Dick In A Box (Read Full Story Below)

For those of you who don't give a damn about dolls, I've got a spicy Christmas treat just for you. 

Business owner and CEO Jeon Jeongguk is sick of traveling. Day after day, week after week, his urgent business matters find him far away from home and far away from his fiance. 

Exhausted, horny and missing his new husband of only three months, he decides to take such much needed time off for Christmas. This hot and steamy one shot is just what you need. If cute dolls aren't your thing, grab your vibrators and crawl into bed with these two.

Scroll down to read full story



  • No Angst
  • NSFW
  • Explicit
  • Graphic
  • Newlyweds
  • CEO Jeon Jeongguk
  • Defense Attorney Park Jimin
  • Too hot for YT
  • 7k
  • male/male
  • anal sex
  • oral sex
  • anal play
  • very graphic scenes

Another members only exclusive

Dick In A Box

Another stuffy airplane. Another crying baby who wouldn’t shut up. Another watered down cocktail. Another barefooted seatmate whose feet smell like Gouda cheese.  Another dull movie list where he’s seen all of the movies on the menu. Another weather delay. Another yapping businessman on his phone. And the worst, the absolute worst - - Another miserable night away from his new husband. 

He had only been a newlywed for three months. Exactly 90 days. Yet 75 of them had been spent on an airplane with the only exception being their brief honeymoon. 

From his urgent trip to Dubai negotiating with his clients to convince them to resign their contract, to his multiple trips to China to meet with engineers. Running a startup was a tough job with 60 hour workweeks and extensive travel. It was especially difficult when he had such strong ties to home. 

Spending so much time away from his handsome husband was soul crushing. He needed him by his side but that was not possible because the incomparable Park Jimin maintained a high-powered career of his own. He was a successful attorney at a prestigious law firm. He worked just as hard but he didn’t have to fly all over the world to do it. 

The airplane was still stranded on the tarmac. The weather in Seoul had dropped to a freezing twenty degrees and the airplane had to be de-iced all over again. It was the most miserable of circumstances because the passengers, Jeongguk included, were growing more restless, tired and hungry by the minute. 

If there was one silver lining to being stuck on the ground, it was that he still had full wi-fi and text so he was able to send a few loving messages to Jimin who was likely awake and getting dressed for court. Jeongguk shot him a quick text.



Jeongguk’s husband was a kind, loving and patient man. But every now and again, he could be pushed too far. Telling Jimin that he wouldn’t be home for Christmas for the second year in a row, was pushing him too far. The previous year while they were still dating, Jeongguk was stuck in China and couldn’t make it home until after the New Year. He promised Jimin that it would never happen again, but sadly enough, it was happening again. 


The pilot came over the intercom to make an announcement, “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. We’ve finally been cleared for take off. We’re number three in the take off order and we should be underway shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience and once again we would like to thank you for choosing Korean Airlines. Flight attendants prepare for cross check.”

The flight attendant immediately took over the announcement, “At this time we would ask that everyone place their phones in airplane mode. We do have wi-fi service available on this flight.”

Jeongguk checked his phone one more time, hoping that Jimin had texted him back. But there was nothing. The same terse words that he left in the chat still stared back at him. He deleted his last message, even though he knew without a doubt that Jimin had already seen it.



By the time Jeongguk arrived at his hotel, it was late in the evening. A flight that should have taken two hours from Seoul to Tokyo, ended up taking more than seven hours. The day was lost which meant that he would likely have to extend his trip to make up for the lost time. Jimin would not be pleased. Christmas was two days away, yet Jeongguk’s meetings extended far beyond that. He felt it was best to allow Jimin to cool off before trying to talk to him again. He understood his irritation, he really did, but his schedule couldn’t be helped. 


Jeongguk was in Tokyo to negotiate a lease for retail space. With most of his employees working remotely, office space was not really needed. However with the growth of his business, especially in Japan, he needed a storefront that his clients could visit for face to face consultations.

Jeongguk’s marketing firm was lucrative, with employees all over Korea, Japan, China, Dubai, and America. He was truly a global figure and he did it all with a staff of less than thirty full time workers. But expansion was necessary, even though he found it incredibly difficult. 

He immediately kicked off his shoes and collapsed on the bed. It felt good to finally be off of that crowded hot, stinky airplane. The room at the Reem in Tokyo was beautiful. It was one of his favorite places to stay whenever he and Jimin visited. They had been there many times.


