
And If You Let Me: Chapter 6 - The Sensitivity

Chapter Six - The Sensitivity

Hours and hours passed with them locked inside of the bedroom sampling every single toy from the kink box. Some they liked, others they didn’t, but it was all experimental fun that neither took too seriously. Twenty four hours. In retrospect it seemed ridiculous to only give themselves such little time. They felt a desperate need to cherish every second because time moved like the enemy.

It was almost evening and they were both dead asleep. Crackling outside of the window caused Jeongguk to awaken. He opened his eyes to find a large set of black eyes staring back at him. He startled before realizing it was a family of deer peering through the window. They galloped off as soon as he stared back at them. Jeongguk was sure that the smallest deer was the same tan one he had seen in the woods a couple of days earlier. He laughed. The idea of deer watching him and Jimin through a window like some pornographic peeping Toms was hilarious in his mind. He only hoped that the smaller ones were forced to look away during the really naughty parts..

He took a moment to assess himself. He was sore, achy and tired. His cock was wilted, laying at the opening of Jimin’s ass. He and Jimin were handcuffed together and attached to the bed. There was lube everywhere and the potent smell of vanilla. Jimin had feathers braided into his hair and fringe tassels attached to his nipples. Etched red marks were all over Jimin’s skin. It was a bonafide sexual circus and he had no immediate memory of how they had gotten into that position - but he liked it.

He needed food. His mouth was dry and full of an interesting taste that he could only assume was Jimin’s cum. Again - he liked it. Before crawling partially out of bed, he took a precautionary glance towards the window to make sure that the peeping porn deer hadn’t returned. They were clear, so he proceeded.

He could only go so far because he was cuffed to Jimin and the bed. The key was a few inches away so he crawled his foot over the carpet and extended as far as the restraints would allow him to go. He managed to work the pink heart shaped key between his toes and pull it back. After a few contortions, he got himself unlocked and released Jimin from the headboard. 

Jimin never stirred. He was sleeping so peacefully that Jeongguk wanted to admire him again. He ran his hand across his hair, pulling the feathers away and wiping the bangs from his eyes. His cheeks were just the slightest tint of rose and they begged to be kissed. ‘Kisses, always, all the time’, Jimin’s words played in his head as he thought back over their last hours together. His lips pursed as he reached down to deliver the small kiss to his sleeping beauty. 

Suddenly, a pair of hands clamped tight around his neck pulling him down. Jimin giggled as he forced him back to the bed and rolled over the top of him, “I’m not letting you get away.”

Jeongguk countered, “I wouldn’t dare try to get away from you. I was simply going to the kitchen to fix some dinner. We haven’t eaten since this morning. We’ve literally been wrapped in velvet ropes for the last twelve hours. We need sustenance.”

“Actually, you’re right, I am hungry. The last thing I ate was the oatmeal you fixed this morning. Great. So what’s for dinner? Can I help cook?”

“Beef shish kabobs and Pasta Carbonara. I had everything delivered yesterday morning before I wandered off into the woods. And I would love for you to help cook, but I think we need to shower first. My seed is oozing from your ass,” Jeongguk laughed.

“That is so very unromantic when you say it that way,” Jimin turned his head over his shoulder to try to look at his own ass. 

“Good because no romance is allowed. Sex only - those are the rules.”

“The rules.” Jimin tried to get up but he was so sore that he could barely move. “A little help?”

“Oh baby, I fucked you up didn’t I?”

“Judging from the looks of it, I fucked you up too. We’re so good together,” Jimin laughed as he leaned on Jeongguk to help himself stand.

“Meet you in the kitchen in about twenty minutes?”

“Make it thirty. I think I need to soak,” Jimin shuffled his feet like an old man as he sorted through his luggage for fresh clothes. 

“Thirty it is,” Jeongguk leaned in close. He spoke through a joyful smile, “Kisses, always, all the time.” They shared an osculatory moment before heading to their separate bathrooms.


Jeongguk had the music blasting. Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars, ‘Die with a Smile’ played as he chopped onions, garlic and parsley. He sang with his soft voice, hitting every run with pinpoint precision while the spaghetti came to a salty boil. 

He smiled as soon as Jimin entered the kitchen. Stabbing the knife into the chopping block, he dropped the parsley and ran to Jimin and grabbed him, forcing him into waltz position. He pranced him around the kitchen singing to him. Jimin was swept off of his feet as Jeongguk danced with him in his arms. They did a few twirls before Jeongguk dipped him, arching him all the way back before snapping him back up and pressing their chests together again. As the song crescendoed, so did Jeongguk’s moves. 

