Sealed Lips | Full Fic


Something about the fresh sea air of Jeju drives everyone crazy. With minds cloudy, bodies Horney and an insatiable appetites for more than just food, the Ace duo find themselves in a world of trouble. And it's trouble of their own making. 

Author's Notes:

During my official hiatus, I promised that I would continue to drop short stories on different platforms for my Diamonds to read while I am away. This is my first attempt at a canon fic since 2017. But AYS just really motivated me to write a few snippets of how their relationship works behind the scenes; from a Dawn perspective of course. I hope you like these short little snippets. This one will be delivered in 3 or 4 parts. I wanted to do something a little different with adding images to the text. There are so many thoughts and ideas that are sparked from their expressions and in my mind, I imagined what they were REALLY thinking when they weren't on camera. This will be a different presentation than my normal work on AO3, but I really, really hope you enjoy it. I'll be back soon to my regular style of writing on the AO3 platform, but for right now, please enjoy the whimsy of these simple yet erotic stories.



  • One Shot
  • NSFW (21+) 
  • Porn with Plot
  • Hurt/Comfort
  • Mild Angst
  • Canon and Canon divergent
  • Lies/Deceit/Betrayal
  • Everybody's Lips are Sealed
  • Graphic Sexual Content
  • Homosexuality

Part I

Jimin swam through the warm salt water pool in search of his swimming trunks. He found them floating near the steps. He gathered them under his arm as he climbed out of the pool. Without haste he pulled the water-logged swim trunks haphazardly over his water-wrinkled skin. He tugged at his cock, trying to bounce it neatly in place within the inner netting. With a single hand he flipped the heavy carpet of wet hair from his forehead, causing a spray of water to race from the strands. Even before wrapping himself in one of the pool towels, he chose to grab a stiff hard drink.  The bottle of vintage Whiskey was right where they had left it; sitting on the pool side table. He took a shot and then another. The warmth of the liquid burned his throat, causing him to cough. As if he weren’t buzzed enough, the two hard shots pushed him firmly into the “drunk” category. The night was too wild. Being drunk was the only way to explain what had just happened. If anyone ever found out - he couldn’t bear to think about it. 

Warm pool water dripped from his nose as he gathered his nerves. He wrapped one of the large fluffy towels around his waist. Several teeth marks were scrawled along the tattoo on his back where he’d been attacked from behind. He could feel the sting of the bites as his towel rubbed against them. Small bruises on his neck and upper chest were the only evidence of the moment. 

Feeling subconscious, fidgety and flighty, he used his towel to cover all of it. He was the only one who had made it out of the pool. He was the only one who felt ashamed, embarrassed, terrified of what they had done. The other one, the partner in his hedonistic performance, still floated on his back, kicking up and down the length of the pool. While Jimin felt as if a scarlet ‘A’ had been burned into his skin, the other felt exhilarated, relieved, content and satisfied. 

“Put some clothes on. Hurry. Tae could come down here at any minute. And…and the staff is probably right next door. Oh shit, what did we do? What did we just do? Hurry, get out of the pool and cover yourself,” Jimin whispered in a rush.

Jeongguk floated towards the end of the pool where Jimin was standing. His cock was wilted and floating across his upper thigh. Jimin could see the red marks from his own fingerprints where they had marred Jeongguk’s skin. Once again he was mortified about what he had done to him. But in the heat of passion, he had lost his discernment, his ability to control his own body. It was a mistake, one that would never happen again. 

Jeongguk raised his long muscular arms and rotated them backwards, pulling the water in streams along his side as he backstroked to the opposite end of the pool. Despite Jimin pleading with him, he still refused to get out, still refused to get dressed, still refused to hide the deed.

He flippantly called to Jimin, “Now you want to hide? Now you want to pretend that nothing happened?”

“Jeongguk, please. Tae could come down here at any minute. I don’t even know where the camera crew went. This was reckless. We shouldn’t have…,”

“I removed all of the cameras. I’m a documentary maker too. Remember? I know all of their secrets. And you can calm down. None of the staff are here.”

Jimin pulled the towel up higher over his chest as if he were suddenly ashamed of his body, “You removed the cameras?”

“I wanted a night swim alone, so we could talk. We’ve been filmed for three straight days. We leave tomorrow. I just wanted a few minutes just you and me. I told Sejin that we wanted to be alone and he cleared the house. There’s no one here but me and you…and Tae.”

Jimin stared down into the pool as Jeongguk casually continued to float on his back. “Why are you being this way? Get out. Cover up. You act as if you want to get caught.”

“Get caught doing what? You’re standing over there trembling like you just robbed a bank, wearing that towel like a Priest. And I’m all the way over here, floating in the pool. What exactly would we get caught doing?”

“You’re naked!”

“You’ve seen me naked since we were teenagers. Why is this different? We lived together for ten years. Trust me, no one cares. No one will suspect anything as long as you calm down. If you’re so uncomfortable, go inside, shower and get dressed.”

“Jeonggukie please. This is different and you know it. The signs of what happened…are everywhere. Look at our bodies.”

Jeongguk looked down and saw the small bruises on his chest and waist. It finally struck him that maybe the scene was a little suspicious. Reluctantly, he agreed to get out. Waves of warm salt water slid over his shoulders and down the undulated curves of his back as he lifted himself from the pool. He shook his hair like a wet puppy before grabbing one of the large pool towels. He dried himself, but refused to get dressed.

He took two steps towards Jimin and smiled. His elder was glowing, despite his absolute freak-out, he was glowing. His entire body was wet, smooth, flawless like a fine piece of china. 

Jeongguk was moved to caress his cheek. “Are you ok? Did I hurt you? I mean are you…bleeding or anything…?” Jeongguk said shyly as he surveyed the little bits of Jimin’s body that weren’t covered by the fluffy towel.

Jimin made the fatal mistake of locking into Jeongguk’s eyes. There his gaze was affixed for what seemed like eternity, “No. I mean yes. I mean…I’m not hurt. I’m fine…just sore and a little confused and drunk.”

“You’re not confused. You’re not drunk. You know exactly what happened and why. I’m glad we finally got it out. We needed it. Jimin there’s only so long we can pretend that we…don’t have sexual feelings for each other. It’s been building for years. It all exploded tonight. We have nothing to be ashamed of. I’m glad it happened,” Jeongguk said naively.

“Are you insane? If anyone finds out what we did…,” Jimin raised his voice. The realization of what they had done was suddenly weighing upon his shoulders, crushing him. As the elder, it was his responsibility to stop things from going too far, but he didn’t, he couldn’t. He allowed all of it to happen. He felt so ashamed. Above all, he was terrified that at least some of what they did may have been caught on camera, “this could end our careers. Ruin our families. Ruin the group. You can’t walk around with your chest puffed out like this is some badge of honor. You should be ashamed, we should both be ashamed.”

Jeongguk snapped back, “I have nothing to be ashamed about. I’ve loved you for seven years. For seven years, I’ve waited to touch you like this, to kiss you and hold you in my arms. Tonight it happened and I will never apologize for it. I will never be ashamed of it.” Jeongguk removed his towel and stood naked in front of Jimin as he continued his soliloquy. “We need to get this out into the open. We need to tell everyone. Our brothers will understand. Our families will understand. We just have to talk about it, maturely. Everyone around us loves us.”

Jimin looked down, eyes sweeping the rocky ground. He glanced over at the fire pit and released a defeated chuckle. “You live in a fantasy world. This was a mistake, Jeonggukie. Don’t you understand? We can’t tell anyone. We can’t confess to being…,”

“...being what Jimin? Say it!” Jeongguk pressed. With his wet naked body glistening under the pool lights, he challenged his elder turned lover and dared him to say the words.

“We can’t confess to having done this,” Jimin couldn’t bring himself to say it. “You have to promise to keep this between us. You can’t tell anyone what happened here tonight. Jeonggukie…please?”

“You felt so good. Everything felt so right. Why can’t you say it Jimin? Why can’t you just admit that you love me?”

“BECAUSE I’M NOT SUPPOSED TO LOVE YOU! Not like this…not like this.” Jimin screamed. He quickly lowered his voice, “You’re my brother, my best friend. That’s the love that we share, that’s the love that we have to hold on to. That’s the love that stays within boundaries.”

“And that love is important and it will always be there, but you can’t just ignore the other love we feel. The love that isn’t brotherly, the love that…made us do what we just did.”

“Listen to me, that other thing…that other kind of love…the love that burns in my chest and purifies my soul, the love that feeds my heart until it wants to burst open, the love that makes me feel invincible, the love that makes me want to spend the rest of my days sleeping next to you, the love that makes me feel like nothing else in the world matters but you, the love that is driving me to the front lines of the DMZ just so that I can be with you…that love must be buried because it will ruin the lives of everyone around us. And if we don’t snap out of this and get our clothes on and get away from each other, we’re going to get caught. Because the proof of what we just did in that swimming pool is written on both of our faces. FUCK, Jeongguk we have to hide this. We have to walk away from this like it never happened. Tell me you understand.”

And there it was, the first time that Jimin had truly confessed everything he was feeling. Jeongguk savored every word, despite how difficult he knew it had been for Jimin to confess it. “Is that really how I make you feel?” Jeongguk questioned without agreeing to Jimin’s request.

Jimin was truthful, even though he knew that it would destroy his argument, “It’s how you’ve always made me feel, since I was seventeen years old. Ending up here together should have been predicted years ago. I feel like I betrayed you. I’m supposed to protect you, take care of you. I’m your hyung. I’m not supposed to fall in love.”

“You have taken care of me. You have protected me, you still do. But more and more everyday, you treat me like your lover, even though your brain tells you otherwise. Did it ever occur to you that I’m your soulmate? That’s why you’ve fallen in love. I’m twenty-six years old. I’m not some innocent bystander who just allowed all of this to happen. I have just as much control as you do.”

“You can’t choose me. A world where we are together - doesn’t exist. You don’t have that choice. Tell me you understand. Tell me you understand, please.”

“My mother called,” Jeongguk added - off topic.

Jimin was agitated, “Your mother?” He hated when Jeongguk skillfully avoided difficult conversations by changing the subject.

“Yea. She wanted to know if you were coming home with me for Chuseok. She knew we were filming together.”

“She wants me to come home with you?”

“Just for a visit.” Jeongguk sighed, “She knows. I told her everything about us.”

“You shouldn’t have told her anything. There’s nothing to tell, we don’t want her to get the wrong idea.”

“There’s a lot to tell. And I’m tired of hiding it.”

“What exactly did you tell her?”

“How I feel about you. And how you feel about me. Why do you think she wants you to come around so much these days? She likes you Jimin. She loves the idea of you being with me.”

Jimin looked back towards Jeongguk with incredulity, “She’s kinda’ always liked me. I’m definitely her favorite,” he laughed.

“You think the world would be against us if they knew the truth. I think the world already knows the truth. We seem to be the only ones who need to catch up.” Jeongguk grabbed his swim trunks and pulled them on. Much to Jimin’s relief.

“I’ve got news for you, the world is not that kind.” Jimin turned to face him, “You really live your life by your instincts, don’t you?”

“Yes, and for about ten glorious minutes, so did you. Your instincts told you to ride me in that pool. Even though your brain tried to fight you to the death.”

Jimin’s eyes bulged, “Shhh, don’t say those words. Someone may hear you.” He rushed to cover Jeongguk’s mouth with his hand.

“I love you,”  Jeongguk mumbled from beneath Jimin’s short fingers that were pressed against his lips.

“Don’t say that Jeonggukie.” 

“And it’s because I love you that I promise to keep this between us…for now. Nobody has to know what happened here, at least not until you’re ready to talk.”

Jimin sighed with relief. He had suddenly gotten through to his stubborn fuck buddy. “Good. Happy to know that you’ve come to your senses.”

But of course Jeongguk and his antagonistic nature couldn’t completely let it go, “Tell me it was good though.”


“Tell me…,” Jeongguk stepped several paces closer. “Did it hurt a lot? Could you feel all of me? Did I last long enough?”

“Yes to every single one of those fucking questions. Especially the hurting part. But, it was…incredible. You’re right, it felt natural like two puzzle pieces fitting together. I didn’t even know that I could do that. I mean…it’s been a while.”

“If you tell me your first time was with Taemin, I will vomit in the pool, I swear to God,” Jeongguk teased.

Jimin burst into laughter.

“No, it was not. And trust me, that’s not a conversation you’re ready for - at least not tonight,” Jimin teased. 

“I don’t care about your past…although I am curious.”

“I never imagined our first time would be like this, under these circumstances…with Tae upstairs.” Jimin shrugged.

“You’ve thought about our first time?”

Jimin shook his head, realizing what he’d said, “I talk too damn much. Forget I said that. Hungry? I can fix some ramyeon.” Jimin turned to walk towards the kitchen but Jeongguk grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

“Don’t run, you can’t run from this. I made you a promise, now you have to make me one.”

Jimin untangled his wrist from Jeongguk’s powerful grip. But instead of pulling away, he slid the meat of his palm down Jeongguk’s wrist until it landed along the tips of his fingers. He squeezed, closing the full  length of his extended fingers around Jeongguk’s large hand, “What do you want me to promise?”

Jeongguk wasn’t sure if Jimin’s embrace was intentional or not, but it was a definite show of intimacy. “You have to promise that you’re not going to let any of this change things between us. I know we’re both shocked about how fast this all unraveled, but we can’t let it affect us negatively. At least not while we’re filming this show. We can’t be awkward with each other, we can’t change the dynamic. Not only would it ruin the show but…it would ruin me.”

“Oh Jeonggukie,” Jimin took a seat in front of the fire pit. He leaned over, resting his face within his hands. “This show was a bad idea. I know we meant well, I know we wanted to give something special to the fans before we enlist. But maybe escaping to all of these romantic destinations tempted fate a little too much. Traveling alone with you was risky from the start. Ever since our first kiss in Tokyo seven years ago, we knew the potential for falling in love was bubbling just beneath the surface of our supposed brotherhood.”

 Jeongguk found a seat next to Jimin. He held his hands up to feel the warmth from the fire pit, “This trip and this show has untangled seven years worth of emotional rope that we worked hard to keep knotted. It’s shown us who we really are.”

“Love kind of pops when you’re laying in each other’s arms, watching the sunset,” Jimin added. “We have to act normal, act normal. No deep gazes or soft touches. Normal.”

Jeongguk laughed, “If we try to act normal, everyone will know that something has changed. And that brings me back to my point. Be yourself. You have to be yourself. Things got physical, sure, but you’re still my best friend. That part hasn’t changed. We can’t lose that.”

Jimin’s mind was racing. He shook his head with reflection, “We took a chance with this fucking show, we thought we could keep it together. We didn’t.” He stared into the pool, watching the reflection of their shirtless bodies. 

“We’re human, shit happens,” Jeongguk said supportively. “How we recover is what matters.”

“We just accidentally fucked in the middle of a  swimming pool while filming a reality show. How exactly do we recover from that?”

“I don’t know.” Jeongguk laughed. 

“Why are you suddenly so irresistibly attractive?” Jimin asked.

“I could ask you the same question. Maybe it’s the sea air of Jeju. It unlocks our sexappeal.”

“Ah yes, that must be it.” Jimin laughed, but his laughter was cut short when he felt a sharp pain. “Damnit, I’m really sore. You certainly left your mark inside of me.” He shifted his position, sitting was uncomfortable.

“I left a lot of stuff inside of you.”

Jimin blushed. His mind wandered to filthy places. 

Most of Jeongguk’s seed had been washed away in the warm salt water of the swimming pool. Sadly, he didn’t get to keep much of his lover’s deposit inside of him. He bit his lip and clenched his eyes closed. He felt guilty for even thinking about it. All of it was just so inappropriate. He shifted again and leaned forward towards the warm fire pit. That’s when he felt the sharp pain in his ass again. “Shit,” he complained.

Jeongguk noticed Jimin’s discomfort, “About that, are you sure you’re ok? Do we maybe need to consider going to…a doctor? I didn’t exactly know what I was doing and I…,”

“I knew what you were doing and you did it very well. I’m fine. This is just something that comes with the territory. And going to the doctor for this is completely unnecessary. No activities tomorrow, let’s just eat and take it easy. A little rest and I’ll be back to normal in a few hours.”

“I’ll be better, gentler, more prepared next time,” Jeongguk said sweetly.

“Oh Jeonggukie.” Jimin closed his eyes and shook his head. “There can never be a next time. How many times do I have to say that?”

Jeongguk didn't like the thought of never making love to Jimin again. So he ignored him, "Eating sounds good. I have a special beef stew recipe that I plan to cook for you tomorrow. We can lay around and just hang out with Tae after he gets back from golf."

"We can't do it again. Tell me you heard me."

Jimin’s comment went unacknowledged. Instead Jeongguk placed his hand on the elder’s knee. Sitting side by side, he wrapped his left arm around Jimin’s shoulders and pulled him closer. He crawled the fingers of his right hand beneath Jimin's towel and beneath the water logged swim trunks; traveling until his fingertips reached Jimin’s bare skin. Using only his index finger, he found Jimin’s warm shaft and rubbed the underside. 

“You didn’t cum while we were…,”

“That doesn’t matter…,” Jimin closed his eyes once again. He tried to gather the courage to push Jeongguk’s hand away. “I don’t deserve to get pleasure from this. It’s wrong. So it doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me.” Several more fingers wrapped around Jimin’s cock. Jeongguk closed his hand into a fist, locking Jimin’s achy shaft inside of it.

The veins in Jimin’s cock filled with blood and grew ridgid just under the skin, causing yet another erection. But instead of jumping to pull Jeongguk’s hand away, he cupped it, trapping it there inside of his swim trunks. He found the younger’s eyes; they were bright and clear like pools of water. He could see his own reflection within them; along with his pleasured expression as the younger began to stroke him heavily. Wordlessly, Jimin gave him permission to keep going. As the pleasure grew, he fell forward with his forehead against Jeongguk’s chin. He used both hands to grip Jeongguk’s wrist, desperate to control his strokes and move his hand faster. 

“I’m cumming,” Jimin gave a soft warning.


He watched the rise and fall of his swim trunks as Jeongguk’s hand moved like a possessed creature underneath them. It only took a few seconds for his powerful grip to bring Jimin to orgasm. Cum squirted from his tip as he shivered into a quiet climax. With the parting of his lips, he moaned delicately as if sipping a satisfying glass of wine. He could feel the dampness inside of the netting of his shorts. Once again, he was deeply embarrassed when he realized how much fluid he’d released into Jeongguk’s hand.

The sound of footsteps behind them were coupled with Tae’s groggy voice, “There you guys are. Something’s wrong with the cameras. All of them are off. I noticed it when I woke up to go to the restroom. Do you know what happened?” Tae rubbed his eyes as he tried to get his bearings. 

Jeongguk’s hand was still firmly wrapped around Jimin’s cock. His arm was so deeply embedded in Jimin’s swim trunks, that only half of it was visible. 

And Jimin hadn’t had a single moment’s breath between bursting a wet nut in his shorts and being confronted by Tae about the cameras. The two were caught in a precarious situation; one that didn’t give brotherly vibes at all. It was exactly as Jimin had feared; getting caught doing something they shouldn’t.  

Tae’s eyes quickly scanned the two. He immediately noticed Jeongguk’s hand inside of Jimin’s shorts. Something wasn’t right, “What’s going on? You two…ok?”

“Flip that switch behind you. I think we had a power outage. That’s probably what happened to the cameras,” Jeongguk’s suggestion was credible. It was an attempt to divert Tae’s attention long enough for him to get his hand out of Jimin’s swim shorts.

Tae glanced quickly at the light switch, but his eyes returned to the scene of the crime. “Answer my question. What are you two doing?”

Jimin dropped his towel over his lap, “Fix the camera, please Tae. Sejin and the crew are away so…,”

Mercifully, Tae stepped inside and flipped the switch. He wasn’t stupid, however. He realized that Jeongguk’s suggestion was just a stalling tactic to allow them time to recover from whatever the fuck was happening between them. He fiddled with the switches, taking much more time than needed.

While Tae’s back was turned. Jeongguk quickly removed his hand, but it was covered in Jimin’s cum. It was yet another layer to the already complicated predicament. He licked some of it from his fingers before wiping the rest of it on the fluffy beach towel.

“What are you doing?” Jimin scolded him with a hard whisper.

“Getting rid of the evidence,” Jeongguk quipped.

Tae walked back over to the firepit. He stared between them, heart thumping madly. He wanted an explanation for what they were doing, but their reticence with giving him one, only made him more uncomfortable.

“It didn’t work. The lights are still off on each of the kitchen cameras,” Tae explained. “What the hell is going on here?”

“Calm down,” Jeongguk snapped. “I can fix the cameras. Probably just a glitch. I’ll take care of it.”

The few moments of stalling gave Jimin time to come up with an explanation, “You went to bed so early. You know me and him are night owls. We were wide awake so we decided to take another swim…and…uh I got a cramp. A terrible cramp. You know how my knee can get when I overwork myself. Too much jumping and swimming I guess.”

“I rubbed it out for him. That’s all you saw. There was nothing weird about it. I seem to be the designated massage therapist around here. Just like I massaged your neck yesterday, remember? Both of you are always injuring yourselves and I’m the one who has to take care of you,” Jeongguk made an attempt at a joke. 

Everything they were saying was plausible. For ten years all seven of the members had climbed all over each other because that’s what brothers did. Rough housing and massages were nothing new. 

However Tae’s instincts told him that this was different. They were lying. He wanted to believe them, he truly wanted to believe that he had not walked in on anything sexual. But he knew what he saw. His mind raced. He couldn’t really process what it meant. 

For years and years the other members spoke about the dangers of how close Jimin and Jeongguk were. Namjoon and Yoongi even warned that they were falling in love. But their work never suffered, so it all remained just speculation. Even management wondered out loud if the two had feelings for each other. Rumor was that Bang had called them into the office to interrogate them about what was going on. But Tae always summed up the rumors as baseless nonsense. Jimin and Jeongguk were his best friends and he knew them better than anyone - or so he thought. 

Tae had to admit that maturity and time precluded the three of them from being as close as they once were. Tae was no longer the confidant that he had been when they were kids. He established his own friends and his own romantic relationships. The three didn’t talk as much as they once did. He wondered if somehow, he had simply missed the signs. Or maybe he didn’t want to see the signs. 

So much went through his head. There were girlfriend rumors for both of them, even fuzzy videos from stalkers. Tae had spoken in depth to both of them about it and they both adamantly denied ever being with women. But Tae always thought they were just protecting their privacy - even from him. He never once considered that the two of them may be involved with each other. It never crossed his mind, until his eyes finally fed him the truth. 

Tae reflected on when the change to their dynamic was first noticed. It was after their solo trip to Tokyo in 2017 when the whispers began. The moment they returned, they were different. The two became inseparable; sharing hotel rooms on tour, spending private time at each other’s apartments, visiting each other’s families for holidays, even applying for the buddy enlistment for military service. But it was always under the guise of friendship, nothing more. In retrospect, it was clear that Jimin and Jeongguk’s relationship was suddenly more intense and exclusive. 

He surveyed them sitting there. Their attempts at looking casual only made the truth more evident. He clenched his fists and worked his jaw. Tae didn’t know what infuriated him more; the lying or the relationship. A few moments of reflection made him realize that it was the relationship that angered him the most. If he hadn’t walked in on them, what would have happened? Or had it already happened? How long had it been happening? How could they be so careless? So stupid? So selfish? He didn’t know. But he knew they were lying about everything. It suddenly dawned on him why the cameras were off. And why Sejin and the entire crew and all of the managers were nowhere to be found. The two of them had purposely sent everyone away in order to spend private time together even though he was sleeping upstairs. Tae felt sick. He calmed himself enough to address them.

“A cramp? You had your entire arm down the front of his pants and all over his dick, in order to rub out a cramp - that was in his knee?”

“Who’s hungry? Tae, me and Jeongguk were just about to make some ramyeon. Want some?” Jimin changed the subject. His swim trunks were still full of cum. He stood gingerly, minding the pain in his ass while praying that dollops of his cum didn’t drip from his shorts in front of Tae.

Tae noticed Jimin’s limping but it didn’t seem related to his knee. He feared the worst. Had the two of them gone further than he imagined? Had it happened right there in the house? He was so angry that he couldn’t contain it. “No, I don’t want any damn ramyeon. I’m going to bed. I have an early tee time with the Wooga squad tomorrow. You know, my real friends, who don’t ever see a need to lie to me.”

“Tae…,” Jeongguk tried to intervene to set the record straight.

“Nope. No more lies. I don’t want to hear it. Whatever is going on between you two is between you two. But I will warn you, there is a live fucking show being filmed here. If anything gets caught on camera, it will be disastrous for all of us, not just you. There are six other members and their families who need to be considered. Our Disney contract is worth millions. Don’t fuck it up.” Tae angrily stormed back into the house.

“My God. What just happened?” Jeongguk said nervously.

Jimin covered his face with his hands, “We were busted. That’s what just happened.”

“Think he’ll tell anyone what he saw?”

“No…because he’s our best friend.”

“But we do have to deal with him, Jimin.”

“Not right now though. He’s too angry. Plus he does have to get up early tomorrow,” Jimin advised.

“Jimin, I’m sorry. You tried to warn me…,”

“It’s ok. It’s ok. I allowed it. I should have stopped you, but the truth is, I love being touched by you. Especially that way.” Jimin walked around the fire pit again. “Oh Jk, we’ve made a mess. How do we fix this?” Jimin’s eyes wilted, he was distraught.

“I really…don’t know.” Jeongguk placed both arms around Jimin’s waist, “But whatever the answer is, we’ll find it together.”


[To Be Continued

Sealed Lips Part II: Oubaitori

**Author's Notes**

Hey! I'm back with part two of Sealed Lips. Once again we pick up the story in Jeju. You will notice that I somewhat tip-toe around the first two episodes, only because I didn't want to recount the days of Jimin being sick. I was so worried about him and I didn't want to document his tough times in this lighthearted take on AYS. I think it stressed us all.

I'm having so much fun writing this. Imagining some of the things that might have happened behind the scenes of some of the most infamous moments on the show. When the cameras weren't rolling, what was really said?  What is the cause of those strange cuts and edits?  Well this is my opportunity to explore AYS through my own depraved mind.

I want this to be a one shot that you can read quickly, so I'll keep the stories short. Thank you to those who sponsored this part of the story. I look forward to bringing you more. I love you Diamonds. I live to make you happy and make you smile with my silly tales. Thanks for supporting me, even during my hiatus. You're the best friends I could ever hope for. I love you. I love you. I love you.



Something is amiss in Jeju. Tae is suspicious. Jimin and Jeongguk are running scared and no one is ready to face the truth. When Tae uncovers strange behavior between his two best friend, he becomes unsettled. What he learns shocks him to his core. Will he keep it confidential or will he blow their secret out of the water. What dirty little secrets will the camera pick up this time? Welcome to Oubaitori



  • NSFW (21+) 
  • Porn with Plot
  • Hurt/Comfort
  • Mild Angst
  • Canon and Canon divergent
  • Lies/Deceit/Betrayal
  • Everybody's Lips are Sealed
  • Graphic Sexual Content
  • 12k


Sejin checked his watch. Of the fifteen production members who had traveled with Jimin and Jeongguk to film the show, three were staying in the house with them. It was getting late and they all needed to get back to the house and go to bed. Filming was due to start early the following morning and they needed their rest. Keeping up with all of the members’ activities was daunting for the older workers on the crew. Sejin sent a quick text to Jeongguk, asking if it was ok for them to return to the rented house where he and Tae and Jimin were staying. 

Jeongguk replied promptly, “Yea. No problem. I restarted all of the cameras for you. Thanks for giving us some time alone.”

“Not something we can repeat. We don’t want anyone questioning this. One time only, as a favor,” Sejin responded via text.

“Got it,” Jeongguk texted back with a winking face emoji.

Jeongguk had originally asked Sejin to clear the house of all of the staff so that he, Jimin and Tae could take a break from being filmed. At least that was the excuse that Jeongguk had given him. But Sejin knew the real reason that Jeongguk wanted time alone and it had nothing to do with the three friends bonding. Jeongguk wanted to be alone - with Jimin. 

Sejin knew for a fact that Tae had already gone to bed by the time Jeongguk requested that the entire crew leave. Even though the request was unorthodox, he managed to cover it up by offering to take the crew to a local bar for a few hours. Even though Sejin knew the real reason Jeongguk wanted to be alone with Jimin, none of the other crew members suspected anything unusual. 

Sejin sat back in his seat. He finished off his soju infused beer and slammed his empty glass onto the table. The rest of the crew were playing pool and singing karaoke. He looked around at them, envious of their absolute ignorance. They knew nothing about the snake pit they had entered and they were better off because of it. Knowing secrets as combustible as the secrets that Sejin knew was a heavy burden. 

He could hear the laughter from his friends and co-workers. They were all relaxed and having a really good time, an indication that they probably appreciated the break. As for Sejin himself, he wasn’t even supposed to be there; on that trip with the two love birds. 

Love birds - that’s what he called them when others weren’t around because as much as they tried to deny it, that’s exactly what they were. Sejin was not supposed to be in Jeju or Connecticut or wherever else the love birds wanted to drag him. It was no longer his job because he had been promoted years ago to the Artist Development and Protocol Department. Babysitting the love birds wasn’t his job anymore. 

But when Lee  Jaesang, Hybe’s newly minted CEO inked a deal with Disney for Jimin and Jeongguk to have their own travel show, the entire Hybe building shook on its foundation. Everyone from the Idol groups to the janitors were stunned by the news. It was out of an abundance of panic that Sejin was called to the scene of the crime.

So how in the world did a show as intimate as ‘Are You Sure’ actually come to fruition? Well, according to the talking walls within the Hybe building, it was Jimin himself who started the negotiation for the deal. The story goes that one day, just after recording a particularly emotional duet with Jeongguk for his new album, Jimin showed up at the CEO’s office, requesting to speak to him. It was sometime around May of 2022. 

Even though Lee Jaesang was booked in meetings for the remainder of the day, he cleared his calendar so that he and Jimin could talk. No one, not even the CEO of Hybe, could refuse a meeting with Park Jimin. Even the highest brass knew they would not be sitting where they were if not for the sacrifices of Jimin and his brothers. They were royalty.  Jimin had absolute power, but he wielded it sparingly. He waited patiently in the lobby, writing down all of his ideas, and taking copious notes. He had a winning pitch and he realized it.

It took a couple of conversations with CEO Lee, but Jimin eventually arranged a larger meeting with all of the stakeholders. Once he got them to agree to the initial meeting, that’s when Jeongguk also joined in. They spoke softly and respectfully, however, they were firm with what they wanted. The two were all business, in lock step on their vision for the show and the potential revenue it could bring in. But most importantly, they saw value in what it could mean for the fans. They walked through the plan, eventually leaving the final decision up to Lee  Jaesang. 

The two members represented the most powerful duo within the septet. With Jimin the lead dancer and Jeongguk the lead singer, they were two members that no one wanted to piss off. Additionally, each of the members held equal stock shares within the company and their financial cuts were significant. No one in that building was as powerful as the two of them. They were the money makers, and they were bringing it in by the truckloads. So when they insisted on their own travel show, there was no one who was really in position to say no.

The interesting thing about Lee Jaesang was that he was a money man. Although he had come up in the industry, his previous positions were all about making money. In his past positions, he served as Chief Innovation Officer and Chief Strategist. He even spearheaded the Company’s IPO launch. He was on the business side of things and not close to the talent or the operations of Big Hit.  He looked at Jimin and Jeongguk’s offer to document their private vacation and all he saw was dollar signs. Demographics lined up. Jimin and Jeongguk attracted a niche market with dedicated fans. A quick demo analysis showed that Jikook fans were mature and wealthy. And they supported the solo efforts of both members. They were a financial source of revenue that was untapped. It was a win-win with no downside as far as Lee  Jaesang was concerned. 

But…to Lee Jaesang’s misfortune, he had to be the only man within the Hybe building who hadn’t heard the rumblings about Jimin and Jeongguk possibly having an illicit same-sex affair.

He agreed to the project without discussing it with anyone else. If he had just walked three steps to his secretary’s office, she could have told him how dangerous of a proposition he had just accepted. 

As it were, he didn’t find out anything about the rumors until the contract with Disney was already signed, sealed and delivered. Airplane tickets were booked, permits were approved, and camera crews were hired. Jimin and Jeongguk’s show called, ‘Are You Sure’ was set to begin filming in July of 2023. 

When the news got back to Bang PD, he was staying at his home in Los Angeles. He immediately called Lee Jaesang and inquired about the nature of the show. He wanted to know everything about the creative director and the development of the storyboards. Lee didn’t have any information to add. He advised Bang that the main premise for the show was for Jimin and Jeongguk to go scriptless. They were the Executive Producers and the direction of the show was up to them. It was supposed to be a raw and honest look into their friendship as they traveled around the world. 

Having witnessed the evolution of the relationship between Jimin and Jeongguk, Bang went into a slight panic. He immediately called in reinforcements, someone who would agree to travel with them, supervise them, protect them, and if needed, destroy any evidence that could implicate them.  

And that’s how Sejin got involved. Bang needed someone who knew the intricacies of that relationship and who loved them enough to keep it all hidden. Sejin was offered a healthy bonus and promised another promotion if he agreed to accept the assignment as their manager during the filming. He stood to make three times his regular salary. Plus he really did love the guys. He’d been with them since they were young teens, traveled everywhere with them. He knew them better than anyone else in the world, even their parents. So he agreed.

Jimin and Jeongguk were well into their seventh year of secretly dating. Although Sejin wondered if they were even aware that what they were doing was called dating. If he were to ask them, they would simply brush it off as friends who enjoyed each other’s company, friends who had a lot in common, bros who liked to eat the same foods, bros who liked to go to the movies together and watch the same shows, besties who took care of each other, companions, and a full list of mild mannered non-triggering words that allowed them to deny the truth to themselves. 

 After eight years of being their manager, Sejin had come to know secrets about all seven of them; secrets that no one else in the world knew. But the secret that he knew about Jimin and Jeongguk was by far the biggest and most combustible piece of information to ever exist within Idol history. Behind the backs of all of the other members, management and staff, Jimin and Jeongguk had quietly fallen in love. Sejin knew it. The patterns were all there for years. 

Over the many years that he served as BTS’ manager, he had snuck many groupies into the hotel rooms of the other members. The other five were not virgins and they had very much enjoyed their celebrity status. Sejin handled the NDA’s, the privacy agreements, the sweeping of cameras, the boxes of condoms. He knew everything. They were viral young men who very discreetly fucked their way through their famous teen years.

But when it came to Jimin and Jeongguk; no other men, no other women, and no other members were allowed in their inner circle. It was always just the two of them. On many occasions Sejin thought he would catch visitors in their beds while on tour, but he never did. The only people he ever caught sharing their beds - were each other. He assumed they weren’t physically involved but he could only imagine how much they had experimented. They were always together, early in the morning and late at night. The other members were aware of their odd relationship and the hyungs watched them very closely, especially during their early debut days.

But as the members grew older, they grew apart. Not in a negative way, they just appreciated their differences and indulged in their individual lives. There was less focus on what Jimin and Jeongguk were doing and that’s how it all escalated without the other members realizing how serious the relationship had become. The moment that Sejin discovered they had applied to enlist together, he knew the two were officially partners. But who could he tell? Sejin guarded the information and protected their privacy as if it was his own. 

If news of their relationship ever reached the other members or management at Hybe, their careers would be over. Hundreds of jobs would be lost, millions of Won would be lost in stock value. The company itself would be shunned, and the members themselves would be ostracized. Sejin loved them all too much to let that happen. So he kept his mouth shut and looked the other way. 

There was one silver lining of it all. Jimin and Jeongguk were so professional with how they handled their entanglement that it never affected their work. And for that reason, he hoped that the intimacy they shared would not bleed into the filming of the travel show. They had great chemistry and both knew how to play the game on film and keep things platonic. Sejin never worried about it coming to light. 

That is - until ‘Are You Sure’ came along. The first night of filming in the states, the two lead actors who were just supposed to be brothers on film, ended up alone cuddled on the bow of a private yacht watching a romantic sunset. It was at that moment that he knew he was fucked. He could see it in their eyes. This was not just a travel show for them - it was their last goodbye. 


It was 7:00 am. Tae’s phone alarm silently pulsed to awaken him. He tossed and turned in his bed several times before finally opening his eyes. His immediate focus was on the glowing red light that pierced the dim room. The cameras were back up, and running, recording them as they slept. He could hear snoring and heavy breathing which caused him to lift his head. He turned slightly and peered towards the bed adjacent to his. And there he saw it; two tangled bodies sleeping leg over leg, arm over arm.

His anger was immediately triggered again. There were three distinct beds, one for him, one for Jeongguk and one for Jimin. There was no need for them to share a bed, yet the two of them had chosen to sleep together despite the camera recording.

Tae sat up on his elbow and surveyed them. They were both fully dressed. At least they had spared him the drama of sleeping together naked. Still, despite having their clothes on, there was something so intimate about them; the way they were tangled up in a knot sleeping over each other. Even their sleeping, unconscious bodies seem to know they were in love. He was so angry that he threw a pillow at them. It hit Jeongguk in the face and then fell to the floor. The younger one stirred, flipping to his side and tossing his arm across Jimin’s body. He cuddled in closer to him and resumed snoring.

Tae fell back flat, head hitting the pillow with a soft poof. So much flowed through his mind; memories, observations, and realizations that he’d never acknowledged before. Looking back in time gave him perspective on how they had arrived at this inconvenient toll gate of life. Jimin and Jeongguk’s absurd clinginess throughout the years suddenly made sense; they were in love and had been for years. Yet somehow he had missed it. And that was at the epicenter of his feeling of betrayal.

Tae and Jeongguk had long since lost their childhood friendship. As children everything came naturally and they couldn’t be separated. But as adults with vastly different life perspectives, things were awkward between them at times. It was only during their interactions for work where they found common ground. With them on a hiatus however, those opportunities were few and far between. 

Tae also realized that even he and Jimin weren’t as close as they once were. They maintained their best friend status, but it took work, dedication and many heartfelt conversations to stay in sync. Nothing was as easy as adults as it was when they were kids. The degradation of their close bond happened gradually over many years because they all simply grew up.

It was a harsh truth and Tae partially took responsibility for it. Being the social butterfly that he was, Tae’s life had expanded far beyond BTS. He was dating and thinking about his future. He made new friends and had different interests. He made his own business deals and shopped for his own endorsements. He even used a different creative director for the launch of his new album. He was definitely splintering off on his own and carving his own way. All of it led him to new people and different places. The world was big and he wanted to experience it. He embraced chapter two as an opportunity to live as an individual and not just one of seven. But there were consequences for that growth. Being blindsided by a potentially career-killing situation happening in his own group, was one of those consequences.

His thoughts were cruel. He couldn’t understand how he had missed this. Why had he refused to listen to the other members who warned him what was happening? He had been lied to again and again and again whenever he confronted them about their behavior. And that was what probably hurt him the most. The two of them felt they needed to keep it secret from him even though he was the one who was most likely to understand.  

As he continued to watch them slumber, wrapped in each other’s arms, he pulled himself up and sat on the edge of his bed. As angry as he was with them, watching them sleep so peacefully gave him solace. Still, he didn’t know if he could ever forgive them - ever.

Tae had a full day ahead with his friends. The friend outing could not have come at a better time because he was so angry with Jimin and Jeongguk, that he didn’t feel it was good to be around them until he cooled off. As quietly as possible he rose from the bed and tip-toed into the bathroom to get dressed. And then he silently snuck away to meet up with friends. He needed time away from his bandmates - to think.

It was well after 11:00 am by the time Jimin arose. He looked over and noticed that Tae was not in his bed. The outing with his friends had been pre-planned. The argument that occurred between them the  night before had not. Jimin sat up and rubbed his eyes, shielding from the bright sun that shone into the room. He wanted a chance to talk to Tae, apologize for what Tae had walked in on. It was important to understand where Tae’s head was. But Tae was gone, so talking would have to wait.