He tried to relax, but still felt uncomfortable. Possibly it was just his imagination, but the rank smell of gouda cheese was all around him. The passenger sitting next to him was disgusting and his smell seemed to seep into Jeongguk’s clothes. It was at that moment that he decided to shower. 

He sang softly as the water cascaded over his back. The Reem always provided his favorite soaps and lotions, which felt luxurious and relaxing. By the time he exited the shower, he felt completely refreshed and ready to get some work done. Beads of water rolled down his golden skin as he sat on the bed to check his emails and texts. A text from Jimin would have been nice, but he didn’t count on it. He didn’t want to raise his own expectations.

After answering a few emails and rescheduling his missed meetings, his video phone rang. It was an incoming call from - Jimin. There was some trepidation with answering because he wasn’t sure how angry Jimin still was with him. He also needed to talk more about not coming home for Christmas. But he missed his husband, so he put all of that to the side and answered right away. 

Jimin came into the view. The room was dark and only the powdery glow of Jimin’s delicate skin could be seen in the view of the camera. All else blended into the black of the room. His hair was wet again,  indicative of his love for multiple showers every day.  The fact that he and Jimin were both freshly showered and partially nude was simply a happy coincidence. But it was also further evidence of just how in sync they always were, even when far away.


The camera view was blurry at first; enlarged and distorted due to the close proximity from which Jimin was standing. Jeongguk leaned in closer, trying to decipher what he was seeing in the feed. Mellow music crept into the microphone, causing Jeongguk to pick up his phone and hold it in his hand, close to his face so that he could see more. He craved more. There was a sound, a whispered groan that layered gently over the music. And then another and another, and then another; delicate groans that grew more seductive with each passing minute. 

Jeongguk’s cock crept down his leg, peeping from beneath the towel he had covering him. Once he realized where this was going, the towel was pushed away to reveal his naked lower body. Tilting the camera slightly, he captured a glimpse of the thickness and hardness of his cock as it rested peacefully on his upper thigh. 

Jeongguk focused on the dark scene in front of him, not yet able to see anything that he could decipher. The angle was still too close. Jeongguk’s newlywed husband was teasing him, putting on an intoxicating performance solely for the purpose of taunting. 

But then- the camera angle adjusted, revealing more. The discernible image was that of Jimin’s stomach. Rolling contractions undulated across Jimin’s abs with a steady build up that increased in pace, counter to each of his moans. After a few minutes, more of Jimin’s delicious body suddenly came into view.

The tortuous suspense was so maddening that Jeongguk began to bounce his knee and bite his fingernails. His eyes grew the size of marbles as he greedily watched for more. He wanted to see it all. What was his husband doing to himself? Why did it sound so fucking good? Why wouldn’t he allow him to see it?

And then just as suddenly, Jimin’s flawless face filled the screen. He had moved the camera to provide a different angle. His expression was enchanting, locked in a pleasured, helpless gaze; a look that Jeongguk had seen many times before - while fucking him.

Without even seeing the full view, Jeongguk already knew what Jimin was doing. He could see Jimin’s arm working with heavy movement just outside of the screen’s view. Unconsciously and quite automatically Jeongguk wrapped his entire hand around the shaft of his cock, moreso to calm it than anything else. He hadn’t even seen anything and he was already ready to explode just from the sheer beauty of Jimin’s face.  

And then the camera moved again, revealing Jimin on the bed, on his stomach. His cock was hard in front of him, resting on the bed. There was precum dripping from his tip, quietly landing on their pristine white sheets. Still, Jeongguk couldn’t see the full picture. 

It was the moaning that was so tantalizing. The fucking moans of pleasure. Jimin’s lower register purred like an angry kitten as he pleasured himself. It was the disgusting, filthy moaning that forced Jeongguk to spit into his hand and grip his stiff cock like a baseball bat. He rolled onto his back and waited patiently for more.

“Let me see it,” he whispered. 

Jimin closed his eyes. He rolled towards the camera that he held in his hand. The side of his face burrowed into the pillow as the pleasure grew more intense. And then came the sound of rattling and shuffling in the microphone. The screen went blurry again as Jimin moved the camera around his body. After a few seconds, a different view popped on screen. Jimin balanced the shot between his legs. He kept his legs far apart so as not to obstruct the view. The lens was aimed directly at his opening which was so delectable that Jeongguk wanted to lick it through the screen. 