Jimin couldn’t stop laughing. He was completely overwhelmed. Jeongguk had always been somewhat of a serious soul, the classic overthinking anxiety filled perfectionist. Jimin had never really experienced much of his playful side. 

“It’s nice to see you opening up. You’re happy, aren’t you?”

“Nah, just practicing for the first grade dance next month,” Jeongguk released Jimin. “Kisses, always, all the time.” He planted a kiss on Jimin’s cheek. “Thank you for the dance,” he bowed before going back to chopping his parsley.

Jimin had no words. Something deep within his soul stirred everytime he looked at him. The crush was no longer a crush, it was something more and it had nothing to do with the sex. He leaned against the counter, not even realizing that he was still staring.

“Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” Jeongguk danced over to Jimin and dropped an apron over his head. “Get to work dude. You need to start on tenderizing the beef kabobs.”

Jimin snapped to attention. “Yea, sure.” He looked down at the apron. It was different from the one that had almost gotten him killed. The strings were short and easy to tie and the apron fit him well. “Where should I start?” 

“Open the packets. The beef kabobs are already constructed. All you have to do is season them and toss them in the pan with a little oil.”

“That’s easy enough.”

“Taste this.” Jeongguk dipped his pinky into his carbonara sauce and placed it in front of Jimin’s mouth. 

Jimin licked out his tongue and used the very tip to pull the sauce from Jeongguk’s finger. “Oh that is so fucking good. My God you can cook so well.” He went back to that same finger again and sucked the rest of it off.  But even after the sauce was gone, he refused to let Jeongguk’s finger go. He pushed the entire finger into his mouth and began to suck it like it was a lollipop.

Jeongguk stood there, indulging him, watching his lips as they puckered around his long thin finger. His cock was sore and the last thing he needed was another erection, but watching Jimin give his finger a blow job was giving him another erection.

“Your beef needs to be browned,” Jeongguk reminded him. He slowly pulled his finger from Jimin’s mouth and then stuck it into his own mouth to lick away Jimin’s spit.

The playlist switched to Hip Hop which de-romanticized the mood momentarily. They were able to get their dinner cooked and then sit down for nice conversation. Jimin built a fire as the chilly evening set in once again.

“I think a family of deer watched us fuck,” Jeongguk said spontaneously.

“Deer? Watched us…fuck?” Jimin squinted his eyes and tilted his eyebrows. He was confused. “The entire family, even the doe?”

“I’m afraid so. I woke up and they had their noses pressed against the window. I think the daddy deer was jerking off with his hoof. You should close the curtain to your room. They can’t be trusted.”

Jimin fell completely onto the floor. He couldn’t even get up because he was laughing so hard. As was the pattern, when one of them laughed, it automatically made the other laugh. “Not the buck jacking off!” 

“Would you please get off of the floor and eat your dinner? I worked hard shredding all of that cheese,” Jeongguk giggled.

Jimin climbed back into his chair. He immediately slurped up his Carbonara pasta and began moaning as if he were having yet another orgasm. “WHY IS EVERYTHING YOU COOK SO DELICIOUS?” He screamed across the dinner table and pounded his fist.

“I thought about being a chef. Decided to teach instead. Maybe after I retire from the classroom, I can go to culinary school or something.” Jeongguk shifted to a different topic, “Did you see your email from the school board?”


“Our hearing has been set for next week, two days after we return from suspension.”

“That was fast. Still think we should fight it?”

“I do. But like I said, if you want to move to a different school after we win, then I don’t blame you. In fact, I’ve been wondering if I should look for another school too. Being with you has given me a fresh outlook on everything. I lied when I told you that I loved my job. I don’t. I love the kids, but hate the administration. Just like my life with Yu-jon, I’m settling by staying. The board refuses to hold Principal Han accountable for her reign of terror and I just can’t understand why. I probably should find another school, but something is holding me back. It’s like I’m hoping things will change even though I know they won’t.”

Jimin reached across the table to hold Jeongguk’s hand, “You’re worried about someone finding out about us?”

“Maybe that’s a part of it. But not because I want to hide this, but because I don’t. My personal life is my personal life. The school shouldn’t be able to dictate who I date and who I don’t. During my student teaching days, many of the schools had husband and wife teams working together as teachers. It’s a dumb rule to say that teacher’s can’t date each other. The rule is nothing but manufactured nonsense from a lonely old creature who’s never known love.”