Jimin stretched as he looked at his phone. It was definitely time to get up. They had a reservation at a restaurant on the south side of the island. They needed to leave in twenty minutes. He reached over to place his phone back on the nightstand and that’s when the pain hit; the little reminder of his sinful transgressions with Jeongguk the night before. The younger had definitely left an impression on him. Rather than allowing his thoughts to drown in the memory of Jeongguk’s powerful cock thundering into him, he chose to wake him up.

Jeongguk was behind him, cuddled into his back, breathing softly. It had been a long time since they’d awakened in each other’s arms. Jimin felt secure and complete with his young companion nestled behind him. As the younger one’s body swarmed over him, he could feel the light poke of Jeongguk’s morning wood pressed against the small of his back. He thought about what would happen if he worked his pants down and gave his big spoon a morning taste to quench his thirst. He wondered how it would feel being together like that in their soft bed. He didn’t dare move. He’d felt Jeongguk’s erections against him many times, but never before had he possessed such a scathing desire to fuck it. His discipline waned. Keeping his hands off of him was nearly impossible. At his weakest moment, just before he climbed on top of him to ride him until he broke his dick, his common sense resurfaced. They couldn’t be together in that way; they couldn’t. 

He quickly course-corrected his thoughts and reminded himself that indulging in that part of their relationship was wrong. They slipped one time, but it would never happen again. It was terrible for him to even think about it, even though his body stubbornly craved it.

The bed was comfortable and the sheets were soft and inviting. He was surrounded by cool white fluffy pillows that cocooned them in their own little nest. The duvet was tangled around their legs and their legs were tangled around each other. He wanted to stay like that forever - until he noticed the red fiery glow of the camera light which brought him back to reality. 

They were recording.

“Aishhhhh, Jeonggukie wake up.”

Jeongguk grumbled before burying his face into the back of Jimin’s neck. He didn’t want the cameras to pick up the movement of his lips. He whispered, “When you said we could never do it again, did you mean it?”

“I meant it,” Jimin answered firmly.

“What if my dick is aching like it’s about to fall off and you’re right here in front of me. And I’m really, really suffering. Is it still no?” Jeongguk whined into Jimin’s neck again. Their bodies were pressed so close that the camera angle barely distinguished two bodies over one.

“It will forever be a no. We talked about this.”

“Ok, but what if…,”

“The answer will always be no. I’m sorry.” Jimin covered his mouth with his hand. “We have to go. We have to leave here in about fifteen minutes. We’re eating stir-fried black pork at this cute little place that Sejin found.”

“I’m awake. But my day would be alot better if you would just let me…,”  

Jimin began to sing, “And if you let me. I want to see it, in motion, ppeuriri.”

“3D. It’s English Jiminie, 3-D. 3-D like up close and personal, not ppeuriri. And if you would just cooperate, I could show you some good stuff in 3-D.”

“This entire conversation is going to have to be edited out.” Jimin giggled. He and Jeongguk jostled about the bed in a pretend fight, throwing fake punches, “Behave, you brat. Get dressed, I have a surprise for you.”

“Oh?” Jeongguk popped up, “I like surprises.”

“You’re going to love this one.”

“Whoa, wait a minute, where’s Tae? We said we were going to talk to him today.” Jeongguk realized the bed adjacent to them was empty.

“He had plans, remember? He’s meeting us at the restaurant. He’s been gone since sunrise.”

“I’m worried about him. He was really upset last night.”

“I’m worried too…about a lot of things,” Jimin ran his fingers through his long thick hair.

Jeongguk’s eyes flitted back and forth between the camera and Jimin. He felt there was more that needed to be said about their night in the swimming pool. He wanted to open the topic up again.But pulling the cameras and turning them all off so they could talk privately was time consuming. It was time they didn’t have because they needed to get to the restaurant. The in-depth talk would have to wait.

Jimin headed into the bathroom to shower. After about five minutes Jeongguk heard him scream. “Jeonggukie!”

Jeongguk ran into the bathroom to find Jimin partially nude, leaning into the mirror. 

“Yeah? What’s wrong?”

“Look at this! Look how long this hair is. Do you have any tweezers?”

“No. Uh I didn’t bring any. Don’t pull it though.”

“No I won’t. You sure you don’t have tweezers?” Jimin turned to him with a pout. 

Jeongguk laughed, “Awww.”


“You’re so cute.”

“You’re laughing at me because I’m cute?”

“You’re a lot of things; funny, sexy, loving, generous, calm, talented…cute is just one of many things that make me love you.”

Jimin ducked as if drones were flying over his head. He ran up to Jeongguk and placed his hand over his mouth, “You can’t say that while we’re filming.”

“Oops,” Jeongguk pretended to care that he had broken the zero love confessions rule. “Won’t happen again.”

“You’re cute too. But I won’t say that other thing.”

“I don’t have any tweezers, Jiminssi. But I’ll take care of it. In the meantime let me nibble on that long strand of hair, it’s cute.”

“No.” Jimin covered his rogue strand of hair. 

Jeongguk backed him against the sink and hovered over him, “Well can I at least have a little kiss? There’s no cameras in here.”

“Kisses lead to other things.”

“Right. Well…Can I just suck your dick?”

“Jeongguk! Get out of here.” Jimin lifted his leg and kicked Jeongguk in the butt. There were no cameras in the bathroom so he was free to roam around and say whatever he pleased.


It took about twenty minutes for them to dress and head outside. It was Jimin’s turn to drive but he had something very special planned for Jeongguk. It was parked in front of the rental house. 

 Jimin stood in front of Jeongguk, blocking him from leaving, “Ok, so close your eyes. It’s time for your surprise. Hold my hand, I’ll guide you. Trust me?” 

“No. But I don’t think I have a choice,” Jeongguk teased.

Jimin slapped him in the chest, “Behave.” 

He walked Jeongguk down the steps and out towards the parking garage where a 2024 Harley Fat Bob motorcycle was parked. 

“Ok, ready?”

“The suspense is killing me.”

“Open your eyes.”

Jeongguk opened his eyes and immediately gasped? “You got this for me?”

“I rented it. You’ve been so into motorcycles lately. I thought you would really enjoy riding it while we’re here.”

Jeongguk immediately ran and jumped on. 

“I love this so fucking much!” He beamed. 

The key was already in so it started right up. “Oh Jimin, this is a great idea. The weather is great, the scenery is perfect. Jump on. You can ride in the bitch seat.”

“I certainly will not. I won’t be riding on anything called a bitch seat.”

“It’s what they call it here in America. Riding pillion, as my passenger.”

“Maybe later. You enjoy it for now. Follow me in the car.”

“Thank you Jiminie. This is just perfect!”

Jimin and Jeongguk arrived at the restaurant. Tae was not yet there. 

Jimin pulled Jeongguk aside and spoke to him out of earshot of Sejin and the other staff, “Look, when he gets here, stay calm. He’s probably still angry about last night. We don’t know how he’s feeling or what he’s thinking. So stay cool, ok?”

“I will. Heads up, here he comes.”

As they stood outside of the restaurant, the car carrying Tae pulled up beside them. He exited the car and glared at them both as they stood there. His mood was hard to read.

They could already feel the tension. Tae was distant. After years of knowing him and being his best friend, both Jeongguk and Jimin could tell when he was upset. And he was definitely upset. 

“How was it…the golfing…I mean?” Jimin asked awkwardly.

“It was fine. I’m tired and I’m hungry,” Tae responded.

“Well…good thing we have a great meal waiting for us. Let’s go,”  Jimin went in for a hug and Tae reciprocated. It was a good start to what was surely going to be a difficult conversation.

Jimin and Jeongguk exchanged nervous glances.

“Took you long enough to get here. Let’s eat. I’m starving,” Jeongguk was the first to head into the restaurant. Tae and Jimin followed. 

Jimin and Jeongguk perused the menu. Tae perused Jimin and Jeongguk. There was so much on the tip of his tongue that he wanted to say. 

Jeongguk noticed the hostility in Tae’s face. He raised his hand to let the server know they were ready to order. She came quickly. He asked a few questions and then talked through his order, taking the liberty to order for both he and Jimin. 

“And you, sir? What would you like?” The waitress turned to Tae.

“Since when do you order for Jimin?” Tae snapped.

“Since…forever?” Jeongguk shrugged.

“He’s a foodie, Tae. He’s been ordering for me since we were kids. Surely you remember that. Sometimes I don’t even have to tell him what I want. He just knows what I like. You know this,” Jimin tried to keep it light-hearted. He laughed. “Give her your order. You’re holding up the food and we’re hungry.”

Tae spoke to the server, “Just give me whatever the ‘foodie’ ordered. I’ll take the same thing.” There was definitely a bite to Tae’s tone.

As the server left the table, Jeongguk sat back and folded his arms. “Ok, you’re upset about something, what is it? Are you still hung up on what you think you saw last night?”

“Hold on…what do you mean what I ‘think’ I saw? I know what I saw. Now you’re playing Jedi mind tricks on me?” Tae remarked.

“We explained everything to you, Tae. It was just a misunderstanding. There’s nothing…,” Jimin found it very difficult to lie to Tae’s face, but he had to do it, “...there was nothing going on.”

“You’re unbelievable.” Tae shook his head. He honestly wanted to cry. 

This was a tricky conversation for cameras. One that would result in strange cuts and gaps in time. But Tae seemed determined to go down that road. 

“I woke up in the middle of the night thinking back on all of the years we’ve been together as band members. I saw it but I didn’t really want to see it, you know? Namjoon saw it. Yoongi, Hobi, all of them. But not me. I lived by your word. Your word. But now I realize that all along your word has been nothing but a lie.”

“That’s over the line. Nobody has lied to you.” Jeongguk snapped.

“You’re dating each other, aren’t you?”

“Tae, we’re filming,” Jeongguk said angrily. This was not a subject for the cameras. Tae’s carelessness angered him.

“Oh now you care about the cameras? How about when you fucked in the swimming pool last night? You didn’t care then?”

“Tae!” Jeongguk quickly reached over to turn off the table cameras that sat on the tripods in front of them. He asked the clueless cameraman who was sitting a couple of tables away, to give them some time alone.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t start fucking rumors,” Jeongguk snapped at him, anger percolating.

“Rumors? I don’t peddle rumors. I only speak the truth. It took me a while to figure it out, but it all came rushing to me this morning. The bruises all over Jimin’s body. The limp and the grimacing in pain. The hickies on his back. The guilty looks on both of your faces. It didn’t take a genius to put it all together.” Tae slammed his hand on the table. “How could you do this? How could you risk so much?”

“Lower your voice,” Jeongguk snapped again.

Tae quipped, “I should have never come.”

“No you shouldn’t have. You can go back right now. Swim back to Seoul if you regret it so much,” Jeongguk pointed towards the sea. 

Jimin echoed Jeongguk’s frustration, “Why would you say that? Why would you regret coming after insisting to come? This trip was supposed to be for the two of us but we opened it up for you when we heard that you wanted to come. We switched everything around, we made it a trip for three. We made a lot of sacrifices for you to be here. And now you say you regret coming?”

Tae didn’t have a chance to answer. The server arrived with two arms full of hot dishes. Jimin helped her place the plates down and they all thanked her. Quietly, they began to eat. All three of them felt it was best not to say anything else. They ate in silence, refusing to talk to each other for about twenty minutes as they consumed their food.

Sejin suddenly appeared at the table. He had heard about the argument and dropped in to check on them. “Everything alright here guys?”




None of them wanted to drag Sejin into it. The less people who knew why they were arguing, the better. 

“We need the cameras back on. Disney doesn’t want reels of blank footage,” he joked.

 Jeongguk leaned forward and switched both cameras back on. He could only hope for the best even though the three of them were still in a heated argument.  

“You sure you’re ok?” Sejin said again in his most comforting hyung voice.

“We’re sure.”

Sejin wasn’t tuned in to what was bothering them. As brothers, they bickered from time to time, but not so much since they’d become adults. However, this time, everything in his gut told him that the events of the previous night had something to do with why Tae was upset. From Sejin’s observation, the triple layered dynamic had a tendency to go a little wonky whenever all of the maknaes were together. There was so much volatile history there. And the situation was only made more complex by Jimin and Jeongguk’s affinity towards each other. 

But as a seasoned manager with years of experience, he knew to stay out of it and allow them to resolve it on their own. His only concern was the clock ticking and his production crew charging by the hour. Whatever was bothering his three stars, Sejin needed them to resolve it soon or fight it out with cameras on. He didn’t care which, he just needed good footage. Pre-production had already shown significant gaps in the footage since Tae’s arrival. He needed more footage if they were ever going to get the show aired.

They waited for Sejin to leave before continuing their conversation.

Tae immediately asked a question that had been bothering him, “Why didn’t Namjoon or Yoongi come?”

“Because for the one hundredth time, not everyone can just come on this show,” Jeongguk replied.

“It’s our show. Just the two of us and we let you in,” Jimin tried to explain.

“You let me in? Since when do I need to be let in?”

“Since we negotiated this show, planned it, produced it, picked the locations, selected the cities, made and made the travel arrangements for two people,” Jeongguk yelled. His frustration was starting to show.

“You mean you never wanted me here?”

Jeongguk clarified, “I didn’t say that. You’re here aren’t you? We could have said no.”

“Do you two have any idea how this looks? A show with just the two of you going to romantic places, renting yachts and watching sunsets, sharing beds, frolicking around half naked. Do you realize what fans are going to think?”

“I don’t really give a fu..,”

“Jeongguk!” Jimin cut him off. “Post production will take care of some of this. But the premise of the show is to explore our friendship and spend some time before enlistment. That’s all. There is nothing sinister about that. Just two friends.”

“Alright, if it’s a friendcation, why weren’t all of us included from the beginning? All five of us who are remaining? If your Buddy enlistment gets approved then you’re going to be right next to each other for the next two years. Why wouldn’t you invite the rest of us, the members who you won’t see, to spend time together? Aren’t you going to miss us too? Don’t you want to spend quality time with the rest of us? Why just you and Jimin?”

Jimin attempted to gingerly explain their reasoning, “We don’t know if our buddy request is going to be approved. This trip is something we’ve wanted to do for years but never had time.”

“This entire show idea is weird. How did you even get this approved?”

Jeongguk rubbed his forehead, “You really don’t get it.”

Tae slammed his hand on the table again, “NO I DON’T GET IT! You’ve been treating me like a third wheel since I got here. Ganging up on me, teasing me, excluding me from your little pathetic jokes. Why bring me here to ignore me?”

“No one has ignored you asshole! We welcomed you with open arms and made every attempt to include you in everything,” Jeongguk fussed back.

 Tae kept arguing, “Why didn’t you just tell me no that I couldn’t come? Then at least I would have avoided dealing with that bullshit from last night. I look like a third wheel, like I don’t belong with my own group members. Why would you do that to me instead of just explaining it? None of this makes any sense. I don’t understand this show. I don’t understand what we’re doing and I don’t understand why I’m still here. I’m leaving. You two can have this shit.” Tae threw his napkin on the table and stormed out. 

“Of course, now you want to bail, so typical. You begged us to let you come and now you’re begging us to let you leave,” Jeongguk said with malice. He rubbed his forehead in frustration. 

“Jeongguk, let me handle this. Tae! Tae, please wait.” Jimin ran after him.

Tae refused to look back. He was done with both of them. From the lies, to the humiliation, he was done. The only thing on his mind was getting back to Seoul.

Jimin caught up with Tae in the parking lot. He was on his phone, ordering an Uber to take him back to the rental house to get his things. 

Jimin grabbed him and forced him towards the car, “You’re coming with me. We need to talk.”

“Why, so you can tell me more lies?” 

Jimin broke eye contact. He felt a twinge of guilt because Tae was right. He had indeed been lying to him simply by not admitting the truth. He decided that it was time to finally come clean with his best friend. Doing it in the middle of filming the show was not optimal, but if they didn’t want the situation to implode, he had to calm Tae down and that meant, telling him everything.

“Just get in the car.”

“No,” Tae refused.

“You’re getting in the car.” 

“No,” Tae said again.

Jeongguk stayed behind to pay the bill. He watched from the window as Tae and Jimin tussled in the parking lot. He worried about Jimin’s body and wondered if he was in pain. The day was supposed to be spent relaxing while giving him a chance to heal. Dragging Tae across a dirt covered parking lot was not part of the plan.  

The server brought the receipt and not a second too soon,“Thanks.” Jeongguk gave her a cash tip and rushed to the parking lot to help Jimin wrangle Tae. He grabbed Tae’s arm and gave him a firm warning, “Hey! Either get in the car with Jimin or I’m kicking your ass right here, Hyung,” Jeongguk said semi-respectfully. 

Tae was fine wrestling with Jimin because he knew that Jimin loved him too much to ever hurt him. Jeongguk however loved him just enough to actually hit him if he thought Tae was being unreasonable. Tae decided to take his chances with Jimin. He sulked and climbed into the passenger seat before buckling his seatbelt. His tightly folded arms and clenched jaw were his displays of protest.

“Let’s go,”  Jeongguk was already on his motorcycle, fully geared up and ready to take off. He spoke to Jimin and Tae through a microphone that he attached to his helmet and his phone. 

“Yea, ok.” Jimin watched him from his rearview mirror. Jeongguk looked so cute. “Is your helmet buckled tightly? We can’t let you get hurt.”

“It’s good.”


“Promise,” Jeongguk responded. 

“Mind the traffic and go slowly.”

“I’m fine. I promise to arrive safely, just for you.”

“Just for me…,” Jimin smiled into the mirror so that Jeongguk could see his face. Using his thumb, he traced the outline of Jeongguk’s lips over the reflection in the mirror.

Tae stared at Jimin. The tender exchange about Jeongguk’s safety was much more than just brotherly concern. “Oh God. It’s true. Every bit of it is true, isn’t it?”

“What’s true?”

“The two of you,” Tae said bitterly.

Jimin wasn’t comfortable answering the question the way that Tae presented it. He started the car and pulled onto the road. The car they were driving had dashboard cameras that picked up footage and conversations inside. Jimin made the bold move to switch them off, even though Sejin had warned them about low footage. 

“It was never something we intended to happen. I don’t think I even realized it until a few years ago. But I was in denial. I was…tormented by guilt. I did everything possible to ignore it and to pretend that it wasn’t happening. But I was trapped, Tae. I couldn’t get away from him. Everyday, working side by side. Traveling the world, experiencing things that only the seven of us had ever experienced and doing it all together. The feelings just grew deeper and deeper because he’s just that special. I tried to keep my distance.  But that wasn’t realistic. We’re in the same group. What was I supposed to do? Quit the group to get away from him? I know you think that I should have controlled this better. I know you think that as the elder,  I should have abandoned those feelings. Well Tae, I tried. I tried and I tried!”

“You didn’t try hard enough.”

“Imagine meeting someone who clicks with you on every level. Someone who understands you like no one has ever understood you in your lifetime. Imagine meeting someone as handsome and talented and as emotionally vulnerable as him and realizing he’s the Yin to your Yang? That’s what happened to us. The odds of the two of us meeting and being in the same group were next to zero. Yet it happened, yet it was destined.”

“When did this all happen? When did you start…dating or whatever this is?”

“That’s a good way to describe it…whatever this is. Because we surely didn’t realize we were dating. We thought we just loved spending time together. We thought we just liked hanging out and sharing a bed and shopping. We thought we just liked the same movies. Things intensified after our trip to Tokyo. But we didn’t define ourselves as dating. We were in denial until…until a photo leaked.”

“A photo? What photo?” Tae asked curiously.

“It was November 8th, 2018. Jeongguk and I wanted to go out for an innocent night on the town. Dinner, a little drinking. We were celebrating the one year anniversary of our trip to Tokyo. I invited a former friend of mine to tag along. We ended up at Halago, a really cool restaurant in Apgujeong.  Every year they put up this heart-shaped wedding arch made of flowers. People take pictures under there. Some people even got married under it. I swear, Tae, we were just playing around…but we decided to walk under the arch. We held hands and pretended to say wedding vows. One thing led to another and we ended up kissing, right there underneath the flowered heart. We were in public. We should have known better. My former friend who was with us took a picture. Luckily for us he didn’t get a picture of us kissing, but he did capture a picture of us holding hands.”

“Wait, is that the picture that was leaked a couple of years ago? I remember seeing that. People said it was fake, but I knew it was real. I know my two best friends when I see them. And yeah, it was pretty scandalous. I asked you about it…both of you. And you both said it was fake. Another lie?”

“Yes. The photo was out there but since everyone assumed it was a fake, we didn’t bother to tell anyone the truth. Some of the management team even started fake accounts to spread the rumors that there were cos-players in the photo. All of it was to hide the truth. And it worked…for the most part the fandom refused to spread them. But then, my former friend betrayed me in the worst way. He released the other pics from that night that proved the picture under the arch was authentic. We were devastated, and betrayed. But we were mostly angry with ourselves for allowing ourselves to be caught in that position. We were lucky that it wasn’t worse.”

“Why were you so affected by the picture?”

“It was the first time we realized that we…weren’t just friends. We were dating under the guise of friendship, but that’s not what it was at all. That’s when we knew that what we were doing was different from the relationship we had with any other members. We acted like a couple and the minute we saw that photo, we knew that our feelings for each other had changed. We held hands under that arch and we never wanted to let go. We kissed under that arch like it was a real wedding. For a brief moment, we lived our fantasy. Tae, we wanted the vows to be real.”

“Great. So you two playing house almost lit the world on fire. See, that’s what I don’t understand. Why take so many chances?”

“It was stupid. It was dangerous. But his love is like a drug. Sometimes…I just want to crawl away and live in his world. He’s my soulmate, Tae.” 

Tae was triggered by hearing Jimin reply to Jeongguk as his soulmate. His tone immediately ratched up, “Why him? The world is big out there, Jimin. You could have anybody you want. You’re the biggest star in the world. Why settle for the one person you can’t have?” Tae asked directly.

“Don’t you think I know this? Hiding these feelings and keeping them buried has been hell on me. I started drinking, I started having weird thoughts. I started being reckless. I did everything to cope, to make it go away. Bang was so worried about my behavior that he forced me into therapy. Remember?”

“Yea, I do. But I had no idea it was because of this.”

“And do you know what the therapist told me? He said that I had to admit my own truth because it was the only way to save my life. And so here is my truth. I love Jeongguk and he loves me. Falling in love is not something that a person can control.”

“This is a mistake Jimin. You can’t possibly love him. You just…you haven’t experienced enough of the world. There are thousands of men out there.”

“I’m not naive and I’m not stupid. When I tell you I did everything possible to get over him, I mean it. I dated plenty of other guys, privately, discreetly. Probably too many. I just wanted to find somebody who could make me feel the way he did. At the time I had just turned twenty-two and I knew I was falling for him, I knew it. I dated other people, just to keep myself away from him. And I know that it hurt him. But, he sat back and he watched me. He allowed me to explore my life. Even though he was young, he knew what I was trying to do. He let me sew my wild oats because he knew that eventually I would come back to him. And he was right. He makes me whole, Tae. And that is my full truth.”

“This is bullshit Jimin. Do you hear yourself? You’re justifying having a physical relationship with a bandmate. Do you know how fucked up this is? I will never believe that you couldn’t have found someone else. You’re too famous to date each other. You’re the two most famous celebrities in the entire world.” Tae had no sympathy and no understanding.

Jimin angrily pulled over to the side of the road and slammed hard on the breaks. “Are you fucking kidding me? You of all people are going to say that to my face? I told you how it happened, I told you that it was out of our control. Now you on the other hand, you had full control over your decision to start fucking Jennie. Oh, did you not realize that you were two of the most famous celebrities in the entire world when you strolled hand and hand down the river in Paris? You went public with your relationship and you didn’t talk to any of us about it. You let us find out about it in the news. You chose the biggest star in the world to be your girlfriend and you threw it in everyone’s face. But somehow you feel that my private relationship with Jeongguk is a mistake and morally wrong. Yet you fucking Jennie is perfectly ok. Fuck you!”

Jimin’s sudden pull-off made Jeongguk nervous. Sensing that the two may be arguing, he followed them and then jumped off of his bike to see what was happening inside of the car. He could hear their screaming voices as he approached, even though the window was closed. 

He tapped on the glass, “Hey, what’s going on?”  Jeongguk took one look at Tae’s face and knew that the mild-mannered, affable soul was seething. He needed to intervene because the situation between his lover and his best friend was escalating quickly. 

Sejin and the film crew who were traveling two car lengths ahead of them, also noticed Jimin’s sudden stop on the side of the road. He made a U-turn and quickly headed back towards them. Whatever was happening, he hoped that the cameras were still rolling. 



The passenger door burst open and Tae was suddenly pulled out, “Oooookay, this conversation is over.” Jeongguk had run to the passenger’s side of the car and pulled Tae to safety. 

“Get your hands off of me. What are you doing?” Tae fought against Jeongguk as he dragged him away from the car 

“Saving your life. He’s pissed off. And so are you. I think you both need some space,” Jeongguk knew that he needed to separate Tae from Jimin right away. 

Jimin was a gentle soul. Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t harm a fly. But when he was angry, he became a different person. It took a lot to push Jimin’s buttons but Tae had definitely pushed his buttons. Even Jeongguk had to admit that his elder was scary when he was mad. No one needed to be reminded that Jimin was a black belt in karate and that’s why Jeongguk got him out of that car. It seemed inconceivable that Jimin could be driven to violence, but Jeongguk didn’t want to take that chance.

Just then Sejin arrived. Jeongguk pulled Tae towards Sejin’s car and pushed him inside. “Hey, give him a ride back to the house, please? I need to talk to Jimin alone for a second.”

“What’s going on?” Sejin asked with concern.

“Just a little brotherly love,” Jeongguk smiled.

Tae gladly jumped into Sejin’s car. He didn’t want to drive with Jimin anyway. “Take me home so I can pack please. I’m leaving tonight,” Tae advised Sejin.

“Tonight? You just got here. We haven’t filmed enough scenes with you.”

“I’m going home,” Tae repeated. 

Jimin was out of the car, still cursing at Tae as Sejin drove away with him. Jeongguk pulled off his helmet and threw it to the ground. He ran behind Jimin and embraced him from the back, wrapping his long arms around him and placing his open palms along Jimin’s chest to calm his heartbeat. 

“Stop. Stop this. He’s gone. This isn’t like you, calm down. Calm down and talk to me,” Jeongguk wrestled an angry Jimin, hugging him from behind and wrapping him in his arms.

“We never said a damn word about his private life or who he dated. He can date Jennie and allow her to post unlimited selfies in their matching clothes. But I can’t dare date you privately…,”

Jeongguk sighed. Now he understood why Tae was so angry, “Oh…oh Jiminie. You didn’t play the Jennie card did you? You know that’s a sore subject for him.”

Jimin could feel the energy from Jeongguk’s embrace. His heartbeat slowed, his breathing calmed and his senses leveled. Once again he was thinking clearly. “I - I did. But he just made me so mad,” Jimin admitted.

“His relationship with Jennie is very different from what you and I have going on. I would have gotten mad at you too.”

“Yea, well it’s a little worse than that. I also kinda accused him of only objecting to our relationship because we were gay.”

“Noooo you played the homophobe card too? You know he’s not like that. Oh you made a mess,” Jeongguk placed his hands on his hips like a disappointed father who had just caught the neighbors kids playing in his tulips. “Ok welp guess it’s up to me. We tried it your way and that didn’t work. So now it’s my turn,” Jeongguk grabbed his helmet and climbed back onto his motorcycle.

“What do you plan to do?” Jimin asked.

“Somebody has to talk to him, make him understand. I’m going to give it a try. Plus, I don’t want him to leave. He needs to stay. He’s right. This is the last time we’ll all be together before he leaves for special forces. We need to appreciate the time we have with him.”

“I don’t care if he leaves,” Jimin huffed.

“You don’t mean that. You’re still carrying a little petty princess residue. Go back to the house and soak your sore asshole in the hot tub. Besides, I want back in and you’ll never let me get anywhere near you if it hurts everytime I touch it.”

Jimin sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes. “I already told you ‘No’ 100 times. My answer won’t change.” 

“You don’t know how persistent I can be,” Jeongguk laughed as he cranked his Harley. “Give me some time with Tae. I think I know how to fix this.”

Tae slammed the glass sliding door open to the rental house. He marched upstairs, angrily stomping along each step. He couldn’t wait to get away from them. Sejin was already working on an emergency return flight back to Seoul. As soon as his flight was finalized, Tae was planning to leave. 

He threw his luggage on the bed and began gathering his belongings. He didn’t even bother to fold them, he just threw them into the bag. Tae pulled out his phone and sent a few texts, one of them to Jennie, to let her know that he was coming home a day earlier than expected. He was just about to check in with Sejin when he felt dampness in his shirt. A stream of water had completely wet his t-shirt. He grabbed at his back while looking up at the ceiling. He assumed that something was leaking from the roof.

Just then, he was hit with another heavy stream of warm water. This one was aimed at his head. He could feel that the back hairs along his neck were completely soaked. And that’s when he saw Jeongguk out of the corner of his eye. He was standing behind the door in the bedroom, aiming his super soaker water gun directly at Tae. 

“I’m not in the mood for games. Get out of here,” Tae said angrily.

Jeongguk shot him in the back again. This time he completely soaked the back of Tae’s shirt, showing no mercy. He dropped another water gun and kicked it over to him. 

“Defend yourself.”

Tae was not in the mood. He was angry, tired, hurt and a little bit worried that Jimin would find him and want to fight. Having a water gun fight with Jeongguk was not on his bingo card. 

As he stared at the water gun on the ground, his mind momentarily flashed back. The year was 2014. He, Jimin and Jeongguk were in a hotel room, bored, finding ways to entertain themselves. They were the three closest members and they loved being together back then. They had super soaker water guns that they filled with warm water. They completely ruined the hotel room shooting at each other for hours. By the time they finished, the hotel carpet was soaked. The first thing Jeongguk said before the fight started was, “Defend yourself.” Despite getting into trouble with Bang PD, it was one of his happiest memories. 

Tae smiled. In his own way, Jeongguk was reaching out to him, extending an olive branch as an apology for all of the disagreements. He picked up the gun and pretended to throw it on the bed, but instead he spun around and shot a long warm stream straight into Jeongguk’s face. The fight was on.

They ran around for ten minutes, jumping over the beds and hiding behind doors. The fight was epic and it was just enough to disperse Tae’s anger. They collapsed on the bed laughing, both of them completely drenched from head to toe.

“Wish we had these guns back when we were teenagers,” Jeongguk said. 

“Yea. I wish we were still teenagers. Everything was much easier back then,” Tae said, bringing them back to reality.

“Sorry for all of this. And so is Jimin. I’m sure he told you everything. But there is something that he probably didn’t tell you. The reason we agreed for you to come is because we love you. I don’t know…maybe we should have done this differently and included you without you having to find out about it in the scheduling group chat. But please understand, we meant no disrespect to you. We weren’t trying to leave you out. This was less about you than it was about…us. Me and him,” Jeongguk explained.

“He told me you two are in love.”

“Yea, we are.”

“Jeonggukie? Did you two…I mean how long has it been…physical?” Tae asked shyly.

“We’ve done some things. But last night was the first time…uh…that…,”

“...right in front of my salad? I mean dude, I was right upstairs,” Tae grimaced.

“We didn’t mean for it to happen. It was the first and the last time. We decided last night that being physical was a step too far. We won’t do it again. And I’m sorry for you know…doing it in front of your salad.”

“Yuck. That’s so weird. Did you actually…uh…I mean since when do you know how to…uh…with another…guy?” Tae made a strange gesture with his hands that ended up with him rubbing his index finger through his fist.

“Yea…we did…but I’m not giving you details about that. I’m twenty-six. I know all of the things that I need to know,” Jeongguk smiled demurely.

“Top or bottom?”


Tae threw his hands up, “Well at least I’m not crazy. My gut told me that Jimin’s limp was not because of his damn knee. Oops wait. I think I just answered my own question.”


Tae giggled. “I’m dropping the subject.”

Jeongguk laughed, “Good. But seriously, we went too far. Especially considering we’re filming a show. But it just happened. Sometimes passion can’t be controlled even amongst the most disciplined people. And you know how disciplined Jimin is.”

“I know. You must be irresistible to him.” Tae patted Jeongguk on the shoulder. “He’s so fucking happy lately. I suspected he was in love. But I never suspected it was you.”

“I won’t apologize for this. But I will apologize for not being more careful. We’re going to continue dating and nothing is going to stop us. However, we will continue to be discreet and keep this private, you know?”

Tae felt tears. He covered his face with his hands. “Ugh. I never should have come.”

“Don’t say that. Why are you saying that again? We already told you, we wanted you here -”

Tae interrupted him, “I shouldn’t have come because I can’t shake the feeling that I interrupted something sacred. Something deeply meaningful that you two were trying to capture. I didn’t know Jeongguk. I didn’t know how important this show was to you.”

“You’re important too. That’s why we made sure to say yes to you joining us. I’ll admit we were a little bratty at first, but having you here has been incredible. You’re a reminder of our commitment to our members and how much we love them…and you. Please, don’t leave. Finish out the Jeju trip with us.”

“Why are you here, just you two? This is going to really get the shippers talking in the fandom. Why put this out there and expose yourselves this way? Is this some kind of soft launch?”

“Not at all.  It’s much, much more complicated than that. It’s a long story. Put on a dry shirt and let’s grab a beer.”

“Sure, but where’s Jimin?”

Jeongguk laughed. “He’s not mad anymore. And I sent him away so that you and I could talk. Don’t worry, I won’t let him kick your ass,” Jeongguk patted Tae on the back again.

The two settled on the first floor near the pool. They drank a couple of beers and had a much needed soul-to-soul talk. Jeongguk did his best to explain everything that had happened during the last couple of years since their hiatus. Tae admittedly was out of touch and much of what Jeongguk had to tell him was a shock…

As Jeongguk began, he took intermittent sips of his beer, “There was no guarantee that our buddy enlistment would be approved. At first, we thought it was a done deal. I mean we were two of seven of the biggest stars in Korea’s history. Surely someone would make some phone calls to make sure that we could serve together. We started the process back in 2018, talking to soldiers who had done it and understanding how/when to submit the paperwork. But as time went on and our service became more and more political, we realized that no one was on our side. No matter how popular we were or what we had done for this country, there was no guarantee that the chips were going to fall in our favor. And that’s when we panicked.” Jeongguk wiped his eyes. There were tears there, but they were not for Tae to see. “I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t in the right state of mind to leave Jimin. He’d been by my side since I was thirteen years old, and my boyfriend since I was about twenty. I wasn’t ready to be without him and Jimin knew it. One night I said something crazy about running away together and not going to service at all. I was drunk. I didn’t mean it, but I did expose myself, my mental state. It was at that point that Jimin knew what he had to do.”

“What do you mean he knew what he had to do? What did he have to do?”

“He had to prepare me for the eventuality that we would be separated. He distanced himself. Not completely of course. He could never do that, for his own sanity. He needs me just like I need him. But he stopped responding to my every whim. We used to spend every waking moment together. We either spent the night at his house or mine. We were barely ever apart, even off tour. But suddenly, after hiatus began, he was always busy. Too busy. In his defense, he was recording a double album, fulfilling his Dior appearances, traveling, filming videos, practicing ten hours a day on choreo, filming challenges and writing his entire album. His hands were full. I was busy too, let’s be honest. Preparing for both of our solo debuts was not an easy feat.” Jeongguk took a break. They sat in silence for a few minutes until he was ready to begin again.

“Whenever I was free, I would call him, but he was never available. Whenever he was free, I would call him, but he wasn’t available. It didn’t take me long to figure out that he was intentionally avoiding me. I even resorted to trying to talk to him through my VLIVES. I would pretend he was in the audience, watching me, thinking about me, loving me. I would pretend we were on dates. I was just so desperate for his attention. Sometimes he would give it to me, other times he wouldn’t. I know ARMY must have thought I was crazy, staying live for hours and hours and hours at a time. The truth is…I was always waiting for him.”

“Oh Jeonggukie. You’re literally breaking my heart right now.” Tae shook his head, “I still don’t understand. Was he trying to break up with you?”

Jeongguk shook his head, “I don’t think he ever wanted that. He would still find time for me, but it was more balanced. It wasn’t everyday like it used to be when we were still working. Honestly, I thought he was dating someone else. He promised me that he wasn’t. I was so blinded by hurt and abandonment.”

“I’m still lost.”

“You see, he never really left me. He was always there. Always. But he didn’t want me to know. He wanted me to stand on my own. He was constantly pebbling, sending me strength through subtle sources. Encouraging me when I needed it the most, making suggestions on enhancing my life. He even suggested that I spend more time with you. That’s one of the reasons I flew out to Hawaii to visit you. Still, I missed him so much. There were many times that I cried myself to sleep, even cried on live stream. I begged him publicly and privately to spend time with me, but he was very measured in the time that he gave to me. I tried to talk to him about it. But he would never explain himself. He would only say…one day you’ll understand. I was left guessing, thinking the worst about him. It was a stressful time that almost broke me.”

“Oh Jeongguk, you should have talked to me about it.”

“Yea, you and Jennie. Let’s be honest, you had your own shit going on. Plus you were so happy. I didn’t want to bring you down with my problems. I was happy for you and proud of you too. One day when I was sorting through music with Namjoon, trying to come up with the best songs for my album. We were listening to a song called Hate You. And I broke into tears. He decided that we needed to talk. That conversation with Namjoon changed everything for me.”

“What did he say?”

“You know Namjoon. Deep thinker, very intuitive. He was an aphorist as always. He explained Jimin’s action through a series of quotes and philosophies about life. But there were two quotes in particular that stood out.” 

“Quotes. You figured it out through quotes?” Tae shrugged.

“Clearly Jimin had talked to Namjoon about what he was doing. And, without betraying Jimin’s confidence, Joonie led me to the answer. In Jimin’s mind, I needed time to find myself. Be myself. Live by myself. Create myself. Depend on myself. He wanted me to live a full life, a happy life that didn’t include him. Joonie called Oubaitori. Based on a Japanese concept that Jimin studied back in 2017 when we were in Japan together. It was, in essence, Jimin’s belief that it was my time to blossom on my own without the imprint of my brothers, or him. You see, being the youngest, I was the only one who had never lived on my own. I was in everyone’s shadow and they all took credit for who I had become. But Jimin wanted me to be me. To bloom into the man that I could take credit for becoming. He was trying to prepare me for the eventuality of being separated and torn apart during military service. And as painful as it was for him, he pushed me to do it the only way he knew how. He had to remove himself as my safety net.”

“He’s very cerebral. Only he would think of something like that. What an incredible sacrifice. That must have been even harder on him than it was for you.”

“It was. Jimin is mentally tough. He can do anything that he sets his mind to…except for falling out of love with me. And trust me, he tried. But…he kept himself busy so that he wouldn’t miss me as much. We still saw each other. We still spent quality time, just not as often. He pushed me out of the nest and it was the most selfless loving thing he could have done. He watched me grow, he watched me claim my independence. He watched my work ethic and how I navigated the challenges of my life. He watched how hard I worked to create my album. He watched me create myself.  Still though, whenever I needed him the most, he was there. He secretly flew to Saudi Arabia with me for my FIFA performance. He never disappeared, I just thought he did. He gave me enough freedom to be free. And you know what…it worked. By the time this show came around, I had done it all. Traveled alone. Filmed a documentary. Met new friends. Got reacquainted with old ones. And most importantly, I found the courage to serve alone even if he couldn’t go with me. I was no longer scared to be without him.”

“I have a feeling that this wasn’t just for you Jeonggukie. I think Jimin had to learn how to live without you as well.”

“He did. He admitted that later. We were co-dependent and it was something we never even noticed until we were about to be pulled apart. It was almost tragic.”

“His methods were a bit Draconian, but I get why he did it. Why didn’t he just tell you what he was doing?” Tae asked.

Jeongguk laughed, “Because I would have never accepted it. I would have fought him to the death.”

“Yea, that’s totally true. You’re stubborn.”