Thighs slightly pink, cock fully extended, lubricant oozing from his juicy, tight hole, Jimin revealed the most intimate part of himself. And there was more; something with length was protruding from his ass.

“Fuck…,” Jeongguk growled. His lips quivered when he recognized that Jimin was using his favorite toy, a purple dildo that he had gifted him, to put on a raunchy sexual display.

Jimin held the camera there, with his cock intermittently flexing and bumping against the lens. Jeongguk watched with bated breath as the dildo began to move. Jimin’s hand firmly gripped the plastic handle as he pushed it into himself with long smooth strokes and then released it just as smoothly. And it was the slow stroking of himself, the methodical self-fucking, that elicited his lustful moans.

Jeongguk’s breath quickened with the pace of his masturbation. He jerked his cock like an uncontrolled kid because he was too turned on by watching his husband fuck himself on camera. It was a fantasy being played out right in front of him. His grip on his phone was so tight that it left indentions in his skin as his loins began to burn with the fiery heat of orgasm. He wanted to close his eyes as the pleasure infused his nerves, fired his neurons and quickened his pulse. But he couldn’t close his bright doe eyes because the sight in front of him was too beautiful. He tilted the camera down slightly so that Jimin could see him rub himself.

Jimin was one of the lucky ones who could cum from vigorous ass play; a good trait to have with a husband as horny and needy as Jeongguk. He moved the dildo faster and faster, until a faint squelching sound filled the microphone. He was so wet. He had lubed himself well, prepared himself well, all for the sake of pleasuring his husband. His moans grew louder as his breathing shallowed. With a slight tilt of his head, he released one final groan as his climax boiled in his stomach.

“Oh God baby,” he murmured to Jeongguk.

Jeongguk beat his dick until it hurt, pulling at the skin, squeezing his mushroom cap, tugging at the length viciously as he milked himself. In an instant, his voice went silent with only his orgasmic breathing audible through the microphone. The warmth of his fluid bubbled over his fist, seeping from the reddened overstimulated tip of his cock. With his eyes clenched shut, he continued to stroke himself with vigor, listening to the continued orgasmic moans of his husband.

Jimin dropped the phone and used his right hand to stroke his cock. Gripping his shaft firmly, he squeezed from the bottom causing his cum to shoot into the air, eventually coming to rest on the lens of the camera.


Jimin’s laughter broke the silence. The camera was picked up and focused on his face again. There wasn’t much to say. They both knew this was Jimin’s way of apologizing for leaving him on read in their chat.


“Hi,” Jeongguk said lovingly, leaning into the camera to see more of his beautiful siren. “I guess this means you’re not mad anymore?”

“Yea, I guess…this is what this means,” Jimin replied.

“I’m sorry. You know that right? You know that there is no place that I would rather be than with you for Christmas. Please tell me you know that.”

“I know,” Jimin said sadly. “Doesn’t change the fact that it hurts.”

“Please forgive me. I’ll make it up to you. I’ll find a way.”

“Life is not forever. Each minute we lose is a minute we will never get back…so there is no such thing as making it up to me. That’s just something that people say. Because once you’ve lost the time, it’s gone forever,” Jimin theorized.

“Jimin, please can we talk about this?”

“No, we can’t. Mostly because I just don’t want to. I’m going to miss you so much on Christmas morning. I already miss you so fucking much. I want your dick inside of me, not this shapeless sad piece of plastic.”

“I know,” Jeongguk was not sure what else could be said. There was nothing he could do to assuage Jimin’s disappointment.

But like the loving, understanding husband he was, Jimin ended the conversation on a bright note, “I put up the tree. There’s already a ton of gifts under it. You know I’m an early shopper so all of your gifts are already wrapped and waiting for you,” Jimin smiled, causing his pillowy lips to rub against his teeth. “You’ve been gone for almost eight weeks straight. You haven’t even seen the tree.”

“We will have our own Christmas this year, as soon as I get home. I promise. We will,” Jeongguk realized that because of his hectic schedule, he hadn’t purchased a single gift for his husband, even though Jimin had already finished shopping for him.

“I better go. I have an early court case tomorrow and then I am officially on vacation. I need a break. This year has been full of tough court cases,” Jimin said emptily.

