And If You Let Me: Chapter 5 - The Intensity
Chapter Five - The Intensity
✅ Author's Note: This Chapter is very graphic and extremely NSFW, please read with caution. Check tags on Chapter One for full disclosure of content.
Jimin was saddened to learn that Jeongguk considered going home. It felt like an over reaction just because they had an attraction to each other. Even if the younger wasn’t willing to take him up on the twenty-four hour offer, he hoped that he at least would change his mind about leaving.
Only work could put their conversation out of his mind and keep him from lamenting over it. So he decided to get to work.
The vanity against the wall served as a makeshift desk. It was the same vanity he’d used to watch himself masturbate the night before. It was a comfortable seat, close to the window with plenty of space to set up his laptop. Doing schoolwork while on unpaid leave seemed like an oxymoron. Why should he give anything back while serving time for an unjust punishment? His dedication to his job was his justification.
It didn’t take long for him to immerse himself in reading through the certification material. He was just about to take the first practice test when he suddenly saw Jeongguk standing at his door.
Jimin jumped. “You scared me. I didn’t see you standing there. You ok?”
Jeongguk answered his question with a question, “We’re switches aren’t we? I mean, in this world that we fantasize about…there is no single Dom.”
Jimin’s subrident gaze said it all, “Yea. I think so…? I would question if there would be a Dom in our world at all? Seems like that’s too regimented for our tastes.”
“We have…zones…moods that seem to dictate who rises and when. I noticed it when we first started hanging out. Yin and Yang kind of thing.”
“Interesting. You’ve given this some thought. When did you come to this conclusion?”
“May I come in?”
“Of course,” Jimin shut his laptop and turned to give Jeongguk his full attention as he entered and sat on the bed.
“I haven’t come to a conclusion about anything. I’m just trying to verbalize my crazy random thoughts.”
“Nothing about your thoughts are crazy.” Jimin leaned back in his chair. The odd positioning of his torso accentuated the ripples of muscles along his ribcage. The pink fluffy handcuffs were resting on the desk behind him. “So does this mean you’ve changed your mind about barging out of here and going home?”
“That was maybe…a bit drastic,” Jeongguk said as his eyes flitted over the handcuffs on the desk.
“Very drastic.” Jimin leaned forward, eyes concentrated on all of the places he longed to kiss on Jeongguk’s face. “And my proposal? Are you willing to accept?”
Jeongguk looked at him with wide, rounded eyes that revealed his vulnerability, “I’m scared for us. All of this is just so fucking risky.”
“You know how the saying goes; with great risk comes great reward. That’s just how the game is played, I guess.”
“I want the reward.”
“I do too.”
Jeongguk negotiated, “We can’t allow this to affect us though...our friendship. Promise me. Promise me that we won’t let this take over and ruin our friendship.”
“I promise.”
“No one at the school can ever find out. This has to be our secret. We could get fired if anyone finds out. And no matter what happens, we have to find our way back to our friendship,” Jeongguk was almost desperate with his plea.
“I. Promise.” Jimin held up his palm and gave his word.
Jeongguk looked over at the box full of sin. It sat there seductively, beckoning them, “How do we…begin?”
“With consent, of course. Whatever we want, however we want it, all we have to do is ask. If the answer is no, then it’s no. But if the answer is yes…,” Jimin switched off the lights at his make-shift desk. “...if the answer is yes, then we go all in. For the next twenty-four hours, we live out our fantasies. And after it’s over, we’ll go back to our regular lives.”
“It’s not just about the penetration, so much of this is visual and mental.”
Jimin reassured him, “We’ll take it slow. Tell me what you like.”
“I feel drawn to bondage, seeing you tied up. I hope that’s not too honest,” Jeongguk gulped and closed his eyes.
“I’m willing to try it, if you are.”
“The apron,” they both surprised themselves by saying it simultaneously. They laughed.
“We think alot alike. That’s a good sign.”
Jeongguk was starting to feel more comfortable sharing his naughty thoughts, “I like seeing you gagged,” he said without hesitation.
“Gagged? When did you discover that? And how?”
“The apple orchard. That’s when I realized that was one of my…my…my kinks.” Jeongguk didn’t know what other word to use for it. “When you stuffed that apple into your mouth, it aroused me. I got so hard that I thought I was going to cum right there in the apple orchard. That’s why I ran away and pretended to go pee.”
“Fascinating. Well guess what? I really like being gagged. What else?” Jimin rushed him along. He was anxious to hear everything on Jeongguk’s mind.
“The handcuffs, the feathers.”
“Top or bottom?”
“Both. But top right now.” Jeongguk quipped.
“This is going to work out quite nicely,” Jimin evaluated. “Hold that thought.”
Jimin walked over to the kink box and opened it. He searched through the sea of pink erotic toys and found the ball-gag, and the feathers. “Come look. Is there anything else that you want to try?” He said quietly, seductively.
Jeongguk leaned down on his knees and ran his hands through the plethora of toys. “Maybe this?” He pulled free a long roll of pink velvet rope.
The fuzzy pink handcuffs were sitting on the desk. Jimin grabbed them and then placed all of Jeongguk’s chosen toys on the bed.
They stared at them, each of them quietly sorting through their own thoughts.
“I don’t know how any of this works.”
“We can figure it out by doing whatever feels good.”
“And if something doesn’t feel good, we stop?”
“Yes. That has to be the most important rule. I guess that’s what safe words are for? To keep us both safe and comfortable?” Jimin questioned.
“Delores.” Jeongguk suggested.
“As a safe word?”
“No better way to break the mood and bring us back to reality than thinking about that old witch with the unibrow.”
“True. That will definitely kill the mood and get our attention. Delores it is,” Jimin agreed. He played with the rope in his hands. It was not conventional rope. It was made of ultra soft velvet that had been woven together. It felt incredible to the touch. “Do you know how to tie a rope?”
“On a person? Not really. I would imagine it has to be done carefully in order to be safe. I love the thought of seeing you wrapped and covered in knotted up rope. Safely and loosely of course.”
“We can figure out the rope play. Let’s keep that on the menu,” Jimin teased. His eyes scanned the line of toys again.