Jimin choked on his wine, “Whoa…whoa…we’re not dating. We have no plans to date. This is a twenty-four hour fling, most of that time is already up. Don’t make this more than what we agreed to.”

Jeongguk had the expression of a scolded puppy. He tried to recover, “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it. My point is, my personal life is not anyone’s business but mine. I want to work at a school that respects those boundaries.”

“I didn’t mean to sound harsh, I didn’t…,”

“Oh but you’re right. Twenty-four hours, that was the deal. That was the deal.” Jeongguk leapt from his seat, “I need more wine.”


Jimin spent the remainder of the evening trying to demystify his words. It didn’t matter. Jeongguk was affected by them and no amount of back-peddling was going to make him feel better. They sat in silence, Jimin sitting on the couch and Jeongguk laying on the floor in front of the fireplace as they watched the local news. 

“Dinner was incredible,” Jimin offered.

“Thanks,” Jeongguk said dryly.

“Have you started your certification work yet? I started but didn’t get past the practice quiz before I, um, lost focus.”

“I’ll start tonight.” Jeongguk scrolled through his phone, refusing to look up while Jimin was speaking. 

“I hurt you. I’m sorry. My words were too harsh and I didn’t mean it that way. I would love to date you. I would be honored to date you. I’ve had a thing for you since the summer. But you, yourself said that was not possible. It’s your rule Jeongguk, not mine. You can’t be angry because I decided to follow your rule.”

“The last…,” Jeongguk checked the time on his phone, “...twenty hours were incredible. We took advantage of every hour, every minute, every second and that’s how it was meant to be. But now it’s time to go back to the way things were. I’ll keep those memories of you forever. But our friendship has to come first. So thank you for respecting that.”

“It wasn’t just sex.”

“What do you mean?”

“There was more to our hook up than just sex. We felt things that we never felt before with anyone else. I had the best time of my life. Thank you Jeongguk.”

Jeongguk moved on to a happier topic as a way of acknowledging Jimin’s apology. “We’re joining a painting class tomorrow.”

“Painting? But I don’t know how to do that.”

“That’s the fun of it. No one in the class does. We sip fine wine and follow the teacher’s instructions. At the end we have a painting that should closely resemble the one she put together. It’ll be fine.”

“That’s very original. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that before. Perfect first date kind of vibe.”

“Except it’s not a date. I had to find something to replace the skinny dipping and the couples massage. This was the only thing available.”


“I’m pretty tired. We had a very long, complicated night. If you don’t mind, I’m going to bed,” Jeongguk said brightly.

Just like that, the conversation turned sterile. Their twenty-four hours of sexual bliss were over and both of them were committed to going back to the way things were.

“Before you leave, can I say just one thing?”

“You can say anything you need to say,” Jeongguk smiled. 

Jimin bent to one knee and sat in front of him. “No one has ever touched me the way that you touched me. It’s been months since I’ve even been with anyone. You healed something inside of me. Something that I didn’t even know was broken. You keep giving me so many accolades and thanking me for the experience, but it’s me who needs to thank you. My last relationship was somewhat abusive, verbally. He made me feel like I had no value. At least Yu-jon loved you. My ex was only with me because I made him look good, successful, competent, humane. Everyone saw me on his arm and automatically thought the best of him. I was used for years as a status symbol. But at the end of the day, he never really loved me for me. I’ve been alone ever since, too afraid to step back out there and date again. There are no coincidences in life. At the time that it happened, I thought slipping on that puddle of vomit marked the worst day of my life…until you came along and lifted me out of the putrid mess. Somehow the universe knew that I needed you to be the one to lift me up. Only you could help me to my feet and send my life bounding in a completely new direction. And you’ve been doing it ever since.” Jimin stared down at his hands as he closed his soliloquy, “As this little twenty-four hour experiment comes to a close, I just want to thank you for granting me this wish. I feel so alive. My ass hurts, but that’s a good thing.” He laughed. “With a snap of our fingers, we can now be friends again. It was good to get the sexual tension out of the way. I’m sure we’ll both go on from here and eventually find our soulmates. And when you do, I’ll be there at your wedding, cheering you on and giving inappropriate toasts and praying for your forever happiness. But from this day forward, this trip will always be our most cherished little secret. Our forever secret.” Jimin gave Jeongguk one last kiss - on the cheek.