Jeongguk knew that Jimin’s lack of excitement about his vacation was because Jeongguk wouldn’t be there to join him. “You deserve some time to relax. I-I…,”

Jimin interrupted. He didn’t want to hear another chorus of apologies, “It’s ok. I better get to bed. I love you. Thanks for being a pornographic freak with me.”

“You know my freak matches yours,” Jeongguk laughed. 



Jimin’s court case ended early with the prosecution deciding to plead out. The jury was released and the defendant was allowed to go home. That left Jimin with a full free day to himself, one day ahead of when his vacation was set to begin. The weather was freezing, historic low temperature and more snow than Korea had ever seen before. 

Jimin found himself wandering through the streets, admiring Christmas decorations. There was even Christmas music blaring from the stores in Itaewon as he passed by. Even though he was officially done with his Christmas shopping, there was one more thing that caught his attention as he passed the electronics store. It was a universal remote that controlled everything in the house from the stereo to the blinds, to the oven. Jeongguk had always wanted one but they were difficult to find. Finally a store had them in stock, so Jimin couldn’t pass up the chance to go in and buy it.


Installation was not simple and required a professional technician. As Jimin stood in line to book his appointment, he noticed a very unofficial Santa making his way around the store, passing out candy and coupons, entertaining the shoppers as they stood in long lines for checkout. He told jokes, made funny faces, kissed babies and their moms if they would let him. He was a bright and happy presence that lightened the mood in the busy store. Somehow he embodied the spirit of Christmas and made Jimin feel less gloomy about spending it alone.

Santa noticed Jimin staring at him and quickly made his way over to heckle him. Jimin turned his back and tried to ignore him, but Santa would not be ignored. He started by giving Jimin a 10% coupon for the expensive entertainment system he was buying for Jeongguk. Then he gave him a candy cane and did a silly dance to the K-hiphop music that was blaring through the speakers. And lastly, he asked the most shocking question.

“And you, handsome sir. What would you like for Christmas? Tell Santa so that I can get my elves working on it right away,” Santa smiled.

Everyone around Jimin laughed with delight. Asking a grown man what he wanted for Christmas seemed silly, but Jimin appreciated it very much. He had not grown up celebrating Christmas, so he had no experience with the whole Santa bringing gifts phenomenon. But he played along, simply because of the fun of it.

“Well,” Jimin pretended to ponder even though he knew exactly what to ask for. He allowed a few seconds to tick by before leaning into Santa’s ear and whispering, “I want my husband, wrapped up under a tree. He travels all the time and he’s going to miss Christmas again this year. I miss him. I want him back, I want him for Christmas.”

Santa flashed a serious expression; one of understanding and appreciation for Jimin’s dilemma. But it did not last long before he launched into his silly self again. After all, he was there to deliver jokes and humor, not to be a therapist for a lonely newlywed. So he quickly retorted, “That is the exact opposite of what I want. I wish I could get rid of Mrs. Clause for a few days. She’s got me on this new plant based diet and I hate that shit,” Santa twirled around. He patted Jimin on the back and gave him an understanding smile - and another 10% off coupon.



It was very late in the evening before Jimin returned home. He really had no desire to be home because the house was empty. He pulled in an arm full of gifts for his parents that he shouldn’t have bought because he had already purchased too much stuff. But retail therapy was his coping mechanism and he embraced it whenever he was feeling low. With the click of a few switches, he turned on the kitchen lights, the fireplace and the Christmas tree. 

When he originally purchased the tree, he thought it would be for both he and Jeongguk. He fully anticipated that the two would celebrate together so he spared no expense. But given his current state of loneliness, he realized it was a foolish decision. He was stuck with a decadent ten foot tall tree, covered in ornaments and lights, smothered with gifts and absolutely no one to share it with. Even his parents were traveling for the holiday so he was truly on his own. Suddenly, the mood that had been lifted by Santa began to drop again. 

Wrangling his packages was not easy. He managed to get them all inside and scattered them around the entrance of his condo. They all had to be wrapped and placed under the tree, something he would do after dinner. It was warm and balmy inside, a stark contrast to the terribly frigid temperatures outside. He removed his wool coat and leather gloves and hung them in the closet near the front door. Slowly, the color returned to his icy fingertips and frozen ears. He took a moment to unthaw before moving on towards the tree. 