Next, he picked up an apparatus that resembled a large feather duster. Thick and heavy, it was definitely constructed with feathers from a big powerful bird. The dyed feathers were a beautiful mauve pink.
“Yes?” Jeongguk smiled with excited eyes..
Jimin nodded.
Awkwardness slowly crept back into the room as they tried to figure out how to transition. Crossing the line and taking the next step was easy to do when they were feeling like outlaw renegades, but not-so-easy after giving themselves permission to go at it. They were inexplicably frozen with shyness.
Jeongguk mercifully broke the tension, “And you?” He asked. “What do you like?”
Jimin’s desires were more blunt and to the point, “To start, I want to see you undressed. All of you, right now, with no restrictions.”
It was a bold ask. Jeongguk’s tilted eyebrow was a sign of being caught off guard. After giving it a few seconds of thought, he decided to play the game. He stood to his feet, “May I undress for you? May I show you my - body?” He was all in, thanks to the whiskey.
Jimin gulped and blinked his eyes with the speed of a hummingbird’s wings, “Yes. Yes, you may. Please.” The thought of Jeongguk undressing in front of him warmed his blood.
The younger immediately pulled his shirt over his head and unbuckled his pants. He paused briefly before dropping them to the ground, revealing that he wasn’t wearing underwear. Boldly, he stood there in the buff, allowing Jimin to survey his body. “Do you approve?”
Jimin cleared his throat. He really needed more whiskey. “I need to examine you a little closer before I can approve.”
“Examine me?” Jeongguk liked where this was going, “Ok then, may I place my dick in your hand, so you can…approve it?”
“Of course.”
Jeongguk’s body was much more beautiful than Jimin could have ever imagined. He was clean-shaven with the exception of short hairs above his shaft and the trail of hair from his belly button. Both of Jimin’s hands were shaking as he reached out to touch him. He tried to calm his anxious nerves, fearing that he would appear inexperienced or frightened. Maintaining a controlled even response was important, even though he was freaking out on the inside.
The younger’s cock was warm and firm. It was at least seven inches, quite a surprise from Jimin’s point of view. He never knew the meek first grade teacher was packing such a punch underneath his jeans. He rubbed the shaft back and forth with his small hands and then dared to kiss the tip intermittently while he massaged him.
Jeongguk watched every second of it. His eyes bore into Jimin as he surveyed his skillful handling of his cock. His long rigid monster slowly engorged as Jimin worked it. He wanted him to take it, suck it, lick it, swallow it. But permission for that had not been asked for, nor granted.
The night was already off to a roaring start, but Jimin had to remember that the tease was the object of the game. So, rather than risk pushing Jeongguk to orgasm too soon, he released him.
“Do you approve?” Jeongguk stepped back. He placed his hand over his cock and rubbed it to keep it hard so that Jimin could see it in its fullest glory.
“I-I definitely approve.”
“How else may I serve you?” Jeongguk was careful with his wordplay, seeking to edge himself into Dominance through overwhelming consent. Roles were slowly coming into clarity as they continued their coy exchange. “Let’s continue on our journey. You also don’t like body fluids, right?” Jeongguk queried as if seeking the answers to an exam.
“I think I could make an exception if they’re your body fluids,” Jimin stared directly into Jeongguk’s eyes.
Jeongguk laughed, “Noted. I’m sure I’ll have plenty of fluids to share once we get started.”
“I have to be able to trust you,” Jimin added.
“And I have to be able to trust you.”
“I want to kiss during the act…always kiss, kissing at all times, all of the kisses.”
Jeongguk found Jimin’s request endearing. Kissing was so intimate and loving. It seemed to contradict everything they knew about bdsm play. “...may I hold you in my lap?”
“Yes. You may.” Jimin climbed into Jeongguk’s naked lap as he sat on the bed. Carefully, he avoided sitting on top of the raging cock that bumped against Jeongguk’s stomach.
“And now, may I have your lips, Jimin?” Jeongguk controlled the pace and intensity of the act.
“Yes. You may.”
“May I kiss you back?” Jeongguk asked.
“No. Permission to kiss me back - is denied.” Jimin was stoic as he leaned in with his lips.
Jeongguk sat silently with Jimin on his lap. His mind heavily anticipated the soft touch as he waited for Jimin to execute the kiss. He tensed in astonishment when he felt Jimin’s mouth against his. The scrape of his cheek and the intimate heat of his breath sent an electric shock through him. He held his lips still, unable to move freely since he had not been granted permission to do so.
The feel of Jimin’s soft pink lips were just as erotic as Jeongguk had imagined. He looked at him through half closed eyes, examining his perfect porcelain features as they glowed in the muted light. He could feel the tip of Jimin’s tongue against his lips, edging the smooth curve, leaving behind traces of sweet tasting moisture. The warmth of his mouth was mysteriously pleasant, leaving Jeongguk aching to catch each savory kiss and feed it back to him. But he didn’t because trust could only be gained through consent and he did not have consent to kiss him back.
Jimin could sense Jeongguk’s growing tension; the way his lips quivered with restraint to avoid returning his kiss. Trust between two people in the midst of kink play was extremely important. And if Jeongguk could be trusted to restrain himself in an act as small as kissing, then much larger temptations could be safely placed in his hands. The trust was building.
Jimin was done with teasing him. He abruptly pulled away from the kiss long enough to deliver his message, “Permission granted to kiss me back,” he moaned into his lips.
Jeongguk instinctively wrapped his arms around Jimin. He used his teeth to gently grab onto Jimin’s lip and pull him closer. He wanted to be inside of him, in his ass and in his mouth at the same time. But for the moment, he focused on his mouth. With the tenderness of a serpent he slipped his tongue between Jimin’s lips, reaching for the back of his throat. He massaged him with long waves of his tongue. Until Jimin’s tongue battled him back. With tongues rolling one over the other, dripping long strands of spit onto their chins. A deeply satisfying exchange emerged, confirming just how much they longed for each other.
Jimin felt his control waning. “I need the handcuffs - put them on me, please.” Jimin’s eyebrows wilted as if he were going to cry.
Jeongguk could see the eagerness in his eyes. “Handcuffed?” He innocently tilted his head like a child as he waited for consent.
