and intimacy that mattered most.
Jimin became Jeongguk’s forever boyfriend and each year during the fall season, they escaped back to the mountain, renting the same cabin for their anniversary where they re-lived all of their special memories just as they experienced them the first time.
🤍 Chapter Links
Chapter Links | Posting Schedule
Chapter 1 - Odor of Mendacity - 3/1/25
Chapter 2 - The Audacity - 3/1/25
Chapter 3 - The Complexity - 3/2/25
Chapter 4 - The Tenacity - 3/2/25
Chapter 5 - The Intensity - 3/7/25