“And that brings us to ‘Are You Sure’.  After a year of distancing ourselves from each other, we thought it was time to come back together again. This show is just a small part of a bigger plan that we’ve had in place since hiatus started. It was supposed to be our last moments together before military service and since we still didn’t know if buddy enlistment would be approved, we decided to really do it big. We wanted to create memories that would sustain us and stay with us forever if we were separated. The show looks like a big unplanned honeymoon because it is a big unplanned honeymoon. We didn’t even have a name for the show until after the first few episodes. This is our celebration, our chance to do all of the romantic, wonderful things we couldn’t do before. Our chance to make up for lost time. The truth is, we planned the trip alone because it’s a romantic trip. But in order to be allowed to travel out of the country to all of the places we wanted to visit, the travel had to be for work. That was the only way we could get International Travel Visas this close to our military service date. With that premise in mind, the show was born. This isn’t really a work trip, but we made it into one back in 2022 when we pitched the idea. So that’s why you and the other members weren’t invited. But we’re very happy to have you here now.”

“So I ruined it?”

“You did not. However, we did add one more stop to the tail end of our schedule. You cannot tag along on that one,” Jeongguk teased.

“Understood,” Tae slapped his shoulder. 

“Don’t leave Jeju. Stay with us. We have so much planned that includes you. More eating, more activities and a boat ride tomorrow. Say you’ll stay?”

“Now that you put it that way…yes. I’ll stay,” Tae agreed.

“Jimin will be happy to hear it.”

“Tomorrow, you’ll find out if your Buddy assignment was approved. Are you scared?”

“Very. But not as scared as we used to be. We’ve grown a lot. At least now we know that we can survive without each other because we already proved it to ourselves. Two year ago, that would have never been possible.”

“And if it’s bad news?”

“We’re fighters, we’re strong and we’re in love. Whatever they throw at us, we can handle.”

“I wish you the best. I want this to happen for you because I know how much it means to you.” Tae fave him a hug. “And Jeongguk, you don’t have to worry about me saying anything about what you and Jimin have told me. I’ll keep your secret. But I do wonder what you plan to do about this. I stand by what I said last night, this could affect all of us.”

“We won’t let it affect us. This relationship is private. We’ve kept this secret for seven years. And, despite our little show, we will never come out and confirm anything. Not right now anyway. We have final edit approval on every episode. We’ll watch closely and if there is anything we’re uncomfortable with, it comes out. No questions asked. We negotiated it as part of the contract.”

“Kicking the can down the road.”

Jeongguk laughed, “For right now, yes. At least until after service. And then after that…we don’t know.”

Tae remained with Jimin and Jeongguk and enjoyed the rest of his time in Jeju. As promised, the two planned a variety of activities for them. A deep dive into water gun fights, rock climbing, dancing, eating and karaoke brought back cherished memories from their youth. The trio fell in love again, making amends and finding common ground. Thanks to their resolve, they managed to salvage what could have been a tumultuous period leading up to their military service.

Above all, Tae apologized for disparaging their love. And they apologized to Tae for hiding the truth about their relationship for so many years. Tae was finally given all of the details about their affair. They confided everything to him. They trusted him, something they should have done years ago. 

Tae still worried about what the future held for them though. He wanted them to make it work but he was very concerned about what their relationship would do to the group. 

The trio ended their trip with a renewed energy towards their friendship. They said goodbye to Tae as he boarded the plane back to Seoul. Sejin and the rest of the camera production crew headed back to Seoul as well. Jimin and Jeongguk remained in Jeju for one more night until the start of the holiday. 

There were no more cameras for the remainder of their trip.


[To Be Continued...]

Sealed Lips | Part III Letter

**Author's Notes**

Hey Everybody? It's been a long time hasn't it? For my regular readers, you know that I don't typically go this long without updates to ongoing fics. But since this is just a small gift for my Diamonds, I am updating a little less frequently as I date source and time stamp all of my references. Canon doesn't have to be perfectly aligned with reality, but it does help pain the picture when you are "close" to how it really happened. 

In this episode, things are going to really star happening fast. Our two lovers are going to be tested once again. Although my foundation for this fic starts and ends with AYS, my focus is on showing you things that we DIDN'T see. Scenes that happened privately that are retrofitted into the reality that was broadcasted. I loved this show so much and there were so many angles that I could have taken but in the interest of keeping this a short, action packed read, I had to be very selective with where I built out the story. I hope you like some of the liberties that I have taken with the story and the direction that it is going. This fic is going to feed into my fully fictional story about military enlistment called Camouflaged Hearts. This will be the prequel so many of the story lines that are birthed here will continue in the full fic that I am writing. Next up is Sapporo...I assume that will be in two parts, leaving us with a total of a five part series. Please look forward to it.

Just a very honest warning- this chapter gets very NSFW. If you are not familiar with my writing, please know that I am very naughty and my sexual scenes are graphic and explicit. Please skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable with sex scenes.

Thanks for supporting me, even during my hiatus. You're the best friends I could ever hope for. I love you. I love you. I love you.



The holidays are coming and Mrs. Jeon makes Jimin an offer that he can't refuse. Nerves are on edge as Jimin and Jeongguk wait for word on their acceptance into the buddy enlistment program. The two are tested once again as they say goodbye to Jeju and return to their packed schedules. But will a small gap in time allow Jeongguk to perform a miracle?



  • NSFW (21+) 
  • Porn with Plot
  • Hurt/Comfort
  • Mild Angst
  • Canon and Canon divergent
  • Lies/Deceit/Betrayal
  • Everybody's Lips are Sealed
  • Graphic Sexual Content
  • 17, 210k


Jimin stood in the bathroom mirror once again lamenting over the single overgrown hair on his face. Right at the moment where he was ready to yank it out, there was a knock on the door.

“Jiminie, open up, it’s me.”

Jimin swung the door open and immediately turned back to his rogue hair dilemma. 

“Looks like I’m just in time,” Jeongguk began to laugh.

“Just in time for what?” Jimin grimaced as he thought about the best way to pull the hair without leaving a mark on his skin.

“Just in time to keep you from doing something drastic about that harmless little hair that you’ve been obsessed with for two days,” Jeongguk stepped inside of the bathroom and stood behind Jimin.

He watched both of their reflections in the mirror. But his eyes were drawn to Jimin’s face; his regal nose and pouty lips and the moistness on his teeth whenever he smiled. 

Jeongguk stood even closer behind him, with only several centimeters of anxious space between their bodies. From his position a few inches taller than Jimin, he blew a light breath to bristle the soft tendrils of Jimin’s dark hair. It took all of his power and might not to kiss him on the nape. He stood there for two lifetimes; his reflection bouncing from the mirror, partially hidden by Jimin’s slender body.

Jimin was freshly showered with a smell of opulence from his fancy Loe White Shirts bathing gel. His cheeks were slightly blushed from the heat of frustration over the single burdensome hair that protruded from his chin. The ‘Nevermind’ tattoo burned into his ribs, taunting Jeongguk, giving him the perfect landing spot for a soft caress. Several times his arm lifted, fingers eager to lick Jimin’s inked skin; but each time Jeongguk held back, restraining himself from doing so.

Jimin noticed his lover’s delicate gaze; it seemed to follow his every breath. Jeongguk’s eyes bore into him so deeply and passionately that he could feel their heat as if they were rays from the sun. Jimin knew to look away because allowing even a second to pass locked with the younger’s eyes was too much; too tantalizing.

With a calm panic, Jimin looked elsewhere. Completely unintentionally, his eyes caught the meaty bicep of Jeongguk’s right arm and the cornucopia of colorful ink that wrapped around it. The younger’s chest was bare, punctuated with his perpetually hard nipples. His shapely arms flexed and contracted in the steamy mirror. And it was there where Jimin’s eyes safely settled. 

For no distinguishable reason, the white moon tattoo on Jeongguk’s shoulder caught Jimin’s attention. He had seen it a million times, possibly two million, but in the wake of their first sexual encounter, it suddenly felt more profound - if that was even possible. The moon tattoo was a late addition; one of the last tattoos that Jeongguk had received in the completion of his sleeve. It too represented Jimin. Much more subtle than the ‘JM’ initials that Jeongguk inked on his ring finger, the white moon tattoo held even deeper meaning because just a few centimeters away was a black Sun; Jeongguk’s tribute to himself. The two images sat boldly together, fulfilling the Yin and Yang of their coexistence, echoing the legend of the black and white couple. It was Jeongguk’s homage to their spiritual connection; their dogged belief that they were fated lovers. Typical Jeongguk. It was all so blatant. So bold. So fucking unapologetic. There was no wonder as to why Jimin found himself in love with him.

Jimin stared intently at their reflections in the mirror. Jeongguk’s arm muscles rippled in small waves with his natural movement. Each time he moved, his tattooed images came to life like an animated movie. Jimin found himself smiling. What a fearless Maknae he had on his hands. 

Feelings of ambivalence plagued him. He wanted to reveal their love and shout it from the rooftops, while simultaneously protecting their secret, never allowing the world in. The contradiction was gnawing at his insides. He leaned backwards, pressing his weight against the younger one’s chest. He watched with bated breath as the colorful tattooed arm rose towards his waist. He braced for the moment where he would feel his warm arm wrap around his ‘Nevermind’ tattoo. But the moment never came…

Jeongguk lifted his arm and opened his hand. “Look what I found. I told you that I would take care of it.”

Jimin stuttered for a moment, lost in his own fantasy. He blinked several times before being able to focus on what Jeongguk had in his hands.

“Tweezers! You-you found some?” He was impressed with Jeongguk’s tenacity for finding him a pair of tweezers in the middle of nowhere.

As he reached forward to grab the tweezers from Jeongguk’s hand, he was hit with an unwelcome vision. Randomly the vision popped into his head and suffocated him. It was the recurring image that had haunted him for years. The vision of the moment that he and Jeongguk would have to say goodbye to serve independent stints in the military. Eighteen long months without so much as laying eyes on each other.  It was a very real possibility that frightened Jimin to no end. The vision in Jimin’s mind was the same every time; Jeongguk giving him a thin meaningless hug in front of malicious eyes that judged their every move. And in every iteration of his waking nightmare, Jeongguk turned his back to him and walked across a snow covered parking lot where he boarded a bus to nowhere. Jimin was pulled away and forced to do the same, riding off into the cold night amidst strangers who cared nothing about him. The vision hurt so much that Jimin’s legs buckled as soon as he touched Jeongguk’s hand.

“Hey, hey, whoa. You ok?” Jeongguk caught Jimin by the arm as Jimin stumbled forward.

Jimin didn’t address Jeongguk’s question. He blurted out the truth - his truth, “Our buddy enlistment has to be approved. It has to be KooKoo. It has to. I don’t know how I can live without you,” his eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t cry but he was nervous and unsteady.

“I figured that’s what was bothering you. It’ll be approved, Jiminie. The world knows that I can’t make it eighteen months without you,” Jeongguk tried to reassure him. “Karma is on our side.”

“You don’t know that. The buddy enlistment decisions are randomly computer selected. Anything could happen,” Jimin argued.

Jeongguk forced Jimin to sit down on the rim of the bathtub basin. He retracted the tweezers and studied Jimin’s rogue hair. “Our people are working on this. We have connections and…they’re going to make this happen. Yes, the buddy selection is computer generated, but I’m sure our team can get past that. Shit, Jiminie, our country owes us. We put South Korea on the map; the prestige, the tourism, the money, it all has to mean something. Now is the time for the country to pay us back. BTS has never asked for anything - until now. Granting our buddy enlistment request is the least that our government can do for us after all we’ve done.”

“There are so many who hate us…rival agencies, government officials, jealous idols. They have their fingers on the scale tilted against us. We shouldn’t even have to enlist. The fact that the government is making us serve when fucking soccer players and violinists get exempt is absolute bullshit. It tells us everything we need to know about how our government feels about us,” Jimin ranted.

“That’s the past. Nothing we can do about decisions made years ago. We have to deal with the situation as it is today. And today, I can promise you, Hybe is working in our favor. They are. Yoongi got his social work position, Hobi is working with new trainees, Tae got special forces and Joon will be in the band - all requests that we made. So why would this one last request be denied? We’re going to get everything we want.”

“You really feel that confident?” Jimin asked.

“No. But I needed to distract you while I ripped this hair out. Here.” Jeongguk handed Jimin the long piece of hair that he had successfully liberated from Jimin’s chin with the tweezers.

Jimin’s eyes widened, he grabbed his chin where the hair once lived. “Aiiish,” he couldn’t help but laugh. “How did you do that?”

“I’m very good at diverting your attention.”

“So you didn’t mean a word you just said?”

“I meant every word of it. But I’m scared too. It’s natural to be unsure because of everything you just mentioned. But Jiminie, I’m cautiously optimistic. I believe in our galaxy, I really do.”

Jimin looked in the mirror. The rogue hair was gone and his skin was flawless as if it never existed, “Geez, you’re good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome…now…onto more pressing matters. Are you coming to Chuseok? Mom has texted about thirteen times. She needs to know how much Japchae to make,” Jeongguk questioned.

“Oh, she’s cooking?” Jimin grimaced.

“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Stop that. Your mother’s cooking is fine,” Jimin scolded. “She cooks with so much love.”

“Yea, well I would rather she cook with seasoning instead of love. Love doesn’t seem to have much flavor,” Jeongguk quipped.

Jimin slapped him on his left nipple, “If she hears you say that it will break her heart.”

“I told her to her face. She’s a tough cookie, she knows where I stand. We’re on the same page. It’s one of the reasons I made sure to learn how to cook. I can’t have another generation of Jeon’s cooking like that.”

Jimin fell over onto Jeongguk’s chest as he laughed, “I’m going. Tell her I’ll be there and I can’t wait to see her. It’s…been a long time.”

“Good. Now moving on…I packed a lunch for tomorrow, for the boat ride. Should be really nice, Jeongguk stood next to Jimin and placed a headband around his head to pull his hair back as he washed his face.

“I can’t wait,” Jimin said faintly.

Jeongguk quickly washed and turned towards the bedroom, “So I guess we each have our own beds now that Tae is gone.”

“Last two nights here,” Jimin smiled. 

“Yea, we catch flights soon,” Jeongguk continued to stare at Jimin, he was pouting and Jimin knew it.

“Yea. So about the beds…any particular one you want?”

“The one that you’re sleeping in,” Jeongguk said boldly.

“Jeongguk, please.” Jimin lowered his head to avoid eye contact. “We can’t share a bed. The last time we woke up together, you were so hard that you almost impaled me even though the cameras were running. We have to stay disciplined and keep our distance from each other.”

Jeongguk closed his hand around Jimin’s. He rubbed the outline of Jimin’s small fingers and then kissed them. “I’m going to be completely honest…”

“Don’t say it.” Jimin shook his head. 

“I want to make love again.”

“I told you not to say it,” Jimin giggled.

“No one is here. Why can’t we share a bed like we always do? We’ve shared a bed whenever we were together, even when we were being filmed. We know how to control ourselves. So what’s the big deal? Why is everything so different all of a sudden?”

“Because you fucked me, for the first time, after years of being together, we had unplanned, unprotected sex. And whether you like it or not, that changed everything. We have to walk this back. We have to put it back in the bottle. We can be in love without being sexually involved, couples do it all of the time, ” Jimin said delicately. “It’s the sex that will get us in trouble.”

Jeongguk shook his head in disagreement, “Sex is beautiful between two people in love and what we did in the pool was beautiful. We’re almost thirty fucking years old. I think we can handle a sexual relationship.”

Jimin disagreed, “No we can’t. We did it one time and you were ready to tell the world about it. Imagine if you get addicted to me, then what? You’ll lose your mind.” Jimin was kidding, but not really. He grabbed Jeongguk’s chin and lifted it so they could look at each other, “It’s not our time KooKoo.”

“Will it ever be our time?”

 Jimin’s response was delayed, “...I don’t know.”

Jeongguk didn’t like arguing with Jimin over something as trite as sex. He couldn’t understand Jimin’s attitude or why he was so terrified of being physical. 

Irritated, he turned and exited the bathroom, leaving Jimin alone. He proceeded to the bed furthest away while allowing Jimin to take the bed closest to the door. Relegating themselves to separate beds was the stupidest thing that Jeongguk had ever heard. For years they had slept together, for years they had resisted doing anything inappropriate. Why did Jimin think it mattered now? But once again, Jeongguk held his tongue. Whatever Jimin needed to help him deal with the guilt of making love, Jeongguk was willing to provide - even if he thought it was ridiculous.

Privately, Jimin acknowledged the intrusive thoughts in his head. It wasn’t just Jeongguk who wanted to make love again, he wanted it to, possibly wanted it more. Jimin didn’t trust himself. His discipline was waning. Every hour, every minute, every second that they spent alone chiseled away at his resolve, his discipline and courage. 

Less and less he viewed Jeongguk as just a bandmate. More and more he encapsulated him as his lover, and the love of his life. With the house empty and no cameras or staff around, the sexual tension between them was once again escalating. Too many touches. Too many errant stares. Too many moments where their lips longed to mingle. Being alone with Jeongguk was so hard. Yet being alone with him was everything he could ever want.  


It was their last day in Jeju. From Jeju, they planned to take a flight the following morning to Busan where they would begin the holiday. 

With Jeongguk still in the middle of a very intense schedule, their time in Busan was to be brief. As such, their remaining time together would be brief as well. At the end of Chuseok, they would have to say goodbye again for several months before beginning the third leg of the Are You Sure series. Each moment was precious.

Since their last day was Jeju was free with no schedules, they chose to spend it on the sea, the place that made them the happiest.


Jimin honestly couldn’t decide what was more beautiful, the rose gold sunset or his tattooed bandmate. As the sun dropped behind Jeongguk’s silhouette, Jimin stared from behind the lens of a small disposable camera. He made his way around the bow of the boat, searching for the best angle to capture both the sky and Jeongguk in the same shot.

“What’s with all of the pictures?” Jeongguk laughed.

“Sejin asked for a few more photos. Just trying…to get a few more.”

“Are you sure those pictures are for Sejin?”

Jimin blushed. Jeongguk could always tell when he was bluffing. He changed the subject, “This was a good idea,” Jimin said as he snapped photo after photo of Jeongguk.

“Chartering the boat again for just the two of us?”

“Yes, exactly that. It’s so peaceful out here in the middle of the ocean.”

Jeongguk added, “You know Sejin also asked if we could keep our go-pros on to get more B-roll and some extra footage.”

“This is our last day alone. Maybe when we head to the airport we can film more. But not tonight. Tonight needs to be about me and you.”

As the large yacht drifted through the heavy waves of the East China Sea, Jimin took a few more shots of the sunset. 

Jeongguk laid with his back against the deck and focused on the colorful sky. “I didn’t mean for this outing to be so romantic.”

Jimin laughed, “It is romantic. What do you think the fans will think when they see this?”

“That we’re fucking,” Jeongguk quipped.

“Well we aren’t,” Jimin was quick to defend their position.

“But we did.”

“Did, doesn’t count. As long as we don’t do it again, we can pretend that it never happened.” 

“But I don’t want to pretend that having sex never happened…,” Jeongguk snapped. “Calm down Jimin. The fans will never see this version. We only filmed our time on the boat with Tae, remember? It will all look very brotherly and shit,” Jeongguk said angrily.

 Jeongguk removed his cell phone. He didn’t want to miss the brilliant sunset. It was an important moment, one that he needed to capture as a precious memory; something he could look back on during the lonely days in the barracks. Besides, talking to Jimin about his refusal to have sex again would only make him angry. The gorgeous sunset was a welcomed distraction.

The cool sea splashed over them like small droplets of rain. It felt good in the midst of the evening  heat. Jimin laid down next to Jeongguk.

“Come take a picture. I need as many of these pictures as possible in case…,”

“ case we have to say goodbye?” Jeongguk concluded Jimin’s sentence.

“Just in case.”

“You know, we’re still in the same group. Even if buddy enlistment is denied, we’ll be back together as soon as enlistment is done. Besides, even while we’re in ROKN, we can see each other on holidays and vacations,” Jeongguk tried to keep the mood upbeat.

“You’re talking like our enlistment isn’t going to be approved.”

“No, I’m just saying…,”

“Shut up and smile,” Jimin quipped.

“Wow, that sunset is really beautiful.”

“It seems prettier than the sunsets in Seoul,” Jimin shaded his eyes as he looked towards the white puffy clouds. “Look up. Doesn’t that look like a whale?” He drew an outline of clouds in the sky for Jeongguk to see his vision.

“It looks like a dick.”

“It does not!” Jimin sat up and studied the cluster of clouds again, “Ok…I can see how you would see that.”

“We’re both horney, that’s why we can both see it.” Jeongguk giggled.

“I don’t disagree. But let’s go with whale. I’ll take a picture and we can include it in the photobook.”

“I still see a dick…but if you want to pretend it’s a whale, then be my guest.”

“Can we pretend it’s a whale of a dick?”

Jeongguk tilted his head back and laughed. “I’m in love with you. You know that right?”

“Tell me why.”


“List all of the reasons, right now, go.”

“There’s too many reasons to list.”

Jimin insisted, “Well tell me the big ones.”

“Ok. Well, I won’t waste time talking about your body, or your smile, or your laugh…or even your talent, even though those are my favorite things.” Jeongguk broke away from the clouds and looked at Jimin as he lay next to him, “No, I won’t waste time there. I tell you that everyday. Instead, I’ll tell you…how you make me feel.”

Jimin sat up on his elbow, “What do you mean?”

“You’re like an emotional superhero. I sound silly, let me explain. You make me want to sing better. Dance harder. Study harder. Cook better. Be a better son and brother. You make me reach down into the depths of my soul to be a better person for my family, for my friends, for you, for the other members but most of all…for myself. You have this ability to help me see the best in myself and never settle for anything less. You make me love harder. You make me laugh harder. You help make me…be me. I guess you can infer all of the qualities that go with that, but Jiminie, that’s what I love most about you. From the very beginning, I felt it. Sure it started out as a little crush because you were always so charming and you gave me good food and helped me with my homework. But my feelings grew far beyond that and well here we are. You’re my superhero.”

The sun dipped a few feet further towards the ocean as the waves rocked against the drifting boat. Seagulls sang in the distance amidst the otherwise hushed silence. There were no other boats around, no other crew, not even bodyguards; just the two lovers and the boat captain.

Jimin felt the wet along his cheeks, but he assumed it was just more splashing from the ocean. He didn’t realize they were his own tears. Of all of the things he thought Jeongguk would say, his actual words exceeded his wildest expectations. He didn’t want another moment to pass without him returning the sentiment. 

He blurted, “You make me laugh. That’s what I love most about you.”

“Seriously, that’s it?” Jeongguk said with a slight sting in his voice.

“You don’t understand. I’m a very serious person. I overthink everything. So serious that it almost killed me. The stress that I put on myself was not sustainable. Since I was two years old, I worried about almost everything. My grades, my performance, my weight, my dance, my technique, my studies. Everything. And then one day you came along as a friendly reminder not to take myself so seriously. I don’t think I ever laughed before I met you…at least not like I do now. Your lawless, emotional, impulsive behavior is the exact opposite of mine. I was too regimented, too disciplined, too…funless. You changed all of that and in the process, you saved my life…gave me life. I learned how to find pleasure in chaos. I learned that mistakes were not the end of the world. I learned that food can be as good as sex. I learned that smiling and laughing adds years to my life and you make me do it everyday. It may seem like a small thing to you, but it’s everything to me. Don’t you see? That’s what makes us unbreakable. Our relationship isn’t based on anything physical. It’s based on who we are inside. Sure you’re attractive, you’re talented, you’re kind and gentle. But so are a lot of other people in the world. You have something that no one else in the world has, you’re my destiny. My perfect puzzle piece. My universal other half. You’re what I need.”

“Serendipity. I remember when you told Namjoon that you were falling in love and he helped you write that. Lucky for us, you never told him who you were falling in love with.” Jeongguk laughed. “We’ve been together, in love, for all these years and never made love until a few days ago. Why do you think…it took so long?”

“It’s not because we didn’t want to. It took so long because no matter how much we wanted each other, we remained disciplined. Yeah we fooled around, but we never went there out of respect for the group and respect for our circumstances. But…knowing that…,”

Jeongguk interrupted, “Knowing that we could be apart for 18 months made us lose control, out of fear? I guess?”

“Fear of what the future could hold. We gave in. It happened.” Jimin admitted, “Honestly, I was hoping that Chapter two would put some distance between us. I was hoping that we could find a way out of this mess without either of us getting hurt. But it backfired. The more time we spent apart working on our separate projects, the more my heart ached for you. I became obsessed with your schedule and knowing where you were going and how you were doing. The pain of missing you was miserable. I thought we were doing what was right. I thought we were growing stronger and more independent. I thought…I thought a lot of things. But the moment I laid eyes on you in New York, I knew that there was no distance between us; only more love. I watched you at the GMA performance and I wanted to rip you off of that stage and make love to you right there in Central Park in the rain. Somehow, I loved you even more. Even more.”

“Bro, there were like 20,000 people there. That would have been quite a show,” Jeongguk mocked.

Jimin burst with laughter, “Oh Jeonggukie.” He rolled behind him and wrapped his arms around him.

 Jeongguk lifted his cell phone to take one additional video of the sun before it receded too far into the ocean. He could feel Jimin’s tight grip around him as they lay together in the middle of the sea. 

“It’s already getting dark,” Jimin whispered beneath the sound of the rolling waves. 

“Yea, I guess it is,” Jeongguk’s voice was deflated.

“What’s wrong?”

“I never want you to let me go. I want more of you…I… don’t know how to explain it,” the whine in Jeongguk’s voice was picked up by his cell phone as he continued to capture the last few moments of the sinking sun.

“I’m here. I won’t let go.”

“You know what I mean. The urge is always there, even though I know it can never again be fulfilled.”

“Urge? Oh KooKoo, this is why we should have never…,” Jimin was cut off.

“Stop saying that. I really don’t want to hear that again. Please.”

Jimin understood Jeongguk’s snippiness. He was pouting, projecting anger over a situation in which he felt little control. Still, Jimin refused to let him go. Instead, he held him tighter. His nose and lips parted the shag of Jeongguk’s hair until he could taste his slightly salted skin. As he burrowed his entire face into the back of Jeongguk’s neck, he slid his arm down the front of his body until  his outstretched hands were resting on the younger’s stomach. Despite Jeongguk still filming the sunset, Jimin slid his hand further down between the elastic band of Jeongguk’s pants and the warm skin of his abs. With the creep of a few curious fingers, he found his way inside of the younger’s underwear where he searched for a very specific target.

Jeongguk released a heavy breath. He could feel Jimin’s fingers crawling through the thick of his untamed pubic hair. Jimin getting handsy with him was not unusual. Getting handsy on a boat in the middle of the ocean where the entire world could see - was very unusual. He knew what his hyung was doing. It was an apology of sorts, calling a truce, giving him relief from his pent up sexual frustration. While Jeongguk’s cell phone caught every bit of the sinking sun, it also caught every bit of his lusty moans as Jimin began to work his hand in circles. Jeongguk didn’t struggle. Instead he melted his broad back onto the capable chest of his elder. His mouth dropped slightly and his head tilted as Jimin hit the spot.

With a tentative caress, Jimin eased his hands over Jeongguk’s crotch, drawing a moan of pleasure from the other’s lips. He felt Jeongguk’s legs part slightly, allowing Jimin more room to work. It was going to be quick because he knew that Jeongguk didn’t have the sexual discipline to last very long. Jimin pushed his hips forward, driving his hard cock firmly into Jeongguk’s back. He wanted to make sure that his stallion could feel him, feel his excitement, feel how hard he was. He wanted Jeongguk to know that he wasn’t the only one who had urges, who longed to feel him inside of him, who longed to make love every single day. 

“My baby. You’re so warm and so hard. Relax, let me…take care of you,” Jimin whispered behind him. “Remember the first time I did this to you? Jacked you off and made you cum.”

Jeongguk moaned with a nod, “I wouldn’t stop crying.  I was upset over some bullshit with Tae and you made me cum to make me stop crying,” Jeongguk grunted as Jimin rubbed him more aggressively.

“That’s exactly right,” he breathed into the lobe of Jeongguk’s ear.

Within a flash, Jimin removed his hand and licked his palm, covering it with his balmy saliva before returning it to the elongated shaft of his desperate lover. It was at that moment that he began to stroke him, rubbing him with all of the nuanced touches that he knew set him off. Tickling his cock’s tip, stretching the skin, fisting the thickness like a vice - it was everything that he knew Jeongguk liked.

Jeongguk’s cock was alive, innervated with blood rushing to every part of his body. The greedy nerves in his cock clamored for movement, for the sliding, teasing friction that would bring him release. His grip on his cell phone tightened, despite his eyes slamming shut. The camera continued to capture the falling sun as well as the sounds of his approaching orgasm. His mouth tightened as he held still and fast, in anticipation of the wave of pleasure that slowly escalated inside of him. His nuts rumbled and his groin boiled. After only seconds of being jacked off by his boyfriend, he was already ready to cum.  

Jimin moved his hand back and forth, tripling the bulge inside of the younger’s pants. Once again, he quickly removed his palm to moisten it, rubbing spit all over the juiciest part of his fingers. He could smell his lover’s scent - Loe’s Peaches and Tea. For his own satisfaction, he sniffed his fingers before quickly licking away the precum that had dribbled into the creases. His whiny baby began to squirm, anxious to conclude his journey. With no further hesitation, he plunged his wet hand back into the front of Jeongguk’s pants and commenced to stroke him again. The subtle clapping of his wet fist could barely be heard from beneath the fabric of the younger’s pants, yet the camera picked up every decibel. He slammed his fist back and forth, eliciting even more moans from his delicious boyfriend. The deepening of Jeongguk’s breaths signaled that he was close.

Jimin smothered his lover’s ear and coaxed him to release, not with dirty words, but with beautiful ones, “Never forget how much I love you. I’ll never let you go.”

The cell phone tilted sideways, capturing a crooked horizon but still gripped between Jeongguk’s fingers. The soundtrack for the recording of the beautiful evening sky was his deep earthy groan as Jimin masturbated him to climax. His breathy voice was loud over the waves, pushing louder and louder as the pools of heat burned his stomach. He looked down and could see the bouncing outline of Jimin’s hand as he worshiped his cock.

“Uhh-uhh, uh, uh, s-s-s-s, oh fuck, yes…don’t stop,” Jeongguk moaned into the microphone of his cell phone.

Jimin’s deep consoling voice echoed his, “That’s a good boy, let it all out, cum for me.” There was a slight arch in Jeongguk’s back before Jimin felt a flow of wet between his fingers. He stroked him throughout, milking him for every drop, feeding him all the way to the end.

 Just as the moment expired, Jeongguk suddenly turned around to face him. Unabashedly soaked from stomach to thighs with cum, he crawled on top of Jimin and came down hard with pursed lips, covering his face with grateful loving kisses.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Jeongguk said after landing about 100 kisses across Jimin’s lips and cheeks.

“Lay back down. There’s only about ten minutes remaining before the sun is completely gone. I don’t want to waste a single moment of it. Our last night here KooKoo. Stay in my arms.”

Jeongguk laid back down and once again Jimin engulfed him from behind. There they lay until the entire bay was cloaked in darkness.

By the time their chartered yacht returned to the dock, night had fallen. The bay of Jeju was pitch black. Even the seagulls had retired for the evening. Their flight for Busan was scheduled for noon the following day at the official start of their holiday and they still had hours worth of packing to do.  


Standing in front of the mirror, Jimin applied toner to his cheeks and forehead as he resumed his nightly skin care routine. His singing voice was strengthened by the hazy moisture in the air. He harmonized with the second warm voice coming from the shower as the two performed a private concert. Jimin sang the lead with Jeongguk lending his beautiful adlibs. They performed the song with passion and intensity, something they did often when they were feeling uneasy. It was their way of comforting each other;

Baby, don't leave

Just stay by my side, yeah

To you, who see me bigger than what my little self is (to you)

So that I can give as much as I’ve received (oh-oh)

So that I can keep my word (oh-oh)

Don't worry, just stay by my side, yeah (Yeah)

We don’t know what the future holds (holds, yeah)

And that’s scary and makes us afraid (oh-oh)

But don’t forget that we’re always together (don't forget)

Jimin pulled back the shower curtain to sing the last few lines directly to Jeongguk’s face. He had a flirtatious glint in his eye.

I know it sounds so clichĂŠd

So that it's not taken lightly

Let me say it to you properly

Quickly, Jimin leaned forward, giving Jeongguk no time to object. Jeongguk held steady despite the foamy lather of soap all over his face. His heart beat rapidly in his chest, just like it always did when Jimin leaned in to kiss him. Jimin’s kiss was so subtle in its demand, that Jeongguk wasn’t even aware that his own lips had parted and his tongue had pushed forward into Jimin’s mouth. They shared a face full of soap as Jimin’s hands cradled Jeongguk’s jaw and his fingers tickled the stubble under his chin.

Jimin’s mouth was so tenderly persuasive, erotic and passionate. Yet there was an undertone of desperation, even sadness whenever he possessed Jeongguk like that.

Jimin’s puffy lips slid to Jeongguk’s throat, until his tongue and teeth settled over his pulse. He worked his mouth around the spot, layering sensation like silk until Jeongguk shivered and pulled away. His nudity left him vulnerable. Jimin could plainly see his sprouting erection.

“It’s just a kiss,” Jimin teased.

“Easy for you to say,” Jeongguk pushed Jimin away and yanked the curtain back. “You’re always starting trouble,” he yelled over the spray of the shower water.

“Wash your hair. You still taste like seawater,” Jimin flirted a little more.

Jeongguk ripped the curtain back again and even though Jimin was already showered and fully dressed in his pajamas, Jeongguk bear hugged him and pulled him partially into the shower underneath the powerful spray of water. Devilry glittered in his large expressive eyes as he trapped Jimin against his wet, naked body. The feel of him was richly stimulating as Jeongguk engaged him in another soapy, uncontrolled kiss. 

Jimin burst into giggles and fought for his freedom. The spray of the shower soaked him and his pajamas. He slapped the chest of his neanderthal boyfriend while negotiating his position. But the shameful truth was that he loved being dominated and controlled by his powerful soulmate. He loved his show of power and strength. He loved being held by him, even if it was under the spray of steaming hot water. He loved it all.


It was 3:00am when Jimin’s phone rang. Within seconds of his phone ringing, Jeongguk’s phone blared as well. There was absolutely no reason for anyone to be calling that time of the night. The two had only been in bed for a couple of hours, but they were in a deep sleep. Naturally, the ringing phones startled them both. It was Jimin who awakened first.

He squinted, hair matted to one side of his head, left eye still partially closed, “He-hello?” He said without checking the caller ID.

“Jimin! It’s me. I called both of you because I wasn’t sure who would answer first. Where’s Jeongguk? Put me on speaker.”

“Sejin?” Jimin grumbled.

“Yes, it’s me. Where’s Jeongguk? Get him on the phone, I’ve got two letters here from the 2nd Infantry Division. I stopped by the office to pick up a few contracts and saw the letters sitting in my mailbox. They had been delivered to me since they knew we were working together.”

“Do you think…?” Jimin hesitated.

“YES, I DO. WAKE UP JEONGGUK, PLEASE!” Sejin insisted.

“Jeonggukie, get up, GET UP!” Jimin jumped from his bed over to Jeongguk’s bed where the younger was snoring and completely oblivious to all of the noise in the room. 

Jimin climbed on top of him and slapped his cheek gently several times to lure him awake. Jeongguk’s eyes fluttered open gradually. He wasn’t immediately sure what to make of Jimin sitting on top of him. His cock jumped hard as a default. But Jimin’s shrill yell immediately killed his erection. Something was wrong. Jimin was upset or excited or scared or something - not good. 

Jeongguk mumbled, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Our decision letters came in today. Sejin has both of them in his hand.”

“And? What do they say?” Jeongguk was suddenly completely coherent. He sat up while holding on to Jimin to make sure that he didn’t push him out of the bed. 

“Sejin, Jeongguk is here.” Jimin put Sejin on speaker phone. 

Sejin began immediately, “You have a couple of choices here. Either I can get this shipped overnight to you over the holiday, or you can give me permission to open them right here and right now and tell you what they say.”

“Oh yes, please ship them. We’re in no hurry to hear the most important information in our entire lives. No hurry at all. We can wait a few more days or even weeks. Keep us in agony. We love that. In fact send the letters by mule, let’s really ratchet up the suffering. No big fucking deal at all,” Jeongguk was as sarcastic as he could be at 3:00am. 

Jimin placed a calming hand on his crotchety lover’s chest to stop his tirade of sarcasm, “Of course we’ll take option two. You have our permission to open both letters,” Jimin said seriously. 

“Good because I already opened them,” Sejin laughed. 

“Mail fraud. Nice,” Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

“Well?” Jimin was a nervous wreck.

“You two will be seeing a lot more of each other’s faces - for the next 18 months.”

“WE WERE APPROVED?” Jeongguk screamed.

“APPROVED? The buddy enlistment was approved?” Jimin echoed.

“Yes. You’re in…together,” Sejin’s deep voice boomed over the phone. “Congratulations guys. Luck definitely favors you.”

“Ok, ok, it’s late, you - you need to get to bed. Thank you for the news, Sejin, Thank you!” Jimin said brightly. 

“You’re welcome. Mr. Lee will meet you at the airport tomorrow and escort you to Busan. Have a safe holiday. See you in a few days.”

“You too Sejin and thanks again! Good night.”

Before Jimin could even disconnect his phone, he had Jeongguk in his arms. They held each other in a tight grasp, shaking their heads, unable to believe the incredible news.

Jeongguk held Jimin at arm’s length to look at him. “I told you. I told you this would happen. I told you we would be approved.”

Jimin smiled as he held both of Jeongguk’s hands within his. “You never doubted it. You kept me sane all of these months by being so positive and refusing to think the worst. This is one more reason why I love you.”

“We don’t have to be separated. I get to have you by my side for the next 18 months. I get to have you all to myself. No fans, no other members, no management, no work, just me and you.”

“And about 150 other soldiers,” Jimin reminded him.

“I-I can’t believe it.” Tears fell from the younger’s eyes as he looked around the room in disbelief. This was the best possible outcome. He took several deep breaths. “For the next two years, you and your bald head are going to be the first person I see in the morning and the last person I see at night. We really are destined, aren’t we?”

“You keep saying that. I used to laugh at the notion, but now…,”

“But now you believe me, right? The universe has chosen us to be together. Out of the thousands of talented kids who auditioned for BTS, you and I were two of the seven who made it. What are the odds of finding your soulmate right smack dab in the middle of the most popular group in the entire world? How does something like that even happen? The two from Busan, the two with the matching moles and identical senses of humor. The two who like the same movies and laugh at the same jokes. The two who make each other the happiest. The two who started as best friends and eventually fell in love. Only the universe can move in such a kismet way. Being chosen to serve together is just further proof that we can never be divided," Jeongguk said passionately.

“I’m stuck with you…is that what you’re saying?” Jimin joked.

“You’re stuck with me. But more than that…even if everyone hates us and tries to tear us apart, they won’t succeed because it’s you and me against the world. That’s how it was always meant to be.” Jeongguk said many outrageous things. His deepest thoughts escaped as he purged theories that he’d held close to his heart for years. Jeongguk’s own words brought him to tears. Never had he been happier. Military service was no longer a scary thought for him. He felt fearless because Jimin was going to be right there with him.

“You’re so idealistic. It’s the most incredible thing about you. It’s like you wish upon a star and your every wish all comes true…not because wishes are real but because God can’t resist giving you everything you want. Being in love with you is like loving a Disney Prince,” Jimin knew he wasn’t making sense but he was too emotional to be the sensible and mature one. For once he chose to just let go and live in Jeongguk’s beautiful world.

Jeongguk’s shoulders slumped over as he released a much needed cry. In his attempts to soothe Jeongguk and assuage his tears, Jimin held him in his arms. But his lover’s sobs were contagious and soon Jimin found himself fully crying as well. 

It was only at that moment that they realized how stressful the waiting had been and how vexatious it was not knowing how all of it was going to end. They hugged and cried, washing away the fear and toxic anxiety that had burrowed into their bones like muriatic acid. With no cameras, no interruptions, and no judgment, they released it all. 

Jeongguk fetched a towel from the bathroom. They used it to wipe their tears and blow each other’s noses. Crying together seemed to fix everything.

