
And If You Let Me: Chapter 1 - Odor of Mendacity

...where overwhelmingly enthusiastic consent becomes the kink

Two tired and overworked First grade teachers meet up for a mental wellness getaway from their chaotic students. What was supposed to be a weekend of hayrides, apple picking and fine wine turns very untraditional when the two discover an old trunk in their rented cottage. What they find inside will turn their very vanilla friendship into a complicated entanglement south of sin.

Authors Note

Welcome to my mild and slightly vanilla, soft and gentle bondage adventure. These two are interesting, because they pretty much rebuke any of the standard BDSM lore in favor of their own bespoke version of kink play. They stumble upon it quite accidently but dive in head first when they realize they share a mutual attraction for kink. I really tried to keep this clean but before I knew it there was cum EVERYWHERE. SO sorry for those who wanted something PG. But I do want to stress that there is an underlying theme here that I hope you can really contemplate. These two are drawn to each other, not just because of lust or attraction, but because of their simliar paths that led them to each other. I had fun writing this one. It's only about 50k so it should be pretty easy to absorb. I'll post a new chapter every couple of days. 

For Pilot's Choice Members, you will have the entire fic posted in Full on Monday with exclusive access. 

I hope everyone likes this one. Thank you for being here and thank you for playing alond with me. Please, please leave likes and comments. Its the only way that I know you're here and you're reading. Love you.


  • Mild Angst
  • Very NSFW
  • Explicit
  • Kink play/kink toys
  • First grade teacher Jeon Jeongguk
  • First grade Park Jimin
  • Too hot for YT
  • 59k
  • anal sex
  • oral sex
  • anal play
  • Masturbation
  • Mild Voyerism
  • very graphic scenes
  • Verbal abuse
  • Abusive relationship references
  • light bdsm like...if you didn't know how to do it


Chapter One - Odor of Mendacity


Jimin ran towards the screams. He wasn’t sure what the commotion was about but as the only teacher in the area, he had a duty to investigate. As he rounded the corner, he could immediately feel the movement of his feet fall out of sync with the movement of the rest of his body.  The heels of his rubber boots hydroplaned over the glossy waxed tile, powered by an expanding puddle of pea green liquid with small chunks of spam mixed in. By the time he realized what was happening, it was too late. His feet danced and shuffled as he tried to ground himself and regain traction. It was no use, he was going down. His arms flailed, reaching for anything and everything that could help break his fall. With a painful “TWACK” his hand slapped against the steel dial of the locker next to him. Within several blinks he crashed hard to the ground, belly-flopping into a rank pool of teenage vomit left by some nauseous kid in the hallway. Jimin’s chest hit the linoleum tile so hard that the breath was knocked out of him. 

He slid several feet on his stomach, only coming to rest when his head slammed into the cement block below the row of lockers. Stars danced around his head as everything went black. Bits of partially digested spam stuck to his sweater; the putrid viscous liquid soaking through to his skin. Jimin lay there face down while laughter, snorts and giggles sounded in the distance. He could hear the vile middle schoolers laughing at his misfortune. He hated them. He had a visceral disgust for any child older than eight. He wanted to hop up immediately and gather the little scoundrels before they all fled. 

Mocking a teacher was an offense worthy of in-school suspension. But the ringing in his head precluded him from doing anything other than lay there, face down, in vomit that was not his own. In his vulnerable state, he expected that at least one of the vile little creatures would approach him in an attempt to help. But no one came. They only laughed harder as they heard him mutter profanities aimed at each of them. His eyes were still closed, not because he was unconscious, but because he needed a moment of reflection. He questioned every life decision he had ever made. Why had he chosen to teach? Why did he feel he had anything to offer these pubescent sub-humans? Why was he even here at this shitty private school? Why was he not in a prestigious university somewhere spreading his love of poetry and philosophy? Why?

“Yep that’s vomit,” a voice said calmly in the distance. “Chin-lee, please get the janitor. We need to clean this up before someone else falls. And all of you, back to class right now. Whoever made this mess, go to the nurse. You have the black plague. No one vomits this much goo and spam unless they are suffering from the black plague. Go!” Jeongguk cleared the hallway.

A small sixth grader, whose pallor was as green as his vomit, placed his hand over his mouth and went running towards the nurse’s office. 

It wasn’t until he felt the gentle tugging at his shoulder and then the tender assist of someone rolling him to his back, that Jimin bothered to open his eyes. 