“Stand in front of me please. Put your hands behind your back.”
Jimin crawled out of Jeongguk’s lap. His hands were trembling once again as he stood in position. He placed his hands behind his back, holding as still as possible.
Jeongguk retrieved the cuffs. Still nude, he returned to the bed and rested his hands in his own lap. The pink fuzzy cuffs dangled between his fingers. Jimin still stood there with his hands resting in the small of his back, as he glanced towards the mirror which reflected their every move. Even through the distant reflection he could see Jeongguk’s crotch. He took careful notice of his erection which seemed to be growing larger by the second.
“May I cuff you?” The request finally came.
“Yes, yes fuck yes. You may,” Jimin turned away from Jeongguk and faced the wall, with his hands still behind his back.
And with the click of the bracelets, everything changed, transitioning Jeongguk into a sexual thaumaturge of the moment. There was a palpable shift in the atmosphere as Jimin became a willing sub in a game where the only rule was consent. The clock started.
The feel of the soft cuffs instantly entranced Jimin. He squirmed, not because he desired freedom but because his arousal was beginning to peak. The sensation was delicious. He wondered if the simple act of being cuffed could make him cum.
“What else do you want?” Jeongguk asked the elder.
“I have a rule.”
“Go ahead, tell me.”
“I never want to be hurt and I never want to hurt you. Pleasure dominance, not pain,” Jimin explained. He turned around to face Jeongguk again, so they could make eye contact. It was important to him that they agree.
“Agreed. I could never cause you pain. But I could watch you be pleasured for the rest of my life.” Jeongguk said lovingly. “But where, exactly, is that line between pain and pleasure for you?”
“Maybe that - over there.” With his arms bound behind his back, Jimin used his head to gesture towards the small pink crop that sat at the very top of the pile of toys. “Not too much, just enough.”
Jeongguk wasn’t sure about the crop. It seemed like a pain inducer. Everything he had ever read about painful kink play seemed to involve crops. Until that moment, neither of them had ever called it out as an acceptable toy. “This seems contradictory to your rule against pain. You sure about this? What if you don’t like it?”
Jimin lowered his head and confessed, “I’ve hit myself with it a few times. The leather is very light. The sting is brief but potent,” an impish smile spilled across his lips. His eyes hooded as he watched Jeongguk twirl the crop between his fingers.
“You do love to explore, don’t you? May I…strike you?”
“You may.”
Jeongguk was immediately drawn to the two perfectly round butt cheeks beneath Jimin’s sweats. The strikes needed to land right on that spot. Without adjusting Jimin’s pants, he unleashed two quick strikes against the fabric.
Even though Jimin could barely feel the sting, his dick popped up. He looked to the left and watched in the mirror as his co-worker walked behind him naked with the crop in his hands.
“Would you like it again?” Jeongguk asked.
“Spank me. Please.”
His instincts told him that Jimin needed just a little bit more. He pinched the elastic waistband of Jimin’s sweats and scooted them down just a few inches. It was just enough to expose Jimin’s lower back, where his ass began to curve. The perfect spot for another strike. Once again he unleashed four rapid strikes, each slightly more powerful than the last.
“How does it feel? Too much,” Jeongguk asked tepidly.
“Like magic,” Jimin said shakily. He wanted another strike, but he didn’t want to linger in the moment for too long.
“What else do you need?”
“To kneel, naked and vulnerable before you,” Jimin said with a sultry whisper. He was still wearing his pajama pants.
Jeongguk had been so fearless with showing him his body that Jimin felt it was time to return the favor.
Jeongguk immediately followed up with, “May I undress you?”
“Yes. You may.”
Jeongguk grabbed the waistband of Jimin’s sweats and clamped it between his teeth. With a snap of his head, he yanked the pants down, allowing them to fall to Jimin’s ankles.
“You’re so beautiful.” Jeongguk’s mouth dropped open as he stared for the first time at Jimin’s fully naked body.
Jimin’s cock was heavy and thick, stretching well below his groin, touching his upper leg. His thighs had a unique shape to them. Every single muscle and tendon beneath his skin flexed, stretched and curved like a sculpture. His skin was flawless from head to toe as if he were from a skincare magazine. Jeongguk searched his mind, trying to determine if he had ever seen a body as exquisite and finely detailed as Jimin’s. He hadn’t. He was a one of a kind ethereal beauty and Jeongguk wanted nothing more but to please him, watch him tense and writhe under the ecstasy of his touch.
There wasn’t much more that either of them could take. Jeongguk went in for the kill, “May I place the gag?”
“Fucking yes. Please,” Jimin’s eyes fluttered. The gag was his absolute favorite. He was beyond thrilled to know that it did it for Jeongguk too.
The ball gag was attached to a pink silk scarf. Jeongguk placed the gag in Jimin’s mouth and then tied the soft scarf around his head. Jimin released a filthy muffled moan of pleasure even though he wasn’t being touched. He was ready to explode. His chest rose and fell in heavy even breaths as he waited for what was next. With a couple of loose lassos, Jeongguk wrapped the velvet rope around Jimin’s chest and hips. He knotted the rope in the back but it sagged heavily due to his refusal to pull it taut.
Jeongguk then led him to the vanity where the mirror hung, “Look what we’ve done. Look at yourself.” Jimin stared at himself. He looked as if he were horrifically bound and gagged and in the throws of inhuman torture. When in reality, he had never felt more soothed, comforted, secure and safe in his entire life. The texture of soft fabrics against his body felt euphoric. He glanced at Jeongguk as he stood over his shoulder admiring him, “You are stunningly breathtaking. The first moment I saw you all those years ago, I knew you were God’s chosen one. So beautiful, so strong, powerful, yet so delicate. I’m so honored to be able fuck you.” He smirked, “May I have you now?”
Unable to speak, Jimin simply nodded. That’s when Jeongguk suddenly disappeared, leaving Jimin there all alone to admire his beautiful juxtaposition in the mirror. Jimin was pleased. The ropes made him look very pretty. He didn’t know where Jeongguk had gone, but he appreciated the time alone to admire himself.