“I hope you can sleep right next to me. Or maybe across from me? We can take all our vacations together. We can visit our parents together too whenever we go home. We should journal everyday, you know, to keep our memories fresh. Maybe one day we’ll have kids and we can tell them all about it. We’re the only Idols in the history of Korea to ever enlist together. We’re making history. Our kids need to know that their dads were really cool…,” Jeongguk said brightly.

Jimin felt the need to give his Disney Prince a reality check, “Slow down Jeonggukie, this isn’t a romantic comedy. This is the military and with North Korea lobbing missiles over our heads every other day, a war could break out at any time. We are enlisting at a very dangerous time. There are several wars ongoing and the U.S. is involved in all of them. With them as our allies, there is no end to the shit they could drag us into. We’re already being assigned to the most dangerous region in the division.”

“Oh you’re being dramatic. Nothing is going to escalate that quickly. By next June we’ll be out and the allies can continue their bullshit without BTS. Besides, I’ll happily die with you by my side if it comes down to it,” Jeongguk pulled Jimin to the bed and crawled over the top of him. What was once a face full of painful tears had transitioned to a face full of overwhelming joy. He caged Jimin against the mattress and began kissing the side of his neck. 

Jimin laughed through his spent tears. He too suddenly felt invincible and exceedingly happy. He wrapped his arms around Jeongguk’s shoulders and pulled him closer, inviting him to steal more kisses from his neck. “How about neither of us die. Let’s just get this shit over so we can come back home.” He giggled again as Jeongguk’s lips tickled him around his ear.

They kissed in a playful fashion, bouncing their lips together in a silly cadence while they hummed and sang in exuberance. They rolled across the bed, body over body, switching positions like children. But with each kiss, each touch, each sigh, the mood shifted from playful to something else - 

Surprisingly, it was Jimin who crossed over. Jeongguk could suddenly feel Jimin’s fingers deeply embedded in the back of his neck. Gone were the delicate touches and the brotherly hugs. 

Jimin couldn’t see clearly. His eyes were full of Jeongguk’s beautiful silhouette. He could only hear the thumping of his heart. He could only feel the burning desire in his loins. He could only touch his lover’s taught golden skin. Nothing else crossed his sensory path; not rationale, not discipline, not fear. Only passion arose within him. He paused to take one additional look at his young love. He stared at him with equal parts hunger and reverence. His Jeonggukie was unspeakably beautiful, reclining beneath him. Ravenously he tore off Jeongguk’s clothing and lowered himself to him.

“Touch me. Do you feel that?” Jimin whispered into his ear.

Jeongguk gently rubbed his hands over Jimin’s crotch. He felt the power of a thick steel pipe percolating beneath Jimin’s pants. He was burning for him; full of desire that seemed uncontrollable. The vagary in his hyung’s disposition perplexed him. But he didn’t dare question it. He slowly lifted his arm and slid one hand around Jimin’s neck. His fingers laced through his tresses as Jimin groaned underneath his touch. He hesitated in returning Jimin’s aggression. The elder had been so against making love that Jeongguk wanted to stall, just long enough to give him time to reconsider. He couldn’t stomach more of Jimin’s regrets. 

But there was no reconsidering. Jimin knew what he wanted and he was ready to take it. What they were about to do was necessary. It was the only thing missing from their perfect night with the perfect news. They needed to have their perfect ending. It took nanoseconds to liberate Jimin from his heavy sweats and long sleeve shirt. They rolled around the bed, kissing, biting, licking and sucking every iota of skin that they could reach. Jimin pinned Jeongguk to the bed and climbed onto him. He attacked his lips, smashing their mouths together in sloppy tongue filled kisses.

Everything happened so fast. Not even Jimin could control it. He straddled Jeongguk’s waist and grabbed his hand, wrapping it around his naked vulnerable hard flesh. It was their first time doing it on a bed. The excitement of it all pushed them to move too fast, with little caution. They had no lube, they had no condoms. It was wrong, all wrong, but they couldn’t stop. 

Jimin fell flat on his back before pulling Jeongguk over the top of him. He lifted his legs and pressed his ankles together to give Jeongguk a look at his treasure. His hole was clenched tight, ill prepared for the younger’s virgin cock to be rammed inside of him. He used several fingers to tickle himself open, just enough for Jeongguk to press his tip through the slit.

With a single hand, Jeongguk grabbed both of Jimin’s ankles and pushed forward, pressing Jimin’s legs into his chest. He bent him in half, positioning him for a fast, rough entry. He stretched his cock, and stroked it liberally to keep it hard while he rubbed a dollop of Loe’s body oil over his tip. The bottle of oil squelched as he squeezed again, this time dropping glistening puddles of it over Jimin’s small fingers which were still plugged into his hole.

Jimin rubbed the oil inside of him and all over both thighs. His oil slicked fingers clawed at Jeongguk’s hips, directing them to the spot. 

The mild mannered Maknae turned confidently aggressive when it came to getting what he wanted. He held Jimin’s legs firmly in place as he worked his dick along the slippery path before plunging it into Jimin’s body.

The breath was forced from Jimin’s lungs. He felt a collision and pressure that was so intense that it almost pushed him through the headboard. His legs trembled from the discomfort. Inadvertently, he pushed Jeongguk away from him. Jeongguk pinned Jimin’s arms down so that he couldn’t push him away. He thrusted forward again, rounding his hips again, forcing his cock directly into the unyielding center of Jimin’s body. 

“FUCK!” Jimin cried out. 

Jeongguk’s knees dug into the surface of the mattress as he thrusted forward again. Trapping Jimin’s arms by his sides, Jeongguk began pumping. There was too much resistance to go deep. He pushed the tip of his cock just past Jimin’s rim and it was there where he focused his short powerful strokes. Several times his dick fell completely out, causing him to hold it, find the hole again, and push it back in. Each time he re-entered, Jimin released another pained yelp. 

Jeongguk tried to be loving, he tried to be sensitive but he didn’t know how to summon such restraint in the midst of such pleasurable sensation. Jimin’s hole felt like a vice around his shaft. He could already feel the hot fluid racing through his veins. Oblivious to Jimin’s flinching, he fucked him hard, to his own satisfaction. 

“Oh baby, Jiminie…I love you, I love you…,” Jeongguk moaned in a breathy pant as his cock percolated, causing cum to squirt in long intervals.

The discomfort that Jimin was feeling didn’t last long because within seconds of Jeongguk entering him, he came. Jimin could feel the warmth of Jeongguk’s fluid drip from his hole. His inexperienced lover never fully penetrated him, but Jimin didn’t dare say anything for fear of shaking his confidence. Besides, the only thing Jimin wanted was to make him feel good. He wanted to give him something - anything to show him how much he loved him. Sex seemed to be the language that Jeongguk appreciated the most. 

The younger one rolled to his back. As he caught his breath, he mumbled words of concern, “Was I ok? You didn’t cum, do you want me to do it again? You were so good. You felt so good,” his words came quickly beyond his satisfied gaze.

“Don’t worry about me. You can take care of me some other time. This is about you. I love you…,” Jimin paused. As he leaned over to kiss Jeongguk, he felt something trickling down his thigh. Something didn’t feel quite right. He panicked. If it was what he thought it was, he didn’t want Jeongguk to see it. He popped up quickly, wrapping the comforter around his waist. He waddled towards the bathroom. “Be right back…I have to clean up,” he said quickly. 

Jeongguk was drawn to his feet and wrought with worry, “Is something wrong? Did I hurt you…or something?”

“No. Everything is fine. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back.” Jimin closed the bathroom door, leaving Jeongguk in a tizzy. 


Jeongguk waited outside of the bathroom for thirty minutes - at least it felt like thirty minutes in his head. In reality, he had only been at the door for five minutes, but to Jeongguk who had no idea what was going on, it felt like he had been waiting for a lifetime.

He finally decided to knock, “Jimin. Talk to me. What’s wrong?”

He heard Jimin laugh, “Nothing is wrong. Come in.”

Jeongguk burst in quickly. The comforter was bundled on the ground and Jimin was freshly showered with a towel around his waist.

“If nothing is wrong, why did you run out? We didn’t even get to cuddle.”

“I thought you had made me…well I thought that I was…hurt.”

“Are you?” Jeongguk’s eyes widened as he placed both arms around Jimin’s body.

“False alarm. I’m ok. Just turns out that I’m pretty bruised. We definitely need lube if we’re going to do this in the future.”

“Let me see it.”

“See it? See what?” Jimin’s eyes swept over his lover’s worried face. 

“Your bruise,” Jeongguk released Jimin’s towel and spun him around to face the sink. He dropped to his knees behind him and commenced examining Jimin’s bruised bottom. “Oh…ouch. That’s red and swollen. Jimin, I’m so sorry. Thank God you don’t have to work for a few days.”

“It’s fine, really. I’m tough,” Jimin teased.

Jeongguk pressed his lips to the overly pink and bruised flesh. “I’ll kiss your waist and ease your mind,” He mumbled, lips pressed against Jimin’s entrance.

The feel of Jeongguk’s lips made Jimin giggle. He leaned over the sink and allowed his lover to kiss his delicate opening.

“Ok shit…my cum is still trickling out of you and…it’s turning me on,” Jeongguk said softly.

“Look away. I can’t take any more of your obnoxiously long dick right now,” Jimin said out of self preservation.  

Jeongguk laughed and then slumped down on the side of the tub, “Maybe you were right. Sex is too much. You’re a dancer. Dancing is your entire life. We can’t risk your health just because I like to shove my dick up your ass. That’s a bit selfish.”

“Nonsense. I jumped you, remember?” Jimin reassured him. “Jeonggukie, my reluctance to have sex with you has nothing to do with my health. Millions of couples do this every damn day. We just have to be careful and plan better. The physical part of sex is not what scares me. It’s the emotions that seem to grow more and more intense everytime we’re together that scare me. We’ve hidden our love for so long. What happens when we can’t hide it anymore?”

“If you still feel this way, then why did you let me do it? Why did you suddenly change your mind?”

“A million reasons. I wanted you. I was overcome with emotion. I wanted to be close to you…as close as we could possibly be. I wanted you to feel good. I wanted to reward you for being so positive and so supportive during this difficult time. I wanted to feel you inside of me.”

“Basically, you lost control? Just like the first time. Jimin, what we’re not going to do is play games. Either we both agree that sex is part of this, or we agree that it isn’t. I can’t allow you to fuck with my emotions on a whim. It hurts me when you regret being with me.”

“Yea, I get it.” Jimin nodded. Jeongguk was asserting himself and drawing a line in the sand. It was a true sign of his maturity. “For the record, I don’t regret a damn thing we just did. I just didn’t expect it. I surprised myself.”

 Jeongguk was understanding but firm, “For once can we make love intentionally? Where neither of us will regret it? Where neither of us will feel guilty like we committed some sin? Can we make love under the best of circumstances with full happy consent instead of uncontrollable shame?” 

He wrapped the towel back around Jimin’s waist and stood to his feet. He was about to go back to the bedroom when Jimin caught his arm.

“You’re right. I’m just confused by how quickly things have changed. I mean why are we suddenly so undisciplined and why is it happening so frequently after all of these years? What does it mean…?” Jimin questioned.

“It means we want to physically express our love. It means it fucking feels good. It means our love is growing. That’s all it means. Stop overthinking everything.”

Jimin was quiet. He slid past Jeongguk and walked over to sit on the bed. He was pensive.

Jeongguk walked over and sat at his feet. He was afraid that there was more bothering Jimin than just uncontrollable passion. He bravely asked the hard question. “Was I terrible? Is that what’s really going on here? Are you having second thoughts about being physical with my inexperience?”

Jimin reacted immediately, “Oh, Jeonggukie!” He bracketed Jeongguk’s face and stared into his bright orbs with the utmost reassurance, “Stop. You felt wonderful. Making love takes time and practice. We’ve never traveled down this road together before. We know everything about each other except…how to fuck each other.” Jimin laughed at the realization, “It’ll get better and better the more we do it.”

“So you’re saying we can do it again? Are you willing to bend your steadfast rule that we shouldn’t be physical?”

“Yes, I’m willing to throw that rule completely out. I thought I could control it. I thought I could just wish it away. But after having a taste of you, I just want you more and more. We can’t ignore this - it would be torture for both of us. You were right all along, we’re grown men. But I still maintain that I’m not ready to share our news with anyone yet. Please tell me you respect that?”

“Of course I do. Talking with Tae really helped me realize that now isn’t the time for us to reveal our relationship. Most of the members already suspect something is going on, but for now there’s no need to confirm anything for anybody. We’ll be careful, more careful than before.”

“There’s another problem.”

“What’s that?”

“Military service. We’ll be stuck together for almost two years with no physical contact. No sex at any time.”

“Wasn’t such a big deal when I thought we would be separated. It’s going to be a little harder when I have to see you every day and can’t touch you. But again Jiminie, we’re grown men. We can handle it. That’s what vacations are for.”

Jimin removed his white towel but then quickly pulled on pajama pants. He didn’t want to take the chance of waking up Jeongguk’s loins again. His ass wasn’t ready for another round with him.

“Lay down with me,” Jimin asked.

“In the same bed? I get all of the special treatment tonight don’t I?”

“Ha-ha. Just lay down.”

Jeongguk cuddled up naked beside Jimin’s warm body. They cuddled under the sheets without the comforter. Jeongguk placed his head on Jimin’s chest, tickling his chin with his bushy bed-matted hair. 

“Are you sure that I can’t take care of you?” Once again Jeongguk alluded to the fact that Jimin had not orgasmed during either of their love making sessions. 

“I’m ok. Besides, we’re going to see your mother tomorrow. Limping around will make her suspicious.”

“Yikes. Forgot about that. Oh my God I can’t imagine how she would handle it if she knew we were having sex.”

Jimin brushed his fingers through Jeongguk’s hair, “I’m sure she suspects it already. It’s part of this…being in love. And she knows that we’re very much in love.”

“Whatever. Let’s keep her out of our sex lives.” Jeongguk blushed just thinking about discussing sex with his mother. “And no limping tomorrow. I don’t want her nosy ass asking questions.” 

They both laughed. And then came the crippling, silent realization.

“This is our last night alone for a really long time. I’m going to miss you.”

“Until Japan in November. We have so little time left. Our schedules are insane. We’re the only two who are still working.”

Jimin kissed the top of Jeongguk’s head, “When do you think I’ll see you again?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. But I’ll call you everyday…and I’ll text…and send you YouTube videos.”

“It’s not the same,” Jimin held Jeongguk tightly in his arms.

“We’ll be ok. This isn’t the first time we’ve been apart,” Jeongguk reminded him.

And with that, Jimin felt at ease. His plan for isolating themselves during Chapter two had worked. With confidence and sure-footedness, Jeongguk accepted their parting. No drama, no begging to stay together, no threats, just acceptance with the understanding that they would survive the distance. The Maknae was all grown up and standing on his own. Jimin was infinitely proud of him. Yet, there was a small piece of his heart that envied Jeongguk’s independence because Jimin himself didn’t feel nearly as strong.

The following morning, Jimin and Jeongguk headed to Busan for Chuseok. Jimin spent half the day with the Jeon family before venturing mainland to the mountains to be with his own family. The goodbye between him and Jeongguk was painful. They faced incertitude about the immediate future and when they would once again be together. Time was ticking and their military service was due to begin in two months. Jeongguk’s schedule would keep him out of Korea for the majority of the time And Jimin’s work schedule was set to gear up in November. Everything was discombobulated and work dominated their lives. They had but one small solace to hold on to - Sapporo, Japan.


October 12th, 2023

The official schedule in the team member group chat said that Jimin was flying back and forth between Seoul and Los Angeles. Even though Jimin had recorded most of his album,  MUSE, back in June the previous year, he still had a few vocals to complete as they put the finishing touches on the album’s production. He was busy, but not nearly as busy as Jeongguk.

With the release of his album Golden, less than a month away, Jeongguk was working 15-20 hour days. Plus, traveling back and forth through different time zones made it almost impossible to get in contact with Jimin. They texted often, but it wasn’t the same as hearing each other’s voices. They had a very healthy respect for each other’s sleep and they tried to avoid ever calling at odd hours of the night. Respectful as it may have been, it made them both miserable because they missed each other abundantly.

Jeongguk had a crazy seven days ahead. First he had several interviews on the morning of October 13th. Then he had his first solo performance at Music Bank. Between the performances, he had several phone interviews, a fan meet and dance practice. Even though he had performed at Music Bank countless times with BTS, this was his first time performing alone. His nerves were frayed. Performing his debut hit 3-D in English before a Korean crowd was a risky career move. He didn’t know how the crowd would react. But because of his stubborn commitment to doing things his way, he prepared a stage that would make history. Thanks to long talks with Jimin and Joonie, he felt confident that their fans would love anything he presented as long as he did his best.

Immediately after Music Bank, he was off to Budapest on October 14th for the filming of the feature song for Golden, Standing Next To You. It was a performance that had taken all of his strength and skill to pull off and it was finally time to film the video. The stress of having his body and mind ready for filming was yet another obstacle for him to overcome. The stylist had most of his wardrobe, but he still had to pack for a four day trip to Budapest and then another two days in Germany. 

He continued packing. It was important to get organized so he could head to bed early. The filming for Music Bank was to kick off at 4am the following morning. If he wanted a good performance, he had to be well rested. 

Yet, something was bothering him. He couldn’t fully focus on his packing because he didn’t know exactly where Jimin was. He wanted to try to get him on the phone just once before heading to Budapest. He looked around and found his phone laying on the shelf. To his dismay, he had missed two texts from Jimin. One simply said, “I love you”.  The other said, “Don’t forget it’s my birthday tomorrow.” 

Jeongguk scoffed at the second text. Of course it was Jimin’s birthday and of course he wouldn’t forget. Even though he held no hope of seeing him, he planned to mail his gift to him - wherever he was. Quickly he texted him back, “I would never forget your birthday. Never. Where are you btw? What city?”

There was no immediate response. Even though he wasn’t aware of it, Jeongguk's face filled with disappointment. He jumped over to the group chat to see if there were any updates on Jimin’s schedule. The last update was that he was in L.A., but there was no return flight listed. The mystery continued. He still didn’t know where his Jiminie was. 

Two hours later, his packing was complete. It was 9pm and he had to be up in five hours. Dead tired, he crawled into bed. As was his ritual, he read at bedtime. His reading was not for pleasure, but for education.

His last two bouts of sex with Jimin hadn’t been very pleasurable for his hyung and he vowed to learn everything he could about how to make sex feel good for both of them. To do that, he had to educate himself on how to make love properly, how to prep Jimin properly and how to make love without hurting him. He had several sources but his favorite book was The Joy of Gay Sex. He also read Out of the Shadows and subscribed to the YouTube Channel called Gay Men Going Deep. He had many resources that helped him understand how things needed to be done. He was confident that his next time with Jimin would be mind blowing. 

Jimin had promised him that practice would make him better. However, practice seemed to be the one missing piece from their relationship. They hadn’t seen each other in weeks, how were they supposed to practice? 

After another hour of reading, Jeongguk put his books down and pulled the sheets over his head. The last thought he had before drifting off to sleep was the memory of making love to Jimin in the swimming pool back in Jeju. His mind recounted holding him in his arms as the warm water gently splashed around them. He remembered the feeling of entering the man he loved and fucking him for the first time; he remembered the awkward strokes, and the pleasure of grinding his hips into him. He could feel his hoarse screams as he reminisced about orgasming inside of the man he loved. It was a sweet dream and a beautiful nightmare because Jimin was nowhere around. He missed him.


October 13, 2023- Music Bank

It was not unusual for the line of fans to be wrapped around the open hall in Yeouido-dong which was where Music Bank was filmed. Fans were very dedicated to BTS and they arrived early and stayed late. But Jeongguk was surprised to see such a long line for him. He waved as he passed by ARMY who were singing and dancing and passing out gifts as they waited for the doors to open. It was 3:00 am. Jeongguk was humbled by their support for him.

He was rushed out of the SUV towards the dressing room, where the styling team immediately began working on his hair and make-up. His signature white tank top and baggy khaki pants and long walker boots were almost identical to what he had worn in the 3-D video. It didn’t take him long to get performance-ready and by 3:45am, he was ready for his first take. After a quick meal of kimchi stir-fried rice, he was on stage doing the first sound check with fans. 

He smiled at all of them and talked to them as a collective. They bantered back and forth with him telling them about everything he had eaten and that he was still sleepy. He took a few questions, those that he could decipher through the crowd noise, and he answered them as best as he could. After several takes of his performance he took more time to talk to the audience as his hair and make-up were touched up.

“It’s Jimin’s birthday today.” He wasn’t sure why he blurted it out, but he did.

As to be expected, the crowd went wild. They screamed for Jimin and eventually began singing Happy Birthday to him even though he wasn’t there. Jeongguk could hear a few of them asking if he had spoken to Jimin.

He picked up the question, “Spoken to him? No. Not yet. I’m here performing and he’s traveling. I’ll text him at 10:13 exactly. He’ll like that.”

“He’s coming home, he’s coming home,” several of them yelled.

Jeongguk leaned down so that he could hear more clearly, “Home? Did you say he’s coming home?”

The fans knew the band’s schedules better than they did. No where in the gc did it say that Jimin would be home for his birthday. Several of the girls in the front had Jimin on the airport camera. Jeongguk stared at their phones and sure enough, there was video footage of Jimin boarding a plane. He was scheduled to land in three hours, just as Jeongguk was due to finish up his performance. 

“He’s coming back to Korea?” Jeongguk asked. He sounded silly, he should have known where his bandmate was, but he didn’t. Jimin’s schedule was so hectic that many of his travel plans were adhoc and not pre-planned. Leave it to the fans to tell Jeongguk where he was.

Jeongguk’s heart thundered in his chest. There was a window of about ten hours where he and Jimin could see each other. His mind was transfixed on a plan. If he finished up the Music Bank performance early, he could drop by his apartment and head to Nine One just in time for Jimin’s arrival home. The following day he could go directly to the airport. It was exactly what he’d been praying for, a brief visit before heading out to Budapest and Germany for the next ten days. It was a perfect window.

Jeongguk smiled gratefully at the audience who still questioned if had wished Jimin a happy birthday.

“I’ll text him, or try to call him later. I promise,” Jeongguk responded. Only he knew that he planned to do much more than that. 

There was urgency to his performance. He wanted everything perfect with minimal takes. He pressed his dancers to do their best with the promise of getting out early. Many of them were traveling to Budapest with him, so it behooved them to put in the hard work necessary for an early wrap up. The final recording concluded at noon. As the crowd roared and the cameras went in for a close up, he flashed the 3-D hand signal that looked identical to the okay sign. When the cameras panned in, he did something unexpected by puckering his lips and popping his tongue inside of his cheek. Some in the audience knew what it meant, most didn’t. The producers however were completely clueless, allowing the footage to be recorded. Very few people in the building realized that he had just made an obscene gesture signifying a blow job - and the gesture was distinctly meant for Jimin.


Jimin’s flight landed at 12:00pm.  His plan was to go straight home, shower and then do a quick live for ARMY before laying down to get some rest. He had plans to hang out with some friends and enjoy a quiet night. The following day he planned a trip to Busan to see his parents and spend a few days with them. 

His birthday was not exciting for him, especially since this would be the first one without Jeongguk. Per the group chat, Jeongguk was performing at Music Bank and then heading straight to Budapest. Jimin lamented over the fact that they would not see each other. He searched online looking for the recording of Jeongguk’s performance. He found it. Like the proud boyfriend he was, he watched every bit of it several times, admiring Jeongguk’s incredible performance. Just as he made it to the end, his phone began buzzing with texts. Inside of each text was the exact same screenshot of Jeongguk’s ending pose at the Music Bank taping. The most urgent texts appeared to be from Namjoon and Tae, so those were the two that he read first. 

Apparently Jeongguk had made some inappropriate gestures on national television. It was all the buzz. The producers were already on the phone with Hybe to negotiate getting the performance edited. 

Jimin opened the screen shots that Tae and Namjoon sent to him. “Nice,” he broke into laughter. Leave it up to his Maknae to stir up trouble. From Jimin’s best guess, Jeongguk was gesturing a blow job on conservative Korean television. “I love you - you trouble maker.”

Jimin loved it, even though he was sad to know that the two of them wouldn’t be seeing each other anytime soon. There was no blow job in Jimin’s immediate future. He took Jeongguk’s little stunt to be a birthday joke. He didn’t take it seriously, even though the rest of Korea did. It was up to Hybe and Music Bank to figure it out. Jeongguk was very savvy and he knew how production worked. He knew that it would be cut before the final version aired. Still, that didn’t stop him from pushing the limits. 

 The city was littered with banners and billboards dedicated to birthday wishes for Jimin. He smiled as his driver curried him through the streets of Seoul towards Nine-One Hannam. The condo where he had lived since 2019, ironically held the same address as Jeongguk’s birthday. It wasn’t a coincidence. He and Jeongguk had chosen the place together as a secure place to live until enlistment. Only the members knew that Jeongguk maintained a unit in the condo as well, but for the purpose of evading stalkers who plagued him, Jeongguk spent most of his time at a staged apartment owned by the company. It was for his own safety as he waited for the construction of his new home to be completed. Namjoon owned a condo and Nine-One there as well.

Typically when Jimin would arrive home from a long trip, he could meet up with Jeongguk and spend time with him, but not this time. His boyfriend wasn’t there. Jeongguk’s schedule was packed and although he was still in town for the Music Bank performance, he was scheduled to leave the following day on October 14th. With his schedule being that tight, Jimin realized there was no way that he would get to see him, even if they were both in Korea for a few hours. He wasn’t surprised. Even before leaving Jeju, they knew that this was going to happen.

The driver helped Jimin with his luggage. Together with Jimin’s security team, they escorted him to the door of his apartment.  Jimin thanked them all and bid them farewell. They would soon be meeting up again for Jimin’s November 6th trip to Budapest.  

Jimin entered the code to open his door and stepped inside. As he walked through the apartment, he littered his clothes along the way. By the time he reached the bathroom, he was naked and ready to climb directly into the shower. The stench of airplane was annoying him and he wanted to shower in his fresh orange scented Loe’s shower wash. 

As he washed, his mind wandered to food. He thought about what he wanted to eat for lunch. It was still early in the day but he was starving. His hunger was partially triggered by the incredible aroma of  Makguksu that seemed to be wafting through his apartment. Jimin found it odd that the smell of the neighbor’s cooking was so potent in his apartment. That wasn’t something that normally happened.

At any rate, he wrapped himself in a towel and headed straight for his bedroom to get dressed. The lights were off and the curtains were drawn, leaving the bedroom almost completely dark. The few exceptions to the dankness were a series of bright candles on his dresser and window sill.  

Jimin immediately backed out of the room. Someone was there, someone uninvited. Only two people knew the code to his apartment, Jeongguk and his father. And he knew for a fact that it couldn’t be either of them. Jimin feared the worst; fans had somehow found their way into his apartment. BTS had stalkers, many of them were very savvy. His first assumption was that sasaengs had breached security and were in the apartment waiting for him. He had no idea if they wanted to harm him. He wrapped the towel tighter around his waist and ran towards his front door. His heart pounded with fear. He didn’t want to have to fight, but he was prepared to do whatever he needed to protect himself. He grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter on his way to the door. 

Just as he was about to dial 2-1-1, he noticed his dining room table. There was food on the table and large bouquets of roses, carnations, lilies and hydrangea. Fine China that did not belong to him was meticulously placed in two distinct settings; one for him and another for a guest. It was beautiful. There were candles on the table, all in his favorite scents. Soft music was playing in the background and a familiar voice was humming along.

Jimin’s heart beat even faster, but this time for a completely different reason. He could see a muscular image with neatly coiffed, newly trimmed hair, standing behind the stove. He appeared to be wearing an apron, with nothing underneath. The soft light of the candles picked up indentions in his cheeks, the dimples that Jimin had kissed so many times. Even in the dim light, the rainbow of color up his right arm was visible. Jimin could hardly hear over the pounding of his anxious heart. All quieted as soon as the man spoke.


“What are you doing here?” Jimin’s face broadened into a smile.

“Your robe.” Jeongguk lifted Jimin’s robe from the chair and placed it around him. He tied the strings into a hard knot before leaning his forehead against Jimin’s. “Happy Birthday.”

“And you are here…how? You’re supposed to be on your way to Budapest,” Jimin’s bottom lip began to tremble. His mind swirled, he couldn’t even believe what he was seeing. 

“We have exactly six hours. I had to see you.”

“But how…?” Jimin still trembled. Jeongguk’s skin felt like hot coals against his wet chilled body. Once again providing the Yin to his Yang. He rambled just to keep his voice steady and keep his mind busy so that he could outrun the tears. 

“Thank ARMY. They told me you were coming home. Otherwise, I would have been on my way to practice. I came here instead and bought everything we needed to have a private party. I have to film some footage tonight and then I head straight to the airport early tomorrow. We have six hours to get…done.”

“Done?” Jimin laughed, “What exactly does that mean?”

“Done…celebrating your birthday,” Jeongguk tucked the locks of Jimin’s wet hair behind his ear and then placed a carnation there to keep the hair in place. “I have dinner, champagne, cake, fruit, presents and dick. Which would you like to have first?”

Jimin burst into laughter again. He grabbed both of Jeongguk’s bare shoulders as he fell into his chest. “If I choose dick first…can we keep dinner warm and the champagne cold?”

“I can manage that.”

Jimin squeezed Jeongguk into a hug. Before they could get to the task of being lovers, they had to reconnect as friends. “I’m so proud of you. I saw the videos and your live performance. You sound terrific, but I can tell you were winded at certain parts. Stop smoking. I just watched your Music Bank performance…and your…wait.” Jimin suddenly understood, “You blew me on national television because you knew you would be here tonight, didn’t you?”

“I did.”

“Your little antics are causing all kinds of headache for management.” Jimin gave Jeongguk a high five.

“I’m sure they’ll work it out. I wanted to send you a message that I was on my way.”

 “Well that’s a message that I almost didn’t get. KooKoo, I just can’t believe you’re here. I never expected this. This is the best birthday present you could have given me.”

“It’s about to get even better.”

 Jeongguk lifted Jimin into his arms and carried him to the bedroom. He laid him gently on the bed and spoke softly, “I’ve prepared a very special day for you.”

“I don’t have much here to help us…,”

“...I have everything we need.” Jeongguk removed his apron to reveal a naked body that was saturated in a rich golden hue.

Jimin audibly gasped. He watched his band mate, lover and best friend crawl into the bed and hover over him. Something was different about him. In the few weeks since they’d been apart, he all of a sudden held a confident command over the bedroom. Jimin wilted as the younger positioned himself to serve a birthday that Jimin would never forget.

Jeongguk had never been so aroused. Feeling Jimin in his arms again caused hot blood to teem in his groin as he felt the cambric slide of the sheets over their bodies. His mouth went to the curve of his neck and trailed down to his shoulder. The smell of oranges from Jimin’s freshly showered body inundated his senses. He wanted him badly but he had to take it slow. Jimin’s hair was slightly damp and much longer than Jeongguk remembered it. It felt like fiery silk sliding over his fingers as he took handfuls of it and lifted it to his face. Intoxicated by him, he hunted for more of Jimin’s scent, drawing in with deep breaths.

 Tugging at the front of Jimin’s robe, Jeongguk caused the silky knot to slip loose. He pulled the robe free, trapping Jimin’s arms within the sleeves. He used the robe as a delicate restraint while smashing his lips against his hyung’s nipples, and trailing his tongue along his ribs. He nipped at his belly button and sucked his muscular chest mounds. He feasted on him, engaging all of his senses. He wooed him with traveling kisses, wet and artful and passionate. He loved him and he wanted to make sure that Jimin understood how much. 

The younger licked his way down to the tip of Jimin’s stiff cock. He flicked the tip with his tongue like a snake tasting his food. And just like a venomous snake, he went in for the kill.

Jimin moaned. His body drew into a helpless arch as he watched his entire cock disappear inside of Jeongguk’s mouth. Just as he adjusted to the pressure and warmth around his cock, he felt something hard and solid being inserted into him. His eyes flew open and he grabbed Jeongguk’s shoulders as if to push him away. Whatever was inside of him was slowly being pushed further into place. Jimin’s hands squeezed into fists over Jeongguk’s shoulders as the pressure intensified. Oddly enough, there was no pain, just intense pressure. He could feel the slick lubricant drip from his hole as Jeongguk settled an ass plug into his opening.

Jimin opened his mouth to speak, but his lips were immediately covered with Jeongguk’s large powerful hand. Jimin battled two of the most intense sensations he’d ever experienced; being fucked with an anal plug while simultaneously having his dick sucked. It was overwhelming and confusing. His body gingerly walked the line between pleasure and pain, the perfect balance of which pushed him to ecstasy. He could feel the twisting of the cold steel inside of him as he watched Jeongguk’s head bob up and down sucking him, deep throating him, eating him for dinner. His moans grew louder and louder as the muscles within his thighs began to twitch. He couldn’t believe it, after less than ten minutes of his birthday treatment, he was already about to cum. 

“What are you doing to me…I can’t…?”

“Shhh, relax,” Jeongguk commanded.

Jeongguk read every signal, interpreted every moan and delectable grunt. He was driving Jimin crazy, checking all of his boxes, feeding all of his needs. Jimin was right where he wanted him. It was time.  Jeongguk released Jimin’s cock from his mouth. He could taste the droplets of pre-cum that Jimin had left behind. 

Like a rising Phoenix, Jeongguk rested on his knees as he rubbed a vanilla scented lube up and down his shaft. The stroking from his hands sloshed the lube around, creating a slick shiny surface over his aggressive erection. Jimin watched with gleeful anticipation as the candle light reflected along the mighty shaft that was about to impale him. He stretched his body like a cunning cat, purring as his ass clenched over the steel toy that was stuffed inside of him.

With the anal plug still firmly implanted in the middle of Jimin’s body, Jeongguk rolled the elder to his side and nestled behind him. After several more flirty twists, the anal plug was suddenly released. A breath escaped Jimin’s chest as he adjusted to the cold empty feeling. The plug had done its job, leaving a slick gaping hole that would serve as Jeongguk’s target.  

Jeongguk pondered his older lover. He was unspeakably beautiful, cowering in front of him. Jimin’s body was both a delicate mechanism and a powerful tank. Although outwardly indestructible, his inner parts were extremely intricate and needed to be approached with gentle sensitivity. It was possible to hurt him, even though it was impossible to destroy him. Jeongguk had to keep all of that in mind as he contemplated how to enter him, how to sit inside of him, and how to fuck him just right.  

He moved with the slightest intimation of a thrust, sliding along the slick path set by the layers of lube. He rotated his hips slowly, pushing through the resistance of Jimin’s sweet vulnerable flesh. While using his flat palm to hold Jimin’s stomach, he whispered into the coil of his ear, “Tell me if it hurts. Stop me if it hurts.”

Jimin was silent, speechless. He had never been fucked from behind before. His eyes fluttered open and shut as if he were in a trance. The gentle loving insertion of his lover’s dick inundated him with overwhelming pleasure. He found himself bucking against him, eager to be fed Jeongguk’s full length.

Jeongguk continued to push himself inside of Jimin’s body. Despite the lubricated path, he found it more difficult that he expected to fully seat himself. Mostly Jimin was patient. He didn’t express any signs of pain so Jeongguk pushed harder with more force until every inch of him was inside. 

“You’re such a good hyung. I’m all the way inside of you. Do you feel it?”

Jimin whimpered with a nod. He bit his bottom lip as he clenched his eyes shut. His lover and his many inches of dick bulged inside of his stomach. It was the most complete feeling that Jimin had ever experienced in his life. He stretched his neck, coaxing Jeongguk to kiss it from behind. He felt the younger’s lips graze his shoulders and upper back. Jimin knew that Jeongguk was stalling, giving him a moment to adjust to the heavy cock inside of him. 

Jeongguk spoke with a  low raspy voice, one that Jimin seldom heard from his young lover, “Show me what you want and I’ll give it to you, as much as you need for as long as you want. Nothing matters but you.”

And with that their limbs tangled over the bed and Jeongguk’s hips began to rock. His aroused flesh dove over and over into the cove of Jimin’s body. In and out he pumped like a machine. He wasn’t gentle, he was appropriately rough for a man as powerful and needy as Jimin. Jimin’s ass was well conditioned, sending each of Jeongguk’s strokes deep into his soul. 

They groaned and grunted as they settled into a rhythm. Jeongguk held him with firm pressure, cupping him from behind as he pulled him against his solid weight. The room filled with the sounds from their clapping bodies. 

Jimin began to tremble. Everything that Jeongguk was doing to him was exactly what he needed. He bucked against each of his strokes, desperate for more.  Never had he felt so full before. He could feel the oncoming rush of an orgasm. Jeongguk’s hands were all over him, stroking his cock, teasing his nipples. He was being kissed, fondled, sucked and fucked all at a dizzying pace.

With no constraint he screamed, “Jeonggukie…stop…I mean…fuck oh fuck, I’m cum…!” None of Jimin’s sentences were complete. His muscles tensed as hot cum erupted from his pulsating tip. His entire body shivered and his eyes watered. He bucked hard against Jeongguk’s already aggressive fuck, moaning and screaming as his orgasm owned him. He found Jeongguk’s hand resting on his stomach and held it, squeezing for dear life.

He could feel Jeongguk’s grip tightening around him again. The rocking of his hips intensified as he pushed his dick in and out, in and out, in and out, slapping their bodies together like an MMA wrestling match. He took Jimin hard and fast, as was his nature. On the precipice, he began muttering into Jimin’s ear, “I love you. You’re making me cum so hard. Tell me you love me, tell me you love me, tell me…,”

Jimin was out of breath, he could hardly speak but he mustered every ounce of his strength to say  the words that Jeongguk needed to hear, “I love you…so much.”

“Here I cum baby,” the room exploded with Jeongguk’s loud orgasmic song. His body shuddered as his balls emptied. Wave after wave of cum clogged Jimin’s hole, flooding him with the younger’s seed. 

Jimin could feel the warm velvety fluid cling to his walls. He clenched and tightened his body in an effort to squeeze everything out of the Maknae. He knew at that moment that they both were experiencing something they’d never felt before. It was a sexual breakthrough that boded very well for their future.

Jeongguk’s full body convulsed several times before his cock finally stopped squirting. As soon as he was quiet, Jimin pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him.

He slapped his chest with a big hearty grin, “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?”

Jeongguk broke into laughter, “Liked that, huh?”


“Happy Birthday.”

“Jeon Jeongguk, I’m serious. That is not how I left you four weeks ago.”

“I told you that I was committed to making this work for both of us. I read everything that I could find about sex and studied - and watched how they do it in porn. I just got…better…tried out some of the things that I learned. It was all for you because I love you.”

“Wow. Like wow. It didn’t even hurt…well fuck yeah it hurt…but not like it usually does. I feel good and so satisfied.”

“Good because at some point over the next six hours, I’m going to fuck you again before I leave.”

Jimin’s eyes bulged. He nodded with a devilish grin, “Yes, sir.”

“We don’t have much time today, but next time we’re together, we’ll take our time and really, REALLY do it right. Are you hungry? I can only keep dinner warm for so long.”

Jimin stared up at the ceiling and placed his hands in prayer position. “Not sure if I thanked God lately, but thank you God. Thank you for him. Amen.” Jimin laughed, “Yes. I’m very hungry.”


Dinner conversation was plentiful. They both had so much to say, so much to share about their different projects. Jimin was hard at work preparing MUSE for the 2024 release and Jeongguk was days away from his first solo debut. 

Jeongguk showed him the storyboards and all of the different scenes for his upcoming video shoot. Jimin doted on his short hair and how much weight he had lost while preparing for his debut.

“It’s like a tribute to Michael Jackson,” Jimin boasted as he flipped through the pictures of Jeongguk’s wardrobe. “I saw the choreography, oh Jeonggukie, this is going to be epic. You think they’ll submit it for a Grammy?”

“Probably. My guess is that they will submit all of our solo work. Hey, I have a surprise for you. I’m doing a remix for SNTY with…Usher.”

“You’re fucking kidding me?” Jimin jumped to his feet with excitement.

“He reached out to us when he heard the song and the rest just worked out. Jiminie, I know how much you like him. I thought this was a good way to pay a small tribute to you.”