“Mr. Park, are you okay? I could hear you screaming all the way from the teacher’s lounge. You took a pretty nasty fall. Careful, let me help you up.”

“Mr. Jeon…boy am I glad to see you.”

“How did this happen? How did you end up,” Jeongguk frowned, “in a swimming pool of vomit?”

 “I heard one of these urchins screaming about a kid being sick. I thought it was an emergency so I ran over to help and slipped on this puddle of vomit and slid head-first into the lockers. And you know the worst part?” Jimin looked contemptuously across the empty hallway, “These little wretched teenage urchins were happy to watch me die as opposed to getting any modicum of help.”

“Yea…so a few of them video taped it. I’m sure this little er-um-incident is all over tik-tok by now.”

“Aish!” Jimin slowly sat upright, bottom now covered in vomit just like the rest of him. “Why don’t the lower school teachers have their own teacher’s lounge? I shouldn’t have to wander through the ganglands of middle school just to warm up my fucking lunch,” Jimin whispered as he lifted his hand to his achy forehead.

“I hear you. Your complaint is valid and all of the lower school teachers agree. We’ve been petitioning for our own microwave and refrigerator for four years now. Enough is enough. I hate this side of the building. It smells like teenage armpits and pee,” Jeongguk complained as he delicately lifted Jimin to his feet. 

“Oh GAWD I SMELL!” Jimin crinkled his nose as the pungent odor of kid vomit wafted through his nostrils.”

“You smell awful. LIterally like a bowl of shit with milk.” Jeongguk laughed. Jimin dry-heaved. Between the smell and Jeongguk’s visualization, he wanted to vomit as well.

“I’m having a very bad day,” Jimin said sadly. “First, one of the first graders found a bag of peanuts on the playground and brought it into the classroom. The entire room had to be decontaminated. Do you know how many peanut allergies we have in my class? Yea, like all of them. Literally every student has a fucking peanut allergy. I almost had a mass homicide on my hands. Then, I raced all the way over to this side of the building to get my lunch from the refrigerator, only to find that someone had eaten it. And now… this.” Jimin looked down at his vomit soaked clothes and once again dry-heaved. “I can’t wear these clothes all day. I have to change. I’ll be late coming back from lunch, but I can’t continue on smelling like this,” Jimin explained.

“Your place is pretty far from here, isn’t it?”

“About an hour’s drive.”

“Hmm, you don’t have time to go back home to change. We would have to try to get a substitute. Even the damn PE teachers are tied up. You can’t leave your class alone. So I’m going to propose a different idea. Let’s run to my place. I live half a block away. We’ll throw your clothes in the wash, and I’ll loan you something to wear - just for the day.”

“I don’t want to impose…,” Jimin was hesitant to accept Jeongguk’s offer, even though it was a really good plan. “What will your boyfriend say if I show up at his house covered in vomit in the middle of the day?”

“He’ll say nothing because one, it’s my house too. And two, he’s at work. I’ll explain it to him when he comes home, but for now, it doesn’t matter. We’re not doing anything wrong. It’s just a quick change of clothes. This is literally an emergency. We’re the only two male first grade teachers in this entire academy. We have to stick together,” Jeongguk smiled.

Jeon Jeongguk was a second year instructor at the Hagwon, an academy for accelerated youth. He and his friend Jimin were acquaintances, occasionally sharing a lunch break. Other than a few staff sponsored cocktail hours, they really hadn’t spent much quality time together outside of being professional colleagues. But they were close enough that Jimin didn’t find it particularly awkward to accept Jeongguk’s offer for a change of clothes. 

Jeongguk didn’t seem to mind Jimin’s vomit soaked body because he lifted him carefully, wrapping both arms around him, despite droplets of the fluid staining his own clothes. He stared carefully at the small lump that was beginning to develop on Jimin’s forehead.

“Ouch, this needs some ice. Are you ok to walk?” Jeongguk asked.

“I’m fine. It probably looks worse than it is. I can barely - OUCH! SHIT!” Jimin swore as soon as his fingers touch the bruise. “Ok, yea, so ice…,” he smiled.

“Follow me.”

Jeongguk led Jimin out of the building, watching him carefully for any signs of dizziness. It wasn’t everyday that a person swan dived across the middle school hallway right into a row of lockers.  Just as Jeongguk promised, his apartment was right across the street, less than a five minute walk. 

“Come in. The place is a little messy, but I didn’t exactly expect guests,” he walked Jimin inside. 