Soon enough Jeongguk returned. Jimin’s eyes sparkled as he watched Jeongguk’s nude body maneuver behind him. Jimin felt a gentle push from behind that folded him over the dresser. His shoulder’s tightened in the position as the cuffs continued to drag his wrists. He lay there, head down and turned to the side, chest pressed against the cold wood of the vanity.
Jeongguk continued to move behind him, his actions hidden by Jimin’s own reflection in the mirror. Jimin’s pleasured moans echoed through the room. Jeongguk delivered endless kisses along the back of his neck and along his spine. Each one placed with the tenderness of a man in love or at least in deep lust. Within an instant, he felt Jeongguk’s fingers rubbing along his back, moving further and further down until they lightly bounced over his ass.
“May I, prepare you?” He asked as his hand approached Jimin’s opening.
Jimin nodded with the gag still embedded in his mouth, disfiguring his lips and stretching the delicate skin along his cheeks. The breath rushed from his body the moment he felt Jeongguk splay him open. The younger one’s fingers battled against his virgin-like resistance, unrelenting in their intrusion. A driving pulse drummed in Jimin’s ears as he pushed back against him. The pain was palatable, but his ever growing desire to orgasm, was not. Jeongguk worked his fingers in and out, lathering him in fruit scented oils.
Jimin could feel his erection straining against the sagging ropes that Jeongguk had around him. With each move he made, the handcuffs countered, pulling at his shoulders and keeping him contained.
The moment moved fast. Even though Jimin knew what was happening and had given consent, he still found himself ill-prepared for the reality of the pleasure. He pushed his hips outward, desperate to be mounted. His head popped up briefly just to watch his lover’s face in the mirror. By the time he laid it back down, there were three oil slicked fingers inside of him, digging into his flesh. His moans came one after the other, muffled, distorted, and loud.
He felt Jeongguk hunch over him, hugging him from behind with his entire weight pressed against his back. There were wild movements with his hands as he positioned his body and his cock for the attack. Jimin instantly felt the heat of his massive cock edging him, circling his entrance.
With a rush Jeongguk growled, “May I enter you…now?”
Jimin whimpered; too aroused to even offer a moan. The fingers inside of him were sending him into a trance. His legs shook from the intensity of the pleasure. He lifted his head and stared into the mirror, searching for the reflection of Jeongguk’s eyes. “Yes,” he nodded voraciously, while pushing his ass out further for Jeongguk to feed it. He didn’t know what to expect or how hard he was going to be fucked. He could only pray that the young wild one didn’t draw blood.
It was too soon to enter him. Jeongguk knew that. Jimin’s body wasn’t ready because he hadn’t been conditioned enough. But neither of them had the patience to wait any longer. Watching Jimin writhe against his restraints while wrapped in beautiful velvet rope was porn worthy. Jeongguk couldn’t wait a single moment longer to take him. He fisted his cock and crowded Jimin’s entrance with his tip.
His body shook with passion. The months of loneliness all melted away with the first intimate taste of Jimin’s delicate body. Feverishly, he buried his lips into Jimin’s shoulder, kissing every morsel of skin he could reach while the slow rotation of his hips began. Jimin was so incredibly tight, but he continued to push until he felt the tip of his cock pop through. He was inside. After several uncomfortable seconds, he finally bottomed out by sliding all seven inches of his cock into Jimin’s guts. For a brief moment he froze, frightened to move for fear of cumming too soon. It felt so good, so warm. It had been years since he’d been allowed to top. Half-conscious, he pulled out and then positioned himself to surge forward once again - but first he needed permission.
“My entire dick is inside of you. You took me so well. May I pleasure you now?” he asked. He hovered over Jimin’s back, still bending him over the dresser. The elder’s wrists were still cuffed behind his back, causing his outstretched hands to rest against Jeongguk’s stomach.
Jimin nodded with consent.
They had promised to never cause each other pain and Jeongguk wanted to keep his word. He listened for any sound of discomfort, or any sign of the safety word as his hips slowly rotated forward and he began to fuck him. Their bodies clapped against each other as the oil dripped down their thighs.
Jimin was barely conscious. Layer upon layer of pleasure flowed through him, around him, within him. From the soft grip of the handcuffs, to the surly pull of the rope, to the air-inhibiting bulge of the gag, he was rapturous. The solid, unyielding cock inside of him filled his every need, leaving his knees shaking and his body trembling. Jeongguk’s strokes were just as thoughtful and caring as the man himself. Jimin could feel himself slipping. No matter how he tried to hold it in, he was ready to explode.
He pressed his face into the wooden desk as he bucked against each of Jeongguk’s strokes. His cock, pressed tightly against his thigh by the velvet rope, began to pulse. Jimin screamed from behind the gag. His orgasm hit him like a tidal wave. The erubescent rope marks covering his body seemed to quiver with his breaths as his cock erupted and white silky streams of cum poured from his top. Jimin lay convulsing with his head and chest pressed into the dresser; unable to even touch himself to extend his pleasure. He felt as if he were going to fall to the ground - knees weak and unstable. Once again he found Jeongguk’s eyes in the mirror as they bore down upon him.
Jeongguk met his eyes with the glint of tenderness. He could see that Jimin was spent. The ropes, the handcuffs, the hard orgasm; it was all pulling from Jimin’s strength. He was surprised to see his beautiful lover climax so quickly. The highly coveted conquest was reduced to a wet, quivering, moaning mess. His long blonde hair lay tasseled over the wood, roots revealing the darkest brown. Sweat beaded along his sideburns and trickled down to the surface of the dresser leaving small impressions of his perfect jawline. Jeongguk felt incredibly fortunate to have him - even if it was for only 24 hours.
“May I take over?” Jeongguk asked somewhat heroically.
Jimin nodded, barely, but he nodded. His entire upper body and all of his weight rested on the dresser because his legs were too weak to hold him up.
With a loud squelching sound, Jeongguk withdrew his cock. He scooped Jimin up into his arms and carried him to the bed. Pressing his lips over the ball-gag, he forced a kiss that didn’t make sense. But that was how dedicated he was to pleasing him. Lots of kisses, all the time with the kisses. Even with his mouth gagged, he kissed him.