“Usher is a big name, KooKoo. This is absolutely incredible news. Who would have thought ten years ago that you would be working with a legend?”

“I’ve been working with a legend for the last ten years. His name is Park Jimin.”

Jimin blushed. He grinned and stared down into his empty plate. “I’m not a legend. That’s just your love bias talking.”

“You’re a legend. I knew that before I even loved you. Enough about me, tell me what’s happening with MUSE.”

Jimin was more than happy to share his video concepts as well. “Speaking of tributes, I have a small surprise planned for you in the feature single WHO. But, I can’t tell you much about that quite yet.”

“Looking forward to it,” Jeongguk laughed.

Their conversation was interrupted by a series of phone calls.  Jimin’s phone steadily rang with different friends and family calling to wish him happy birthday. At one point, Jimin held a facetime call with the other members including Hobi and Jin. They all sang happy birthday to Jimin. Tae had questions about how the two had found time to be together, but Jeongguk deflected his inquiries in front of the others. 

Their night together moved much too quickly, but they made the best of it. They ate Jeongguk’s homemade dinner. They fed each other cake, and swallowed large quantities of champagne. The liquor in their systems only made them more sexually aggressive. With empty champagne bottles, dirty dishes, pots and pans, pieces of cake and balloons strewn all over the apartment, they enjoyed Jimin’s personal party to the fullest. 

There was a polite knock at the door. A neighbor had stopped by to inquire about all of the moans and screams coming from the apartment. His query was never answered because inside, Jeongguk had Jimin spread eagle over the kitchen table, fucking the life out of him for the third time that same day. It was their passion filled love making sessions that spurned the disturbance amongst Jimin’s neighbors. 

With the knowledge that they only had a few more hours together and a few more weeks before enlistment, they didn’t hold back. They fucked as much as they could before it was finally time for Jeongguk to go.

“Is this all of your luggage?” Jimin asked quietly.

“I had to pack heavy…it’s going to be a long trip. You know how that goes,” Jeongguk said sadly. “I brought all of it here so that I can go straight to the studio for the recording. I’m going to get a few hours  of sleep and then head straight to the airport tomorrow.”

“I wish I could go with you. I would love to watch you film the video.”

“I wish you could come as well. It would be fun,” Jeongguk smiled.

The two made small talk as Jeongguk dressed, “I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen.”

“You didn’t have to do that. Dinner was absolutely incredible. One of my best birthday dinners ever,” Jimin wiped tears from his right eye.

“Don’t do that. Don’t start with the tears. We’ll see each other in a little over a month -  in Tokyo!” Jeongguk said brightly “When are you heading to Budapest?”

“November 6th. I’ll film for two days and then head back here to do a photo shoot.” More tears. Jimin was having trouble accepting that Jeongguk was leaving, “This has been the best birthday.”

“Better than that time I dropped a thirst video?”

Jimin laughed. “Yea, even better than that. Thank you for doing this. Thank you for making this day unforgettable.” Jimin’s laughter slowly turned into tears. He spoke with a hard voice as he tried to push back his sobs, “I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time saying goodbye.”

“Because it’s happening just like you were afraid it would. The sex is making everything more intense.”

“It’s not just the sex. It’s you.”  Jimin grabbed Jeongguk and pulled him into a hug.

“I love you too Jiminie. I have to go…I have the studio booked. The managers and the security team will be here any minute to pick me up.”

As soon as Jeongguk said it, his phone rang. Ji-won, his manager, was calling from downstairs to tell them they had arrived.

“Hello, yea, I have so much luggage. Can someone meet me at the elevator?” Jeongguk watched Jimin disrobe and redress. He bantered back and forth with his manager as they negotiated the logistics of their transportation but he could not take his eyes off of Jimin. After ten years, ten long years, he found him more beautiful than the day they first met. His long silky black hair, and crescent shaped eyes, contrasting against his pink pillowy lips were an absolute dream. “Uh yes, I’m here. On my way down.”

Jeongguk balanced his two large suitcases on their wheels and then secured his backpack.  Since he was in the middle of filming for a documentary, he carried his hand held camera with him to grab additional footage. His hands were truly full. 

Jimin walked him out, pulling one of his large suitcases. They met the managers at the elevator. “I better go. I’m about to do a live broadcast with ARMY for my birthday.”

“That will absolutely make you feel better. They will have many birthday wishes for you,” Jeongguk encouraged.

“Yea.” Jimin leaned in and gave Jeongguk one final hug. He whispered quietly into his ear, “I’m going to marry you someday.”

Those words were not as Jeongguk expected. He felt a lump in his throat and the sting of tears in his bright eyes. He didn’t want to cry in front of management, nor did he want to display too much intimacy. But Jimin’s words choked him up. He tightened their hug. He held Jimin for so long that Ji-won cleared his throat as a friendly reminder that Jeongguk had to go. 

It was the arrival of Sejin that lowered the intensity of the moment. He arrived with a birthday cake for Jimin, just in time for the taping of his live with ARMY. 

“Hey, Jeongguk. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Sejin surveyed the situation, curious about why Jeongguk was with Jimin when he was supposed to be in Budapest.

“On my way out. Just had to drop by and give something to Jimin,” he laughed. “I fly out tomorrow.”

Sejin could only imagine what Jeongguk had given Jimin for his birthday. In fact, he didn’t have to imagine because judging from Jimin’s glow, he already knew. “I’m here to take you back to Hybe offices so you can film…unless you plan to go live from your apartment?” Sejin spoke to Jimin.

“No, no, I’m ready. Just saying goodbye to Jeongguk. I have to get my bag and we can go.”

Jeongguk and Jimin parted even though their eyes remained interlocked.

“Bye, have a safe trip,” Jimin did what he could to lower the emotional tension between them.

“Yea, call you when I get settled,” Jeongguk responded.

Jeongguk was just about to get on the elevator when he suddenly lifted his camera. Clad head to toe in his custom CK blue jean set, he aimed his camera at Jimin. He took two final shots of his beloved as a tribute to Jimin’s 29th birthday. They were pictures that would forever remind them of their special night. Jimin smiled, caught slightly off-guard by the sudden photoshoot. 


Later that evening, Jimin went live. And just as Jeongguk suggested, he felt much better talking to ARMY. Namjoon, sensing that he may be feeling a bit down with Jeongguk traveling, stopped by to grant him birthday wishes during his live broadcast.

Someone mentioned Jeongguk in the comments. He broke into song, “ppeuriri” with a loving smile as he teased 3-D, and then sang a melody with the words, “I miss you. I miss you. I miss you.” It was all for his Jeonggukie whom he was missing very much. His most riant smile came when he explained how 3-D had suddenly become ppeuriri and how he was scolded by Jeongguk. 

He talked about visiting his parents, eating seaweed stew and posting tik tok dances. But he artfully avoided telling everyone that he and Jeongguk had seen each other. That was a secret for him and his lover to keep.

When asked about Jeongguk, he sighed and had this to say, “Jeonggukie? Jeongguk is very busy these days. I’m worried because he might be so tired.” He looked down at his phone. There was no filter that could hide his melancholy and his worry. Just speaking Jeongguk’s name was difficult because it triggered so much emotion within him, especially given the incredible day they had spent together. 

Minute 23:16

After fifteen minutes trying to convince the fans that his sweater was not inside out, he finally moved on to talk about practice and comments from Jin. Forty-five minutes later he closed the live broadcast by telling ARMY how much he loved them, warning them not to get sick, and thanking them for wishing him a happy birthday. 

He walked away from the broadcast feeling hopeful and happy, but anxiously anticipating his trip to Japan…


[To Be Continued…]


And...we are at the end of part THREE. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading. A few words about minute 23:16 and why I highlighted it. This was Jimin's (presumably) first birthday was Jk was traveling and couldn't be with him. If you notice, he starts singing 3D, but then transitions into a made up song with the lyrics of "I Miss You." I believe the I Miss You may have been triggered by comment, but the song that he sang using those words felt like it was meant for Jk, since Jk was so heavily on his mind. He mentions him three different times during this live and as you can see from his face, he really was worried about him and missed him. Tell me what you think in the comments. 


**Author's Notes**

I have finally completed Sealed Lips and this last chapter is a whopping 33k. Well, so much for making this a quick One Shot. 

This very last chapter starts off with a series of naughty text messages and JM reaches out to JM to make sure that he's coming to his GOLDEN listening party. The story picks up on November 4th, the night of the party.

Just a very honest warning- this chapter is very VERY NSFW. If you are not familiar with my writing, please know that I am very naughty and my sexual scenes are graphic and explicit. Please skip this last chapter if you are uncomfortable with sex scenes.

For everyone who followed me over here from Kofi, I love you. I am so grateful for you. I will never forget you for supporting me. My hope is that we can get to know each other better and really have fun in our safety zone. 

Thanks for supporting me, even during my hiatus. You're the best friends I could ever hope for. I love you. I love you. I love you.



As Military service looms, JM and JK become more and more and unsure of their future and present. Even their closest friends start to question the level of intimacy in the Are You Sure series, raising doubt about the entire project. JM suffers a mild case of depression that lingers until the magic of Sapporo. JK wants out of his own GOLDEN listening party so he can be alone with JM. And Namjoon takes a stance againt JM and JK's relationship and everyone is left reeling.



  • NSFW (21+) 
  • Porn with Plot
  • Hurt/Comfort
  • Mild Angst
  • Canon and Canon divergent
  • Lies/Deceit/Betrayal
  • Everybody's Lips are Sealed
  • Graphic Sexual Content
  • 33k


November 4th - 6:oopm KST


November 4th, 2023


Jimin grinned naughtily at his phone before placing it down on the counter. He studied himself in the mirror, contemplating if he needed more volume on the left side of his hair. He was blonde again, a surprise specifically for Jeongguk and their pending trip to Japan. The locks that framed his face felt natural, like returning to his organic state. The color suited him well. He’d worn it for so long that it seemed like a birthright, like home. 

Content that his hair was as good as it was going to get, he moved on to his outfit for the evening. He hadn’t had a chance to ask Jeongguk what he was wearing, but he knew his boyfriend and his stylist well enough to predict that he would likely be adorned in all white, like a shiny new bride on top of a wedding cake. After all, it was Jeongguk’s night; his GOLDEN album release party. He was the single star of the show and all of the other members proudly and respectfully took the backseat.  

That also meant that Jimin needed to wear black to compliment him and maintain their black and white couple status. So black was the final decision. Fortunately for Jimin, Chanel sent over a full ensemble with a $3000 pair of jeans, and a $6,000 embroidered sweater - all in black.

But before Jimin could change, there was a knock at the door. He glanced at his $55,000 Rolex watch to check the time. They weren’t due at Jeongguk’s party for another two hours, so he wondered who could be visiting.


The awkward, yet rhythmic knock continued; a sure sign that it was his Hyung/neighbor at the door.

Jimin smiled, “Just a minute.” He stopped in his bedroom briefly to pull on a sweater before answering the door. 

“Joonie! What are you doing here so early?” Jimin welcomed his bandmate inside.

“We need to talk,” Namjoon said as he walked into Jimin’s apartment and headed straight for his dining room table. 

“Talk? This sounds serious. Talk about what?”

“You know what…in fact you know exactly why I’m here two hours early. Jimin, I have some things that I need to say to you.”

“How about a drink?” Jimin was not just offering a drink to Namjoon, he also needed one for himself. Whatever Namjoon had on his mind, it was significant.

“Sure, got any beer?”

“I surely do. It’s Jeongguk’s favorite so I keep a lot of it around for when he comes over to…help with my music.” Jimin smiled.

“Jeongguk…,” Namjoon echoed. “Big night for him tonight, huh?”

“Very big. Have you listened to his entire album? Oh God Joonie, it’s extraordinary, definitely Grammy material. And the video…I just can’t say enough about the entire project.”

“I’m sure you have much to say about Jeongguk and this project.” There was a tone of sarcasm in Namjoon’s voice. He didn’t want to appear angry or hostile, so he dialed it back and centered himself. If he was going to get the answers that he needed, he had to be neutral. Pissing Jimin off would get him nowhere so he treaded lightly, “I heard the first couple of songs, but I haven’t had a chance to listen to the entire thing yet. Seems like you’re the only one he played the full album for.”

“He values your opinion very much as well. I’m sure it’s just because he hasn’t had much time,” Jimin explained. “You were the first one to hear Seven.”

“Time has nothing to do with it. More like preference. It’s your opinion that matters the most to him these days.”

“He’s an incredible man these days. Our little maknae is all grown up,” Jimin gushed.

“Mochi cut the bullshit. Can we just be honest for once?”

“I’m always honest, Joonie. All you have to do is ask the right questions,” Jimin said elusively.

“Are you and Jeongguk soft launching - revealing your relationship?”

“WHAT?” Jimin was taken aback. It was a bold question coming from their leader. “Why would you ask that?”

“Last week, I was in the office. I happened to walk by the film room so I popped my head in there to see how the editing of my documentary was going. Some of your producers from the show were there editing the early footage from Are You Sure. They were making the storyboards for some of your scenes. Talking through the merchandise, that sort of thing. I couldn’t believe some of the locations that were booked for filming. Most of the time you were sharing the same bed. I was even more shocked that our production team and Sejin went along with how the show was portrayed. How do I even say this…?”

“Just say it.” Jimin sipped on a glass of whiskey. He scowled politely at Namjoon as the elder gingerly danced around the topic.

“Jimin, do you have any idea how intimate - fuck I can’t believe I even used that word, but it’s the only way to describe what I saw in your footage. Do you have any idea how romantically involved you two appear to be in those early episodes? You’re all over each other.  Jeongguk is a creature of impulse, so I can understand him not realizing how all of this must look on camera. He’s also the least likely to give a fuck. But you Jimin, you know better. You know exactly what fans will think when they see that shit. There’s only so much the producers can cut without leaving gaping holes in the storyline. Most of your…carrying on…was kept in the show.” Namjoon took a deep breath. It was time to really get into it. He needed answers for the sake of the entire team, “I know you two have had a thing for each other for years and honestly, me and the other guys have looked the other way. We love you both and we understand how things like this can happen, especially considering what you two have gone through together. The five of us even held a meeting with Sejin and the management team to figure out how to handle it. All of the members, every single one of us, decided to support you quietly. We did so by looking the other way and letting you be you. As long as it didn’t hurt the group and as long as you kept it private, under control, we were fine with it. But what I saw in that Are You Sure footage was neither private nor under control. I don’t even understand how you talked management into this fucking idea in the first place. It’s time to be honest Jimin, what’s going on?”

“I love him. He loves me,” Jimin said simply.

“I was afraid of that.” Namjoon quietly reflected upon Jimin’s words as he sipped his beer. He put all the pieces together in his head. “It was Yoongi who pointed it out first. He always knew. We all laughed it off, thinking you two were just fooling around. I honestly didn’t even believe that you were gay. Jin and Tae refused to believe anything romantic was going on between you two. The two naive fools thought you were just really, really, really good friends. It took years for them to come around.”

“Tae knows the truth now. We told him everything when we were together in Jeju.” 

“Tae refuses to tell me anything. He’s very loyal to the two of you. After I saw the footage from the show, I went to him first and asked him to give me his opinion of what was happening between you and Jk.  He told me to talk to you. So I’m here to talk to you.”

“I told you we’re in love. There’s nothing more to say. I need to get dressed. We’ve been talking forever and we need to get to the club.”

Namjoon refused to move from the spot. He continued, diving deep into the heart of the matter, “The reality of your relationship became very clear to all of us when we found out that you were planning to enlist together in the buddy system. Even Jin had to admit it. Yeah…I think that’s when things got real for all of us.” Namjoon reflected again.

Jimin released a heavy sigh, “Fine. So now you know everything. Where does that leave us?” Jimin asked sternly. He worried about where Namjoon was going with the conversation. Would he demand that he and Jeongguk stop seeing each other? Would he demand that management step in to kick them out? Or did he have something even worse in mind?

Namjoon looked Jimin directly into his eyes, “So you admit that this travel show is much more than just content for your fans?”

“It’s much more than that.”

Namjoon was distressed. The information he was getting was troubling, “You promised me that this wasn’t a soft launch, so why the fuck did you chose Sapporo for one of the upcoming locations? The fucking gay capital of Japan. You have to know how this looks? Why there? Why not…someplace else? Anyplace else?”

Jimin was surprised to learn just how much Namjoon knew about their travel plans. He loathed having to justify his decisions, but he was forced to tell his hyung the full truth, “Because we know they’ll treat us well there. They’ll give us the experience we want, make us feel loved unconditionally. It’s one of our favorite places. This show means everything to us, not just Sapporo but the entire show. It’s like the honeymoon we never had.”

“Honeymoon? Why would you even use that word? God Jimin, is it that serious?”

“I told you…we’re in love. I just wanted to spend more time with him. We have no idea how the military is going to change us or what it’s going to do to us mentally. We needed this Joonie, for our own mental health we needed this. Can you imagine carrying a secret so big that it starts to eat at you from within? Can you imagine our frustration with not being able to hug or kiss or hold hands without fear of someone seeing us and finding out our secret? Do you have any idea how it feels to be forcefully shipped with other people, even other members and not be allowed to say a thing? Do you know how hurtful it is to be the subject of ridiculous dating allegations and not be able to defend ourselves? It’s killing us. Something had to give so we created this show. It’s our last chance for a few moments of normalcy before our lives change forever. You can’t fault us for that. You can’t fault us for that - you simply can’t.” Jimin poured out his heart as honestly as he possibly could.

Namjoon’s heart was not prepared for the vulnerability and honesty that Jimin poured over him. Still, he had to consider the bigger picture. He had to think about the group first. “Jimin…I understand what you’re saying but why couldn’t you have just vacationed privately? The fact that you poured all of this into a very public show for Disney, tells me that you’re trying to send a message to the world. And now is just…not the time. We’re in dangerous territory. The company is struggling to source income beyond BTS. Other groups under the label are underperforming. They need to find the next big group in order to give us more flexibility. Until they do, we’re the majority profit source keeping the entire company afloat. Not to mention the stock prices are all over the place due to some questionable acquisitions in the U.S. market. There’s whispers of a legal battle brewing with New Jeans - it’s starting to heat up. Not to mention the political shit happening in the country. There’s just so much going on, you can’t choose this moment to let everyone in. It’s just not the right time. Please reconsider airing this show. Just shelve it…at least until your service is over.”

“No.” Jimin was quick and firm with his answer. No one, not even Namjoon who he respected as much as his own parents, could dissuade him from moving forward with their travel show.

Namjoon had to think strategically about his next move. Jimin was clearly not going to cave and just give in to his requests. Being a leader could be a nasty business. Leaders were there to protect the interest of their teams even if it meant confronting individual members. Namjoon had to consider what was best for everyone. 

But in this case it wasn’t just about the team; it was about the two maknaes who he held so dear to his heart. It was about stopping them from self-destructing. He was in a quandary but he had to protect them. “Jimin, as the leader of this group, I cannot allow you to come out into the open with your relationship with Jeongguk. I understand you’re in love. I understand that you’re frustrated and at a breaking point. I’m not telling you this because I want to control you. I’m telling you this because I love you. So many insiders within the company have tried to convince me behind your back that we needed to stop this, to break you two apart. But I have always refused. I’ve always defended you. I’ve always felt that your relationship, whatever it was, needed to run its course. It would only stand the test of time if it was true love, meant to be. History has proven me right. You two have true love, seven years strong, possibly longer. Even with all of the temptation around you, you still only have eyes for each other. Plus you’ve handled it all so professionally, why would we ever say anything against you?” Namjoon swallowed hard. He was hesitant to say the next piece, “This travel show however…it puts us all in danger and you don’t even realize it. For the first time, I’m questioning your intentions and how all of this will end. We’re about to enter the service at a very tumultuous time in our country. We can’t have the spectacle of a relationship between two band members hanging over all of our heads; especially the two of you.”

“I understand, but I’m not killing the show,” Jimin defiantly defended his position. 

Namjoon could see the hurt in Jimin’s eyes, but it was Jimin’s growing anger that concerned him the most. He didn’t want Jimin to be angry with him for trying to protect him. “I was afraid that you would say that.”

“Is this an ultimatum? Break up or we’re out? Are you…going to recommend that we be kicked out of the group? Will BTS no longer have Jimin and Jeongguk?”

“Kick you out?” Namjoon found himself chuckling. “Yeah, sure if we want BTS to crash and burn and never sell another album again. Sure, that makes sense. Kick out the most popular two members. PJMs would bomb my house,” Namjoon laughed.

“Actually they want me to go solo, so there’s that,” Jimin laughed. It was a moment of levity for both of them.  He shrugged, “Yeah, it would be a pretty dumb move. In case you haven’t noticed, Jeongguk is kind of the best singer on the team and one of the best singers in all of pop.”

“Kinda’ yeah. And you’re kinda’ the best dancer in all of pop so…you’ve got us by the nuts.  Your voice is what gives the group color. It takes all seven of us to make BTS, not five.” Namjoon tried a more 

humble approach to help Jimin understand his side of the argument, “Jimin, the days of threatening members to force them to do what we want ended in 2017 when we became the biggest group in the world. Like I said, we’re the primary source of income for a multi-billion dollar corporation. You and Jeongguk can technically do anything you want to do. However, just because you can do whatever you want, doesn’t mean that you should. Besides, we couldn’t kick you out if we wanted to. And by the way, we don’t want to. That was never even a slight consideration. I told you…I love both of you. We all love you. We’re family. And we’ve all lived with your elicit little affair for years. This conversation is not about making threats, it’s about coming to an agreement. It’s about figuring out how to protect everyone’s best interest personally and professionally. It’s a hard conversation to have, but as the team leader, I have to have it.”

“Agreed.” Jimin’s pounding heart returned to normal. He was relieved to know that Namjoon didn’t feel that he and Jeongguk’s relationship was fatal to the team. “Seriously, me and Koo Koo do kind of have your nuts in a vice grip.” Jimin clenched his small fist and squeezed a pair of imaginary nuts. “Back to my original question. Where does that leave us?”

Namjoon’s face twisted, “Koo Koo? Did you just call him Koo Koo? Yuck.” He shook his head and tried to contain his laughter. After shedding a few chuckles, he moved on, “I tried to get you to kill the show. You refused, so now we negotiate. Can we have one of the senior producers and the marketing team do the final editing? They’re all very neutral and can give honest feedback on what footage may be a bit over the top. We can make sure that nothing too revealing makes the final cut.”

Jimin gave it some thought. He admitted openly, “We got a little too comfortable living in our own world during filming. We haven’t seen any of the footage yet but we were very unguarded. Maybe we can agree that it was a bit too provocative at times based on what you saw. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Tae being there…things may have gotten out of control. Jeongguk is just…so much fun to be with. We needed to unwind from our busy schedules and things just happened,” Jimin looked away. He didn’t want Namjoon to read his eyes. He didn’t want Namjoon to discover what Tae had accidentally discovered. Jimin and Jeongguk’s relationship had become sexual. 

Namjoon continued, “And…do we agree that now is not the time to make any announcements to the world…about your relationship?”

Jimin didn’t answer that question right away because it hurt too much to think about. Instead he pivoted, “We’re going to continue to be ourselves because that’s what our fans want, but we’ll tone it down.”

“Tone it down and keep it quiet?” Namjoon inquired again, looking for Jimin’s commitment.

“This show is not meant to be a soft launch. I’m not ready to come out of the closet yet. I’m not ready to share my relationship with the entire world. I mean, I wish we could come clean with the truth because hiding our love is painful. But I understand that we can’t do that right now for a variety of reasons. You have my word. I appreciate your concern. Jeongguk however…,”

“Yeah we all know that Jeongguk wears his heart on his sleeve. But I’m hoping that you can talk to him. Help him understand how much is at stake. You can’t go into the military service acting more like lovers than buddies. Mochi, this news is huge. If people found out about this, so many haters would come after you. Your physical safety could be at risk. It’s just too dangerous.”

“That’s fair. We understand that it’s not our time.” His voice trailed off. His mind flashed back to the lyrics of Jeongguk’s first solo hit single,  My Time, and the words rang so true that they echoed throughout the chambers of his beating heart. It just wasn’t their time. 

Jimin said all of the words that Namjoon needed to hear, even though it killed him inside to do so.  As he stared through the window, he could see the sad reflection of his own face bounce against the sunset. Even though he agreed to tone down some of the romanticism from their travel series, his soul ached for having to once again deny his love for Jeongguk.


Jeongguk arrived at the Golden Release Party around 8:00pm. The swanky little restaurant was one of his favorites called Woo Hyang Woo Barbecue lounge. It was a high-end restaurant in the heart of Seoul just a few miles from the HYBE building.

The marketing team did a great job decorating the place. It was all decked out in green and gold in celebration of his GOLDEN album. Black SUV after black SUV lined up at the curb, delivering some of the biggest Idols in Seoul. Jeongguk’s invitation list included all of his band mates as well as AESPA, Kim Soo-hyun, Park Seo-joon, and Jung Hae-in just to name a few. 

Jeongguk emerged from the car, flanked by managers and bodyguards. He was a bonafide star and it was his night to shine. Even though the album had been released to rave reviews, he was still nervous. It was the first time that many of his friends, industry people, executives and bandmates would be hearing his all-English album. What would they think? Would they like it? Would they hate it? Would he receive criticism for his pronunciation? Delivering an album in all English was a risky and gutsy move. Yet the fearless maknae of the group did it without hesitation. But at the precipice of it all, he wondered if he had made the right choice. What would his circle of influencers think? Their opinions mattered. 

Decked in all white from head to toe, Jeongguk made his way down the stairs into the body of the exclusive restaurant. His eyes sparkled as he gawked at the publicity photos from his album covers that adorned every room. Never had so much attention been placed just on him. It was surreal stepping out of the shadow of the biggest band in the world. He missed his bandmates and seeing his face solo pictures all around the room only made him miss them even more. 

He was greeted by all of his producers, song writers, and stylists. But his eyes still wandered, looking for the familiar faces that could ease his soul. He didn’t see them - any of them. He proceeded to make small talk and shake hands, but he grew more and more uneasy when he realized that none of his bandmates had arrived. And most importantly, Jimin was nowhere to be found. 


Even when the conversations were adversarial, Namjoon was still easy to talk to. Outside of Jeongguk, he was the member that Jimin felt closest to. Accordingly, Jimin purged during their thirty minute drive from Nine-One to Woo Hyang Woo Barbecue lounge. He told Namjoon all of the dirty little truths about the seriousness of he and Jeongguk’s relationship. He even mentioned going back to Japan to celebrate their anniversary of GCF. Namjoon processed all of the information without judgment, even though Jimin could see his mind twisting behind his pensive eyes. Jimin greatly appreciated that Namjoon was just there to listen, only offering advice when prompted. He wanted the best for Jimin and Jeongguk and it showed in the care with which he took to understand them. Jimin was almost sad when their driver announced their arrival at Woo Hyang Woo. There was so much more that he wanted to share with him. 

The door slid open and Namjoon popped out first. Jimin took one last look at his hair and straightened the collar on his sweater before exiting. He hadn’t seen Jeongguk in three weeks and he wanted to look his absolute best. He knew that the blonde hair would delight his young lover to no end, and he was excited to see his reaction. With his Chanel bag tossed askew across his shoulders, he carefully descended the steps into the restaurant. 


Jeongguk was shocked when he looked up and saw both Yoongi and Jin walking towards him.

“What are you doing here? Jimin told me that neither of you could make it?”

“Well, originally we weren’t going to come, we couldn’t get approved for the time off. But at the last minute, we were cleared to come. We wouldn’t miss this for the world. It’s not everyday that the youngest releases a solo album,” Yoongi grabbed Jeongguk and gave him a hug. “You look great. I can tell you’ve been working your ass off, you’re all muscle.”

Jeongguk smiled shyly, “I’ve been working hard, that’s an understatement.”

“I saw the video premier. Holy shit Jeongguk, I couldn’t even believe that was you. You’re all grown up,” Jin said seriously. He pulled Jeongguk’s head into his shoulder and pretended to cry. “I’m so proud. The song is so good, the video, the dancing. You’re going to win every award out there,” Jin beamed.

“Hearing this from you two, really means a lot to me. Thank you. Thanks for coming,” Jeongguk felt close to tears. Receiving praise from his hyungs was the ultimate reassurance. 

Jin looked around to make sure that no one was within ear shot and then leaned in to ask Jeongguk a completely different question, “I’m hearing rumors about some show you and Jimin are filming. Porn kind of stuff. What’s that about?” Jin teased.

Jeongguk laughed loudly, “I think calling it porn is a bit aggressive. It’s a travel vlog. No porn. Literally none,” Jeongguk broke into a brilliant smile, hugging Jin tightly as he laughed over his porn allegations. 

“Well keep it in your pants. None of us want to have to explain you two having sex on camera,” Jin continued to tease.

“How are you two doing? From what I’m hearing, you’ve been accepted into the buddy system together. Is that true?” Yoongi asked.

“Yes. It’s the best news that anyone could have given us. We don’t have to be apart. We’re going to serve together. We’ll be assigned to the 5th Division Training Center near Jin.”

Yoongi pulled Jeongguk closer. Jin leaned in as well. They whispered to each other as Please Don’t Change blared through the speakers of the restaurant. “I’m going to give you a little advice.

Everyone is watching you. Be careful with this shit you’re doing with the travel show.” Yoongi’s words felt more like a warning than advice.

Jin added his unsolicited opinion as well, “Don’t do anything drastic. Right now, everyone is buying the buddy routine. In fact, the show is probably helping to sell how close you are as friends. But there’s a fine line between friends and lovers. Tread lightly Jeongguk. We all know how you can be when your heart is involved.”

“Yoongi is right, people are watching you…especially the guys in the 5th Division. I hear the whispers all the time. Everyone wants dirty secrets on Jimin and Jeongguk. Something they can hold over your head for leverage when you join the team. Trust me, the name BTS won’t help,” Jin added.

Jeongguk’s back stiffened. He resented having dire warnings thrown at him in the midst of his very important night. He knew that his hyungs meant well, but he just wasn’t in the mood to hear their bullshit or take their advice. Once again he scanned the room looking for Jimin. 

“Thanks for the advice fellas. I understand everything you’re saying and I promise to…oh hey, I have to go. Excuse me for a second.” Jeongguk turned his back to his two bandmates and walked away. He pretended he needed to talk to a producer. He fetched his phone from his pocket and began texting Jimin right away:

Jeongguk spun on his heels so fast that he was dizzy. He almost didn’t recognize the platinum blonde standing in front of him. The only thing he knew for sure was that the most beautiful man he’d ever laid eyes on was standing there dressed in all black wearing signature Chanel. He vaguely perceived Namjoon as he walked towards him in search of a hug, but he could not take his eyes off of Park Jimin. He leaned sideways and gave Namjoon a partial tepid hug. He was happy to see him, he really was. But he was more impressed with his boyfriend. 

Despite the noise of Seven blaring through the speakers, the room went silent. Jeongguk didn’t even realize that his guests had hit the dance floor to move to his music. The young one could hear nothing, see nothing except the figure in front of him. In his mind, the world stopped because platinum blonde Park Jimin had entered the building.

“Your hair…,” Jeongguk smiled.

“Surprise.” Jimin bit his bottom lip. He prayed that every hair was in place and the color was vibrant beneath the low lighting. He took a single step forward with heavy anticipation of hugging the bandmate who also happened to be the love of his life. “Do I get a hug?” Jimin mouthed beneath the pounding of the music.

Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi watched the two as they stood in the middle of the room gawking at each other. The two of them breathed long heavy breaths as if they wanted to rip each other’s clothes off and fuck right there in the middle of the floor. 

“Sure this isn’t peculiar at all,” Jin rolled his eyes. He’d had enough. He headed over to the bar where all of the members were assigned to sit. 

“Hey, take it easy. People are watching,” Namjoon suggested. He saw Yoongi and went in to greet him,“What’s up Yoon? He gave Yoongi a hug and pulled him towards the bar to have a drink. Let’s give these two a second to work through whatever the hell they’ve got going on. Let me buy you a drink.”

Jimin continued to stare at his young lover, “You look incredible. White is a beautiful color on you. You look like a superstar,” Jimin smiled. He held his position as if his feet were glued to the ground. He couldn’t stop gazing at Jeongguk. He couldn’t believe how good he looked and how much he’d missed him.

“I guess I am a superstar…just for tonight I guess.” Jeongguk put them both out of their misery aby leaning in to give Jimin a platonic hug - as platonic as he could muster given how badly he wanted to yank him into the restroom and fuck him over the urinal.

They patted each other awkwardly on the back and then quickly pulled away. 

Moments later Tae arrived. He charged towards them and pulled them both into another group hug, “Hey guys, it’s been months. So happy to see you. And congratulations Jk, I can’t wait to hear the entire album. I’m hearing Grammy buzz already.” 

“Hey Tae. How are things? How’s Jennie?”

“We are…taking a break. I leave for the military in less than a month and I don’t feel it’s fair to make her wait for me. So…I broke things off. But I really don’t want to talk about that tonight.” There was a clear sign of despondency in Tae’s face. The situation with Jennie was serious and the break up seemed to affect him. Tae leaned in with a different topic. Still holding both Jimin and Jeongguk tightly in each arm, he whispered, “Hey, Joonie’s been asking a lot of questions about Jeju and what I know about your relationship. I kept my promise, I never told him a word. But…I think that maybe he needs to hear the truth from you.”

As Somebody played in the background, Jimin set Tae’s mind at ease. “I’ve already spoken to Joonie. He knows…everything he needs to know.”

“Yeah, what did he have to say about it?”

“He’s worried about the show and what it will reveal, but I handled it. Thanks for keeping your word Tae. Thanks for keeping our secret. We should have never placed you in this position, but you handled it well.”

Jeongguk slid away from Tae’s grip and rounded on Jimin, “What do you mean you told Joonie everything? What did he ask? What did you tell him?” Jeongguk was irritated to know that Namjoon had been asking questions about their relationship behind his back.  

“We’ll talk later. I handled it baby, I promise. Tonight is all about you. Play Hate You again. That’s my favorite song on the entire album.” Jimin smiled. They tried hard, possibly too hard, to look normal, like everyday bandmates.

Tae saw someone across the room that he knew. Like the extroverted charismatic person that he was, he excused himself to go talk to them.

“So Joonie came down hard on you huh?” Jeongguk asked with concern.

“Nope. It was nothing like that. Besides, I handled it. Now go mingle with your guests. It’ll look weird if you just stay here and talk to me all night.”

“But I want to stay here and talk to you all night.”

“Go…,” Jimin pointed to the door where the guests were arriving. 

“Can I at least get you a drink?” Jeongguk asked.

“Whiskey - your best whiskey. The finest you have, not that cheap shit,” Jimin laughed. 

“One whiskey coming up.” Jeongguk could feel the eyes in the room upon them. Jimin was right, he needed to mingle with the crowd even though he hated being social. He whispered a quick, “I’ll be back in a little while. I love you,” before walking away.


A few hours later, the liquor was flowing and everyone was in a great mood. Jeongguk’s GOLDEN album had played through about ten times, giving everyone a sense of his incredible work. The album was a certified hit and everyone was in awe of Jeongguk’s ability to deliver it in English. More Grammy buzz filled the room as people discussed their favorite songs. Jin and Yoongi had already left for the night, but Namjoon and Tae were still mingling with the crowd. Jimin, being the nostalgic picture fairy that he was, grabbed them all for a few pictures before the night got too late.

After the photos, Namjoon and Tae said goodnight, leaving Jimin as the last BTS member remaining at Jeongguk’s party. The place was still stuffed with guests. Everyone stood around, drinks in hand, bobbing to the music which had transitioned to a collection of smooth jazz and pop. 

After several minutes of laughter filled conversation with his friend Loco, Jimin scanned the room looking for Jeongguk. He suddenly realized that he hadn’t seen him in a while. It was not unlike Jeongguk’s social battery to run empty during long social engagements. Jimin figured he was hiding, waiting for the party to be over. 

The first person Jimin saw when he left the bar was manager Hamin, one of Jeongguk’s managers. 

“Hey Haemin, have you seen Kookie?”

“Jimin! Hey, good to see you. Nah, haven’t seen him.”

“Thanks,” Jimin shook Hamin’s hand and then went on with his search for his missing boyfriend.

“Seen Jeongguk,” Jimin found Sejin and a few of the front office employees in the dining area.



“Not for about an hour,” Sejin advised.

After twenty minutes of searching, Jimin began to worry. Jeongguk was nowhere to be found and no one had seen him. He’d searched the entire restaurant. There was no sign of Jeongguk anywhere. Jimin headed downstairs to the lower level. It was dark and no one was there. He walked down the hallway calling for him, “Koo Koo? Are you here?”

No answer. Jimin stopped near the storage room and stood outside of the door. He was growing angry with Jeongguk for ditching his own album listening party. He immediately pulled out his phone to start a text to Jeongguk. 

All at once,  Jimin released a yelp when he felt himself go airborne,“What the…?” 

He looked left and right as he was forcefully yanked backwards. A large hand covered his mouth while pulling him into the pitch dark storage room. There wasn’t a single moment of situational awareness for Jimin before Jeongguk had his lips pressed against Jimin’s neck. His hand moved feverishly, traveling beneath Jimin’s clothes, desperate to feel his warm skin.

Jimin instantly recognized his boyfriend’s touch. He laughed softly, amused by Jeongguk’s trap. And it was definitely a trap. A carefully crafted plot to get Jimin alone.

“What took you so long to come looking for me? I’ve been waiting for you forever,” Jeongguk growled into Jimin’s neck.

“I’m here now,” Jimin wrapped his hands angrily around Jeongguk’s jacket, pulling it down and tossing it to the floor. “Fuck I’ve missed you.”

“I’m here now,” Jeongguk teased using Jimin’s own words. 

Jimin moaned feebly, unable to resist as Jeongguk used his tongue to force his mouth open. It was there where their lips collided, smashing against each other helplessly.

Jimin’s nostrils were filled with the slightest hint of cigarette smoke coupled with the earthy autumness of his boyfriend’s fragrance. He delighted in holding him, feeding on him as if he were his first meal after days of starvation

Their sentences were sparse, uttered between passionate breaths. Jimin’s fingers ran up and down the undulations of Jeongguk’s arm muscles as his teeth pulled at his tank top. He wanted him naked. He didn’t care that they were in the middle of a restaurant, in the middle of a party, surrounded by guests. Their immediate needs superseded their rational thinking. Within a flash, Jeongguk was on his knees twisting the buttons on Jimin’s expensive slacks. He peeled the zipper open.

Jimin was already moaning. He could feel his pants drop and the chilly air of the storage room surrounding his exposed cock. Jeongguk’s heated puffs of breath brushed against his balls. He wanted to cry because he knew what was coming. And it was exactly the freaky shit he wanted to happen in a storage room full of mops and cans of tomato sauce. 

Jeongguk positioned himself on the floor before Jimin’s crotch. He slanted his mouth deeply over the elder’s tip. The first taste of his flesh was like a drug; sweet, elicit, forbidden. The second taste was like honeysuckle, just as alluring as the first. Jimin’s skin was soft despite being stretched taut over his thick erection. He lapped, and sucked and swallowed, stimulating Jimin’s cock until it swelled down his throat. Spit dribbled down his chin, escaping the corners of his mouth, and soaking the front of his shirt as he bobbed his head back and forth over Jimin’s entire length. 

Jimin placed his hands on either side of Jeongguk’s head. With furor, he balled his fists, trapping large clumps of Jeongguk’s hair within them. He bucked his hips, pushing his cock repeatedly into Jeongguk’s mouth, forcing his shaft to dance along the younger’s tongue. After thirteen healthy strokes through Jeongguk’s tight jaws, Jimin’s legs began to tremble. He thrust his head back so hard that he bumped it against the wall, causing the shelves to rattle around them. With the twisting of his fingers, amidst Jeongguk’s shortened locks, he controlled his boyfriend’s head like a marionette, pushing his cock in and out of his wet mouth.

“That’s it…right there…oh Jeonggukie…,” he panted and then doubled over, intensifying the thrust of his hips. 