The snow fell in large fluffy clumps outside of his window. There was a full moon up there, somewhere amidst the dark greyness of it all. He watched several planes fly by, wishing, hoping, that one of them would carry his husband back to him. Even though he told Jeongguk that he knew what he signed up for when he married him, living life without him was not something he thought would hurt so much. He took a final look at the tree and all of the presents that would not be opened until after the new year. It was enough to make him cry. He felt silly for doing so. His need for Jeongguk’s presence just seemed so unwieldy. Three months was too long to still be pouting over his travel schedule. 


Jimin fixed himself a light dinner. He decided to celebrate with an expensive glass of wine and a special dessert with edible 24 carat gold specs. It was over the top with lavishness, but it was the least he could do for himself as a present to himself - since it was Christmas Eve.


Jimin didn’t wake until ten o’clock the following day. He had turned off his phone and his alarm clock. It was a morning to sleep in and catch up on much needed rest and there was no reason for him to rush out of bed on Christmas morning, so he took his time. He scratched his nuts after having a long restorative pee that emptied his bladder. He had drunk a full glass of wine the previous night and he wasn’t exactly at his sharpest. In fact, he was a bit hungover truthfully. With his hair matted all over his head, he headed for the kitchen to fix himself a hot cup of coffee.

The snow had gathered on the panes of his windows, making it difficult to see the city. But it was a beautiful Christmas morning as the snow blanketed the ground in the city of Seoul. He could already see children riding through the icy streets on new bikes and new sleds. He smiled. 

Still groggy, he turned towards his Christmas tree.  Jimin noticed that several ornaments had fallen from the tree and rolled towards the kitchen. Without much thought he leaned down to pick them up and carried them towards the tree to replace them. 

“Merry Christmas.” A voice came from beneath the elegant tree.

Jimin’s screams were frantic and terrifying. His eyes bulged and his heart dropped to his stomach. Someone had broken into his house and he was laying there naked under his Christmas tree! But the surprise and fear vanished within milliseconds when he realized that it was his husband.

“What the actual fuck! What are you doing here and what…what…what is that box?”

Jeongguk was lying on his side, fully naked with a box attached to his mid torso. 

“Isn’t this what you asked Santa for? Come unwrap your gift,” those were the only words Jeongguk uttered before pulling Jimin down to the floor and forcing his hands around his box.

Jimin screamed, but this time it was a scream of joy. He didn’t know how it happened, why it happened or when it happened, but it happened. His husband was underneath his Christmas tree. His crazy wish to Santa had somehow come true. He gave him the tightest hug that he could muster that early in the morning and then immediately began tugging at the big round bow that was wrapped around Jeongguk’s “box”. He unknotted the ribbon, causing the box to fall open. He burst into laughter when he looked down inside of the box and saw Jeongguk’s long hard dick shoved through a hole in the side. 

“You put your dick in a box as my present?” Jimin was so overjoyed that he could barely breathe. 

“I couldn’t find a box big enough for my entire body, so I just wrapped the part that I knew you wanted…most.” Despite what seemed like a silly moment, Jeongguk was deadly serious. “I should have never put work before you. And I promise for the new year, to never do it again. With a lustful glint in his eye, he idly toyed with the long tendrils of Jimin’s hair that had grown to his neck during the time that Jeongguk was away. He wanted to taste him, his beautiful husband. He angled their faces together, grazing his lips along the cleanly shaven skin of his porcelain prince. He mumbled into his mouth, “I’m so sorry. I should have never chosen work over you. I’m so sorry, just say you forgive me.”

Jimin slowly began to realize his fantastical reality. His husband was there, in his arms on Christmas morning with his dick wrapped in a box. His body began to quake from the feel of being engulfed in his husband’s dominant embrace. Murmuring his name, he lifted his arms to him, allowing Jeongguk to pull his shirt over his head. He could feel his husband already feasting on the hardened buds of his nipples as his body responded resplendently. At that moment Jimin wanted him more than he wanted his own life. He pulled Jeongguk on top of him, longing to feel the weight of his warm body pinning him against the floor. The length of his husband’s hardness fell heavy against his thigh, signaling that Jeongguk wanted him just as badly. The box that once encased his cock lay sparkling on the floor abandoned of its contents. He kicked away his own pants so that they could lay there pressed against each other, skin to skin, flesh to flesh. 

Their bodies coiled underneath the Christmas tree, causing Jimin to stare up through the dappled light between the branches. His breath hitched when he felt his entire cock disappear into the warm cave of his husband’s mouth. Ornaments above his head swung gently as the tree rocked above them, disturbed by their passionate movements beneath. 