“Nice place. I had no idea this apartment building was so fancy inside. And you live so close to the school. Must be nice,” Jimin said as he admired the place. 

Jeongguk’s home was anything but messy. It was a bit dark, full of black leather furniture, dark art pieces and black and white tile floors. The furnishings were expensive, so was his liquor collection, and custom sewn drapes. Nothing about the place screamed ‘teacher’s salary’. 

“This feels very anti-first grade teacher,” Jimin teased. “Uh what did you say your boyfriend did again?”

“He’s a Director at a marketing firm - Mindshare. Have you heard of it?”

“Who hasn’t. Wow, he must be big time. This place is fantastic. I’m almost afraid to touch anything.”

“Most of this is his shit, not mine. He takes great pride in owning…stuff. He’s very materialistic. Not my favorite trait, but he has other redeeming qualities.”

“Such as…?” Jimin probed. This was the first time that he and his co-worker had talked for more than five minutes about something other than students.

“He’s got very large…assets,” Jeongguk said impishly.

“Oh come on. You’re not that shallow. Tell me what you see in him. What makes you love him?” Jimin asked curiously.

“Some other time. Right now, you need to shower,” Jeongguk threw a large fluffy white towel at him and a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. “Lunch will be over soon. Throw all of your stained clothes in this bag. I’ll throw them in the wash and return them to you tomorrow.”

Jimin nodded, “I owe you one.”

“You owe me many, now get naked and wash. You’re stinking up my living room,” Jeongguk walked Jimin to a large black marble bathroom with a spacious black shower. The shower head was the largest that Jimin had ever seen. There were two additional shower heads affixed to the wall. Jeongguk twisted the black steel knobs as the water came rushing down like a waterfall.

“Holy shit! Is this how you shower everyday?”

Jeongguk laughed, “Get in. Enjoy. But make it quick. Your first graders are assholes and need supervision.” 

“My students are better than yours. Didn’t that Dwan kid put a frog down Li’s dress? And didn’t Jaheon pee in the garbage can? And didn’t Shun…,”

“Alright, alright. So I drew the short straw when it came to this year’s first grade class. But your kids aren’t saints either.” 

Maybe because the conversation was so natural, or maybe because Jeongguk was such a calm presence, or possibly it was because he was hypnotized by his co-worker’s crescent dimples, but Jimin found himself stripping for the shower, giving no thought to his own nudity. He stuffed his shirt and pants into the laundry bag and just before slinking out of his underwear, Jeongguk cleared his throat.

“Oop, slow down there soldier. At least let me cover my eyes,” Jeongguk closed his eyes, extended his arms and held the garbage bag away from his body, allowing Jimin to quickly drop his underwear inside. 

Without hesitation Jimin jumped into the shower. The shower cubby was full of designer soaps and shower gels. Jeongguk’s accommodations felt more like a fancy hotel than a teacher’s bathroom. Jimin broke into song as he joyfully washed the vomit and spam bits out of his hair. 

Jeongguk backed away from the shower. Completely accidentally, he’d seen a bit too much of his fellow teacher and he was woefully embarrassed to admit that he enjoyed every moment of it. His walk to the washing machine was filled with laughter as he listened to Jimin’s colorful voice singing. “So cute.”  He popped the stained clothes into his washing machine, started it and then headed to the kitchen to get a bag of ice for Jimin’s forehead. 


There was a rattle at the door and then a jingling of keys. Jeongguk heard the rattling at the door immediately. He popped his head out of the freezer and stared in stunned silence at the front door. The only person who had a key to his apartment was his boyfriend, Yu-jon.  

Jeongguk ran to the door to meet him. The moment Yu-jon stepped through the door, he started explaining, “Babe…uh what are you doing home?” Jeongguk looked back and forth between the front door and the bedroom where Jimin was showering. He could immediately feel beads of sweat gather across his forehead. His neck length curly locks frizzed from the heat of nervousness. Yu-jon was not supposed to be there. Never had he come home in the middle of the day. 

Jeongguk panicked. He had to explain Jimin’s sudden visit before Yu-jon saw him and jumped to the wrong conclusion. “I have a friend and he…,” Jeongguk didn’t get another word out. Jimin came strutting out of the bedroom, soaking wet, with a towel wrapped around his waist. Even in the midst of his panic, Jeongguk noted that he was beautiful. Despite Jimin’s very fucked up timing, Jeongguk’s eyes drilled through him, taking in every inch of his wet glistening skin.