Jeongguk could suddenly taste a slightly salted warmth puddle in the back of his mouth. With the compression of his jaws, he trapped Jimin’s pulsating cock, fully intending to swallow every iota of his orgasmic fluids. 

Jimin moaned loudly, giving zero fucks about who could possibly hear him. Shivers ran through his body, surging through his fingertips. Before he could complete his release, he was airborne again. Jeongguk braced him in his arms with Jimin’s pants still dangling around his ankles. Their heated tongues wrestled in a filthy  kiss. Jimin could taste his own cum in Jeongguk’s mouth. It was sensual, sublime. Jimin had already cum once but greedily he wanted to cum again. All they had to do was wait until they got home, but neither had the strength to wait that long. 

The larger man anchored his small boyfriend against the wall. Jimin managed to shake his pants loose so that he could wrap his legs around Jeongguk’s seductive body. With his pulsating cock still leaking, he straddled Jeongguk and allowed himself to be jostled about the small storage room. 

Once again Jeongguk was at his lips, parsing them with the insertion of his tongue. Every physical encounter between them seemed to intensify 100 times greater than the last. This time was no exception. The more Jeongguk bounced Jimin in his arms, the more aroused he became. Amidst the tumult and chaos, Jeongguk’s pants magically unfastened and dropped to his knees, exposing a cock so hard that it cut through his CK boxer shorts. Jimin could feel it on his leg and he wanted it inside of him. He desperately wanted it. 


Sejin sat at the bar rubbing his temples. Many of the guests were leaving and all of them wanted to know where the guest of honor had disappeared to. Logically, they wanted to say goodbye and wish Jeongguk well with his new project. And that situation was exactly why Sejin instantly had a headache. Sejin knew exactly where Jeongguk was… and Jimin too for that matter. After Jimin had approached him wondering where Jeongguk was, Sejin decided to check the restaurant cameras. He observed just enough footage to realize that Jimin disappeared in the basement near the storage room. And where Jimin was, so too was Jeongguk. Knowing the two of them as well as he did, he hoped for the best - but prepared for the worst. To make his predicament even more annoying, he was the only one who could fetch them and force them to come back to the party. He was the only one in the room who knew their dirty little secret and the only one who knew they were inside of that storage room doing - whatever they were doing. He literally crossed his fingers and prayed that they weren’t fucking. Kissing, blowjobs, nut massages, neck sucking…he’d seen it all before. He could handle anything - except fucking. 

As the few remaining guests mingled amongst themselves, Sejin made a run for it and snuck downstairs into the dark storage area. The heaviness of his footsteps lightly shook the wooden stairs. As he approached the bottom floor, he heard moaning. He was positive that he heard moaning. A slight panic erupted in his head, triggering a few asthma related coughs. His back fell against the rail where he rested for a few minutes. A little mental preparation was in order, given what he predicted the two love birds were doing. He grabbed his chest and pulled his inhaler from his coat pocket. 

“Shit,” Sejin muttered to himself, “they’re fucking. Definitely fucking.” After two healthy pumps from his asthma inhaler, he gathered his wits and continued on. With a deep gulp, he wrapped on the door and mumbled softly, “Guys…uh…well…ok…this is awkward…but uh…your guests…”

There was no answer. The room inside was completely quiet. The moaning that he thought he heard was actually straining from the restroom pipes overhead. His heart pounded in his chest. They were in there, he knew it. So if they weren’t going to come out, then he was going to have to go in. He used his large right hand to cover his eyes and burst through the storage room door. With his eyes still covered, he felt for the light switch and flipped it on once he was inside.

“Guys…I’m sorry…I’m really sorry. But you have to come out now. People are getting suspicious and…,” Sejin peeped through his fingers. He braced for what he might see. 


Jeongguk emerged from the elevator with Jimin lagging significantly behind him. With his jacket askew and his zipper still fallen, he immediately waved at the few remaining guests who applauded when he reappeared. He took his time shaking hands and wishing everyone goodnight. As soon as he spoke his first word, the taste of Jimin’s seed tickled the back of his throat. He licked his lips and smiled, happy to have the lingering reminder of their little trist.

Jimin gave Jeongguk a few minutes lead time before strolling over to the bar with his hands in his pockets. As casual as he tried to appear, beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. He couldn’t believe how close they had come to getting caught. Thankfully they had heard the footsteps and coughing coming from the stairwell. Otherwise they wouldn’t have realized that anyone was coming. They were so terrified of getting caught that they were able to redress within milliseconds before fleeing the back door of the storage room and racing for the opposite end of the basement where they took the service elevator to the main floor. 

Jimin squatted uncomfortably. He was wet around the crotch, covered in a combination of spit and cum. His pants were on inside out and his underwear was missing. They had moved so fast that Jimin misplaced his underwear and had no time to collect them. Somewhere behind one of the shelves of tomato sauce, his black CK boxers lay abandoned.

Sejin couldn’t believe he had been wrong about what Jimin and Jeongguk were up to. He felt guilty for thinking the worst of them. They were nowhere to be found in the storage room which meant they were probably someplace innocent where he just hadn’t looked. Even though he felt bad for misjudging them, he was relieved. He turned out the lights to the storage room and climbed back up the stairs. As soon as he reached the top, he looked over and saw Jimin mingling at the bar. The room was mostly empty and Jeongguk stood near the door greeting his guests as they exited.

“Jimin. There you are. I was looking all over for you. I even…,” Sejin laughed at himself and whispered his thoughts, “I even thought you may have snuck down to the basement…,” his cheeks turned red 

as soon as he said it. “I can’t believe you were up here the entire time. I even went down there to look for you.” Seijin laughed again. He tapped the bar for the bartender to bring him a glass of wine.

“Looking for us? So that was you?” Jimin said unconsciously. He stared into the bottom of his glass with a slight smirk. 

“What was me? What do you mean?” Sejin sipped his wine. His world was suddenly happy and in order again.

“Ah…nothing. Nothing. Well now you’ve found me.”

Jeongguk approached with a certain urgency in his gait. “Hey, looks like everyone is gone, so I’m about to dip as well. I have an early flight to the U.S. tomorrow, so…,” he glanced at Jimin, signaling him to back-up his story.

“Uh-uh yes! YES! He has to go. I bet he’s not even packed.” Jimin let out a loud obnoxious giggle as he fell across the counter. 

“Nope. Not even packed…so I’ll be going now. Great party Sejin, thanks for helping to put all of this together. Jimin…it was lovely to see you again. I’m going to leave the party now…alone…and travel alone to my apartment and sleep there…alone. I’ll see you when I return from New York.” Jeongguk extended his hand for a handshake. Jeongguk was a terrible liar, leaving Jimin once again to awkwardly validate his ridiculous explanation.

“Uh…uh…,” once again, Jimin scrambled for words, “sounds like a great plan. Great plan. We’ll have a beer when you’re back in town. I’m going to go out to my car and you hurry over to yours. Separately we will travel to our respective homes. Goodbye now…,” Jimin held his laughter so tightly that his stomach ached. He shook Jeongguk’s outstretched hand and then sprinted towards the first black SUV that was lined along the curb. 

Sejin followed them out to make sure they reached their cars safely. He had known both men since they were young teenagers. Of course he knew when they were lying. And they were definitely lying. At the same time that the astute manager was sniffing out their untruths, he also happened to notice that Jimin’s pants were inside out. At no point had Jimin’s pants been inside out earlier in the evening. Sejin had the pictures to prove it. They certainly weren’t inside out when Jimin was scouring the place looking for Jeongguk. So what changed? 

Sejin tilted his eyebrow upwards. A closer look at the other one revealed that Jeongguk’s pants weren’t even zipped. And both of them had wild hair tossed all over their heads. Neither of them had been disheveled earlier in the evening. And he could see faded traces of lip prints and red marks on each of their faces. As he watched both of their cars drive away, it was at that moment that he knew.

“Oh fuck me,” Sejin said aloud, realizing that he had been right all along. It was the two of them that he’d heard in the storage room. Somehow they had managed to sneak out right before he busted them. He laughed at them, at himself, at the entire situation that was quickly growing out of their control. They had done the very worst, in a public place where the stakes were the absolute highest, yet that had gotten away with it. Once again they had given into their temptation with no consequences which meant they would definitely do it again. Sejin felt a pang in his chest as he once again feared for their future. They had escaped again, but would they be so lucky next time?


What began months prior as a gruff, selfish, uneven style of fucking had blossomed into passionate and artful resplendence; a sexual performance that was the apotheosis of beauty.  Over a very short period of time Jeongguk had learned what it really meant to make love, to express love, to create love. His every move was calculated, practiced, and delicate. He knew how to prepare Jimin’s body to take him and he knew exactly what to give him. In Jimin’s mind, it was easily the most dramatic transition they’d ever experienced in their seven years of being in love. They became two completely different people between the sheets, with a love that differed greatly from anything they’d ever shown to their adoring public. 

For at least a minute, there was no sound or movement, except the angry friction of their breaths. Jimin’s eyes were fixed wide, his mouth gaped, his chest tight as he felt Jeongguk’s entire length slide into him.

He had no idea how Jeongguk had managed to enter him so painlessly. He urged his hips upwards towards him, countering the waves from his body. Jeongguk’s strokes were tight, shallow with a subtle rhythm that left Jimin entranced. 

“I’m all the way inside…so deep…fuck so deep,” Jeongguk whispered softly, focused on Jimin’s every breath, looking for any sign of pain or discomfort.

“I can take…a little more but don’t hurt me,” Jimin said impishly. His innocent act played right into Jeongguk’s need to dominate and protect.

Each strike of Jeongguk’s sword was like a shock of heat. Jimin wrapped his arms around the pillow as he laid on his stomach, accepting Jeongguk’s gentle pounding from behind. Every few strokes Jeongguk would withdraw, just to run his tongue up and down Jimin’s gaping hole. Jimin knew that his selfless boyfriend was buying himself time, forcing down his fugacious propensity for cumming too soon by pulling away from the warmth of Jimin’s body.

The final time was one too many because Jimin could no longer stand the emptiness. He rolled over to his back and pulled Jeongguk’s large heavy body down over him. 

“Come back, I need you,” he whined as his trembling fingers encountered the hard shape of Jeongguk’s massive arousal. He stroked the trembling cock several times with his hand before guiding it back to his empty space. Folding his legs into his chest, he presented his oil slicked entrance to his lover once again. “Cum inside of me,” he whined. 

Within seconds he felt the head of Jeongguk’s cock pop through his entrance. Once again the slow steady strokes resumed with the younger burying agonized groans into the crook of Jimin’s neck.

And then came another slight shift in position as Jeongguk sat on his knees, legs anchored firmly into the overly soft mattress. The younger grabbed each of the elder’s ankles and placed them over each of his shoulders. His hips rolled like ocean waves, driving deeper once again into Jimin’s slick abyss. He kissed the arches of his feet and licked the padding on each of his toes while never missing a stroke. Jimin felt himself burn crimson from head to toe as his body reacted to the intensity of the fuck. Once again Jimin’s soft eyes widened while his brows furrowed. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him, and how his baby was making him feel. He tried to speak but the orgasm carried his words away. The only thing he could do was nod and pant as his orgasm contorted his body, bending him like an inverted rainbow as his velvety seed burst from his tip.

Like dominoes, they triggered each other. The roar of Jimin’s orgasm peaked just as Jeongguk’s began. Everything ignited as they emotionally disappeared amidst a furor of need. Jeongguk’s arms wrapped tightly around his boyfriend. Holding Jimin against the hardness of his body, he used his vast strength to push his cock to the deepest point of Jimin’s insides. And it was there where he released, holding himself in place so that every iota of his cum was deposited inside of the one he loved. They both gasped and went still, absorbing the feel of it.

He withdrew amidst a puddle of velvety sweet liquid that clung to his pubic hairs. His body went limp as he fell to Jimin’s side. They had both entered a completely new phase in their relationship; one that left them emboldened with power over the other. Dangerous indeed.



The alarm clock sounded at 9:00 am the following morning. It was dreary, cold and rainy, exactly like Jimin’s heart. The thought of Jeongguk leaving again was intolerable. As the younger one showered, Jimin ordered take out from a local restaurant down the block from Jeongguk’s apartment. If the roles were reversed, Jeongguk would have made sure that Jimin had a home cooked meal before traveling. But as luck would have it, Jimin wasn’t as adept at cooking as his boyfriend. To make up for it, he made sure to order a nice hearty meal to help tide Jeongguk over until his flight. It was the least he could do after the incredible night that Jeongguk had given him.

As Jimin set the table, he maneuvered around the three large suitcases that Jeongguk had stacked behind the couch. His lover was off to New York again, but this time some of the most important performances of his solo career were scheduled.  From a live appearance on GMA to a pop-up concert in Times Square on the TSX stage. It was his time to shine and his time to show the world what he could do. Jimin ran his hands along the scores of awards that sat atop Jeongguk’s counter - most of them still in their original wrappers because Jeongguk hadn’t had time to unwrap them. Jimin could feel the tears begin to well in his chest. He was so proud of his maknae. The shy young kid who was once too timid to even take his shirt off in front of the other members was now half naked on a billboard in the middle of New York City sporting a pair of CK jeans. How quickly the night had changed. 

The tears that he tried to hold back, suddenly began to fall. Was he just proud of his boyfriend? Was he just dreading being apart from him? Or was there something completely different clawing at his emotions? Jimin didn’t know. He didn’t understand his own tears.

“You only get this pensive when you’re thinking about military service. Is that why you’re upset?” Jeongguk appeared. His hair was wet and he was rubbing it briskly with a large towel. He was shirtless and moist. He parked behind Jimin, giving him a back hug with plentiful kisses along the neck.

Jimin just wasn’t ready to address all of the emotional shit that was embedded in his brain. He leaned back into Jeongguk’s embrace and shut down all of the thoughts. 

“Your breakfast is ready. I’m not in a cooking mood so I ordered you something.” He smiled.

Jeongguk turned him around and gazed into his eyes, “So is this what we’re going to do? Pretend that nothing is bothering you?”

“Yep. That’s exactly what we’re going to do. I need you focused. You have a big two weeks ahead of you. So many incredible opportunities to show the world who you really are and showcase your talent. I am…a very proud boyfriend.” Jimin was wearing a silk robe that was three sizes too big. It belonged to Jeongguk, of course. Even though Jimin had plenty of clothes that he kept at Jeongguk’s place, he chose to wear his boyfriend’s clothes every time.

“Fine. At your stubborn request, I’ll ignore your emotional turmoil - for now. Moving on to something else, tell me what Namjoon said to you yesterday before my party. You said he confronted you about the travel show and our relationship.”

“Joonie meant well. Please don’t be angry with him. It was a venial conversation where we both said what we needed to say.”

“And what exactly did he say?”

“Same old shit we always hear. Are you in love? Are you soft launching? Do you plan to expose your relationship? Do you realize how revealing the travel show is…? That kind of stuff,” Jimin said with frustration. 

“Wait…how did he know anything about the travel show?”

“Just our luck that he saw some of the footage while they were editing the first few episodes. He was beyond concerned to learn that we shared the same bed during several of our stays. He called you bopping me in the nose a MMA match. He was full of questions and opinions.”

“That must be how Jin and Yoongi found out. He must have told them. That’s why they ambushed me at my party. I guess it’s all hands on deck to make sure that we don’t get out of line and ruin BTS,” Jeongguk said sarcastically.

“Look baby…I had to make some promises…you know, to calm everybody down.”

“What did you promise?”

“I agreed to let a third party take another look at the final cut of the show before it airs, just to make sure that viewers don’t see anything that might be misinterpreted.”

“Uh-huh, adding another editor. Good idea,” Jeongguk laughed. “What else did you promise?”

“I promised that we would continue to keep our relationship - a secret. No fan reveals. But his concern wasn’t about what we planned to tell people. He was more worried about how cuddly we looked on the travel show.”

“We never had plans to tell anyone. Our chemistry is so explosive on screen that it’s hard to hide what we really feel.”

Jimin nodded, “I love you. You love me. It shows. We can’t hide it. We’ll do what we can to tone things down, but at the end of the day…,”

“ the end of the day, you can’t stop two people who are in love.”

“They’re trying to protect us from ourselves. The members love us, Joonie said as much. They even met behind our backs to talk about how they were going to handle us. Joonie sounded so serious that for a second, I thought he was going to give us an ultimatum and threaten to kick us out.”

“KICK US OUT!” Jeongguk’s head snapped around to glare at Jimin.

“Don’t worry…don’t worry. It was nothing like that. Like I said, they love us but you can’t blame them for worrying about what’s best for the group.”

“You have nothing to worry about from me. I know everyone thinks that I’m the loose canon, but it’s actually you,” Jeongguk said seriously.

“Fuck. It is actually me. The secrets are killing me inside.” Jimin laughed with the realization that he was the one who was struggling the most with keeping their secret.

“When are you leaving for Budapest?” Jeongguk changed the subject.

“November 15th, just before we head to Japan. I’m going to miss your showcase on the 20th at Jangchung Stadium. I feel terrible about it. Please forgive me. We just couldn’t make the schedule work.”

“Baby, it’s ok. You have your own work to do that’s more important. Your album is going to be huge. You have to put all of your energy into getting it ready because you won’t be here to promote it. I don’t need you to be in the audience at my showcase. I need you to be in my arms, in my bed. Perks of fucking the star,” Jeongguk teased.

Jimin appreciated Jeongguk’s understanding, “We won’t meet up again until the 23rd. That feels like such a long time,” he pouted.”

“It’s only nineteen days. Nineteen. And when we meet again, our work will almost be complete and we can really relax. Time will pass before you know it.”

“I’m going to miss you though. Every time you leave, it hurts more and more.”

Jeongguk refused to indulge Jimin’s melancholy. Instead, he decided to cheer him up. “So your entire MUSE theme is ‘blonde Jimin’? It wasn’t just for me?”

Jimin took the bait. “It was mostly for you. And then partially for the fans. I haven’t been blonde in years. I thought it would be a nice surprise for everybody.”

“Who is my heart waiting for?” Jeongguk stood and danced around the table as he sang Jimin’s song. “So many people to seeeee-eeeeeee and places to gooooooooooo. I still haven’t found hello,” he did a few hip thrusts which sent Jimin spiraling into laughter.

“Sit down. You’re so silly.”

“You’re silly.”

“No. You.” Jimin stood up and folded his arms in an attempt to play tough guy with Jeongguk.

The younger was considerably larger but definitely less intimidating. He unfolded Jimin’s arms and then placed both of Jimin’s hands on his butt cheeks. Jeongguk boasted as he flexed his ass. I’ve been working out,“Squeeze. Feel how plump my ass is…almost as nice as yours,” he teased again.

“Your ass will never be as nice as mine,” Jimin laughed. 


They held each other close. Bitter hints of coffee wafted from their lips. And just like that, the familiar cravings arose again. Instinctively Jimin tilted his head back, baring his neck for Jeongguk’s teeth. And like a hungry vampire, the younger bit into him. But it was a bite of delicacy, playfulness, and love. He took the innocent offering of Jimin’s neck with a low savage growl. He touched his tongue to Jimin’s lips, causing Jimin to open his mouth to him, using his own tongue to slide against the other. They both shivered and gasped as a new weakness flooded their senses. Once again they found themselves starving for each other. 

There was no pretense. They both knew what needed to happen. It was the Yin and Yang, the balance that kept them stable. For every night of passionate, tear-filled, euphoric love making, there had to be an equally dispassionate, quick and dirty fuck. This was it.

Jeongguk leaned Jimin over the dining table and pushed him down, trapping the elder’s chest against the cold surface of the glass. Jimin could feel the motion of Jeongguk whipping out his cock. The warm hardness bounced against his thigh. Maybe it was just because he wanted him so badly, but his lover’s dick seemed almost foreign with its weight and thickness pressed against him.

And then came an ominous whisper, “You’ve got ten days to tighten this ass back up and be ready to dance for your video. But until then, I’m going to fuck you until you beg and plead for me to stop.”

“Never.” Jimin’s arms were trapped within the fabric of the silk robe. Jeongguk pulled them gently, stretching them backwards as he mounted him. “Give me something to make me remember you while you’re gone,” Jimin moaned as the fuck began.

Jeongguk’s strokes were lusciously hard and rough. He released Jimin’s arms, allowing him to spread them across the table. Jimin’s body was smeared all over the glass surface, with his elbows teetering across the dirty dishes. His legs trembled as Jeongguk’s hips clapped against him, stroking him from behind. 

With every turbulent stroke, Jimin was lifted slightly off of the ground. The duality of Jeongguk’s love making was mind numbing. He never knew which sexual profile Jeongguk would deliver. It didn’t matter because he loved every iteration. 

“Shit I’m about cum,” Jimin announced with a lusty moan.

Breathing harder, more forcefully, he grabbed for anything he could reach as he was sprawled against the tabletop. Plates and glasses clattered beneath him. After spilling mugs of tepid coffee and knocking forks and chopsticks to the ground, he fisted a hand full of dish towels that he squeezed until his hands cramped. The orgasm made him dizzy with pleasure. The thunderous claps of body against body made his teeth clench. His eyes bulged wide before falling shut as his cock quietly pulsated, spewing cum across the glass in hot heavy ropes. Aftwards, he laid his head on the table as Jeongguk continued to buck into him.

 Jeongguk gave Jimin’s ass several slaps as a signal that he was about to cum. The young one was a moaner, and he liked to talk dirty and say filthy things. Every sound that came from his mouth reverberated off the walls like the soundtrack to the filthiest porn flick. He was loud and the harder he came the louder he got. Jeongguk came hard, roaring like an angry Panther. His tip squirted violently, erupting like a volcano.

The table beneath Jimin rattled like turbulence from an earthquake. Trapped in his own euphoric abyss, he barely registered the cum that had been deposited inside of his body. He only realized it when the warm liquid dripped down his thigh and onto his bare feet. By the time he came down from his high, he had crawled onto the table and had bacon stuck to his right nipple. It was the craziest fuck he had ever experienced and also one of the best. Whatever sadness he may have been feeling, Jeongguk had soundly fucked it out of him. 


A couple of hours later and it was time to say goodbye. Their time together had fortified them, given them strength to part for another nineteen days. They both had plenty of work to keep them busy but it still wasn’t enough to dull the ache of missing each other. 

Haemin, Mr. Lee and the rest of the security team arrived to escort Jeongguk to the airport. Jimin artfully slipped out before they arrived to avoid being spotted at Jeongguk’s apartment. Even though they were friends and bandmates, something about being freshly fucked always seemed to change the dynamic between them, leaving them much more vulnerable to passing romantic cues in front of the team.

“Good luck with everything. I’m so proud of you. I’ll be watching, ok?” Jimin smiled as he stepped into the hallway.

“I’ll text as soon as I land. I can’t wait to see the video. I’m so excited and I’m proud of you too. See you in a couple of weeks…I love you.” Jeongguk’s love proclamation sounded much sadder than it should have. 

“I love you too…,” Jimin replied. 

“Two weeks, only two weeks. We’ll be together again in only two weeks,” Jeongguk said with optimism. He could already see the tears in Jimin’s eyes. 

“Yeah,” Jimin gave him a final kiss before heading to the elevator. 

Jeongguk knew Jimin better than anyone else. He recognized Jimin’s disposition. He knew that his sadness wasn’t just about them being apart. He knew that Jimin was going through something much bigger, much more substantial. And it all revolved around military service and how it would change their lives. The fear of the unknown, the unforced errors of change and the disappointment of lost youth. Jimin was a complex man with complex thoughts and his thoughts could sometimes be crippling. Jeongguk knew that he was going to have to be there for him, support him and cry with him. He knew they had rough times ahead, but he boldly accepted the responsibility of being by his side and walking step by step together through the journey. Afterall, that’s what love was about…


November 23rd, 2023 - Tokyo, Japan

The moment they stepped off of the airplane at Haneda Airport, flashes blinded them. They diverted their eyes to the ground to maintain their footing. The airport lights were bright, piercing and revealing. Jeongguk awkwardly pulled his hoodie forward to make sure that his neck was covered. The two had done quite a bit of canoodling on the flight and he didn’t want anyone to see the love bites that his horny bandmate had left along his skin.

 Jimin held onto Jeongguk’s arm tightly as they were pushed through security. The Keisatsu-cho police huddled around them, holding the mass of people behind security ropes. Mr. Lee, their security guard, gently caged them as he hustled them quickly through the airport crowd. 

“Jeongguk, Jeongguk, look up,” a reporter from The Japan Times chirped as Jeongguk and Jimin were rushed through the airport. 

“How did they even know we were here?” Jimin laughed as he paused to wave at the ever growing crowd of fans. 

What made the fans’ attendance so remarkable was that Jimin had not announced his travel with Jeongguk. Internationally, their trip triggered much speculation about the two of them and what they were doing together. Nasty rumors were planted, causing many to question their secretive travel. Everyone wanted to know why Jimin was there. Everyone drew their own selfish conclusions, even though reality stared them right in the face. The prevalence of those rumors sat well with Jimin. He viewed them as sacrosanct, small vindication against those who hated seeing them together.

As for the fans in Japan, they didn’t seem to care about the why. The news that Jimin had landed with Jeongguk spread fast and elicited a quick reaction. Supporters and lovers of the duo arrived in droves to greet them. Jimin was genuinely touched. He could feel their love.

As members of BTS, they were used to the flashes, the flurry of people and the screaming. But the crowd in Japan was different. The city had become known as Jikookland; the one place in the world where their unique union was respected more than any other. The people of Japan treated them differently. They held them in very high regard; acting as a sea full of bonafide Jikookers. It was one of the reasons that Jeongguk had insisted they visit one last time before entering the military. It was their last chance to be amongst the people of Japan; the country that loved them so much. 

“We love you Jikook, we love you Jikook,” the crowd screamed. 

Jeongguk leaned into Jimin, “They’re calling us by our ship name…they’ve always known, haven’t they?” He said thoughtfully. He lifted an arm to wave out of deep appreciation for them. 

“Always,” Jimin replied. 

Jimin was feeling emotional from the reaction of the crowd. He made eye contact with as many of the fans as possible as they welcomed them as if welcoming a couple from their honeymoon. Without thinking, he reached out to touch his lover who walked beside him. He didn’t mean to hold Jeongguk’s hand, it just happened. 

Jeongguk didn’t reject him even though he knew in his gut that the two of them holding hands would make the news because every media outlet in Japan seemed to be in the crowd, capturing video. But he just didn’t have the heart to break away. Besides, keeping their relationship guarded and innocuous was supposed to be Jimin’s job.

It made them feel good to hear the crowd call them Jikook. It was satisfying for both of them, especially Jimin. Jikookers were Jimin’s favorite part of the fandom because of how deeply they supported Jimin and Jeongguk’s bond, even though they had never validated the romantic connection.

Being in Japan made them feel free; like they didn’t have to hide anything from the people who understood them so well. To both Jimin and Jeongguk it felt as if the entire country of Japan had been in on the secret from the very beginning; from the first moment the two landed in Tokyo in 2017. 

From that very moment, the city embraced them, keeping their confidence, not divulging a word about what they had witnessed. And the people of Japan had witnessed a lot during that time because it was the first time that Jimin and Jeongguk had traveled as a couple. They were seen kissing in the bakery, holding hands during the long walk through Disneyland, embracing to watch the fireworks and buying matching rings to celebrate their official status as boyfriends. Every single moment Jimin and Jeongguk spent together during their 2017 trip shouted the truth about their relationship, making it very clear that they were long past the friend stage. 

And the fans embraced it all. It seemed as if the people of Japan instinctively knew that the couple was in love even before they did. Tokyo was magic. And being there again gave them the chance to make more lasting memories that they would carry forever.

Mr. Lee led them through a detour that emptied onto a side entrance where their black SUV was waiting. But - there was no driver. 

“Damnit! Where’s the driver?” Mr. Lee was not pleased. He did a quick walk around the vehicle, assuming that the driver was someplace nearby - but he wasn’t. 

Jimin and Jeongguk stood patiently waiting by the car. The longer they were exposed, the greater the chance of fans gathering around them. It was a dangerous situation, one they had never encountered before. They needed to get out of there. Mr. Lee gestured for Jimin and Jeongguk to climb into the car while he called headquarters to figure out where the driver had disappeared to. Mr. Lee paced up and down the sidewalk, fussing at the person on the other line as Jimin and Jeongguk continued to wait..

Jimin looked around, gathering his surroundings. He stopped; his expression was reflective, as if he had just seen a ghost. 

“What? What is it? Something wrong?” Jeongguk asked? Protectively he stood in front of Jimin, worried that some of the fans had found them.

“You kissed me. Right here in this very spot, you kissed me. It was October 29th, 2017. Do you remember?”

“I sure do. I totally went for it. My proudest moment,” Jeongguk laughed. “But what made you think of that right now?”

“Jeongguk this place is so special. The memories are everywhere, popping through my mind like firecrackers.” 

“I remember when your dad and my brother drove us to the airport. They knew Jimin. They knew that we were falling in love and they knew that nothing would ever be the same when we returned from that trip. Yet, they supported us anyway.”

“Our family has always been there. Even our dads have become best friends. Karma loves us,” Jimin nodded.

Jeongguk agreed. He thought back to that special day and how grateful he was for their parent’s acceptance of the relationship. “I know this trip isn’t exactly the same because I have to work for a few hours. But our Tokyo stay is going to be mostly private after the production wraps tomorrow. We’ll have one day alone where we can walk down memory lane and reminisce about the moment when we fell in love. No camera crew, no staff, just me and you.”

“I saw chatter online about fans asking why I came to Tokyo with you when I have no schedule. So many tried to justify it by saying that I must have had to work too. If they only knew…,” Jimin giggled. 

“We’ll make a stop by the Chanel store to make it look as if you had some official business,” Jeongguk remarked. 

The air was cool and brisk, frigid enough for both of them to shiver as they waited for Mr. Lee to return. Jeongguk stepped closer to Jimin, longing to kiss him. Watching Jimin get lost in a state of nostalgia was so endearing that Jeongguk just wanted to touch him, hold him. 

“You look…beautiful. Your blonde hair always makes me horny,” Jeongguk ran his sweater paw through Jimin’s neck length tresses that gathered below his hat.

“I know.” Jimin blew on his frozen fingers. He stood closer to Jeongguk to steal his body heat, “You love it so much that you almost fucked me in a storage room. Shit, it’s cold. Get inside.” 

The mystery of their missing driver continued to be a mystery. Wherever the driver had strayed off to, he couldn’t be too far away. Mercifully the door was unlocked.  Jeongguk opened the door and pulled Jimin into the SUV. From the backseat, they watched the puffs of chilled breath float from Mr. Lee’s mouth as he yelled at someone on the phone.  

“Sejin would go ballistic if he knew about this,” Jimin remarked. “Where is this damn driver? He is going to get so fired when Sejin finds out.”

Jeongguk laughed, “Yep. Poor guy. Probably just had to pee or something.” As patient as Jeongguk was, he was growing tired of waiting. He had other things on his mind. “I need you to know that it is incredibly difficult for me to keep my hands off of you right now. I’m showing the restraint of a Priest.”

“I couldn’t even run to hug you when I saw you walking through the gate. I’ve missed you so much.” Jimin said with a surprising degree of frustration.  

“I want to have just a few hours alone before my schedule begins.”

“What time does your video shoot for Hate You begin tomorrow?”  

“Five in the morning. We only have one day to get all of the footage we need before you and I leave for Sapporo. It’s going to be partially animated, but they still need shots of me. We’re filming right there in the hotel.”

“So the video crew is already here?”

“Not all of them, but most. We’re going to be surrounded by video staff in just a few hours.”

Jimin continued to watch Mr. Lee through the window, “But we’re alone…right now,” he said cryptically.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean…we need to take advantage of every moment that we have to ourselves, starting now. The keys to this car are right there on the dashboard. We know how to get to the hotel. Why do we need an escort when we have the sexy Jeon Jeongguk, International Driver, at our disposal?”

Jeongguk began to laugh, “I love the way your brain works.”

Mr. Lee had his back to the car. He was still yapping away at someone on the other line. Jeongguk and Jimin took the chance to jump into the front seat. 

“Let’s get out of here,” Jimin said quickly as he pulled his seatbelt over his chest.

“What about our luggage?”

“Trust me, Mr. Lee will make sure that it arrives,” Jimin explained.

They both snickered as Jeongguk started the car. Jimin immediately fiddled with the heat. The growl of the engine caused Mr. Lee to turn around. He expected to see their assigned driver at the wheel, but instead he saw… “Jeongguk!”

Jimin rolled down the window as Jeongguk pulled away from the curb, “Don’t worry about us. We know our way to the hotel. Byeeeeee!”

There was a slight slipping and skidding of the tires as Jeongguk hit the gas. Mr. Lee had no time to say anything. Before he could even process what had happened, they were gone.


Jeongguk could drive anywhere, any country, on any side of the road. He was especially adept at driving in Japan. Leaving the rest of their crew behind and driving the one hour route to the hotel was their best idea. After not seeing each other since Jeongguk’s release party, the time alone was important.

The drive was full of their excited conversation. They had so much to share about their individual work experiences; things that just couldn’t be conveyed over phone or via text. With both of their albums still climbing up the charts, they ironically shared the intimate details of two parallel solo careers. After ten years in the same band, it was strange to find themselves in friendly competition. As they spoke about their awards, they shared a strong sense of pride in each other. There was no jealousy or awkwardness, just a natural conversation anchored by love.

Part of the curse of being in love was that every substantial moment needed to be shared. The flush of skin, the gentle smiles, the flashing of eyes with encouraging glances, the rubbing of soft fingertips; it was all part of the journey of two lovers who bared their souls along the tight winding roads of Tokyo.  

Jeongguk had settled into his promotions and with the exception of two more videos to film and the closing of his documentary, he was almost done with his hectic work schedule. Jimin was on the tail end of his new promotion as well.  He carefully recounted every single moment of how he had spent his time while he and Jeongguk were apart. But there was something more that Jimin needed to tell Jeongguk and he didn’t exactly know how to start the conversation. 

“I have a confession to make,” Jimin blurted out. “But hear me out and let me explain.”

“Confession? Oh Jimin, I don’t like the way this sounds. What happened?” Jeongguk braced himself for the worst. With the two of them spending so much time apart, he felt somewhat insecure about all of the other men that Jimin was spending time with. He wondered if that was what Jimin needed to confess about. 

“My new song WHO,  it’s not gender neutral. It’s the only song on the album I didn’t write.”

Jeongguk blew a relieved breath, “Is that what you needed to confess? I already know that. I heard it months ago, remember?”

“That’s not all…,”

Jeongguk interrupted, “I hope you don’t think that bothers me. I mean Jimin, I had a girl in my video and I sang to her for three whole minutes about fucking her seven days a week. If that didn’t bother you, then you singing about looking for your dream girl isn’t going to cause me any heartburn,” Jeongguk laughed.

“No…no you don’t understand. Just let me tell you what happened.”


“We worked through the concept of the video and even though we had several female dancers from my crew working lead with me, the song suggests that I don’t really have anyone in particular. I know it’s just a song, but the way I’ve been feeling about you lately, it was really hard to keep saying that over and over. But I dealt with it and moved on. Until…the shooting of the video when the director decided to drop a photo of a woman at a pivotal scene.”

“A woman? Really? Who?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Yeah, it kind of does.” Jeongguk refused to allow Jimin to gloss over that part, “Is it one of the women you’re rumored to be sleeping with?” Jeongguk asked cautiously.

“Yeah…but Jeonggukie…I - I objected to that decision. The plan was to do some post production digital editing to add a face. In fact, I went directly to the technical director and told them that I would not allow them to drop some random woman’s face in the middle of my video. It just felt hurtful. I didn’t want you to see that. We’ve been apart for so long and I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

“It’s just a video. It’s work. I’m not insecure,” Secretly Jeongguk was relieved that Jimin had put his foot down and insisted that they not use a woman’s face in his video. Even though it was at great risk to his project. 

“The director didn’t agree. They felt that the scene was critically important to the overall video so…I couldn’t exclude it. We had to insert an image there or the entire video would be scrapped.”

“So what did you do?”

“Don’t be angry.”

“Why would I get angry over…oh JIMIN YOU DIDN’T?”

“I did. Remember that close up pic from your first CK shoot. The one that focuses on your big beautiful eyes? Well, I used that photo.”

“Jimin you didn’t! You have to change that. You have to remove it. There is no hetero explanation that you could give to explain why you used my image in a video where you’re searching for your true love. This is the equivalent to a blanket admission. This is exactly the kind of stuff that Joonie asked us not to do.”

“I can’t remove it. It’s too late.”

“Did this get back to management? Did they actually allow you to do this?”

“I’m Park Jimin. Me, you and our five brothers built that company. They can’t override my creative decision. Besides, it’s too late. The video has been cut and edited. It premiers in a few weeks. It’s just a quick shot of your eyes. Only a few people will be able to figure out it’s you.”

“Are you delusional? Everyone will know it’s me. Do you not understand how obsessed our fans are with our every move? They even know which side my dick hangs on. Trust me, they will know that’s my face.” Jeongguk couldn’t believe that Jimin had taken such a risk.

He pressed his foot hard against the gas. Hearing about Jimin’s stunt made him nervous, and he drove too fast whenever he was nervous. “You’re the one who says we always have to be careful. You’re the one who begged me not to tell anyone. You’re the one who said this had to be a secret forever. You’re the one. YOU! And now you go and do this? We’re about to enter the fucking military in three weeks. I cannot be the ONE YOUR HEART’S WAITING FOR!” Jeongguk raised his voice.

“One of the benefits of doing this show was to increase our chances of being chosen for the buddy system. The entire world gets a front row seat to our relationship and how close we are. Me flashing your face in my video just feeds into the narrative. As far as everyone else is concerned, we’re just best friends. No one, other than those rabid Jikookers, are even going to think twice about it.”

“I don’t care if you have a female lead in a video. I had one,” Jeongguk stated one more time for the record to make sure that Jimin understood that he wasn’t jealous.

“Ok, more confession time,” Jimin lowered his head.

“Now what?” Jeongguk took his eyes off of the road and glared at Jimin briefly.

“I hated Han So-Hee and Pasha Rulia being your videos. I hated seeing you with a female lead.”

“Jimin, you’re being ridiculous.”

“I know it. I absolutely know it. I know they mean nothing to you. I know that it was just work. But I wanted to smack both of them. See, this is exactly what I knew would happen when we started sleeping together. I am so irrationally jealous.”

“JEALOUS? You’re the Park Jimin. Do you know how many women would be jealous of me if they knew that I was fucking you?”

Jimin laughed. “I know. It’s selfish but I want you all to myself. It’s another reason that it was so hard for me to see you go. A small part of me worried that you might actually see something in one of those women.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? We could have talked about it. And why would you be jealous of anyone?”

 “It’s irrational. I’ve never felt this way before - NEVER. It’s all because of the sex. It’s hard to explain…you see…when people look at me, they accept me as genderless and fluid. If they were to find out that I was gay, I don’t think it would surprise anyone. But you…you are the sexy tough guy. The tattooed college fuckboy that every girl wants. When you have a female lead in your video, it sends a different message. It’s like…validating your heterosexuality. It’s not fair to you but it’s the image you have. At least that’s the narrative that’s always pushed by fans. I’m already having a hard time with keeping our secret, but sleeping with you just makes me feel so possessive and yes…jealous.”

“Dick is all yours bro,” Jeongguk teased. “I’m gay too…so there’s that.”

Jimin slapped him on the arm, “I know that! But I’m so into you that I can’t even stand the idea of someone fantasizing about you.”

“You’ve always been possessive. Let’s just be honest. From day one, you claimed me. Don’t blame it on the sex.”

“Ok…well the sex made it more intense,” Jimin added.

“You’re my first and my last. So calm down. No girly is ever going to take what belongs to you.”

“Anyway, having that girl’s face drop in my video just…didn’t sit right with me. I put my heart and soul into writing that album. I was very careful to use neutral pronouns. The one song that mentions a woman could have derailed the entire statement that I was trying to make. I know that I can’t come right out and say how I feel, but giving small hints…keeps me sane. I know what this relationship is and I know what we can and can’t do. I know that I have given you a hard time about keeping everything secret. It was important to make this small statement,” Jimin said concretely.