Jimin released a satisfied sigh as Jeongguk sucked him, pushing his cock deep into his mouth while swallowing the tip down his throat. Jimin’s legs quivered uncontrollably. He hadn’t been touched by his husband in almost two months and then suddenly he was all over him, eating him up like some delicate dessert. It was all too surreal but he needed more. He grabbed either side of his husband’s head and gently pulled him up.

“I need to feel you,” he begged quietly, but sternly.

“Are you ready for me? It’s been a long time,” Jeongguk replied caringly.

Jimin didn’t respond. Instead he groped for him, grabbing his cock by the shaft and urging it against his quivering hole. He adjusted his hips and readied himself to be taken underneath the Christmas tree. 

His husband obeyed without a fight. Jimin immediately felt the gradual pressure of a hard entry. It was tortuously slow, but steady, persistent and unrelenting. 

There was concern on Jeongguk’s face. With each painful inch that he conquered, he kissed Jimin’s lips, neck and cheeks as a reward for taking him so well. He panted like a dog, desperately struggling to contain his own pleasure as he measured the pain of his lover. He didn’t want to hurt him, but Jimin’s body felt so good that he feared he might rip him apart. It has been so long since he’d felt his husband’s warm insides. He wanted to live there forever and never let him go. He was as careful as he could be given his lack of discipline. He watched Jimin carefully as he anchored himself inside of him. With one final push he bottomed out. A quick glance at the space where their bodies met revealed that his dick was completely inside of him. 

Jimin stared at him with clear loving eyes. There was no expression in them other than the desirous need to be fucked.

Jeongguk pulled himself almost completely free and then surged into Jimin once again. He groaned Jimin’s name, sensitive to his every subtle response. He lingered in certain spots that pleased him, and drove deeper whenever his husband desired it. Every slow plunge tamped more sensation from them.

Jimin glided his hands over Jeongguk’s sleek, flexing back; cherishing him and loving the feel of him. He followed the lines of Jeongguk’s muscles with his hands traveling lower and lower until they rested over the curves of his ass. It was there where he gently pressed his hands into his hips, urging him to fuck even deeper into his body.

Jeongguk’s response was immediate, his thrusts turning even more forceful. A quiet growl escaped his throat, followed by a hiss. The pleasure accumulated until he began to spill powerfully, squirting his milky cum into Jimin’s insides.

Jimin’s body clenched his husband’s cock with strong spasms, urging his release and pulling his seed from him. He held his husband in his arms and soothed him as the violent orgasm reduced him to a blithering fool. It was extremely satisfying to feel Jeongguk cum inside of him, his body powerful yet vulnerable in that intimate moment. Jeongguk dropped his head onto Jimin’s soft shoulder. He was exhausted. Jimin caressed his soft hair and kissed the top of his head. He rubbed his back and smothered him in kisses, pressing his lips against every centimeter of skin he could reach. It was indescribably satisfying to hold him again after so many weeks.



Incredibly, Jeongguk wrapped his dick in the box again as soon as they were done with their Christmas morning fuck. His ass was bare, yet his leaky cock was beautifully wrapped in expensive wrapping paper with fancy ribbon. He had cut a hole in the side for his dick to fit through. It was a scene straight out of a romantic comedy. Jimin grabbed his phone and snapped a few pictures as Jeongguk cooked breakfast naked…with his dick wrapped in a box. 

Jimin sat in his robe, flesh raw from an equally raw fuck. He was finally able to think straight and ask all of the questions that flooded his mind, “When did you get here? How did you sneak in without me noticing? And how do you know about my wish for Santa?”

“I hired him.”

“Hired him?”

“Long story.”

“I’ve got nothing but time,” Jimin said as Jeongguk fed him a fork full of eggs.

“I got back to town early yesterday. I did alot of thinking while I was in Tokyo; alot of soul searching. After we talked, your words stuck with me. We’ve only been married for three months, yet we’ve spent maybe two weeks together in that time. We won’t last long if I continue to abandon you on the days when you need me the most. The hurt that I saw in your eyes was caused by me and that wasn’t something that I could live with. I thought alot about what you said…about hiring someone to do some of these mundane negotiations so that I could travel a little less. So I hired someone. It’s going to be a stress on finances because he demanded a pretty hefty salary, but we’ll make it work.”