“Where did you put my change of clothes?” Jimin said as he used his fingers to lightly brush his wet bangs away from his forehead. 

Yu-jon immediately began yelling. “WHAT THE FUCKk? Who is this? What is he doing here? You’re fucking someone else in my house? Right under my nose?”

Jeongguk’s eyes widened. “Babe. NO! Of course not. That’s not at all what’s happening here,” Jeongguk tried to lighten the mood and laugh it off. But he knew Yu-jon very well and he was upset. “I was trying to explain…this is Jimin. He’s the other first grade teacher. You-you-you remember him?” Jeongguk stuttered. As he stood there, his flesh began to crawl and his heart felt faint. It looked bad, very bad. Having a man as gorgeous as Jimin in his apartment, naked, in the middle of the day - looked very, very bad.

“What are you even doing home? You’re supposed to be at the school with your students. I came home for lunch because I forgot my phone and I catch you here…with this guy. I should have known. I should have known. You’re always talking about how good looking he is and how kind he is. I should have KNOWN YOU HAD SOMETHING GOING ON WITH HIM!  Is this what you fucking do everyday while I’m at work? You come home to fuck him here? In our bed? Is this what you do?” Yu-jon’s voice continued to rise. He suspected the worst and Jeongguk couldn’t blame him. 

Jimin was unhelpful, “Nothing is going on here. I-I-I hardly even know him. I mean we’ve had drinks a few times after work, but nothing more. I-I-I…,” Jimin swallowed hard. He ran back to the bedroom to look for the clothes that Jeongguk had loaned him. He dressed as quickly as possible, convinced that it would be much better to confront Jeongguk’s boyfriend with his dick covered with more than a towel. He could hear Jeongguk stammering, trying to explain. There was no underwear for him to put on, but he dressed in as many clothes as possible and then headed back out to the kitchen to try to help Jeongguk explain. “I fell…into a puddle of vomit. None of the kids would help. Jeongguk found me, I had crashed into …,” his voice was overridden.

“I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING!  EVERY FUCKING THING AND YOU DO THIS?” Yu-jon was now in tears, screaming at Jeongguk at the top of his lungs. 

“Baby, calm down. Please, just let me explain. He fell. He was a mess. I invited him back here to shower and change because he was covered in vomit. It’s not how it looks. We hardly know each other. I’ve never had sex with him. Please, you have to believe me. What happened to trust? What happened to listening to each other and talking things through? You’re jumping to conclusions and that’s not fair.”

Yu-jon raged. He ran towards Jeongguk so fast that Jimin thought he was going to hit him. He continued to scream, spit flying from his angered lips, “I come home and find a naked man in my living room, wet and shiny with his dick hard, and you expect me to believe there is nothing going on?”

Jimin unfortunately chimed in again, “Now wait a minute. I know this looks bad…but not that bad. My dick was not hard. I object to that characterization,” he was still not helpful. “And if it was a little hard, it's only because of the hot water in your shower.”

“Jimin please stop talking,” Jeongguk tried again to salvage the situation, “I moved in here two months ago because we are in love. I did not go through all of this to cheat on you with a man who I barely know. You have to believe me when I tell you that this is just a misunderstanding. He doesn’t mean anything to me. I can prove what I’m saying…look in the washer. You will see his soiled clothes. Look at his head…he hit on the locker when he slipped in a puddle of vomit. Please baby, please listen to me. I am not cheating on you.”

“I pitied you. You were a struggling teacher with no fashion sense, outdated clothes that look like they were from a thrift shop. You had no couth. You were unloved and desperate and I took you in. Like a fool, I gave you a home, I gave you love, I gave you style. You’re pathetic.”

“Yu-jon, please. Don’t do this…not in front of Jimin. We can talk more later…,” Jeongguk turned three shades of pink as Yu-jon belittled him in front of Jimin.

Jimin tried again, “Jeongguk is telling the truth. He talks about you all the time. Even when he invited me over, he told me that he was going to talk to you about it. He loves you…I guess. Please don’t let my misfortune cause you two to fight. There is nothing going on here.” Jimin’s words didn’t fall well. Everything he said seemed to only aggravate Yu-jon further. “Yea, ok,  in fact, I have to go. I have to get back to my class. Jeongguk I’ll bring your students into my classroom until you return. You can bring my clothes tomorrow or maybe mail them. You two talk…work this out. I promise…uh Yu-jon was it?” Jimin smiled as he tried to validate the man’s name. He held out his hand for a handshake but was met with a glare. It was clear that Yu-jon was contemplating killing him. Jimin read the room. It was definitely time for him to leave. “Yea…so I’ll go.”