Jeongguk wasn’t upset, but he was confused. They drove for another ten minutes in absolute silence as Jeongguk pondered how the fandom would react to his face being in Jimin’s solo project. What would the other members say? Jimin had promised Namjoon that they weren’t soft launching, yet they were acting bolder and bolder by the day.

It was too quiet, so Jimin tried again to reassure Jeongguk that it was ok. “Everyone loved it when we did the duet for Letter. They’ll love this too. If anyone addresses it directly, we’ll just deny everything,” Jimin tried to help Jeongguk reconcile his feelings. “There are ten-thousand different people those eyes could belong to. Don’t worry, ok? I’m sorry I didn’t discuss it with you first, but you were traveling and so busy. The decision had to be made quickly. Please forgive me.”

Jeongguk suddenly beamed, “Am I really the one your heart is waiting for?”

“Yes. You’re my WHO. It was a statement, not a question. That’s why the flashing of your face was so aptly timed. You’re exactly what my heart has been waiting for. You’ve filled it for seven years.”

Jeongguk glanced over at Jimin. He looked so small and innocent sitting in the passenger’s seat beside him. There was no way he could be angry with him. In fact, he had never been more honored in his life. 

Jeongguk lifted Jimin’s hand to his lips and kissed the back of Jimin’s knuckles, “I could never be angry with you.”


Somehow, by the time they made it to the hotel, Mr. Lee and all of their luggage was already there waiting for them in the lobby. Neither of them bothered to ask how he had gotten there so quickly. They summed it up to something they called Lee magic. 

He led them up to their room inside of the Remm Hotel. As homage to their first trip in 2017, they decided to stay in the same place. This time they rented the suites on the top floor.

Even though their trip to Tokyo was confidential, and they had not revealed their accommodations, several bodyguards were posted on their floor as a precaution. No matter how private they tried to be, the fans always found them. 


Jimin emerged from the shower to find Jeongguk standing on the balcony in his pajamas. He was staring out over the lights of Tokyo, shivering in the cold. A large camera was in his hand and he appeared to also be filming. Jimin crept up quietly behind him.

“What’s with the camera? I thought we…,” upon closer inspection, Jimin realized that it wasn’t a company camera, it was Jeongguk’s own personal equipment.

“Filming a little B-roll.”

Jimin’s faced immediately flashed into a smile, “B-roll…as in GCF?”

“GCF Tokyo, part two. Smile,” Jeongguk said as he swung the camera in Jimin’s direction.

“You’re making another one? Just after our sixth year anniversary. Oh Koo Koo, how sentimental.”

“Our love is different now than it was back then. Much more intense, much more beautiful. I can’t let this moment pass without capturing the new us. How we are today.”

“My God that’s romantic. You’re so easy to love.” Jimin posed for the camera and did his signature silly move so that Jeongguk could capture it on film.

“But as lovely as this is, can you film B-roll tomorrow? I don’t want you to catch a cold. Come inside. It’s freezing out here.” Jimin grabbed his hand.

“In a minute. Don’t you just love it here?”

“I do. Other than home, it’s one of my favorite places in the world.”

“Do you think…when it’s all over…we can live here? Together?”

“And leave Korea?” Jimin questioned.

Jeongguk laughed sarcastically, “By the time Korea finds out who we really are, I doubt they’ll want us around anymore. When the world finds out we’re dating, we’re going to be shunned. So many people will feel betrayed and led astray”

“Don’t say that. Times are changing and queer people are taking a stand. I don’t know what the future holds for gays in Korea, but we have to live our truth. We can be part of the movement too - when it’s our time.” Jimin hated that phrase but it was the reality. The success of their reveal was all about the right timing.

Jeongguk pulled Jimin into a hug, forcing him to stand on the chilly balcony with him. They peered up at the stars, “Is there a chance that it may never be our time?”

“That’s up to us I suppose. At some point, we’ll need to put ourselves first and not everyone else,” Jimin said wisely.

“I just hope that we can survive that long. I’m worried about military service and how we’ll keep our true feelings hidden.”

“We’ve had years of practice. I’m sure we’ll be fine. We’ll help each other.”

“You make everything sound so simple. It’s not that simple, Jimin. It’s not. I’ve seen video of myself. Staring at you as if you hung the moon. Never even realizing how obvious I was being. I don’t have control of my feelings when it comes to you. I don’t have control over my reactions.”

“Yes, you do. You’re much more controlled than you think. Koo Koo, half the fandom thinks you hate me and you’re in love with Tae. Even though you’re up my ass regularly giving me orgasms, they think you’re dating someone else. I call that pretty convincing acting. Sometimes you slip, we both do. But it’s not enough to give us away…not while so much is at stake in the military. We have to be strong. That’s all there is to it.”

Jeongguk countered, “And what about sex? Under those warm summer nights in the forest, when we’re patrolling under the stars and your beautiful skin is glowing in the moonlight…how am I supposed to keep my hands off of you?”

“I’m sure that my buzzed head won’t be sexy,” Jimin laughed.

“Everything about you is sexy. Everything.” Jeongguk admired Jimin’s blonde hair. He ran his fingers through it, frizzing it at the top.

Jimin didn’t have an answer for him. He understood Jeongguk’s concern. It was one of the reasons he was suffering depression over their enlistment. They both wondered openly if serving together was a good idea.  Of course they would try to hide their relationship behind a wall of just being “buddies” but could they really pull it off? It was an unknown variable in their otherwise carefully derived plan. But joining as buddies was their only choice because being apart for 18 months would be akin to death. They just didn’t have the heart to separate again, not now, not ever.

“Come inside.” Jimin pulled Jeongguk hard by the hand and swiftly closed the door to the balcony. “You need rest. It’s almost eleven. You have to be up and ready for make-up and hair by 4:30am.”

“We promised Namjoon we would tone it down. So are we sharing separate beds when we get to Sapporo?”

Jimin grinned, “Yes. I’ve already requested that we be given two bedrooms or two separate beds. That brings me to another point. With so much scrutiny about the last filming being in overly gay-friendly Sapporo, we have to be extra careful. What I’m trying to say is…when we get there, we can’t have sex.”

“What the fuck? Really? Not even once?”

“Not saying we can’t find off-camera ways to fool around. But I think a fully fledged up-the-ass session is out of the question. But on camera, we have to look platonic, overcompensate for the fact that we’re in such a special place. Jimin climbed onto Jeongguk’s lap and straddled him.

“So this is our only time to cuddle while we’re in Japan?”

“And by cuddle you mean…?”

“Fuck until we see stars,” Jeongguk clarified.

“Well it is our anniversary month. That’s the best time of all to uh…cuddle,” Jimin suggested.

Jeongguk pulled Jimin to the bed. With the softest touch of his lips, he kissed the strong angular jawbone of the elder’s chin. Gradually he slid his wet tongue up to his mouth. There he planted several soft kisses in succession, barely allowing Jimin to breathe. “I think I want to…cuddle…right now. Can you take me? How’s your body feeling?” He asked with great concern.

Jimin could feel Jeongguk’s hands roaming inside the rear of his pajama pants. He released a heavy sigh when he felt two of Jeongguk’s long fingers push into him. 

“Oh…shit,” Jimin gasped. He squirmed as his body adjusted to the intrusion.

“Oh my baby likes that?” The younger one questioned.

“Yeah, yeah I-I…do.” Jimin closed his eyes, rotating his hips in time with Jeongguk’s finger massage. Their warm thighs stuck together as Jimin grinded in his lap.

Without disturbing Jimin’s moment, Jeongguk reached over to his toiletry bag on the nightstand and pulled out their favorite lube. “One second, let me take care of you,” he smirked as he rubbed the lube all over his fingers. With much more force than necessary, he pulled Jimin’s pajama pants off and threw them across the bed, leaving Jimin straddling him naked in his lap. “Wrap your arms around me. Hold on tight, don’t let go.” Jeongguk could feel his baby melting in his lap. 

With his left hand, he pushed a swath of hair from Jimin’s forehead, leaving the perfect canvas for kisses. Once again he assaulted Jimin’s ass with his long oily fingers. 

Amidst a flurry of satisfied moans, Jimin’s body went pliant. He draped over Jeongguk, holding onto him as he’d promised, but barely able to speak as his young boyfriend finger fucked him. 

“Is that good? Am I doing it right?” Jeongguk said innocently as he covered Jimin’s face with his thin lips. 

Jimin began to bounce gently, controlling the pace. He wasn’t interested in feeding Jeongguk’s ego by telling him how much he loved it. He was too focused on what was happening to his own body. His cock sprang upward between their two stomachs as he continued to fuck Jeongguk’s fingers. 

“You make me so happy,” Jimin whispered back as he playfully bit around the rim of his boyfriend’s ear.

“Take me.” the younger whispered into his neck.

Jimin continued to gyrate in his boyfriend’s lap with his legs bent and his naked chest pressed against Jeongguk’s bare one. His eyes closed and then opened, bringing into view the beautiful skyline of Tokyo. He stared over Jeongguk’s shoulder through the balcony window, eyes wandering over the landscape. He was almost blinded by the brilliant moon. The bustling city sparkled just beneath the spot where the moon hung causing his eyes to flutter back and forth between the buildings. 

Several airplanes flew by quietly, strobe lights flashing on and off. He watched their silhouette as they flew before the moon. Frost gathered on the window, doubling his appreciation for the warmth emanating from the man he held in his arms. He felt invincible, boundlessly safe. 

Just as another airplane passed, Jimin felt pressure nudging against him. The skeletal fingers had been replaced with the endless surge of his boyfriend’s dick.  Jeongguk breached him gracefully, pushing oily slick down Jimin’s thigh. 

Suddenly Jimin’s vision lapsed. The view over Jeongguk’s shoulder grew blurry as he was pulled back into the moment. He bit down hard on Jeongguk’s shoulder as the cock ran through him, slipping and sliding. Throbs of heat beat inside of his groin, causing him to shiver. The movement of Jeongguk’s hips was rhythmic, pumping over and over through Jimin’s tight- rimmed tunnel. Yet the young one was incredibly gentle, reaching maximum penetration with almost no resistance. Jimin could feel the diurnal sensitivity that was at the root of Jeongguk’s character. It governed everything about him, including his fucking. Jimin adored his delicate love making - when he chose to share that side of himself. 

The position wasn’t giving Jeongguk what he needed. So he allowed his oily, wet cock to slip free while he twisted Jimin around and laid him on the bed, on his back. Once he had him secured, he entered him again, watching greedily as his cock surged through his hyung’s stomach. The stalwart pace of his gentle fucking resumed.

Jimin looked up at the dark image and broad shoulders that loomed over him. Without realizing it, he rolled his hips forward and whined for him.

“Harder. Harder baby, please?”

 He was ravenous for his boyfriend’s cock and couldn’t get enough of it. Eyes clenched shut, his body reeled from each powerful thrust. He didn’t want to cum first. He didn’t. For once he wanted to hang on until the very end, fully cognizant as he experienced Jeongguk’s pleasure. But the pools of heat burned like fiery coals, starting in his stomach, extending to his thighs and then puddling in his groin. His climax was just beneath the surface, pitching up every time he heard the loud clap of their bodies.

“Pull out,” he screamed, just in time to avert a very messy orgasm.

Jeongguk snickered, laughing into Jimin’s mouth as they kissed. “Yes, sir.” He backed his hips away, pulling his cock from the hot warmth of Jimin’s ass. He focused on a few passionate kisses. He understood perfectly well what Jimin wanted and why. “I’ll slow down.”

“It’s so good, so fucking good. I want to go all night, but it’s too good,” Jimin whined between kisses. 

“You’re so cute. Jiminie, I belong to you. You can cum now, and then again later. And then again after that and then again. I love you, I’ll give you anything you want.”

“I can’t live without you.”

“You don’t have to.” Jeongguk stared into Jimin’s eyes, watching his facial expression as he entered him again. 

Once again Jimin uttered, “It’s so fucking good.”  

He moved his head from side to side, bristling his hair along the cool sheets. Immediately his stomach clenched and his legs shook. His cock was trapped under Jeongguk’s body as the younger one laid on top of him pumping him full of cum. 

Jimin released one final moan before going quiet. The orgasm was so intense that it left him speechless. Simultaneously, Jeongguk released as well. Their bodies were learning each other, vibing and reacting like the Yin and Yang they were destined to be.

Both were tired. Before Jeongguk could withdraw, he fell asleep on Jimin’s chest. Jimin loved the feeling of Jeongguk’s once hard cock, growing soft inside of him. He lay there stroking Jeongguks’s hair and rubbing his back until he felt the younger’s sweet cock wilt away, leaving a velvety edge of his seed that leaked from Jimin’s body.  

In the quiet of the Tokyo night he grasped him even more firmly and whispered his powerful words, “I love you.”


Jeongguk’s head drooped into his chin as he nodded off to sleep in the stylist’s chair. Despite him sleeping, his stylist noona managed to trim his hair, curl it and finish his make-up. Even though Jimin had tried to convince him to sleep, their lovemaking severely cut into Jeongguk’s peaceful rest. Naps were needed just to keep upright.

Even though Jimin didn’t have to, he arose early that day to accompany Jeongguk to the shoot. He sat in the corner across the room, face buried in his phone. It was amusing to him to watch as the stylists transformed Jeongguk from Jimin’s sweet and delicate baby bun into JK, the chart topping solo artist with the voice of honey. Jeongguk was many things to many people, but to Jimin, he was his everything. Jimin remained in the background, behind the staff, ever respectful of his boyfriend’s work. 

Footage of Jeongguk overlooking the skyline of Tokyo was scheduled as the first shoot of the day.  The hotel room just above theirs had been booked for the mv shoot, making it convenient for everyone. The shoot began right on time because the rising of the sun dictated how quickly they needed to move. The music began. 

And then they moved on to what would be the opening scene of Jeongguk sitting on the bed in the hotel room. He acted the part perfectly, appearing sufficiently broken-hearted over a failed love affair. Jimin could sense that Jeongguk was thinking through the desperation of a break up and leveraging the misery to act out the role. It seemed that both of them harbored the same fear, losing each other.

The elder brimmed with pride. His boyfriend was so handsome and a great actor too. Hate You was Jimin’s favorite song on the album, not just because of the lyrics, but because of the way Jeongguk delivered it. His vocals were pure, his pronunciation was impeccable. There was true emotion in every line. Jimin very much appreciated the artistry of it all. The song was played over and over for different shots and different scenes. And it was that repetitive nature that slowly transitioned Jimin’s mood.

The cryptically sad lyrics began to burrow into Jimin’s brain. He was already feeling emotionally vulnerable because of everything going on. Watching the love of his life depict such a horrifically sad end to a relationship that seemed perfect, struck a nerve with Jimin. Jeongguk didn’t write the song, the lyrics had nothing to do with their real life love affair, yet every word stung with realism - like  a predicted end to a perfect beginning. 

Less than two hours into the filming, Jimin concluded that he had made a mistake by being there. Tears began to stream down his face, forcing him to realize his fears. His fears couldn’t be pin-pointed because there were so many of them, but paramount amongst them was the unknown of how their lives would be changed with enlistment. What would the future of BTS be after their solo careers? Would everyone feel the same about reconvening after serving apart for two years? They had made a promise to always stay together, but would they? So many times they had come so close to breaking up the group. Would those old desires for freedom resurface for the members? And what about the fandom that had suffered so much during solo era? Could the fractured fandom be healed? 

And then his mind shifted to the fear that gripped him the most - would he and Jeongguk eventually be forced apart? Tolerance for their trist was already in limited supply. At what point would the company or the members force them to end it?  Could their fairytale love affair really stand the test of time? Could there come a day when Jeongguk sang those lyrics to him, about him? Would a day come where Jeongguk actually hated him? 

Jimin found himself trembling, overcome by sadness and anxiety. He couldn’t stand another second of listening. Without making a sound, he slid towards the door and rushed out. He raced down the hall, anxious to get away from the echo of the music. He needed a moment to compose himself and talk himself off of the ledge of emotional despair.  Too many thoughts in his head made everything seem worse than it actually was.

He stopped at the end of the hallway and sat on the floor. He could still hear the booming of the speakers as the filming continued. He sat there with his head down, arms wrapped around his knees. Since when had he become the emotional one? That designation was owned by Jeongguk. Jimin was always the rock, the therapist, the one who fixed the world’s problems. Never had he been the one who crumbled under the world’s problems. But the transition he was undergoing was life changing; there was no playbook on how to handle it.

The music stopped but Jimin barely noticed. He was too pensive in his thoughts. Out of nowhere he felt a light finger-brushing of his hair. He looked up. Of course it was Jeongguk. Of course it was. 

“I saw you run away. Thought I would come and check on you,” Jeongguk said sweetly as he slid to the ground next to Jimin.

“You’re supposed to be working. I’m fine. Just needed some fresh air.”

“I told them I needed to take a break. Jiminie, you know that song isn’t about you.”

“Of course it isn’t. I know that.” Jimin said defensively.

“Do you? Sure about that?” Jeongguk laughed a soft giggle.

Jimin wiped his nose on his sleeve and looked away. He didn’t want Jeongguk to know just how accurate he was with his assessment.

“Let’s go over some key facts that I think you need to consider. One. I can never hate you. Never. Souls that are destined to be together can never hate each other. It’s not how destiny works.”

“Here we go with the destiny talk again,” Jimin said facetiously. 

“Damn right. We are destined, Park Jimin, which means that all of the bullshit that is swirling around in your head right now, is just noise. Your worst case scenario will never happen. Do you realize how lucky we are to have our buddy enlistment approved? That was destiny. Do you know how lucky the seven of us were to be put together as a team? Destiny.”

“I’ll admit that I’m drowning in my own thoughts and it isn’t healthy.”

“Want me to take you downstairs and strip you naked? You can ride me like a bucking rodeo bull and work out all of your frustrations.”

“Yes. I want that very much,” Jimin laughed a loud giggling laugh, “but not right now because you have a video to film. Get out of here.”

“Video? Oh, I almost forgot about that,” Jeongguk teased. He popped up and then pulled Jimin to his feet. “A few more hours and I’ll be all yours. We’re going to the city to eat and see a movie and have a great time in Tokyo. Then, I’m taking you to the snow. We’re going to do all of the things and then cuddle in our cozy cabin and make love. In the meantime, here take this,” Jeongguk reached into his pocket and gave Jimin his credit card. “Go shopping. My treat. I’m rich, I can do these things.”

“You’re going to take every single receipt and expense it back to the company, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am. How else will I continue to stay rich?” Jeongguk laughed. He gave Jimin an innocent kiss on the cheek and then jogged back to the room to continue filming. 

And just like that Jimin felt whole again. His boyfriend’s overly simplified version of their reality was the one that Jimin chose to embrace. He smiled at the black matte credit card in his hand. Maybe shopping was a good idea. 


Jeongguk meant every word. As soon as the shoot was over, he and Jimin went on a date. Camera in tow, he filmed every second of their time roaming around Tokyo. Jimin blushed behind the camera, looking as resplendent as a human being could appear. Jeongguk attempted to recreate almost every one of their famous pics from 2017. They went to the same restaurants, walked the same path and kissed the same kisses. They also made love, something they never dared to do back in 2017 when they first became official.

The two private days in Tokyo remained a mystery to the fandom. With the exception of a couple of pictures that Jimin posted, no one knew the full reasoning behind their trip because nothing done in Tokyo was ever made public.

As they rushed through the airport, destined for their flight to Sapporo, Jimin spoke casually, despite the heard of screaming fans, “I think you got some really great footage. Are you going to release this as GCFT part II?”

“No. This is our private diary. Our celebration of seven wonderful years. For now anyway, I want to keep it just between us. The travel show is our gift for the fans, but the GCFT part II, is ours,”  Jeongguk advised.

Once we land in Sapporo, we’ll be on camera again. We’re going to have to find a way to not look like a couple in love,” Jimin advised.

“That’s pretty much impossible, but we’ll do our best,” Jeongguk grimaced.


November 25th, 2023 - Sapporo Japan

They landed in Sapporo amidst freezing temperatures and heavy fog. The entire city was covered in snow, a fact that made Jimin smile immensely. 

Each of them had their own personal hand held cameras in their hands. 

Jeongguk turned the camera towards Jimin as Jimin looked through the window, “Jeonggukie?”


“It’s snowing. It must be cold, there’s ice all over the ground.”

“A very special gift for us.”

Jeongguk turned his camera on himself and gave an episode stamp, “Season 3 of  Are You Sure is now beginning. Let’s GO!”


The film crew met them on the ground. Unlike their disaster in Tokyo, the SUV and driver were waiting for them near the tarmac. Cameras were immediately jammed into their faces. Their time in Tokyo was fairly isolated and reclusive compared to the flurry of directors, managers, producers and set designers who ushered them to their accommodations.

Just after climbing into the SUV, Jimin raised the partition between them and the driver to give them some privacy. The only cameras in the SUV were the two handheld cameras that they controlled. The other cameras and the rest of the film crew traveled behind them in another car. 

For the first time in several hours, they were alone. Jimin unabashedly climbed into Jeongguk’s lap and commenced nibbling on his ear. A full make-out session soon followed. The ride from the airport to their hotel accommodation was about an hour away. Time alone was going to be extremely limited so Jimin capitalized on the opportunity and sat in Jeongguk’s lap the entire time. They kissed, fondled and did all of the things expected of young couples in love. The scenery was just so idyllic, causing Jimin to feel completely vulnerable in Jeongguk’s arms. He just wanted to hold him for as long as possible. 

Unsure of why the two had suddenly raised the partition behind him, the driver announced broadly that they were approaching the hotel. He was a local operator who knew nothing about the two men he carried in the back of his Limo SUV. But he was experienced enough to speculate that when couples wanted privacy in the backseat, it was to fool around. He respected their situation and used the utmost discretion.

“We’re here,” he announced again. 

The partition came down and Jimin leaned forward towards him, “Thank you.” 

The driver could see Jimin wiping his lips in his rearview mirror. He presumed that the two young men had been- kissing. It was a bit shocking but he kept his opinions to himself.

Before jumping out of the car, the two decided to film a quick video to announce their arrival. They turned the camera on themselves and said a few disorganized words. They were so blissfully drunk on kisses and passionate hugs that neither of them realized that it wasn’t the best time to film an intro. 

“We have arrived. Sapporo!” They announced.

Jimin burst into laughter as soon as he played back the footage.

“Well,” he laughed, so much for not looking like a couple. Not only do we look married, we look freshly fucked and married. 

Jeongguk shrugged and gathered their luggage. He was in peak IDGAF mode. “At least you put on a mask to cover up your swollen lips where I had been biting you. That’s being kind of responsible, I guess.”

As they made their way inside, they noticed that there was hardly anyone there. Plenty of staff and hotel workers meandered through the hallways, but there were no other guests - at least not any that Jimin and Jeongguk could see. 

“Where is everyone? Feels like we’re the only ones staying here.”  Jimin found it odd that the entire hotel was empty.

“Don’t know. Do you have any more of those salty sausages in your bag?” Jeongguk settled in front of the coffee table and sorted through the snacks that they had brought with them from Tokyo.

“It’s so quiet. Do you think there are other guests here and they’re just sleeping?”

“Probably, it’s past 11pm. Why do you care? I love the quiet.”

“Yea, yea you’re right, the quiet is nice.” Jimin dropped the subject, even though something felt slightly off. 


The hotel was a five star resort. Definitely higher caliber than their accommodations in Jeju. The room was small, cozy and romantic with romantic being the key word. He had specifically requested a room with two beds, yet there was only one and it was covered in purple rose petals. Before turning the camera on the bedroom, he pushed the beds apart to create their own sleeping spaces. The small bit of quick thinking on his part had avoided another awkward sleeping arrangement - the kind that gave Namjoon so much angst.

“Strange. This setup isn’t what we requested,” Jimin continued to examine the room.

“Doesn’t matter. So listen, I have a surprise. Tomorrow, I’m taking you someplace that you’ll really love - a whisky distillery. It’s a museum and a distillery combined.”

“Huh?” Jimin wasn’t really listening. He continued to inspect the room and the over-the-top accommodations. 

There were candles everywhere with silk pajamas laid out on the bed. Every flat surface was covered in decadent flower bouquets. Even the bathroom was strange - all marble with a large heart-shaped tub sitting in the center of the room. There were custom Egyptian sheets, exotic bath salts and bottles of champagne. There were even packs of erotic designer underwear left in plain site for the cameras to see. And the most shocking thing of all was a cherry wood box full of name-brand lubricants, most specifically designed for gay sex. Jimin found it disconcerting that the room was fitted with such intimate details. He felt as if they had stepped into an alternate universe. He soon realized that they had accidentally been booked in a honeymoon suite. It was a major faux-pas that would be difficult to hide during filming. He sent a text to the head of the film crew and asked them if they could move the cameras around to avoid filming some of the freaky gifts that were littered throughout.

Someone was going to get written up for making such a glaring mistake. He decided to move on. They were only there for one night. He trusted that the editing would camouflage it. He piled as many of the naughty gifts as he could into the closet. It was the only way to keep them out of view. He tracked back and forth through the room to make sure he had not overlooked anything.

“Whiskey…your favorite,” Jeongguk repeated angrily. “Hello? Whisky?”

Jimin’s head snapped up, “Oh whiskey. Yes. That sounds incredible. You really know what I like, don’t you?”

“Ok, what’s going on? You ok?” Jeongguk noticed that Jimin seemed distracted. 

“Better than ever…,” Jimin placed his handheld camera on the table and then gave Jeongguk a small peck on the lips. “I can’t wait to have whisky.”


It was too late in the evening to find an open restaurant, so they resorted to their favorite activity, combing through the liquor store for late night snacks and cold beer. 

As they sorted through their convenience store haul,  Jimin repeatedly expressed his concerns over being booked in a honeymoon suite, while Jeongguk stole all of the kinky gifts and packed them in his luggage. After several hours of talking and playing around like proper bros, they finally showered and settled down for the evening. The silk pajamas were irresistible, so they both ended up wearing them to bed. 

Jimin prepared a couple bowls of ramen as they sat in front of the cameras and continued to talk. Fresh from filming the SGMB video, Jimin had his experience top of mind. So many kids on the set sent him soaring with the idea of having his own family. Once again it was something that he needed to share with Jeongguk as they bandied about the idea of settling down and having kids - together. 

It was coded conversation, safe for cameras, but each of them knew exactly what they were asking the other. Testing the temperature on the interest of kids revealed that they weren’t exactly on the same page. As where Jimin dreamed of being a girl-dad and the perils of raising a baby girl, Jeongguk didn’t even want to be an uncle. He was perfectly happy being a Bam-dad for the foreseeable future.

The conversation of kids had never explicitly come up before. With Jeongguk being two years Jimin’s junior and Jimin facing the scary age of thirty, it made sense that they were in different places. Neither of them took the matter seriously, but it was a good check point considering they found themselves falling deeper and deeper in love everyday.


 The following morning, they awoke to a dusting of snow falling across the city. Both of them rushed to the window, eyes bright like children on Christmas. Overtly aware that the cameras were rolling, they stood side by side, absorbing every detail of the frosted city. As Jimin’s arm fell to his side, he could feel a scintilla of a touch from Jeongguk’s fingers as they longingly caressed his hand. It was a moment in time, a freshly curated memory that they would store forever. And it happened within a fraction of a second. 

The kiss that didn’t follow would linger within their hearts as the one they needed the most.

It was time to get packed up, once again they were headed for a new exciting location. Getting to the whisky distillery required a journey, starting with a long drive and a train ride. And then ending with a freezing walk through the snow. 

They made their way through the train station, intermittently holding hands along the way. Cute little girls running behind their parents, struck up more conversation about Jimin wanting to one day be a father. Jeongguk took notice of how tightly Jimin held him throughout his entire plea for kids. A message was sent, one that Jeongguk found incredibly endearing. 

Another moment of vulnerability hit them as they cuddled on the train sharing a set of airpods, listening to another crippling love song that sent them both sinking into sadness. Jimin shed a few shallow tears as Jeongguk rested his head on his shoulder in a show of comfort. The fear of breaking up was very real. The fear of everything changing was also very real. The harsh reminder of the possibility fed into their worst nightmare. Yet somehow, the pain fortified them, reinforcing their commitment to each other.

After exiting the train station, Jeongguk drove them a short distance towards the Nikka Whisky Distillery Museum. Jeongguk suddenly made a request that threw Jimin for a surprise.

“The snow is so beautiful, Jiminie. Can we walk the rest of the way?”

“But it’s really cold.”

“But it’s really beautiful.”

Jimin looked at his young boyfriend. Saying no to his beautiful owl eyes was not an option. They parked several blocks from the Distillery and then set out on foot. He grabbed Jeongguk by the arm and together they headed into the snowy blast, “Sure, let’s go.”

After a freezing walk, filled with laughter, intimate conversation and snow fights, they finally arrived at the whisky distillery.  There was a crowd mulling outside but none of them seemed interested in going inside.

 Jimin rushed in quickly, anxious to escape the cold. Jeongguk lingered just a few moments later to take in the beauty of the landscape. Snow had a special place in their hearts and he wanted the memory to be solidly etched in his brain. They both shook the handfuls of snow from their clothes as the comforting heat warmed them. 

The smell of aged barrel wood and chestnut hit their noses immediately. It was a warm, cozy smell, much like the taste of whisky itself; in complete opposition to the icy tundra of the snow covered street from which they came. They happily scooted inside, anxious to sip the first taste of the fine liquor. They made their way over to the tasting room. There was a pot still and a tasting bar. The menu was full of decadent whiskies, some of which were decades old.  Jimin was the first to mull it over. 

“Good whisky will have depth to its smell with hints of different flavors. You can always tell the best whisky by smelling it first.”

Jimin selected their first two samples and Jeongguk ordered them. Jeongguk promptly introduced himself to his glass of whisky which caused Jimin to double over with laughter. Once again, they only had eyes for each other. Neither of them noticed that the place was completely empty with the two of them being the only visitors. On a day with so many people in the area, it was rare for the distillery to be empty. 

The two role-played, growing louder and more brash with each cup of whisky they drank. By glass number five, they were both nicely lit and having a great time.

Jeongguk slurred, “Reminds me of those jazz clubs where someone across the room buys you a drink.”

“Like this?” Jimin walked to the other end of the counter and then approached Jeongguk with a drink in his hand. 

“You’re kind of hot. Come here often?”

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“Yes. This is for you, it’s already been paid for. Now get in my bed and let’s fuck,” Jimin giggled and fell over the bar.

“I don’t care if you’re a serial killer, you’re so fucking hot that I’m absolutely leaving with you. You look like a greedy power bottom. Let’s do this shit,” Jeongguk flirted back.

“You sure I’m the one?”

“You’re the only one,” Jeongguk reiterated.

Jeongguk’s words triggered a thought in Jimin’s head. Jeongguk was right, he was the only one. In fact, there was no one else in the building at all. As far as Jimin could see, it was just the employees who worked there. No other patrons at all. Once again it struck him as odd. Why were there no other people? It felt as if everything were purposely being set up to feel isolated, even romantic.

“Are we here alone?”

“I - I don’t know.” Jeongguk was tipsy. “I see two of you, does that count?”

Jimin fell against Jeongguk’s arm laughing. “Well I see three of you, so hell yeah, it counts.”

Jimin was too drunk to belabor the point, but he stored it away as another curious encounter where everyone seemed to disappear around them. 


It was time to move on to their next hotel. They had a three hour drive to Keio Plaza where they planned to stay. It was their last few days of vacation before returning home and reporting to training camp. 

Even though there were scores of people around, their car ride was restricted to just Sejin and the two of them. They used dashboard cameras to capture their conversations and quirky interactions. They tried to keep conversations interesting since they were filming, but they found that the show was most entertaining when the two decided to just be themselves. 

Jeongguk insisted that they stop for treats at the local 7-11 during their three-hour long car ride to the resort. Jimin was never a big eater, food was more for sustenance than enjoyment. However, being in love with a foodie meant that he was required to develop an appreciation for the fine details of culinary cuisine. Not only did his boyfriend love to eat, but he also loved to cook, contributing to the two inches that Jimin had grown in waistline. 

The only thing that Jeongguk enjoyed more than eating, was watching Jimin eat. So making stops in the middle of a snow storm in Sapporo Japan to fetch sausages and triangle Gimbap was part of their brand. Jimin especially loved the ones with tuna inside. From across the store, Jimin could hear Jeongguk yelp each time he found a new snack. After forty-five ridiculous minutes, Jimin finally had to pull him to the register to check out, otherwise he would have spent the rest of the evening filling his cart with snacks.

As they pulled away from the convenience stores, Jimin repeatedly played Hate You through the car speakers.

“The other day this song made you burst into tears. Now today you can’t stop playing it?”

“I love this song. I always have. I was just having a weak moment. But today, it feels empowering. You really made me appreciate how lucky we are to have each other,” Jimin glanced at the camera. It was recording. The conversation was somewhat private and he needed it to be edited out. So he said the words, “Edit out the previous conversation.” It was a definitive way to make sure the editors knew that something had slipped that shouldn’t be aired. 


They arrived at the resort later that evening. The scenery was straight from a postcard. The bedrooms were tight and cozy, but there was a hot and cold bath large enough for two. Once again, there was nothing friendly about the set up. And once again, the room was covered in roses, with bathing oils, champagne and heart shaped chocolates. Another box of sex lube was on the bed, and this one even had condoms inside. Jimin almost choked when he opened it.

Jeongguk, with a piece of sausage in his mouth, walked up behind him and fiddled with the gold foil wrapped condoms. “They clearly don’t know us. We like it deep and raw,” he teased.

Jimin’s eyes widened. He pressed his palm to Jeongguk’s mouth and shushed him while laughing hysterically. “Oh my God did you really just say that?”

“It’s true,” Jeongguk shrugged as he ate the last piece of his sausage. 

“Please edit out that previous conversation. Please,” Jimin closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Jeongguk’s chest. He continued to laugh. 

The mystery of the strange honeymoon suites was beginning to deepen. Most of the activities had been arranged by Jeongguk. But the details of the accommodations had been put together by staff. Everyone was under strict orders to keep all set ups roommate style which meant individual beds for both. Yet for the second consecutive night, they had been given a large single bed. Jimin was curious about who kept making the mistake. Nothing was a coincidence. 

“This place is so fucking exquisite. Right when we’re supposed to be entering our platonic era, they send us to the most intimate place in Japan. I can already feel my heart racing,” Jimin said as he placed his hand over his chest. “Help me separate the beds please. We can’t have yet another night where we’re filmed sleeping in the same bed.”

“Yea, I’ll pull this one if you grab that one.” The two pulled the single large bed into two separate singles and placed a nightstand between them, just as they had done the previous night. “It’s nice here. I feel like I could stay here forever. We’re going to make beautiful memories here Jiminie.. I don’t care if they’re romantic, platonic, band mates or whatever. What matters is that we’re together. Remember, you were my best friend before you were ever my lover.”


They both settled with Jimin opting to take a nap and Jeongguk opting to do something with his overgrown hair. As Jimin dozed off, Jeongguk headed for the bathroom with a pair of scissors. His bangs were too long and they were bothering him. He could have asked Jimin for help. He could have even found a stylist nearby. But nope, he decided to cut them himself…

Jimin awakened a couple of hours later. Jeongguk was sitting at the other end of the couch, sucking on a lollipop and texting on his phone. Jimin squinted. At first, he thought his eyes were just tired. He sat straight up and crawled over to Jeongguk. 

He was calm, non judgemental, “So uh…what happened here?”

“Happened? Oh this?” Jeongguk ran his fingers through his shortened hair, “I cut my bangs. They were getting on my nerves.”

“Ok. Ok…so now what?”

“Yea, so I cut them a little too short…shit happens.”

Jimin rubbed his forehead, “Jeon Jeongguk, you’re filming a video with one of my Idols in less than a week. You can’t arrive at the video shoot looking like Edna Mode from The Incredibles. We-we have to fix it.”

“I have a full make-up session and styling scheduled for the day I land in L.A. The stylist noonas will fix it. You worry too much.”

“I have another problem.”

“And what is that,” Jeongguk’s dimples indented his face as he laughed at Jimin’s distress.

“You look fifteen.”

“So? You like younger men,” Jeongguk teased.

“Not that young! I can’t fuck you when you look like you’re straight out of the Danger video. All we need is some thick eyeliner and little hairspray and you’re that kid!” Jimin said with angst. 

Jeongguk lowered his voice to its deepest register, “Nothing about my body is fifteen.”  Jeongguk slowly removed his shirt and stood partially nude in front of Jimin.

He continued, “And my dick isn’t fifteen either. It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to allow a silly haircut to come between you and the best full body fuck of your life.”

“Well when you put it that way…,” Jimin rolled over laughing.  And then he remembered, “Ah shit, we can’t fuck anyway, remember? We’re on probation.”

“Yea, fuck Joonie for cock blocking. I haven’t cum in two days,” Jeongguk complained. 

“You’re so fucking insatiable. I think it makes me love you even more,” Jimin whispered just beyond the microphones. “Anyway, this little haircut fiasco is going to make for great television. Did you record your unfortunate adventure?”

“I did. My every mis-step was caught on camera.”

“You know you could have asked me for help,” Jimin began to laugh. “You look so cute. Like an adorable kid. You really have been attractive from day one. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the first time we met.”

“You were a cute kid too.” Jeongguk looked around to decipher which cameras were on. All of them were pointed directly at them which meant no kisses. “Stop wasting time. Our bath awaits.”

The baths were meant to be enjoyed nude. Even with the cameras off, however, they were hesitant to remove all of their clothes. Management and staff were in various rooms throughout the house and even though they knew to stay away while the two were having private time. It was still too risky to go completely nude. 

They stole a few kisses, said a few naughty words and climbed into the hot bath together. They felt silly for wearing so many clothes, but it was a Disney show and any little peek of a nut-sack or pubic hair would get the entire show thrown off of the network. And with Jeongguk barely able to control his erections whenever he was near a partially clothed Jimin, it was best for them to wear as many clothes as possible. 

As they soaked, they became reflective once again. Another deeply personal conversation was spawned.

 “Would you marry me?”

“Gay men can’t marry each other in Korea my love,” Jimin laid his head back on the rim of the tub. Steam crawled up his face and disappeared in his damp blonde tresses. He kept his eyes closed as he swam his fingers through the hot water.

Jeongguk sat on the other side of the bath, staring at him, contemplating each of his tattoos, gazing at his small dimples, admiring the leanness of his physique. He loved the man deeply. He really, really loved him. He returned to his question that had not received a satisfactory answer, “Would you marry me - if you could?” Jeongguk repeated his question.

“Is this a proposal?” Jimin smiled, flashing the dimples that Jeongguk found so alluring.

“No Jimin. It’s a very serious question. And I would appreciate an answer. I humored you and answered all of your baby daddy questions. The least you could do is humor me…about this.”

Jimin opened his eyes and sat up. He recognized Jeongguk’s tone and it was serious and he definitely needed to give him an answer. “I would marry you in a heartbeat. He scooted over closer to Jeongguk so that he could place his arm around him as he explained why. “Joonie said something to me, the night of your party. He said…they never intervened and tried to break us up because they figured that our fling would run its course and end on its own. To his surprise, seven years later we’re more in love than ever. He surmised that what we have is true love. A very rare but genuine love. Joonie, in his own words, said we were destined. Assuming this is not a proposal, my answer is yes. But if you are proposing and if you truly want to spend the rest of your life with me, then the answer is…YES. I love you bro…but not like a bro.” Jimin giggled. 

“This isn’t a proposal. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Besides, I expect  you to propose to me. And I want it all. Fireworks, drones, a bridge lighting, flowers, fighter jet fly over, champagne, whiskey, strippers…all of it.”

Jimin laughed so hard that he slid down into the water, causing some of it to go up his nose. “That’s a bit much. Can you explain where the strippers come in?”

“They could spell out ‘will you marry me’ with their dicks or something…I don’t know.” Jeongguk shrugged.

Jimin laughed again. “You really are the most interesting man alive. Ok, not agreeing on the need for strippers. How about a quiet evening alone, just the two of us, in a small cafe in Busan. I’ll get down on one knee, take her hand in mine, stare into your beautiful eyes and ask the question, and beg you to give me your soul.”