To give Jimin a break, he laid him on the bed and then positioned him on his side. Jeongguk’s preference was to fuck him doggy style, but with Jimin’s wrists still cuffed behind his back, the position wouldn’t work. As he moved Jimin across the bed, the ropes slipped away from his body and gathered around his lower thighs. It didn’t matter, Jeongguk was too sexually intoxicated to even notice.
“May I, may I have permission…,” he could barely speak, he wanted him so badly.
“Yes,” Jimin mumbled from beneath the gag. He listed forward, leaning mostly on his stomach to present his ass once again.
Jeongguk’s large fingers slid up and down his shaft, spreading the oily lubricant back and forth over the skin. He slid in behind Jimin, cock in his hand as he lined his tip against Jimin’s entrance. With just the slightest pressure followed by a quick thrust of his hips, he was inside of him again. He threw his bulky leg over Jimin’s waist to hold him in place as he plowed into him. His thrusts were nuanced, deep and effective. He pushed through Jimin’s body gracefully, but with purpose.
Jimin moaned again from the sheer artfulness of how Jeongguk fucked. He sucked in air through his nose as the younger quickened his strokes. He felt as if he were running a marathon, even though all he did was catch a very aggressive cock.
Seven strokes in, and Jeongguk was once again growling like a wolf. He released a hard grunt before ripping a string of profanities.’
“HOLYSHIT THIS IS FUCKING UNREAL!” He screamed. He wrapped his arms tightly around Jimin, holding him in place while his cock slid in and out of him sloppily, clapping against his plump ass cheeks.
“May I cum? May I cum inside…?” He waited too long to ask because he was cumming whether Jimin approved or not. But even through his orgasmic malaise, he was prepared to pull out if that was what Jimin wanted.
Without warning, Jimin shook his head NO. He gave a resounding no, even from beneath his gag.
“WHAT? FUCK! FUCK!” Jeongguk screamed as he pulled his dick free.
He was not pleased about having to pull out and cum on his own, but getting relief was all that mattered. To keep from losing his orgasm, he rolled to his back and stroked himself so fast and so violently that he shook the bed, slamming the headboard against the wall. Mere nano-seconds passed before Jimin crawled on top of him and positioned himself over Jeongguk’s cock again. His intentions suddenly became clear; he wanted to ride Jeongguk into orgasm and that was his favorite position. He squirmed a bit with the gag still in his mouth, hoping that Jeongguk would get the hint and lay his cock inside of him again.
Jeongguk hissed with delight. He absolutely understood the assignment. He grabbed his tip and worked it over Jimin’s entrance again and bucked his hips upwards until he was back in. His words arrived with a soft grunt, “May I cum inside of you?”
“YES!” Jimin mumbled with an affirmative nod.
With his rope clad body, he bounced in short spurts over Jeongguk’s cock. He wasn’t able to take him as deep while riding him, but he moved fast, pulling the raw skin of Jeongguk’s cock in and out of his body. The handcuffs didn’t impede his agility. If there was anything he could do well, it was ride a dick. He peered down through the dim light into Jeongguk’s contorted face.
Jimin’s thoughts swirled as he watched him orgasm. The younger was so fucking sexy with his mouth open, eyes closed, distressed dimples and heaving chest. Hands still cuffed in the small of his back, he bounced and bounced over Jeongguk’s twitching meat until mid-stroke, he felt a shot of warmth fill his hole followed by the gradual leaking of fluid that trickled down his leg. He angled slightly forward to kiss his gagged mouth against Jeongguk’s lips as the younger emptied his cock into his body.
Jeongguk was speechless. His moans gradually transitioned into nothing but heaping gulps of air as his legs quivered. He wanted to open his eyes one last time to watch Jimin’s lassoed body bounce over him, but he couldn’t. The way Jimin fucked him left him crippled, unable to speak, move or even breathe. All he could do was lie there until his body regulated.
Regrettably, they had both agreed that there would be no cuddling or basking in the afterglow after their kinky little fuck. To maintain the line between fuck buddies and friends, they were very careful to tamper down the emotions of it all. Catching feelings in the midst of what was supposed to be all about sex, was a key to disaster.
Jimin was so spent afterwards that he immediately fell asleep. Jeongguk took a brief nap as well but awakened a couple of hours later. Jimin was still wearing the pink fluffy handcuffs. Jeongguk stumbled around in the dark to find the key and then quietly removed them. The gag was still in place as well. Gently, without waking him, he removed that too. The ropes had fallen and posed no harm, so he left them bundled around Jimin’s ankles. And with one final gesture, he pulled the blankets over Jimin’s naked body and then lent one small loving kiss to Jimin’s wrists before heading back to his room.
Jimin arose to find Jeongguk sitting by the fireplace reading a book. There was an empty bowl of cereal in front of him and a piece of toast. Jimin laughed. Quite possibly, the fiasco with the pancakes and the mixer had soured him on cooking any more fancy breakfasts.
Fresh from the shower, Jimin allowed his shirt to billow open revealing his bare chest. His sweatpants that he typically slept in every night were dirty and covered in cum, a casualty of their raucous evening of kink play. So a pair of loose soccer shorts became his go-to loungewear. As he walked through the kitchen, he found a bowl of oatmeal, coffee, fruit and a glass of juice sitting on the table.
Without looking up, Jeongguk spoke to him, “I heard you moving around. Figured you were awake, so I made you breakfast.”
“Thank you,” Jimin feathered his own dark hair as he looked down at the table.
The place setting for one was beautifully ornate in yellow and white hues. His bright yellow napkin had been folded into the shape of a swan and it sat next to a white porcelain bowl with yellow trim. Just to the right of his coffee, there was a large jar filled with freshly picked daisies. Written in honey on the surface of his oatmeal was a message that said, 'Good Morning'. The final thing that Jimin noticed was a small, carefully folded note that sat on an empty plate. It read, ‘Thank you for last night’. The entire set up was too sweet for words. He snapped a picture of the tablescape before sitting down.
Oddly, other than the kind gesture of breakfast, there was no immediate mention of the life-changing evening they’d had the night prior..