He patted Jeongguk gently on the shoulder as he left. He felt like a cod leaving him there all alone to try to explain something that wasn’t his fault. All Jeongguk had done was offer kindness. He didn’t deserve to be stuck in this situation. Jimin vowed to come back and speak to Yu-jon again to convince him that there was nothing going on, but at that moment, he had to get back to class. He lingered for a fraction of a second, hoping to make eye contact with Jeongguk one last time. But instead he was met with Yu-jon slamming the door in his face.



Jeongguk didn’t return to class that day. In fact he had a substitute teacher for the remainder of the week. Whatever had happened between him and Yu-jon, wasn’t good. Jimin drove by his apartment several times in the days following. He just wanted a sign, something to let him know that Jeongguk was ok. In his mind, he hoped that he and Yu-jon had made up and were just spending some time alone making love. The thought of that was strangely unsettling. 


Jimin didn’t know what he expected to find, but he drove past Jeongguk’s apartment several times over the weekend that followed. Guilt plagued him. How such a simple misunderstanding could cause so much strife was beyond him. Clearly, the relationship between Jeongguk and Yu-jon wasn’t a very solid one if Yu-jon couldn’t trust Jeongguk enough to accept that he was telling the truth. None of that was Jimin’s fault even though the guilt he felt kept him awake.


The following Monday, Jimin rushed into the building. He was running late and didn’t have time to stop by Mr. Jeon’s room. Once his students were settled in their reading circle, Jimin saw his chance,

“Be right back kiddos. I need to borrow a uh-uh-uh an eraser from Mr. Jeon.”  Jimin closed the door to his classroom and sprinted down the hallway like a maniac.


He hoped against hope that Jeongguk was there. He was. The handsome dark-haired instructor was standing there at the black board, smiling at his students as he walked them through a difficult math problem. A rush of relief came over Jimin. He was so overwrought that he bounded into the room and gave Jeongguk a hug. His students all broke into laughter.

“I’m so happy to see you. How are you? Are things ok? I was so worried when you didn’t return to class last week. Did you work things out with Yu-jon? Oh Jeongguk, I’m so sorry. I never meant to cause that kind of trouble.” 

Jeongguk looked at his students who were somewhat discombobulated by the sudden visit from Mr. Park. They continued to giggle as Jeongguk pulled Jimin out into the hallway.

“Who’s watching your class?” Jeongguk asked.

“Technically, I left Soon-yon in charge. Technically…,” Jimin peered down the hallway towards his classroom. Everything seemed quiet so he assumed that nothing had been set on fire.

“I’m fine. I’m back. It’s over between me and Yu-jon. The fight that day…well it was bad. He kicked me out. I’m staying with my mother and her boyfriend until I can find a place. Not a big deal. I’m better off without him,” Jeongguk gave Jimin a quick smile.

Jimin wasn’t convinced. A moment of silence passed between them as Jimin examined Jeongguk’s eyes, searching for the truth. 

“AHHHHHH MR. PARK, We have a problem!” A sudden beckoning came from Jimin’s classroom. Soon-yon yelled down the hallway, “Hurry. Hurry.”

“Oh what fresh new hell is this?” Jimin gave Jeongguk a quick pat on the shoulder as he paced backwards towards his classroom, “We aren’t finished talking, ok?” he turned and ran to his room.


The scene that Jimin walked into could not have been any worse. One of the children, his youngest tot, Dong-geun was urinating in his wicker wastebasket. 

“Fuck me,” Jimin muttered under his breath. “Dong-geun, what is going on here? Stop it. Stop it right now.” Jimin was unsure exactly how to make him stop. He certainly wasn’t going to touch the child mid-pee. “What are you doing? Put that away. You’re too old for this kind of behavior. This is something a kindergartener would do,” Jimin was terse.

“I skipped kindergarten. I’m exceptionally bright,” Dong-geun responded.

“You sure about that?” Jimin questioned. Jimin stared down at his trash. Dong-geun’s pee was starting to leak through the bottom of the porous wicker basket. Jimin instinctively stood in a chair as he watched the ever expanding pool of pee roll across the floor. If there was anything in the world that he hated the most, it was body fluids. 

“It’s not my fault. I had to go and you weren’t here so I couldn’t ask for permission to go to the bathroom. So what was I supposed to do?” Dong-geun defended himself.