Jeongguk sat at his computer at the tiny desk in his bedroom. He tried to open the certification app, but his mind just wasn’t there. He was still reeling, thinking about the truths that Jimin had been so brave to share with him. Being in an abusive relationship of any kind was traumatizing. Never would he have imagined that it was part of Jimin’s past. His heart ached for him. There was so much clarity around his guarded exterior and his inability to let people in.

Jeongguk spoke sadly to himself as he sorted the pics of Jimin at the apple orchard, “If I were there, I would have protected you. I would have never allowed anyone to belittle you.” He rubbed his tired eyes as he slammed his computer shut. 

WHO, by Lauv blasted through his headphones. For some reason, the lyrics made him feel like crying even though he had listened to the song hundreds of times before. In his mind, he placed both he and Jimin inside of the lyrics. They had both experienced the pain of waking up next to someone who they thought they loved, only to find out they were a stranger - a stranger they hated. He listened to it on repeat at least five times before heading to bed. 

But when he turned down the sheets, he noticed a folded piece of paper lying on his pillow. Written in Jimin’s handwriting were the words: To my best friend. He rushed to open it, slightly worried about what Jimin had to say that he couldn’t tell him in person. A single daisy fell from the folded crease. The note was simple but beautiful.



You thanked me, and now it’s my turn. I’m not sure that saying thank you is enough to express my gratitude. You have been the light in the dark forest. The one that led me home. What you gave me was more than just sex, it was an escape; a retreat from the dark recesses of my mind. You’re a reminder that good still exists in this world. With you, I experienced the honesty of your soul, the integrity of your character and the love in your heart. You made me feel appreciated, strong and sexy; something that had long been missing in my life. It was an honor and a privilege to share that side of you. And although I’m sad to see our moment come to an end, you will live inside of me forever.  


Thanks for last night - Jiminie

Jeongguk raised the letter to his lips. Possibly it was just his imagination, but he was sure that he could smell the faint hint of lavender. He placed the note down on his desk and rushed to check his phone. It was 9:45pm. Incredibly, they still had three hours left on their twenty-four hour agreement. Jeongguk made the decision not to waste time. He ran to Jimin’s room and knocked on the door that was slightly ajar. 

Jimin was lying on his back, reading a book. His signature pajama pants had been washed and dried and he was once again wearing them to bed. 

He looked up, “Jeongguk? Is everything alright?”

Jeongguk stared down at the floor, eyes slightly unfocused. “We technically have three more hours. I want the last three hours.”

Jimin sat up, wide eyed, “You mean…more kink play?”He was confused. They had already closed that chapter so why was Jeongguk bringing it up again?

“No. That’s not what I mean at all. I want to use our last three hours to be more than friends. No sex. Just the emotional support that we both need right now. I want to be your comfort and I need you to be mine.”

“And how do you suppose we do that?” Jimin asked seriously.

“May I come in?” Jeongguk didn’t dare breach the threshold to Jimin’s room without his permission.

“Of course you can come in.”

He walked softly, looking completely past the kink box that lay open with all of their toys in it. He wasn’t interested in that, not this time. He crawled into Jimin’s bed and scooted behind him. 

“May I be your big spoon?”

“No.” Jimin said immediately.

“Sorry, ok, I overstepped. I know this wasn’t part of our agreement. I just wanted to…well I feel like…forget it…forgive me..,”

“You overthink everything,” Jimin smiled and gently caressed Jeongguk’s chin. “I said no because  I want to be - the big spoon.” A small laugh escaped him.

Jeongguk was relieved. He released a large breath and laughed along with Jimin, “I do sorta’ have a tendency to think too much.” He shrugged.

 Jimin climbed over Jeongguk to lay behind him. He slung his leg over his body and moved in close to place his arm around him. He snuggled his soft hair into Jeongguk’s back and breathed him in. “Let’s make this an incredible three hours.”



The following morning marked the fourth day of their vacation. Jimin was the first to arise. Even though Jeongguk had planned to visit Jimin’s room for only three hours, they ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms. It was exactly what they had fought so hard to avoid because it very much felt like - feelings.

Jimin knelt down in front of the kink box. He smiled with fond memories at the feathers and fluffy handcuffs that had dominated them for the last twenty-four hours. But sadly it was time to move on. He packed everything neatly inside and then closed it. That phase was over - forever. 