“Honey, butter, and raisins. Not too sweet. Not too hot. Did I get it right?” Jeongguk rattled off the recipe for how Jimin liked his oatmeal. “I remember you talking about it over lunch last week.”
“And you committed it to memory? That’s so incredibly…thoughtful. And yes, that’s right. You got it exactly right.” He took a spoonful, “This is fucking fantastic. You really know your way around the kitchen. Everything you cook is delicious,” Jimin took a sip of coffee. The morning was starting off well, even though Jeongguk felt a little distant.
They sat in silence for another half hour while Jeongguk continued to read and Jimin finished his breakfast. Without realizing it, he read Jeongguk’s note over and over. At the last read he noticed that the ‘o’ in Thank You was actually a little heart. Something about it made him feel warm and appreciated. Even though it had been a fabulous night for both of them, Jeongguk still showed appreciation. Jimin glanced over at him as he sat by the fireplace. It was at that moment that he knew his fellow first grade teacher was very special. Keeping their relationship purely sexual with no emotional attachment was going to be difficult. Finding their friendship again after all of this was over was going to be challenging too but he felt certain it could be done.
Jimin wanted to talk about their incredible evening, boast about him and thank him too. He wanted to confess that he was the best lover that he’d ever had. He wanted to hold his hand, maybe kiss, maybe fuck once again. But instead, he followed Jeongguk’s context cues and proceeded as if nothing had happened.
To pass the time, he stared down at his phone to check his text messages and emails. Then he examined his empty oatmeal bowl. After several lonely self-reflective minutes, he unexpectedly felt a gentle hand rest on the small of his back. Jeongguk pulled up the chair next to him and sat close.
“Good Morning.” He opened Jimin’s shirt slightly, “May I examine you?” He asked.
“Examine me?” It took Jimin a few seconds to figure out what Jeongguk needed to examine. “Oh the marks,” he said as he followed Jeongguk’s eyes that were fixed on his chest. “It’s nothing. I’m fine. I bruise easily, even when there’s no pain. Even my pillow case can leave a mark if I’m not careful,” Jimin teased.
“Is that a no?” Jeongguk rested his elbow on the table and propped his chin in his hand. There was a curious smile on his face, soft, delicate, sweet.
“It’s not necessary. But feel free to take a look. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s nothing.”
“I ran to the store this morning while you were still sleeping. I have some ointment that we can use to dress it. Is there anything that hurts?” Jeongguk asked with deep concern.
“I told you…nothing. The ropes were…,” he decided quickly not to say anything about the previous night. He wanted Jeongguk to bring it up first, “...I told you, I’m ok. You fixed me this lovely breakfast, flavored my coffee just right, squeezed my juice fresh and now you’re tending to my insignificant blotches. Sounds alot like Dom style aftercare of his baby sub,” Jimin teased.
Jeongguk immediately released a laugh. The tension was broken. “I never officially claimed Dom status. I just want to make sure you know that I…care. Not just about your body, but about you. Forgive me for doting.”
“I had the most incredible time…honestly the best time of my entire life. No one has ever…,” he stopped again. He didn’t want to seem dick whipped. Even though he was absolutely dick whipped.
“It’s ok, I feel the same. I have something to say and I don’t want you to take it the wrong way or think that I’m weird,” Jeongguk grimaced.
“Yea, so by prefacing it that way, I’m going to think you’re weird and probably take it the wrong way,” Jimin shrugged.
They shared another laugh.
“Ok, well fuck it. I’ll just say it. I wanted to care for you last night, you know, make sure you were ok. But by the time we finished, you were knocked out. I literally fucked you to sleep,” Jeongguk bragged. “I didn’t want to wake you, so I left - per our agreement.”
“Yes. Per our agreement,” Jimin nodded.
“As soon as I got back to my bed, thoughts started to roam through my head.”
“What kind of thoughts,” Jimin asked cautiously. “No regrets I hope.”
“No, not at all. Almost the complete opposite of regret, more like relief. Contentment. Satisfaction. Dare I say…happiness?” Jeongguk looked at Jimin’s bowl, “Want more oatmeal? I cooked it homemade, there’s more on the stove.”
“I would love more,” Jimin smiled and briefly rested his head on Jeongguk’s shoulder as a show of appreciation.
Jeongguk took Jimin’s bowl to fill it with more oatmeal, “Ok so here is the part that may sound a little weird. As I was laying in bed last night, I kept thinking about Yu-jon and our moderate life. I know, I know, it’s a terrible thing to think about after being with you. But let me explain. Me and him were together for almost two years. Probably would have made it to the two year mark if you hadn’t come along and shown me the light. Sex was always the glue that bound us. But being with you last night made me realize that our sex was never as good as it could have been because I was oppressed. Everything had to be by his rules, to his desire, to his satisfaction. Never had I ever been as free with him as I was with you last night. I feel like my entire life has changed. And nooooo, I’m not catching feelings,” Jeongguk turned his back to Jimin when he said the last part. He knew that his eyes would deceive him if Jimin could see them. “I’m just saying…thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for showing me a different path. Thank you for your open mindedness and acceptance of who I am. Thank you for bringing out the me in me. Fuck, I sound like a literal first grader. Sorry, my words don’t come out right sometimes. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.” Jeongguk placed a fresh bowl of oatmeal in front of Jimin.
“Oh I know exactly what you’re trying to say. I’m a better fuck than Yu-jon,” Jimin said matter-of-factly. “Kidding…but not really.”
Jeongguk slapped him gently on the shoulder, “Be serious.”
“Ok, I’ll be serious. Since you opened the door to this conversation, I have something to say to you too. You have the most perfect stroke. The movement of your hips is magical and you know how to hit me in just the right spot. You took me to places I’ve never been physically or mentally. And it was only one fucking night. I envy Yu-jon having you as his tender, caring lover for two years. No wonder he was so triggered at the thought of you making love to me. He knew what I found out last night, we are a perfect sexual match. A perfect Yin and Yang, the sensual sixty-nine.” Jimin’s tone was deep; his voice raspy from the early morning fog.
“You sure your bruises don’t hurt?” Jeongguk ran the padding of his fingertips across the faint pink bruises on Jimin’s chest.