“NOT THIS! Definitely not this. I was just down the hall. All you had to do was…,” 

“Mr. Park, can I pee in the wastebasket too? I have to go,” Jae asked.

“Me too,” another student asked. 

“Me too, I want to pee in the trash too,” a third boy asked.

“No, no, no and no. Alright, if you need to go to the restroom, raise your hand,” Jimin asked.

A flurry of hands flew into the air. The entire class suddenly needed to pee.

“I’ve been gone less than five minutes. Not a single one of you had to pee when I left.”

“That was then, this is now,” Soon-yon explained.

Jimin had a dilemma, the more time passed, the more pee leaked onto his floor. Yet he didn’t dare risk even more kid pee flooding his room, so he had to escort the class to the restroom. The pee was starting to smell and there was so much of it.

“Dong-geun, exactly how much apple juice did you drink?” 

“Five boxes,” he said.

Jimin sighed, “Ok. Line up. We’re going to the restroom. Keep your hands to yourself. Walk down the hallway quietly. We are not scheduled to take a break for another two hours, so the other classes are still working. Do not say a word. Watch me.” Jimin used his fingers to zip his lips.

The other kids mimicked him by zipping their lips as well. They then continued to talk. Jimin could see the yellow stain of pee spreading over the floor. He had to get the kids emptied quickly so he could get  back and clean it up. Calling janitorial services was not an option because he couldn’t risk Principle Han finding out that he had left the kids unattended. 


It took ten minutes for the entire class to pee. By the time they got back to the classroom, the pee had leaked all around his desk. He stared down at his wicker wastebasket. Luckily he had a swiffer wet jet that he kept in his closet for these exact situations. He held his nose and pulled on latex gloves as he rushed the leaking basket to the large garbage bin in the hallway. Then he poured bleach on the floor, followed by the leftover water from his thermos. He cleaned up the mess, leaving behind a potent order of bleach. 

And it was likely the smell of bleach that summoned Principle Han to the door of his classroom. 

“Mr. Park,” Jimin heard her shrill voice from the hallway, “what’s that smell? What’s going on here?”

“Dong-geun peed in the trash while Mr. Park left us unattended to visit Mr. Jeon and then when he came back there was pee all over the floor so he used bleach to clean it up,” Soon-yon was the biggest narc Jimin had ever encountered. Every single detail that he hoped to keep confidential was spilled. 

“Oh come on!” Jimin snapped at her and shook his head.

“Mr. Park. What is this about you leaving the kids unattended? Surely Soon is mistaken. Surely you would not leave a child in your care - unattended. That would be against every policy we have here at Busan Hogem. And it would definitely be grounds for disciplinary action.”

Jimin stuttered to explain, “They-they uh-they weren’t really unattended…I mean…,”

“Stop by my office after school. I fully expect you to explain yourself,” Principle Han said sternly.


Principle Han Hyo-Joo was the newest headmaster at Busan Hogem. She was not a fan favorite. She hadn’t taught in a classroom for over twenty years and she had no idea what the state of education was in the new digital era. Contemptuous disregard for every teacher in the building was her preferred method of leadership. No one on staff approved of her  appointment and several of the best teachers were driven out as a result. She was called “bitch” behind her back so often that some of the students believed that was her first name. Staff morale was low, students were out of control, the curriculum was lagging and the pricey academy was the laughing stock of Busan because of poor student performance. Yet she remained in power due to her influence with the school’s richest donors. Her worst attribute was her tendency to fabricate rules and punishments that went against every letter of the district guidelines. She was rogue, abusive, and full of her own power. Everyone was afraid to cross her because of her untethered dictatorship and the authority she had to ruin careers.

Principal Han especially didn’t like Jimin and Jeongguk. In her opinion, men did not belong in the world of primary school education. She was disrespectful and combative and no one wanted her around.

“Yes, Principal Han, I’ll see you after school. I’m sure we can clear this up. It’s not what you think.” Jimin stared at the large pimple on her forehead and her bushy unibrow. It was remarkable how unattractive she was. Speaking to her in private, beyond the earshot of the little tattle tales was best. He needed to explain his side of the story and not the unfiltered truth from a bunch of first graders.




Jeongguk stood by the swings during recess. With his arms folded, he stared at the ground seemingly lost in his own tragic thoughts. His clothes were wrinkled and didn’t match; the sign of a man living out of a suitcase.