“Hey. What time is it?” Jeongguk stirred. He looked around the room as if he were surprised to find himself in Jimin’s bed.

“Uhhh, 10:30,” Jimin responded.

“We better get dressed. Our painting class starts in an hour. Can I make you some coffee?”

“I already did. It’s on the nightstand next to you. Americano with ice.”

“You remembered?” Jeongguk smiled with surprise.

“You’re worth remembering.”

Jeongguk spoke quietly, “About last night. Thanks for letting me hang out here. I don’t know what came over me. I just didn’t want to be alone.”

Jimin picked up the kink box and placed it in the closet. From his perspective, it was best to get it out of sight. “I liked having you here. But…,”




Jimin played all of the music they loved during the one hour car ride, but the mood wasn’t quite the same. A hint of melancholy was in the air. They both felt it, but neither addressed it. There was no need because they understood why it existed.

“The friendship is the most important thing,” Jeongguk said randomly as they pulled into the parking lot of the Paint and Sip Craft Center. 

“I know.”

“I can’t lose your friendship. I can’t.” Jeongguk parked the car and stared straight ahead. His heart wasn’t really into painting. His deepest desire was to take Jimin back to the cottage and fuck him over and over and over again, and then fall asleep in his arms. But that wasn’t possible, not anymore. He gripped the steering wheel hard, closing his eyes as visions of Jimin’s nude, bound body flashed before him.

“We won’t, no matter what happens, we won’t,” Jimin popped open the car door and stepped out quickly. 

Winter was coming and the weather seemed to get colder each day. He wrapped his scarf around his neck and popped his coat collar before pushing Jeongguk quickly into the building.


The Paint and Sip was located in an old warehouse further up the mountain. The inside walls were made of exposed brick with large steel pipes that ran overhead. The building was reconstructed from an old railroad station. The far wall was covered from top to bottom with endless shelves of fine wine. It was one of the most extensive collections of wine that they had ever seen.  Large picture windows allowed the sun to blaze through the room, creating a brilliant glow. And an old wood burning stove sat in the far corner, providing heat for the entire room. Once again they had stunning views of the city below. 

“This place is really nice. So cozy. I think I could be inspired to paint,” Jimin said as he removed his coat.

“Where do you want to sit?”

“Towards the back so that we can pass notes and talk shit about the instructor.”

Jeongguk couldn’t help it, he laughed. Jimin was the best at lightening the mood. 


“Good afternoon students. Please find a seat,” A rotund man with a large paint pallet resting on his thumb, walked through the room greeting all of the guests. “As soon as we are all seated, we can begin wine selection. There is a wine menu at each easel. Take a few minutes to review and a server will be around shortly to take your order.”

“This is really cute,” Jeongguk crinkled his nose. “Oh look Jimin. I guess that’s the object we’re going to paint today.” He pointed towards the front display.

“A sunset? I expected something a bit more avant garde.”

“My guess is that avant garde is a bit much for beginners,” Jeongguk could feel his mood start to lift. The painting date was exactly what they needed to get them out of the house and away from that box of sin.

They studied the wine menu for about ten minutes before ordering. Each easel was equipped with all of the paint colors they needed, brushes, a canvas and written instructions on how to execute the brush strokes. It seemed simple enough.

They sipped their wine as they carefully followed the instructor’s directions. The conversation was routine as they talked about lesson plans and merit scores. The exercise was soothing, giving them an outlet for all of the angst they had been feeling earlier in the day. 

But Jeongguk had something that he needed to ask; a question that had burned in his head all night. “Why have you never mentioned your relationship before? The terrible situation with your ex…?”

Jimin’s brush continued to casually glide along the canvas. Jeongguk couldn’t see his canvas because of how they were seated, but it seemed to him that Jimin was dipping his brush into all of the wrong colors and at all of the wrong times.  Jeongguk didn’t judge. Freedom of expression was just as much of an art form as following the instructor. 

The question didn’t bother Jimin at all because he had a simple answer, “I’m not particularly fond of talking about the worst era of my life,” he explained.

“Then why did you tell me? Why did you share such a private situation?”

“Because you make me vulnerable. I feel safe with you.” Jimin stopped painting long enough to turn and look at Jeongguk. “Remember that night in the bar where I almost kicked Yu-jon’s ass?”

Jeongguk laughed, “The night he accused me of cheating. I sure do. That was epic. I never knew you had that much fight in you.”