“I don’t feel a thing. They aren’t even bruises. They’ll be gone by noon today.”
“I love seeing marks on you, that part is very sick and twisted and I probably need to seek therapy for it. But I don’t like the idea of causing you any pain or discomfort,” Jeongguk said softly.
“We can lose the rope and the crop if you…,”
“No. If that’s what you want, then that’s what I’ll give you. But playfully, never with the intent of pain or leaving marks.”
“That’s fair.”
“And, how’s your back door?” Jeongguk took a sip of Jimin’s juice.
Jimin spit out his coffee and burst into laughter. “Oh now we’re getting into the juicy details. Well if you must know, my ass is gaped open like I fucked a baseball bat. But there’s no pain. Just a little emptiness. My body misses you already.”
“After one night?”
“After one incredible night.”
“May I kiss you?”
“Yes. You may.”
Taking Jimin’s head in his hands, he sifted his fingers through his hair and scattered kisses across his mouth.
Jimin’s long soft eyelashes fluttered, finally collapsing shut as the warmth of Jeongguk’s velvety tongue greeted him. He slid his hands around him, over his broad muscular shoulders and then down his back. Parting his lips, he welcomed more and more of the younger’s tongue. They kissed and kissed until they instinctively separated. Frozen just inches apart, their eyes met. They weren’t just coworkers anymore.
Jeongguk was secured to the headboard. Not with the fluffy handcuffs that he loved to use on Jimin, but with the long strands of a pink feather boa. In accordance, he also had another pink boa tied around his neck. Thick individual feathers were strewn all over his nude body. The surface of the bed was also covered in feathers, creating a soft pallet beneath him that stimulated his skin. He loved being covered in soft things.
Jeongguk’s arms were tied above his head, exposing his ribs, underarms, torso and pelvis. It was a vulnerable position and he was completely under Jimin’s control. The velvet rope that had been the star of the previous evening, coiled around his ankles, securing him to the foot posts. His binds were inescapable, which was exactly as he wanted it.
He stared at Jimin, eyes inexplicably drawn to the thick cock that dangled over his nuts. The elder was so dainty and delicate with a perfect balance of masculinity and braun. He was, in Jeongguk’s opinion, the perfect man.
Jimin stood over him wearing a pink silk robe that they discovered in the bottom of the kink box. It was too short and barely covered his crotch. The robe was definitely meant for a woman. But Jimin’s sleek muscular body slid into the fabric, gently stressing the seams around the chest and shoulders. His dick bounced against his balls as he sauntered around the room with the robe falling open. He paced back and forth between the kink box, pulling out all of the toys that matched his theme.
Jeongguk’s eyes watered as Jimin approached him once again. Before even being touched, he released a bevy of snorts and giggles in anticipation of the sensation. For some, what Jimin was doing to him could be considered a form of torture; even if it was a very pleasureable one.
Jimin slapped the hard handle of the feather duster in his hand several times. He couldn’t contain his smile either. Something about making Jeongguk laugh, made him laugh. He asked for permission, “May I tickle you again?”
Through laughter, Jeongguk gave his consent, “Yes. You may.”
Jimin walked to the bedside and began moving the heavy feather duster in small circles around Jeongguk’s abdomen. The younger squirmed and burst into laughter. He was not able to get away because Jimin had him bound very sternly to the headboard. He couldn’t kick either, because of the velvet ropes around his ankles. The only thing he could do was - take it while laughing hysterically in the process. Jimin continued to twirl the feather duster in larger and larger circles until he was tickling him up and down his body.
Finally, unable to take it anymore, Jeongguk screamed through laughter, “Stop. STOP!”
Jimin pulled the feather duster away immediately. He tried to hold it together, but he couldn’t stop laughing, “Who would have ever thought that tickling would be your kink,” Jimin teased him.
“More. Give me more.”
“May I tickle you again, Mr. Jeon?” Jimin asked.
“Please. More. Please.”
Jimin climbed on top of Jeongguk’s naked body and proceeded to tickle him again with the feather duster. He swirled it around Jeongguk’s chest and sides. The younger flashed all of his teeth as he tilted his head back with laughter. But this time, his body gave a different response. In the midst of his giggles, Jimin could feel the younger’s cock stiffen beneath him. The tickling was arousing him and the more Jimin tickled him, the harder his dick became.
“Fuck you really like this don’t you?” Jimin said as he felt Jeongguk growing rapidly beneath him. “May I blindfold you?”
“Oh that sounds absolutely filthy. Yes. Please, you have my overwhelming consent to blindfold the fuck out of me,” Jeongguk said joyfully, like a man who had been tickled into ecstasy.
The blindfold was chiffon, purposely designed to bind without leaving marks or damaging the skin. Still sitting on Jeongguk’s waist, Jimin leaned forward and slid it over his eyes.
Jeongguk ogled Jimin as he drew closer. He greedily absorbed as much of his face and his body in the tight pink robe as possible before everything went dark.
Jimin secured the blindfold around his eyes. The chiffon fabric was yet another sensation layered on top of being bound and covered with feathers.
Jeongguk’s senses elevated immediately. The first thing he heard was the gang of crickets and frogs talking in the forest outside of their window. With a flare of his nostrils he breathed in the scent of lavender on Jimin’s skin. Goosebumps rippled along his arms and nipples. Never had he been so aroused. He anticipated Jimin’s movements as the elder glided over his body.
“My God I can’t take my eyes off you. You look so helpless and trapped,” Jimin said with a low gruff voice.
Jeongguk wasn’t sure what Jimin was doing but he could feel his weight shifting and moving over his torso. The soft slip of the robe trailed behind his body, rolling over Jeongguk’s skin.
“You look hungry. It’s time for lunch. May I feed you?” Jimin’s words melted into moans as he stroked his own cock.
Jeongguk knew for certain that Jimin wasn’t talking about feeding him food. With his heightened senses, he could feel Jimin’s knees digging into the mattress on either side of his head. The fresh scent of lavender was immediate, telling Jeongguk that the other was straddling his head.
“Please feed me,” Jeongguk begged.
“Open your mouth, please?”