“You hired someone? Just like that? Out of the blue?”

“Just like that. But not exactly out of the blue. The answer was in front of me the entire time.  I hired a guy who already works for the company. He’s very familiar with that part of the business, so I promoted him and had him fly to Tokyo to replace me. Since he doesn’t celebrate Christmas, it was of no consequence to him and he gladly accepted. I flew home immediately. I wanted to surprise you and that’s why I didn’t tell you.” Jeongguk took a sip of coffee, “I had some last minute shopping to do so I went to Itaewon to check out some of the stores there. I thought you were supposed to be in court all day, so I didn’t even consider that I might run into you. Well I did, but luckily you didn’t see me. I saw that silly Santa going around, making people smile and telling jokes. When I saw you go into the electronics boutique, I paid him to follow you and ask you what you wanted for Christmas. I was just trying to get a few hints for gifts. I had no idea that you would ask for me for Christmas.” Jeongguk looked misty, as if he were about to cry.

“You didn’t realize you were my Christmas wish?”

“I mean I knew…but I didn’t realize how much it meant…,” Jeongguk wiped his eyes. He was emotional thinking about Jimin’s wish. Everything was so clear to him. He couldn’t believe that he’d almost allowed another Christmas to go by without being with his husband. It was a short sided view of what was important in life. “I’m just so sorry Jimin, I don’t know what I was thinking. Anyway, when you wished for me, I decided to give you the best part of me,” he laughed.

“A dick in a box,” Jimin laughed again as he watched Jeongguk saunter around the kitchen with his dick wrapped in a box. “So may I ask why you re-wrapped the dick again? I’ve already opened it, I kinda know what’s in there.”

“This is my Christmas present to you and you can have it as much as you want it. This is the gift that keeps on giving.” Jeongguk winked. 



The snow fell silently despite the brilliance that it cast across the terrain. Steam gathered on the panes of the window that served as the intersection where ice cold frigidity met hot steamy passion. The two polars could not have been more different. 

Jimin could see the snow covered ground through the window, but he couldn’t perceive it. His mind, body and spirit were elsewhere. He stared down at his dark angel-haired beauty as he once again suckled his dick while Jimin stood at the window. He tugged on his hair, tangling his wedding ring within the tressels. He could feel Jeongguk’s tongue tickling the top of his cock, collecting the precum along the way.

Jimin held on to Jeongguk’s hair, controlling his head movements. The saliva from Jeongguk’s tongue oozed from the corners of his mouth, forming a long line of translucent spit that dripped to the floor.  Jeongguk’s dick sucking superpower was just one of the reasons that Jimin had fallen in love with him. He could hear the rich sound of suckling and choking as Jeongguk deep throated him. As much as Jimin didn’t want to cum, his husband forced the matter. He was relentless, squeezing his cheeks so forcefully that Jimin felt like a vacuum cleaner had attached himself to his cock. He could see his beautiful dimples, dancing inside of his cheeks each time he heard Jimin’s moans grow louder. Jimin’s legs shook so uncontrollably that he had to grip the wall for stability out of fear that he may fall. He slouched over, grabbing Jeongguk’s head even tighter as he began to buck his hips into his mouth. His cock was all the way down his husband’s throat and he could see it bulging in his neck.

“Oh God,” Jimin screamed. He’d never felt a cock sucking like this in his life. His husband was everything…, “FUCK, I’m cumming baby.” He gave Jeongguk a warning, but it was silly of him to do so because he knew that his husband would not be satisfied until he milked and swallowed every drop of Jimin’s cum. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” 

Jimin’s orgasm was so powerful that he could feel it bursting from his cock. His dick throbbed violently as he released into his husband’s mouth. He groaned quietly, unable to speak as his body erupted in shivers. 

Jeongguk pulled away, revealing Jimin’s soaking wet spit covered cock. It was still dripping even after his orgasm had finished. Jeongguk rested his tongue on the tip of Jimin’s cock to collect all of it. Not a single ounce was dropped. 


Jimin found himself pinned against the wall with Jeongguk bucking behind him. Once again he could see the snow covered ground through the window. Once again, it was all just a blur to him. His only comprehension was of the dick shoved into the depths of his ass and the sprawling fingers that clutched his chest. His face pressed against the wall, he was being fucked so hard that he was lifted from the ground with each of Jeongguk’s strokes. Finally, after battering him savagely for almost twenty minutes, he felt Jeongguk pull out and spray a warm geyser of cum over his ass. 