Jimin took a chance at coaxing him to talk, “Coffee?” He handed Jeongguk a cup of coffee. “It’s not the shit from the teacher’s lounge, if that’s what you’re thinking. I have my own Keurig in my classroom. This is the good stuff. There’s no Vodka in it, but it’ll do the job.”

Jeongguk laughed, “You didn’t have to worry about me. I’m a big boy, I can handle my own affairs. By the way I was able to grab your clothes from the wash while I was being kicked out by my ex. They’re all clean and folded. I’ll drop them by your classroom tomorrow.”

“Thanks, you didn’t have to do that.” Jimin’s eyes swept through the bristling trees, “I just feel so guilty. This is all my fault. All you were trying to do was help me. Are you sure that I can’t maybe talk to him…over drinks…or maybe a cup of coffee? Maybe I can convince him to believe you.”

“You should probably stay away from him.” Jeongguk nodded. As the kids screamed and laughed from the playground, Jeongguk took his first sip of Jimin’s coffee. “This is good. Much better than that shit in the teacher’s lounge. Thanks.”

“So now what? I mean is it really over? No chance of reconciliation?”

“I don’t want him anymore, Jimin. He’s cheated on me before - you know? But I have never been unfaithful to him. I’ve never given him a reason to suspect me of anything. I’ve been faithful and loving and supportive and forgiving. Even after he treated me like shit.”

“Wait…he cheated on you?”

“Twice. And I took him back each time. Stupid, I guess.”

“In love…I guess. Love can really make us do crazy things.” Jimin had a hard time reading Jeongguk’s mood. He seemed to be hurt over the break up, but also relieved. “So how do you feel about everything?”

“I don’t regret a thing. If I’m honest, our relationship has been limping along ever since I caught him cheating the second time. I should have dumped his ass a long time ago, but I just didn’t have the courage to do it. But then you came along and kind of forced the matter.”

“Oh Jeongguk, I am so sorry. I feel terrible. This is just not acceptable. I don’t blame you if you never want to speak to me again. I should have trusted my instincts and not gone back there with you. Please forgive me for all of the damage that I caused.”

“Jimin, look at me.” Jeongguk placed his hand along the bottom of Jimin’s chin and lifted it slightly, “Nothing you did caused this. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. My relationship was doomed months ago. And honestly, I’m happy that it’s over. It’s time for me to work on finding someone who truly appreciates me and someone who can keep his dick in his pants,” Jeongguk said tersely.

“Yea. Ok. I’m still sorry…,” Jimin looked around and watched his students play hide and seek behind the large Daimak tree. He wasn’t sure how it would be received, but he asked anyway, “I know we aren’t exactly close. But I’m a good listener. I won’t judge. And you look like you could really use a friend right now. Do you maybe want to go somewhere and talk?” 

“Talk?” Jeongguk was surprised by the offer. 

“Yes, talk. But not today though. I landed myself in a shit load of trouble with Principle Han. I have to go by her office after class. She’s going to make up some bullshit punishment because I left the class alone for five minutes to run to your classroom.”

Jeongguk gasped, “Oh no. She caught you? Now it’s my turn to apologize. You wouldn’t have left your class if you hadn’t been so worried about me. Whatever you do, stand up for yourself when you meet with her. Don’t let her pull a punishment out of her ass. She’s to go by the official ethics and standards guidelines.”

“Yea, whatever. We both know that she won’t. Anyway…about that drink…?” Jimin didn’t get the chance to continue his conversation.

“Shit…heads up. I think we accidentally summoned her like Beetlejuice.”

“Summoned who?” Jimin looked around.

“Here comes Principle Delores,” Jeongguk rolled his eyes. 

Jimin laughed, “…as in Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter?”

“That one indeed.”

Jimin fell into a fit of laughter. It was the most perfect characterization of the woman that he’d ever heard. He quieted himself as she approached.

“Good morning gentlemen. Mr. Park, will you excuse us? Mr Jeon and I have a private matter to discuss.”

“Whatever you need to say to me, you can say in front of Jimin. Besides, I probably need a witness anyway,” Jeongguk mumbled the last part under his breath.

“I don’t think…,” Principle Han turned up her nose as she snarled at Jimin, “it is appropriate for you to remain present. Please see to your students.”

Jeongguk dreaded talking to her because he knew she would find a way to insult him within the span of a few minutes. “It is perfectly appropriate for him to stay.”

Jimin crossed his arms and stubbornly refused to leave. If Jeongguk wanted him there, then he was staying. 