Jeongguk opened his mouth wide. He extended his tongue with an invitation for Jimin to place the tip of his cock on the savory pink edge of his mouth. Jimin dropped the tip, allowing its full weight to fall over Jeongguk’s tongue. He playfully tapped it against his tongue, forcing him to acknowledge its girth.
“May I fuck your mouth, Jeonggukie,” Jimin asked.
“Careful. Careful…sucking dicks is my superpower. Yes. You have my permission”
“Then be my hero,” Jimin moaned as he continued to rub his tip all over Jeongguk’s mouth as if he were applying lipstick.
Jimin rose to his knees to stabilize himself. He placed his hand on his cock and slowly inserted it into Jeongguk’s waiting mouth. With a slow circling of his hips, he began his stroke. He placed his open palm behind the younger’s head, tangling his fingers through his long silky hair. Faster and faster his hips moved as he felt Jeongguk’s tight jaws collapse around his shaft.
Droplets of precum fell onto Jeongguk’s teeth, allowing him to savor the slightly salted fluid of his beautiful lover. He pursed his lips, clamping them tight around Jimin’s erection. Without being able to see his progress, he carefully inched more and more of Jimin’s cock into his mouth until it was partially down his throat. He gurgled as Jimin insinuated himself into him. He was so wide. Jeongguk opened his mouth as far as it could go and he still could barely fit him.
Pools of saliva coated Jimin’s cock as he rocked it back and forth. He grabbed the back of Jeongguk’s hair even tighter, squeezing and pulling at the root. Staring down, he watched his cock disappear as he pushed it all the way down Jeongguk’s throat. The younger one took all of Jimin’s cock with only a slight gag. He swallowed over it several times until it was fully inserted. He was a skilled deep throater. Definitely a super power.
“Fuck. You’re a demon,” Jimin swore as he felt his legs begin to tremble. He moved his hips ever faster as he watched the literal life be sucked from him. His mushroom tip bulged in Jeongguk’s neck. Jimin immediately caressed it.
Jeongguk could feel his partner’s trembles. He knew Jimin was ready to cum. Once again he stretched his mouth to accommodate every inch of Jimin’s meat. He bobbed his head back and forth, allowing spit to drip from his chin while preparing to catch his load of cum.
“Suck it. You suck it so good. Eat your lunch baby,” Jimin spewed filth as he thrusted his hips in and out of Jeongguk’s mouth. “May I cum in your mouth. May I?”
Jeongguk nodded his approval with a mouth full of wet dick. He moaned sultry moans just to push Jimin even further.
Jimin released immediately thereafter. His pleasure condensed into a body seizing spasm. He jerked against him with several loud moans as wild shudders ripped through him and his inner thighs contracted.
So much cum squirted in Jeongguk’s mouth that he had to swallow to keep from drowning. With his hands tied and feet bound, he couldn’t grab him or hold on to him. He longed to see Jimin’s face, study his orgasmic expression. Playing the role of Jimin’s little pleasure bunny was deeply satisfying.
Jeongguk felt him pull away, removing his slimy cock that was covered in a combination of spit and cum. All at once, Jimin was at his lips kissing him, sucking his tongue, tasting the traces of his own cum that lingered in Jeongguk’s mouth.
“That really is your superpower,” he whispered into Jeongguk’s lips. “You drive me crazy. I’ll never get over you. I’ll never forget these moments together.”
Blindly, Jeongguk jetted his lips forward, searching for more kisses. But Jimin was gone. Within a few seconds he was back. The fresh smell of vanilla lube layered over his existing lavender scent. Jeongguk felt him crawling up his legs again, with the silk robe still trailing behind him. The warmth of his crotch settled over his stomach as he sat on top of him, ready to do terribly naughty deeds.
Despite having a powerful orgasm, Jimin was still softly erect. Jeongguk could feel his cock leaking on his abs. “It’s your turn now. Your dick is so eager for me.” Jimin twirled the feather duster over Jeongguk’s shaft before kissing it. “I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel. May I…push you inside of me?”
Jimin positioned himself. He leaned forward and engaged in another kiss as he fisted Jeongguk’s cock and worked it through his hole.
“Oh God…,” Jeongguk shivered.
With the feather duster still in his hand, he tickled Jeongguk’s nipples as he began to bounce on top of him.
“Oh GOd, Oh GOd, OH GOD!” Instinctively Jeongguk tugged at his feathery boa restraints and tried to grab Jimin’s waist to keep him from bouncing too fast. “Jiminie, baby, slow, slow I’m going to burst….ahh fuck!”
Jimin bounced faster with an evil taunt of, “May I make you cum? May I ride you until you cum inside of me? Do I have your permission to fuck you until you scream for mercy?” He tickled Jeongguk’s chest and neck with the feather duster.
“YES! YES YES YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSS!” Jeongguk screamed his consent while squirting a geyser into Jimin’s ass. His body tensed as more and more of his milky fluid rushed through his tip.
Jimin leaned forward and kissed his open gaped mouth despite the younger being trapped in the throws of orgasm and completely unable to kiss him back. He lost himself in the kiss, idly toying with Jeongguk’s hair while drifting his fingers throughout the lustrous strands. He continued to work his ass over Jeongguk’s cock, allowing the feather duster to hang loosely from his hands.
It was only after the orgasm subsided that Jeongguk was able to kiss him back. He kissed him passionately, lifting his head from the pillow to chase his lips. The feather boa pulled him back. They moaned into each other’s mouths, while Jeongguk’s cock still lay firmly implanted in Jimin’s ass. Once again, Jeongguk’s fluids dripped from Jimin’s opening. He was so entranced in the kiss, he didn’t care about the mess they had made. Kisses, always, all the time was Jimin’s motto. He loved kissing Jeongguk’s lips, and his cheeks, and his eyebrows, and his forehead and his neck and his nipples and his shoulders and…
🤍 Chapter Links | Posting Schedule
Chapter 1 - Odor of Mendacity - 3/1/25
Chapter 2 - The Audacity - 3/1/25
Chapter 3 - The Complexity - 3/2/25
Chapter 4 - The Tenacity - 3/2/25
Chapter 5 - The Intensity - 3/7/25