But that wasn’t the end. His husband was still hard. He pushed Jimin down to the floor and placed a pillow under his waist to raise his hips and position him properly. Jeongguk was going in for the kill.

Jimin was insatiable and he was ready to cum again. Whatever Jeongguk wanted, he was willing to give him even though he grew irritated each time Jeongguk pulled out because he hated the empty feeling. He wanted him to stay inside of him forever. 

Jimin relaxed as Jeongguk pushed him to his back and then bent his knees, folding them to his chest. He took a good look at Jimin’s entrance. It was wilted and pried open, gaping and quivering, waiting for him to fill it again. Jeongguk reached down and traced the rim with his tongue. 

“You’re so beautiful down there. I love it, I love fucking it. I love you,” he said to the love of his life.

Jimin didn’t say anything. He watched as his gorgeous husband licked him, ate him, devoured him. His eyes rolled as he once again felt Jeongguk enter him suddenly. Their bodies clapped against each other, with every thrust, causing lube to dribble from Jimin’s entrance. But this fuck was decidedly different from the others. Jeongguk didn’t do his typical wild bucking. Instead, his strokes were more nuanced, aimed directly at Jimin’s prostate. His thrusts were short, shallow and tilted at the perfect angle.

Jimin’s eyes bulged. His entire body began to shake as the sensitive area became innervated and flooded with sensation. He fisted the sheets and arched his back as his body was completely controlled by his husband. The steady pulse of Jeongguk’s thrusts repeatedly bounced against the surface of his prostate causing him to seize with pleasure. The feeling started in his legs and rose through his thighs and back before overtaking his torso and groin. In the most savage move yet, Jeongguk grabbed Jimin’s cock and stroked it at the same time while he fucked him.

The result for Jimin was a temporary loss of consciousness. Amidst pleasure so great, he was no longer mindful of anything beyond the orgasm flowing through his body.  His screams didn’t feel like his own. He was pushed to pleasures previously unknown to him. Despite the many years that he and Jeongguk fucked as boyfriends, nothing could compare to fucking him as his husband. Everything exploded at once. His cock erupted sending velvety ropes of cum into the air while his body trembled like a newborn child. He held on to Jeongguk’s back so firmly that he left his fingertips indented into his skin. He’d never cum so hard in his life. Everything went dark. 



Jeongguk’s dick was wrapped and rewrapped several times that night. After two months apart, they fucked like it was their last night together. A few hours rest, then food, then gifts and then they would start all over again. They fucked each other relentlessly with Jimin taking the brunt of Jeongguk’s sexual frustrations. By midnight that night, they had made love no less than six times, yet they still wanted more.   


“You still have gifts to open. You can’t just open the box with the dick in it,” Jeongguk said facetiously.

“But I like that one. It’s the best one so far.”

“How would you know? You haven’t opened the others. Despite doing a lot of last minute shopping, I got you some really good stuff,” Jeongguk laid his head on Jimin’s chest as they cuddled and watched the snow. 

Jimin sighed, “Almost every single one of those gifts under the tree belongs to you. I missed you so much that I…would shop and buy things for you in order to make myself feel better.”

“That’s really sad and I’m sorry that I put you through that. Never again.”

“This is a sign,” Jimin laughed.

“A sign of what?”

“A sign that we shouldn’t be apart so much. Today was incredibly special. I’ve never seen this side of you before.”

“You mean the side of me that gave you dick as a Christmas present?”

“Sure - let’s go with that,” Jimin laughed. “I mean the side of you that put work aside just for me.”

“I can’t explain how much it hurt to see you hurt.  I mean…I can’t promise that I won’t ever travel again, but I can promise that I’ll be home more often.”

“Do you really mean it? You’re not just saying this to get me in bed?” Jimin teased.

“I really mean it. I marched in here and wrapped my dick as a show of my intent to gift you with dick whenever you want it. Never again will I make you starve.” Jeongguk joked but became serious. He twisted Jimin’s ring around his finger, “I don’t ever want to lose you. I’ll continue to grow my company, but I just have to be smarter with how I do it. I love you Jimin…more than anything else in this world.”

“And I love you…but not more than that dick in the box. It’s time to unwrap it again. Let’s go.” *