“Well then,” Principle Han cleared her throat, “regarding the matter of your absences last week. After careful review of your documentation, I have determined that you are not eligible to use vacation time for personal matters without providing proper notice. Therefore, the days where you did not show up to work will be considered job abandonment and will be docked from your pay.”

“What?” Jimin and Jeongguk said in tandem.

“We have very high standards for our instructors here at Busan Hogem. If we were to allow teachers to skip work on a whim, then our students would suffer. Parents don’t want to hear excuses about why a PE teacher had to cover their first grader’s class.”

“Skip school on a whim?” Jeongguk’s face burned red. 

Jimin was sure he was about to take a swing at Principle Han. Well, actually, he wasn’t sure of it but he really wanted it.

“On a whim?” Jeongguk repeated himself. “It wasn’t a whim. I was homeless. I’d been kicked out of my apartment and I had nowhere to go. Forgive me for taking a couple of days off to make sure I didn’t end up  living on the streets of the old Gamcheon village. It was an emergency. I told you this when I called. I even found a sub for my class when I knew I would be out for a few days. How can you dare say that I can’t use my personal time?”

“I will repeat since clearly you did not comprehend. Proper notice was not given. Consult your handbook since you’re incapable of learning the school’s procedures,” She barked.

And there was the insult. A record five minutes into the conversation and she had already called Jeongguk incompetent.

“I know the rules. I understand the rules. I was on the committee of teachers who helped create the rules. And I’m telling you that you have no right to deny my vacation request. And I’ll be appealing this decision.”

Jimin intervened to keep tempers from flaring, “Principle Han be reasonable, if Jeongguk had called in sick, then none of these rules would apply. He could have done that - lied to cover up his very private matter. But he was honest with you and he did things the right way. Surely you can make an exception just this once. Just document it as sick days and then we can all move on.”

“Mr. Park, it would behoove you to mind your own business. I would hate for you to give me cause to review your attendance records. Besides, based on the little stunt you pulled today, you seem to have a loose understanding of the rules as well.” Principal Han turned back to Jeongguk, “My administration is not heartless and we understand that emergencies do occur. But even during emergencies, we have procedures that must be followed. Rules are rules and we must hold our staff accountable in the best interest of the students. I’m sure you understand.” She turned towards the tree and clapped her hands loudly three times, “Students, get down from there. We do not climb trees at Busan Hogem. Mr. Park, see to it that those children are safely recovered from that tree.” She smiled at the two of them as if she had just given them pieces of candy. 

She was indeed a sociopath. 


Burnt umber leaves rained through the air, swaying with the wind like sultry dancers. They bounced off of the fingertips of the children, eventually settling peacefully on the carlorful tarmac of the playground. Spiny textured pine cones rested sporadically throughout the edge of the forest, protecting the seedlings that would spawn new life in the spring. The piercing azure skies transitioned to purple and gold sunsets every evening as the sun retired. It was chilly outside. 

The cooler weather brought thick sweaters and long wool scarves, fuzzy mittens and warm blankets, pumpkin lattes and apple cider, hand holding and stolen kisses. All of it signaled the arrival of fall, when the lush green mountains of Busan gave birth to a cornucopia of colors that grew like a muted rainbow towards the sky.


And as the school year forged on, so too did the newly minted teachers. Despite their challenges, they continued to make strides with their students, securing more victories than losses. Typically fall was Jimin’s favorite time of the year. But his typical love of the season was marred by the unbearable politics and unruly students surrounding him. There wasn’t a day that went by where he didn’t reflect on his decision to become a teacher. 

Jimin’s mood was measured, with no real solution for how to improve things. Particularly bothersome for him was Jeongguk’s melancholy; a sad aura that had persisted since his break up three months prior. Despite Jeongguk telling him repeatedly that he was not to blame for the breakup, Jimin couldn’t purge the feelings of guilt that tingled in his stomach each time he saw the forced smiles that Jeongguk served to the world. There was no doubt that Jeongguk loved Yu-jon…possibly still loved him. Jimin’s many attempts at getting Jeongguk to open up had all failed. Jimin was worried about him.



Chapter Links | Posting Schedule

Chapter 1 - Odor of Mendacity - 3/1/25

Chapter 2 - The Audacity - 3/1/25

Chapter 3 - The Complexity - 3/2/25

Chapter 4 - The Tenacity - 3/2/25

Chapter 5 - The Intensity - 3/7/25

Chapter 6 - The Sensitivity - 3/8/25

Chapter 7 - The Atrocity - 3/9/25