Jimin continued, “I normally don’t. It takes alot to push me that far. But, at that moment, I saw myself in you.  It was all too familiar. The way he spoke to you. The gaslighting. The disrespect, making you think that everything was your fault. It was textbook verbal abuse. I felt like I was witnessing my ex all over again. I wanted to stand up for you the way that no one ever stood up for me. I was so angry, so angry. I could have killed him.”

“You wanted to protect me? Funny because last night after you told me about your ex, all I could think about was how I wished I had been there to protect you.”

“If I had had you as a…friend…back then, I would have never ended up with that guy in the first place. You would have saved me from him simply by not being him.” Jimin refocused on his painting, “We have a deep serendipitous bond. That’s how I knew that our little sexcapade wouldn’t destroy our friendship.”

“The universe wants us to be together. How we chose to be together is up to us. Is that what you’re saying?”

“That’s what I think. Yes.”

The instructor demonstrated another brush stroke, this one was much more complicated than the last. It took Jeongguk several times to get it right. Jimin however, seemed to nail it on the first attempt. Jeongguk was anxious to see his painting because while the rest of the class struggled with the techniques, Jimin seemed to grasp them with ease.

“So are you saying that Yu-jon was abusive to me?”

Jimin stopped painting to gaze at Jeongguk again. He was hesitant to answer.

“Do you?” Jeongguk repeated, even though he already knew the truth in his heart.

“I’m just an outsider looking in. I don’t know the intimate details of your relationship. I only know what you told me and…what I saw with my own eyes. The day he caught us in the apartment, the same day you two broke up, I was terrified of what he might do. When you didn’t return to school after lunch, I panicked. I drove by your apartment everyday, praying for a sign of you, hoping that you were ok. The way he screamed at you even with me standing right there, it was the behavior of someone who was unhinged. His reaction was way over the top. I was so fucking worried that he might hurt you. Things between me and my ex never got physical. He was too smart for that. But he could be vicious with his words. I saw that same behavior in Yu-jon. The signs of an abuser. For instance, he used money to control you. Buying all of your clothes. Never allowing you to have anything of your own and putting himself in the position as the only provider. He controlled you with the constant threat of taking away everything he’d given you, therefore making you feel dependent upon him. The apartment was his, the furniture was his, the liquor was his. It was so controlling and you hated it. And then the way he dominated you sexually, forcing you to bottom when that’s not what you always wanted. I bet he thought when he kicked you out that you would come crawling back to him. But you never did, because you were much stronger than he expected you to be. I witnessed your efflorescence the moment you got away from him. I can’t say for certain that he was abusive, it’s not fair for me to make that conclusion. Only you know the answer to that question. But I can say that all the signs and behaviors were there.”

“That’s why you were so happy to see me when I came back to school?” Jeongguk asked sadly.

“Yea. I prayed everyday that you were ok. I begged Principal Han to tell me where you were and if you had called. She said it was none of my concern and to worry about my own affairs. I just…thank God that you came back to me…I mean back to the school.” Jimin wiped a tear away from his cheek. Somehow their conversation had become much more reflective and sullen than they meant for it to be. He returned to his painting.

Jeongguk did not regret broaching the topic. The things Jimin said needed to be said. He reflected carefully upon Jimin’s words. Patterns and similarities all mixed together in his head. A clearer picture of Yu-jon suddenly emerged. “Did you know at the time, what was happening to you?”

“Nope. It took time and distance to figure it all out. I stormed out one night after he embarrassed me at a party. He called me names and made baseless accusations in front of all our friends. He belittled me and dragged me for  laughs; all because one of the hosts was flirting with me. I was humiliated. I left and stayed gone for three weeks. I went to visit my sister and it was only after talking to her that I realized what a malignant tumor he was in my life. He begged me to come back. I came back alright - and then packed my shit and left fifteen minutes later. That was two years ago. I haven’t dated since.”

“Did you love him?” Jeongguk asked.

“About as much as you loved Yu-jon.”

Jeongguk shook his head. He was so riveted by Jimin’s conversation that he completely missed ten minutes of the painting instructions from the teacher. He had fallen behind.  Jimin continued his painting even though he too had missed all of the instructions. Jeongguk strained to try to see Jimin’s canvas, but Jimin turned it even further away to make sure that he couldn’t see any of it.

Jeongguk continued, “My God. Now it all makes sense. You make sense. The months after I broke up with Yu-jon, you showered me with kind thoughts, compliments, and reminders of my self-worth. You convinced me to appreciate my value and you motivated me to find my own happiness within myself. You knew that if I loved myself, I would never go back to him.”

“All I wanted to do was remind you of how incredible you are. He emptied you, day after day, bit by bit. He had manipulated you into believing that you didn’t deserve anything better than him. I just wanted to build up what he had broken down,” Jimin explained. “And I found myself infatuated with you in the process.”

Both fought back tears in the middle of the paint studio as they contemplated the parallel journeys that had led them to this place. 

“Very good. Very good,” the instructor said as he walked around to each of the students to evaluate their work. 

Jeongguk’s teary eyes bulged, “Shit. Mine isn’t finished. I stopped paying attention.” He wiped his tears away and tried to scribble a few more lines around his bare sun.

“Your first graders would be proud,” Jimin teased.

“How did you finish yours? You weren’t paying attention either.”

“My art is based on vibes. Not anything that silly guy had to say,” Jimin explained.

“Vibes? How does one paint on vibes?” Jeongguk laughed heartily. The tear that dripped down his cheek quickly disappeared into the creases of his dimples. 

The instructor arrived and examined Jeongguk’s painting, “Well, good effort young man. Good effort.”

But when the instructor got to Jimin’s painting, he was not full of the same compliments, “Uh, young man, were we all in the same class?”

“Yes, sir,” Jimin smiled. He was still adding the finishing touches to his masterpiece. “I did my best. Do you like it?”

The instructor placed his glasses on the tip of his nose, “The object for the day was a sunset. This appears to be…something other than a sunset.” He looked between Jimin’s painting and Jeongguk’s face several times. “Oh I see.” He shook his head. “Good grief. You couples really are annoying,” he said and then walked away.

“Couples? Annoying? What was that about? What did you paint?” Jeongguk snickered.

Jimin turned his canvas around so that Jeongguk could see it. 

“That’s - that’s - that’s me!”

“It can’t be that bad if you recognized that it was you.” Jimin signed his name at the bottom of the canvas, just below the painting of Jeongguk. 

“I-I-I don’t know what to say. It’s exquisite. Resplendent.” Jeongguk was equally stunned and flattered as he absorbed the beauty of the painting.

In Jimin’s rendering, Jeongguk was wearing all white. His dark hair contrasted beautifully against the white clothing and his golden hued skin. The white lotus blossom that he held in his hand was held gently against his cheek. Curly bangs covered his forehead and his bright eyes were so realistic that they seemed to be staring through the canvas. It was a true work of art from a true artist. 

“I thought you said you didn’t know how to oil paint.”

“I don’t. But I’m a great illustrator. I have a minor degree in art design. I drew your image first and then used the paint to color it in, like using markers or crayons. I think it came out pretty great. Acrylics mix and blend well when they’re wet. Besides, you’re a much more interesting subject than the sunset.”

Jeongguk simply gawked. There were not enough words in his illustrious, highly educated brain to describe what he was feeling. “Do I get to keep it?”

“It’s yours. Of course, we have to be careful because it’s still wet. I’m going to have to google how long it takes for paint to dry,” Jimin laughed. 

Jeongguk didn’t. Emotions swirled through his body. It was the perfect moment for a passionate kiss, but that would only lead them down a dangerous path. Instead he extended his hand for an awkward handshake.

“What’s this?” Jimin laughed loudly before accepting Jeongguk’s handshake. “You’re so incredibly peculiar.”

“Leave me alone. I’m emotional here. A kiss seemed inappropriate, so I’m offering you a handshake,” Jeongguk laughed.

“You could have just hugged me,” Jimin teased his sweet little overthinker.

 “This painting is beautiful and I will cherish it forever. I get to take it home with me, right?” 

“Yep. It’s all yours. Let’s go. I’m craving some of that carbonara that was leftover from last night’s dinner.”

Jimin was right all along. They transitioned back into their role as friends just as easily as they had transitioned into their role as kink playing lovers. Their bond was teflon and at least for the moment, it appeared to be back on track.



🤍 Chapter Links | Posting Schedule

Chapter 1 - Odor of Mendacity - 3/1/25

Chapter 2 - The Audacity - 3/1/25

Chapter 3 - The Complexity - 3/2/25

Chapter 4 - The Tenacity - 3/2/25

Chapter 5 - The Intensity - 3/7/25

Chapter 6 - The Sensitivity - 3/8/25

Chapter 7 - The Atrocity - 3/9/25