“Oh!” Jeongguk’s bottom lip trembled. Just the thought of it had him fighting back tears, “That sounds beautiful,” His eyes rounded, causing him to look even younger with his bowl cut.  

“Something is different about you Jiminie. You seem…calmer, more content…happier than you were in Tokyo.”

“Well there’s snow everywhere. Of course I’m happy.” Jimin burst into laughter over his own joke. He settled down and spoke truthfully, “Because of you. I’m happy because of you.  We enlist in less than three weeks and I’m here, spending my last days of freedom with you. I could have been with my family or other friends or other members, but I chose you because you make me the happiest. I listened to everything you said. I was overthinking everything instead of just letting go and taking each day as it comes. If there’s anything that I’ve learned from you, it’s to not be overly serious about everything.”

“Your concerns are valid and I understand you feeling overwhelmed at times. But at the end of the day, we can only pray that these eighteen months away will not change who we are as BTS. We are a united seven, we’ve got the tattoos to prove it. And you and I are a united couple, we’ve got the tattoos to prove it. Everything else is up to God really,” Jeongguk explained.

“I’m happy because I’m enjoying the moment. Even though we can’t come out of the closet and admit our truth, we’ve been able to confide in the people we love. And they have all accepted us with open arms. I don’t know what the rest of the world has planned, but for right now, I’m happy with what we have.” Jimin flashed a brilliant smile. His happiness was genuine. It was not just an act that he was putting on to keep Jeongguk from worrying. 

There was a knock on the door. It was Sejin, he had urgent news. He hated to disturb their private time but it couldn’t be helped. He entered quickly. To his relief, they were both fully dressed and no fucking appeared to be taking place, “Guys I have to fly back to Korea. My mom had some kind of emergency and she’s in the hospital. The doctor says she’s fine, but I’ll feel better if I’m by her side. I’m leaving Sunjae in charge. Mr. Lee will still cover security and most of the camera producers are here. You’ll be fine without me.”

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. I hope she’s ok. Go. Take care of your mom,” Jeongguk ordered. 

Jimin agreed, “Yes, we’ll be fine. Family first, please. And call us with an update.”

“I will.” Sejin looked worried despite his calm demeanor. He gathered a few of the extra cameras that weren’t being used and placed them on the counter. He had one more request before leaving. “Would you mind turning the cameras back on? It’s been off for over an hour and we want to get some of this footage before you both end up wrinkled old prunes.” He smiled.

“Oh. Got it. Sorry, we completely forgot.”

The private conversation was over and neither of them minded going back on camera. They were content, and even managed to keep their hands off of each other - mostly.


“Who put us in matching pajamas?” Jimin yelled as soon as he saw Jeongguk walk into the bathroom.

“Don’t blame

me. I didn’t do it,” Jeongguk shrugged as he brushed his teeth.

Jimin was agitated, “I promised Joonie that we would tone it down. This is NOT toned down. Lube every fucking place, condoms stashed on the bed, and now fucking matching pajamas. What the hell is going on here?”

“Stop whining. I didn’t do it. These were the pajamas that were there when I went to get dressed. And you can be as angry as you want, but we look damn cute.”

“Koo Koo you don’t understand. This is so blatantly screaming ‘couple’,” Jimn said in quotes “Namjoon is going to kill me. And we can’t edit it out because this is what they gave us to wear.”

“Talk to Sunjae tomorrow. I’m sure he knows what’s going on. In the meantime, take a few pictures because we’re oh my god, we’re adorable.”

“Jeongguk something isn’t right. You planned most of this trip, how did we end up at a couples only resort with matching pajamas? And why was no one else at the whisky distillery? Why do we keep going to the most romantic locations for dinner? This feels weird. It’s just not right. Like a fucking honeymoon or something,” Jimin was visibly upset.

“Nope, not a honeymoon, you didn’t propose yet. And there were no drones so…,” Jeongguk continued brushing his teeth.

“Something strange is going on here. It’s like we’re being set up.”

“Relax. So what if it looks like a honeymoon? It isn’t. It’s just two friends having a nice vacation before military service. Calm down, please. You’ve been so freaked out that you’ve hidden most of the really exculpatory evidence. Everything is fine. This is all just a coincidence. It’s probably slow-season and they gave us the best room available which happened to come with a few extras.”

Jimin was once again thankful for Jeongguk’s level head. “Ok. Ok, you’re right. I’m overreacting again.”

“Good. Glad we got that settled. Let’s go to dinner. The resort says they have something special planned right down the hall and we can wear our pajamas.”

“Down the hall? And that’s another thing. Where is everybody? Everyplace we’ve gone so far has been a ghost town. Is this the government’s way of trying to protect us as fans? The entire city of Sapporo is fucking empty. It’s weird right?”

“It’s wonderful. I’m going to tell you one more time, stop overthinking. This is a very rare chance to be alone, just you and me. It’s everything we ever wanted. So stop trying to ruin it,” Jeongguk teased. “Now let’s go to dinner. Then afterwards we can sneak into the closet and I’ll suck your dick. There are no cameras there.” Jeongguk licked his lips and gave Jimin a wink.

The promise of fellatio caused Jimin to lose his train of thought. He no longer worried about how romantic their accommodations were. His mind instantly refocused on getting sucked off in a closet.


“Hey baby, wake up.” Jimin gently rubbed the top of Jeongguk’s hair. “Why are you out here?”

“It was too hot in the room,” Jeongguk rolled over groggily to find Jimin standing over him.

“Why didn’t you tell me, I would have turned down the heat.”

“I didn’t want to disturb you…,” Jeongguk yawned. He shifted uncomfortably as he sat up. “Cameras on?” He asked with one eye open.

“Yes,” Jimin whispered. He knew Jeongguk had a very specific problem; one that shouldn’t be shown on camera. But they had no choice but to keep them running. He leaned down and whispered a simple question, “Are you hard?”

“As always,” Jeongguk nodded.

Jimin decided it was best to clear the room. It was likely his touch and the way that he had awakened Jeongguk that resulted in the morning wood. The sexual tension between them exploded on screen, even in their friendliest moments. He headed for the showers, leaving Jeongguk alone. 

Jeongguk sat up. He kept the comforter over him for a few moments to allow his body time to settle down. Once he thought he was clear, he jumped up to go into the kitchen, but that was a mistake. The more he waddled around the room, the more apparent his erection became. There was no hiding it. He knew that he couldn’t slip past the cameras, so his only option was to sit and wait. He was irritated that such a vulnerable moment was caught on camera. He was more irritated by how long it took to finally go away. 


In his mind he blamed Jimin because his body became so unpredictable whenever his boyfriend was around. He blamed him for being too sexy, too beautiful, too sensual and always smelling like fresh citrus and lavender. All of it was Jimin’s fault. 

Typically when he had a woody, Jimin would care for him by climbing on top of him and doing freaky shit that would cause Jeongguk to nut all over the place. But this situation had to be navigated carefully because their every move was being recorded by the Disney cameras. If only their individual cameras were on, they could have just switched them off. But as it were, he was stuck.

Jeongguk sat patiently on the edge of the sofa, eating bread, begging for his erection to subside. He dreaded the onset of blue balls, something that happened more and more frequently when he didn’t have a chance to release. He suddenly heard Jimin screaming from the shower. The screams seemed desperate. Jeongguk’s first impulse was to jump up and go see what all of the noise was about. But then he remembered that he couldn’t, not without showing the world that his long cock was protruding through his pajama pants. Jimin continued to scream, it seemed staged, as if the intention was to get Jeongguk to run to him. The longer Jeongguk sat without replying, the more frantic Jimin’s screams became. 

“What the hell?” He whispered as he looked around. He couldn’t sit there anymore while Jimin was screaming at the top of his lungs. He pulled his shirt down to cover as much of himself as he could and he raced towards the bathroom where Jimin was showering.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Jeongguk closed the door behind them. There were never any cameras allowed in the bathroom unless the two of them carried them in themselves. He was free to talk to Jimin openly without worrying about it being filmed.

Jimin was naked; his pair of black and white pajamas strewn across the floor. And his cock was hard with a blush on deep pink, as if he had been masturbating himself. As soon as Jeongguk entered he pounced on him. “What took you so long?”

“Why were you screaming?”

“Because I needed you right away.”

“Need me? For what?”

“We have work to do. You know I can’t let you suffer.”

Jeongguk’s face broadened into an evil grin. He loved his freaky boyfriend, “The camera saw me come in here.”

“We’ll edit it out,” Jimin said, not realizing that the scene depicting Jeongguk disappearing into the bathroom would be completely overlooked by editors during the final airing.


One hard snap and Jeongguk’s pajama top was thrown into the sink. His pants were pushed to his ankles. Jimin, with his powerful, petite body, slammed Jeongguk to the ground. He crawled on top of him, and straddled his head before pushing his cock down into Jeongguk’s mouth, forcing him to suck it. He leaned forward and began bucking his hips, stridently fucking the younger’s mouth.

“Suck me,” he moaned quietly.

 While keeping his cock stuffed into Jeongguk’s mouth, he stretched his body over the top of his lover’s torso until they were in a tight 69 formation. He found his boyfriend’s elongated dick and grabbed it firmly with his right hand. With one greedy gulp Jimin gobbled it up, filling his mouth with aroused flesh.

The two bodies tightened and shivered along the bathroom floor. With Jimin on top, Jeongguk on the bottom, they curved around each other in the perfect 69, perfect yin and yang and perfect balance of sexual power. The room filled with the sounds of sloppy sucking, drooling, moaning and gurgling. They mutually sucked each other, subtly competing over who could do it the best.

At one end, Jimin bucked his hips, pushing his leaky cock down Jeongguk’s throat. Simultaneously at the other end, he clenched his jaws tighter, swallowed harder, and pushed deeper all in an effort to slide Jeongguk’s cock as far down his throat as his reflex would allow. His mouth salivated, causing even more spit to drip between Jeongguk’s thighs. 

Jimin’s moans were muffled, slurred as he worked hard to get his baby off. He wanted them to cum together, but Jeongguk was sucking him so good, he feared that he would cum first. With his head down, trapped over Jeongguk’s crotch,  Jimin could feel his orgasm surge. At his greatest moment of weakness, Jeongguk gently pressed a finger into his ass. Jimin screamed with pleasure. His body pulsed as if an electrical shock were surging through him. His puddle of cream gathered in the back of Jeongguk’s throat as his tip exploded with cum. 

The feeling of Jimin pulsating in his mouth pushed Jeongguk over the edge. He was hit like a bolt of lightning with overwhelming pleasure that he couldn’t contain. In the brief moment that Jimin opened his mouth to release a satisfied scream, Jeongguk erupted, shooting a stream of cum into Jimin’s face, all over his lips and chin. He grabbed his cock and pumped it in his first, squeezing every ounce of his seed through this pulsating tip.

“FUCK. FUCK. FUCK!” Even with the door closed and the water running, the echo of Jeongguk’s screams registered in the sensitive microphones.

There, on the bathroom floor of their isolated resort in Japan, they released all of the tension that had built up since the Sapporo trip began. The two found themselves staring at the ceiling, collapsing in each other’s arms and laughing at their inability to keep their hands off of each other.  

“Well,” Jeongguk breathed, “at least we kept our promise not to fuck…,”

Jimin rolled over, full of laughter. He rested his head on Jeongguk’s chest as they continued to lay, hesitant to make a single move.

They lived in two different worlds; the world outside of the bathroom door where they shared every moment with millions of fans and where they pretended to have nothing more than a casual friendship between them. Versus the world on the inside where they were in love, physically enraptured and boyfriends. More and more they found that life on the inside made them ridiculously happy.  


The following morning, Jimin smiled as the two of them dressed together in the mirror. They took time working through their beauty routines and brushing their hair, “I’m taking you snowboarding. That’s the activity of the day. We even have gear.”

“Snowboarding! Oh Koo Koo, that is so exciting. It’ll be fun. You really took great care with planning this trip didn’t you?”

“I did, except…,”

“...except what?”

“I keep thinking about what you said about how romantic these locations are. Very different from Jeju and Connecticut. Did you have a chance to talk to the staff about why we’re suddenly booked to stay at these places?”

“No. I took your advice and decided to just enjoy it.”

“I’m driving us into the mountains where the ski resort is located. I like the idea of us having more time alone.”

Jimin stared into the mirror. He watched Jeongguk pull his hair back with his headband. He smiled each time the younger inadvertently flashed his dimples. He loved him very much at that moment. “You feel like my husband.”

“Nope. You didn’t propose yet. I’m looking for champagne and fireworks so…,” Jeongguk teased.

“You and the fireworks.”

“It better be a big fucking deal,” Jeongguk leaned in to apply sunscreen to his face. “And if you don’t do it right, I will absolutely say no. After all these years together, I deserve the very best your money can buy.”

Jimin stood next to him, admiring him, contemplating a day when he would actually ask him - to marry him.



They arrived at the Kokusai Ski Resort two hours later. The day was cool and brisk, about fifteen degrees lower than the temperature at the sea-level geography of Sapporo. Cameras continued to run, but they muted the sound so their conversation wouldn’t be recorded. They always appreciated when only the handheld cameras were used because those cameras were under their control and could be cut at any time. 

They were quickly fitted for gear and then sent on their way to the ski lift where they were carried to the top of the mountain. The two of them laughed and joked, while secretly holding hands just beneath the view of the single camera they operated. 

“Did you plan the black and white ski gear?” Jimin asked with a giggle.

“Of course I did. We’re never going to beat those black and white allegations if I have anything to do with it,” Jeongguk laughed. 

“I love it. We look like a married couple.”

“That’s the second or third time you’ve said that today. What’s with the husband-fever?”

“I think about it alot. I think about traveling together as husbands and performing on stage as husbands. All of it makes me so happy.”

“Proposal first bro…,”

“Fireworks, drones and strippers - I got it. I got it,” Jimin laughed. 

“This may be the most amazing trip I’ve ever had in my life. Thank you for insisting that we do this. We needed it, Jiminie. We needed this time.”

“This trip feels so different from Jeju. It feels like we’re filming a completely different show.” Jimin smiled.


They were surrounded by snow-covered mountains. The large evergreen trees rose to the sky, sprinkled with perfect bundles of snow. Even the ground was a stale white, so bright that it burned their eyes. The scene looked like a fictional postcard, but it was real. The sky was grey with distant blue and orange streaks as the sun settled far away like a small bright orb. 

As they flew over the top of the mountain in the ski lift, Jimin noticed something peculiar. 



“There aren’t any cars in the parking lot. In fact, now that I think about it, there was no one in the ski shop where we were fitted for our snowboards either. This is their peak season, right before the holidays. The place should be packed.”

Jeongguk gave Jimin’s observation some thought, “Let’s see, our staff is here. The ski resort staff and a few janitors. You’re right. There are no other customers. Where the hell is everyone?” Jeongguk scoured the ground beneath them. The entire place was empty, as if it were abandoned. All of the ski lifts in front of them and behind them were empty. “This is so strange.”

As soon as they touched down, they immediately questioned the camera crew about it. They found Jae Syung, a long time cameraman who had been with BTS since the beginning. “Hey Jae, where is everybody?” Jimin asked. 

“The resort is closed,” Jae said as he hoisted his heavy camera over his shoulder and aimed it towards the two of them. He was wearing skis and a camera harness, with the intention of skiing down the mountain behind the two of them to capture the footage. 

“Closed? What do you mean closed? I’ve seen videos of this place during this time of year, it’s usually packed. And if it’s closed, then why are we here?” Jeongguk looked around again. “This is this resort’s busiest time of the year, I know that for a fact. We had to buy the tickets months in advance to get in here.”

“I guess they wanted you to have some privacy? You are Jimin and Jeongguk of BTS. It’s probably the best way to keep you safe,” Jae gave them all of the information he had.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Jimin scratched his head. “Did they close just for us? They’re missing out on so much business.”

Jae shrugged and shook his head, “You’ll have to ask Sejin. I don’t know the details. But it’s safer this way. Just enjoy it.”

Jeongguk dropped his helmet over his head. “Fuck it, let’s go. The snow is beautiful!"

With their snowboards strapped to their feet, they jumped a few inches forward. Jeongguk pulled Jimin into a thick slush of snow and positioned himself next to him. They both pushed off simultaneously only to both immediately tumble to the ground in a bumpy fall. 

Without the danger of other snowboarders on the slopes, they were free to experiment a little even if it resulted in painful falls. A crew of seven cameramen floated around them on skis, filming their movements and trailing them on jet skis. Several times they had to be rescued and carried back to the top of the hill. By the time they were done, they could barely move. Their muscles burned from the plentiful tumbles down the snow covered mountain.

They weren’t great snowboarders, but none of that mattered. It was the happiness, the seclusion, the peace and the love that mattered the most. 


After another opulent late night dinner, it was finally time for the two boyfriends to settle into their last resort for the evening. This one was the most luxurious yet. It was a complete multi-story home with lavash furniture and amenities. Situated in a small remote village just minutes away from the ski slopes, it was truly a couple’s dream escape. The biggest flex was the fully stocked designer kitchen and the hot jacuzzi on the rear balcony.  

This time it was Jeongguk who called attention to the over indulgent nature of their accommodations. He pulled Jimin into one of the spare bedrooms on the upper floor, one that didn’t have cameras. He unloaded his suspicions, “Yea, ok this is weird. A fucking jacuzzi? An isolated mansion in the middle of the mountain? This is not at all what was listed on the itinerary for the last day of filming. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to be here, but this is not the same place that was reserved for our last day.”

“What do you mean? How do you know?” Jimin asked. 

“I mean I have no idea how this place got booked - or when. We were scheduled to stay at a hotel, about two hours back down the mountain. I remember because one of the site directors called and asked if I wanted to make reservations at a famous sushi place close to the hotel.  This is not the hotel he mentioned. In fact, this isn’t a hotel at all. This is a full house,” Jeongguk squinted his eyes. He was starting to agree with Jimin, something was off. Why was every single location they visited, especially niched for - lovers? 

Jimin nodded vehemently, “Now you understand what I’ve been saying. Koo Koo, ever since we landed in Japan, our entire trip has had a mysterious glow up with the distinct intention of making this appear much more romantic than we intended. I made a promise to Joonie. I promised that I would keep things low-key and downplay our interactions and to keep this as close to a bro-mance as possible. Even when the editors go back in, there is only so much they will be able to do because the settings are all extremely intimate. All of our efforts have been thwarted in a way that we have no control over. I feel like…,”

“ we’re being set up. Matching pajamas, single beds when we requested two, romantic restaurants, whisky dates, empty ski slopes…,”

Jimin continued, “...lube in our bedroom, mysterious bottles of champagne - I had to hide most of it just to make sure that the cameras didn’t accidentally pick it up.” 

“Somebody is trying to make us look bad. It has to be someone who knows how concerned the members are about this show. It has to be someone trying to sabotage us and get us on the wrong side of Joonie and management,” Jeongguk finally put it all together. He understood completely what Jimin had been trying to warn him about. 

“I have no idea how this is going to look when we play it back. I’m worried, KooKooSan. Our chemistry alone is enough to give us away, but when you add in all of this extra stuff, it’s going to look like we intentionally went back on our word. Maybe Namjoon is right, maybe we should just - scrap the show. Keep the footage for our own personal memories. And just let Jeju be the last episode that we air.”

“But Jimin…we can’t. We did this for the fans. We owe them this, especially the Jikookers who have been through hell this year. Everything in our lives is a fucking secret. Can we…can we please just once…tell a small truth?”

Jimin gave it more thought. “We don’t have to make a decision right now. We have a couple of weeks to decide what we want to do.” Jimin dropped his head. He was truly frightened. How had something so beautiful been hijacked by someone who wanted to hurt them? And who was behind it?

“I think we need to talk to Sejin. This feels like an emergency. Someone on the inside if trying to fuck with us,” Jeongguk said angrily.

 “Already did. I tried texting him a few times but I didn’t get a reply. He had a family emergency. I don’t want to bother him, but honestly, he may be the only one who can give us answers. We need to know how this happened and how we can fix it before any of this hits the airwaves.”

“You’re right. I don’t even know who I can trust anymore.” Jeongguk held Jimin’s hand and clenched it tightly.


Both of them were achy and sore. The multiple falls in the snow left them barely able to move. The added stress of knowing that someone was fucking with their show, only made them more anxious. Soaking in the jacuzzi was exactly what they needed to unwind. 

Jeongguk could see the worry in Jimin’s eyes. It was exactly what Jimin didn’t need just weeks before their scheduled enlistment. It was bad enough that the best trip of their lives was coming to an end. But worrying about being sabotaged made the situation even worse. He had to do something to free Jimin’s mind and shift his mood. 

“Let’s go take a soak. The jacuzzi looks wonderful. Plus we need to unwind. I have a music video to film in a few days and so do you. This is our last day of vacation. It’s too late to change anything so we may as well make the best of it,” Jeongguk suggested.

Jeongguk’s simple suggestion was enough to make Jimin smile. He brushed his fingers through his hair and agreed. “You’re right. We need to enjoy ourselves as much as possible. I have to admit, this has been the best trip of my life. I’ve loved being with you.”

“Then it’s settled, get naked…or put on your swim trunks…whichever. Meet you down there?”



Jimin was the first to arrive. Jeongguk found him sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi. 

“What’s going on? Why aren’t you in?”

“It’s too fucking hot. Seriously, whoever is trying to set us up, is also trying to flambé us and cook us for dinner. It’s like they want Jikook soup.” Jimin laughed at his own joke.

“And apparently they want our demise televised because there are more cameras mounted out here than there are in the kitchen. 

“We’re partially nude, sitting close and whispering amidst the hot rising steam. It’s where they’ll get the highest ratings. Everybody loves a little soft porn,” Jimin said as he dipped his toe into the water again. It burned so completely that his entire foot turned red. He grimaced and clenched his butt cheeks. “This is too hot for humans!” He screamed through his silly laughter. 

Jeongguk agreed. After a few minutes of discomfort, they finally decided to reduce the temperature of the water. The air around them on the snowy mountain was freezing but the water in their jacuzzi was boiling. They were trapped  in a comedic irony of extremes. 

Jeongguk’s eyes wandered over Jimin’s exposed body as he seated himself gently within the hot water. There was no need to pretend, he wanted him more than ever. Jimin’s body had undergone a metamorphosis over the months since the initial filming of Are You Sure. He was training hard, bulking up in order to survive the first few weeks of intense military basic training. He was running, lifting weights, and doing yoga. And all of it showed. Every single muscle was taut and lovely, shapely and firm. Jeongguk felt himself grow hard as his eyes carefully surveyed Jimin’s every move.

“Have I told you how good you look?”

“Actually…we’ve been together for almost five days and you haven’t mentioned it.” Jimin said with sass.

“You’ve been working hard - haven’t you? I mean I can see it…all of it,” Jeongguk lipped his lips. He inadvertently placed his hands over his nuts. The camera couldn’t see anything that was happening under the water, but that didn’t stop him from covering his ever growing erection.

“Thank you. I don’t want to be picked on when I arrive at training camp. I don’t want anyone to assume that I can’t hold my weight or can’t keep up. I want to look the part and be able to outperform all of them…even you.” Jimin winked.

“You can do anything you set your mind to. Mentally, you’re the strongest man I’ve ever met. When you decide to do something, it will get done. You’ve never failed. I’ve been with you for ten years, watching your every move. I know. More than anyone, I know what you’re capable of.”

“You’re so fucking maddening. I just want to eat you, literally eat you. You say the most beautiful things, the purest things. You have a heart like no other.”

“You’re a man like no other. I love you.”


“This should be edited out…,” Jeongguk said softly, eyes locked upon the love of his life.

“I…love you too.” Jimin wiped the water from his face and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Six months ago, you would have gotten angry with me for saying that so boldly. How quickly the night changes,” Jeongguk quipped.

“I was wrong six months ago. I never should have tried to control your feelings. This trip has made me love you even more if that’s possible. I see you differently. I understand you better. I’m just so blessed to have you.” Jimin could feel the sting of tears. Their carefree soak in the jacuzzi had suddenly grown emotional and that was not something he wanted. He didn’t want to ruin their evening by ending it with tears. 

“It’s ok to cry. You don’t have to always be in control of your emotions. There’s so much happening around us. I understand. Be vulnerable with me.”

Jimin smiled, even though his eyes were so filled with tears that he could hardly see. “I have something very important to tell you.”

“Ok, what is it?” 

“I have something to add to your list of demands for when I propose.”

Jeongguk broke into laughter, “Demands? Call it what you want but you better get it right,” he teased again.

“You need a parade,” Jimin said seriously.

“A parade?”

“Hear me out. A marching band playing Smeraldo Garden Marching Band, and some baton twirlers. Maybe some male cheerleaders.”

“Can the cheerleaders also be strippers?”

“It’s your proposal. You can have whatever you want.” Jimin laughed hysterically. His tears suddenly dissipated amongst the billowy clouds of steam. He loved the idea of a full blown party on the day that he asked Jeongguk to marry him. 

“My turn. While we’re on the topic of marriage, I have a very serious question for you.”

“Ok, shoot.”

“We’ve talked about this before. I’m bringing it up again because I received a very important text this morning. It’s about my new house.”

“Yea, what about it?” Jimin asked.

“It’s done. Ready to move in. They have a few more repairs to do outside in the garage area, but the rest of the home is ready.”

“Congratulations. It’s a big house. Gorgeous home that really fits your style. I’m proud of you.”

Jeongguk was tired of stalling. He needed to say it before he lost his nerve, “You’re right. It is a big house. Much bigger than anything Bam and I will ever need.”

“Then why did you buy it?”

“Because I never planned to live there alone.”

“What do you mean by that?” Jimin rested his leg on Jeongguk’s thigh. He watched him carefully, anxious to understand what he was trying to say.

“You don’t really like living in Nine-One. Your security has been breached several times. Your mail was stolen. You have people spying through your windows. My home has top of the line security and an armed bodyguard keeping post 24/7. Plus a watch dog who loves his two dads. Come live with me and your son Bammy.”

“Live with you?”

“Yes. Move in with me… as soon as enlistment is done. Move in with me.”

“Jeongguk, you know that I can’t do that. What will people say?”

“We’ll tell them to mind their own damn business. We’re going to be in military service for almost two years as buddies. We’ve been bandmates for ten years. We grew up together living in the dorms. No one should be surprised by us living together for comfort. We’re going to be on the road traveling most of the time. We’ll rarely be there. But when we are there, we’ll have each other. People will hardly notice. The house is huge, you said it yourself. You’ll have privacy when you want it and a warm dick when you need it. Don’t say yes…or no. Just put it in the back of your mind and give it thought. One and a half years from now, I’ll ask you for an answer.”

“Oh Koo Koo. I - I…,” Jimin quieted himself. In his heart, his answer was already yes. In his mind, he needed to give it more thought. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to go full glass closet with his boyfriend. “Thank you for the offer. And thank you for giving me time to think about it. My heart wants me to say yes, but I won’t. I will only say…ask me again in eighteen months.”

Jimin swam closer. He could see the lump in Jeongguk’s swimming trunks clearly through the warm water. He looked at him, wondering how they were going to make it through enlistment without plentiful bouts of sex. It seemed like the more often they fucked, the more often they wanted to fuck. It was especially hard for Jeongguk who had so much of his sexual identity tied into his relationship with Jimin. His randomly sprouting erections was just one issue they needed to resolve. 

Jeongguk looked down into the water. His thick cock was hard and unwieldy. He whined, “Do you see what you did to me?”

“Why is it always my fault?” Jimin snickered.

“Because you’re the only one who has this power. You’re the only one who I find - stunning. Breathtaking. Heart stopping. Cock crippling.”

“Cock crippling?” Jimin splashed around the jacuzzi, tickled with laughter. 

“You’re sublime. Ethereal, like an Angel on earth. You make me want you from the depths of my soul, body, mind and spirit. You’re irresistible to me.”

“There you go saying those things again,” Jimin wanted to kiss him, but the mounted cameras were running. Instead he moved his hand quickly under the water, deep under the currents where the cameras 

couldn’t see. He crawled his fingers over Jeongguk’s crotch and fished for his cock inside of his swim trunks. Fisting it firmly, he delivered slow subtle strokes down his shaft. Above the water the two of them appeared to just be sitting closely bundled. But below the surface, a whole porn film was playing out. Jimin looked over his shoulder, peering occasionally at the camera as he stroked his boyfriend, masturbating him in plain view

“God that feels so good. Why does your touch still drive me wild after all of these years?”

“What do we have here? Looks like you’re fighting back a few cummies?” Jimin mocked him as he stroked him more and more forcefully. He could feel Jeongguk begin to tremble, sending small waves rippling through the water around him. 

“Edit this…please edit this,” Jeongguk closed his eyes as he made a lip quivering plea. 

“Ohhh you feel so good. It’s our last night. Are you going to make love to me? To celebrate our beautiful trip?”

“I’ll do anything you fucking want.” Jeongguk could feel his orgasm begin to rise. “I-I-I can’t cum on camera. I can’t…,” he shivered as small droplets of precum floated to the surface of the steaming water. 

“Yes you can. I give you permission. We already told them to edit this part out,” Jimin smiled as he stared directly into his eyes. His fingers stroked his lover’s tip, tickling the overly sensitive flesh. “Don’t deny yourself. Cum in my hand. Then take me to the bed and fuck me in front of the camera. Spank my ass until it turns red. Lick my hole and blow in my mouth. Scream about how much you love me so that everyone in the village can hear you.”

“Fuck!” Jeongguk tilted his head back. He writhed on Jimin’s fingers, no longer able to stitch together cogent thoughts. The pressure from Jimin’s hand, the forcefulness in his touch, the sparkling of his eyes and the beauty of his seductive smile, all of it coalesced to send heated pools of pleasure surging through Jeongguk’s body. “Not in front of the camera, not in front of the camera, please no…FUCK!” He was suspended in stomach twisting pleasure; throat dilating with deep gasps for air. His body clenched, seizing into one stiff convulsion. His dick throbbed in Jimin’s hand, pulsating like an artery. 

Swirls of opaque fluid burst from the tip of his cock and floated to the surface of the water as his body released his seed. A few seconds passed.

Once Jeongguk opened his eyes, Jimin released him. They glared at each other, holding back smiles, fighting their urge to kiss. Jimin used his finger to trace through the strings of cum that floated on the water’s surface. “Have I told you that I love you?” He asked lovingly.

 Jeongguk found his breath, “Many, many times.” 


The two showered and cooked dinner, leaving their scalding hot jacuzzi behind. They cozied up on the couch with glasses of vintage whisky and dedicated themselves to filming as much friendly content as possible for their last night. 

The film crew were invited over to have a few drinks and eat dinner. To everyone’s surprise, the on-site producer offered a special episodic preview for Jimin and Jeongguk. He arrived with ready-to-watch episodes of Are You Sure that had already been completed. The footage from the U.S. and Jeju was ready to air. At Jimin’s request, each episode had been put through additional scrutiny by senior staff members. It was a promise that he’d made to Namjoon, bringing in neutral perspectives that could flush out problematic content. And the senior editors delivered because what started as tens of hours and days and days of footage had artfully been sanitized and edited down to only six. 

It was Jimin and Jeongguk’s first time viewing the finished product. Jimin was admittedly nervous. Based on Namjoon’s preview and subsequent freak-out, he could only imagine what kind of blatantly romantic dalliances were going to jump out from the screen. With their glasses of whisky in hand, they watched; nervously holding hands beneath the pillow whenever a potentially revealing scene came on. But to their surprise, much of the damaging footage really had been removed. 

What was left was a true tale of two friends - best friends - enjoying each other effortlessly. The undertones were still there and some of that couldn’t be helped, but the overall message of the show was wholesome and healing. The two of them were magnetic on screen as well as funny and entertaining. Jimin released a relieved breath. 

After viewing the entire series, minus the Sapparo footage, the two of them gratefully applauded the work of the crew. They hugged them all and wished them goodnight. It was the last time they would see many of them for the next eighteen months because most of them were flying home that evening. It was a somber but sweet goodbye. The staff left them alone after agreeing to turn off all of the cameras for the evening. Filming would resume the following day as the traveled back to the airport. 


The two boyfriends returned to the kitchen to talk, reflect. “We’re not out of the woods yet. It’s the Sapparo stuff that I’m really worried about,” Jimin confessed to Jeongguk.

“Jimin - so many staff members are going to know the truth after this is over. They’re going to know that we’re in love. The stuff they’re going to see when they’re editing will be a real awakening about our true relationship. I mean we can edit all of the stuff on our personal handhelds, but some of the other stuff…,”

“ the jacuzzi? Like when we disappeared into the bathroom together? Like the bottles of lube that I had to hide?”

“Exactly that. We better have iron clad NDA’s with all of them. They’re going to know all of our secrets by the time this is all over.”

“KooKooSan, they already do. They’ve known for years. They are our most trusted allies and always have been. Don’t worry about that. Leaks won’t come from them, they practically raised us and we’re family. Look how well they’ve protected us for all of these years. Trust them.”

“Yes, I hope so.”

“The one thing that keeps me up at night is knowing that someone tried to set us up. Someone inside of our own camp - and it’s not the staff.” Jimin wrung his hands. 

“I’ve thought about that alot and I have a different opinion. Just hear me out.”

“Ok, I’m listening.”

Jeongguk continued, “Maybe we need to change our perspective. Within days, our lives are going to change. What if war breaks out during our enlistment period? What if we experience things that change how we view each other? What if - we fight or bicker constantly. The bottom line is that we have no idea what enlistment is going to do to us or our relationship. We think we know - but no one really has a crystal ball. What we are about to do with the buddy enlistment is unprecedented, it’s never been done before. What if someone from the outside looking in, is worried about those same things and loves us enough to make this time truly special because our future is unknown? Think about it, Jiminie. Were we really set up or were we given the best time of our lives, no expense spared? There are two ways to look at this.”

Jimin felt his heart melt. Jeongguk’s innocent view of the world was so refreshing. It was truly why he loved him, “To live in your world…is truly a blessing. Everything you’re saying is possible. But…we won’t know the motive until we know who did it. We still need to get to the bottom of this.”

“Any word from Sejin?”

“Still nothing. I’ll call again later today. But Koo Koo, there is one thing that gives me hope. The editing is really incredible. After seeing what they can do, I have no doubt that we’ll be ok. The extra layer of protection from the senior editors really changed everything. I feel hopeful that they’ll be able to do the same thing with Sapporo episodes…even that moment with me jerking you off in the hot tub. I shouldn’t have done that by the way,” Jimin dipped his head in embarrassment, “I don’t know what came over me.”

“I loved every moment of it…but I was surprised that you were willing to take such a bold risk after only minutes earlier admitting to how worried you were about what we were feeding the cameras. You’ve been hard to read lately. I can’t always tell what you want…what you need,” Jeongguk said lovingly.

“If it seems like I’m all over the place - it’s because I am. I’m torn between savoring our last few days, doing whatever the fuck we want to do and protecting our image and the innocents around us. That thing in the hot tub…I just wanted to be close to you, pleasure you, turn you on. And now here I sit with regret again, wondering if I crossed the line, dishonoring my promise to Joonie.” Jimin rested his face in his hands.

“You didn’t cross the line. And can you please stop internalizing everything? I’m not a kid, I’m your partner and I allowed that to happen because I wanted it. I wanted to feel you all over me. Cameras or no cameras.”

“You’re so kind to me. You never allow me to self-destruct,” Jimin laughed. 

“Because kindness is probably the most important thing that I learned…from you.”

Jimin didn’t feel much like talking. He was starting to feel that heavy burdensome weight again. That tinge of depression and emotional upheaval. He still had not come to terms with enlistment. Finding the courage to face it was difficult. Not to mention that it was the end of their trip and he was greatly going to miss his private time with Jeongguk. Once again, the uncertainty of their future haunted him. He didn’t want to bring Jeongguk’s spirits down, so he opted for the safe choice.

“Let’s go to bed. We can get up early tomorrow and pack. There’s a three hour drive to the airport.”

“Since the crew took down all of the cameras, I guess it’s ok for us to sleep together in the same room, same bed?”

Jimin held his hand forward for Jeongguk to grab it. Together, they climbed the steps to the upper bedroom.


Jimin was stirred from his sleep by a horrific nightmare. The screams that escaped him startled Jeongguk awake, causing him to spring from the bed with a fight or flight impulse. He looked around the room for several minutes before realizing the screams were coming from a semi-conscious Jimin. Immediately, he fell to his side and gently tried to wake him.

“It’s a dream baby, it’s just a dream. Wake up, please. Wake up. It’s ok. It’s ok.”

Jimin’s eyes burst open. He was wild and frenzied, heart thundering in his chest. He was screaming Jeongguk’s name. Clamoring at his chest, begging him not to die.

“Die? No, no baby I’m not dying. I’m not dying. I’m right here, standing next to you. I’m right here.”

Even after laying eyes on Jeongguk and getting confirmation that he was alive and well, Jimin still screamed. The nightmare had been just that horrific. He threw his body into Jeongguk’s chest and wept loudly, openly.

“Oh thank God. Thank God. It was so real. The dream was so real. I can’t live without you. I can’t. I won’t.” Jimin’s words were jumbled but his fear was real. He wrapped his arms around Jeongguk, squeezing him, holding on to him for dear life.

“Tell me all about it. Tell me what happened,” Jeongguk encouraged.

“No. Never. I will never repeat it, I will never s-s-s-say it aloud.” Jimin was terrified. The raucous confused kiss that followed housed all of his feelings. He grabbed Jeongguk and pushed him hard to the bed.  “I need you. I need you now. Please, please. Show me that you have life. Please Koo Koo, please. I have to have you.” Jimin ripped at his own clothes, revealing his naked body.

The tears that flowed from his eyes were the most devastating that Jeongguk had seen in all of their years together. So much fear, so much anguish, yet he was unable to convince Jimin that it wasn’t real. 

“No, baby we can’t. We promised not to do it here.”

“Please don’t say no,” Jimin screamed again. He was frantic. His eyes were red and swollen.

Jeongguk realized that not giving Jimin what he wanted would be cruel given Jimin’s state of flux. They were sleeping in the bedroom with on cameras and most of the staff had already flown home. He had to make a very quick decision in the midst of Jimin clawing at him, begging him to make love. 

“I can never say no to you. You’ve loved me for most of my life.”

“And mine.” 

He gripped Jimin’s tearful face in his hands, his thumbs skimming the trace of tears beneath his eyes. His gaze was gentle, loving and understanding. His hyung was going through so much. It pained him to see him suffering, to not be able to take the pain away. He pulled Jimin’s head to his and kissed him with life-sustaining pleasure. The intensity of the kisses grew, pushing them to the point of no return.

“We just have to be careful,” Jeongguk warned. 

Jimin knew instinctively what his young lover meant. He didn’t care what the terms were. He just wanted to feel him again. They had gone the entire trip without making love, insistent upon staying true to their promise. But at that very moment, giving in to each other seemed like the only thing to do; the only way to bridge the gap between today and the unknowns of tomorrow. 

Jeongguk undressed with haste, stripping himself until he was completely naked. Their skin laid bare, colliding with urgency and rolling about the bed. They moaned each other’s names, whispering proclamations of love as they held hands. 

Jeongguk, true to his word, took his time. He lubed every inch of his hard cock. He held Jimin down by pressing his palm gently against his abdomen while he pushed two overly lubricated fingers into him. He didn’t want him to hurt or sting or have lasting soreness, so his entry had to be delicate. 

Jimin pulled his knees to his chest as he was being worked open. He shut his eyes, titillated by the massage, aroused, pleasured. He could feel his own cock sprouting into a heavy lean against his stomach.

Jeongguk spent an eternity conditioning him, stretching him until he was pliant and ready to receive him. Before he entered him, he caressed Jimin’s cheek with a silky whisper, “How do you feel? Can you take me?”

Jimin simply nodded. He rolled over and then climbed on all fours to present his supple hole, eager for Jeongguk to feed him. His hands crept blindly across the sheets as soon as he felt the pressure push against him. Shaking slightly under his own weight, he inhaled deeply to gather the smells around him. He was especially seduced by the earthy aroma of the man he loved more than anyone else in the world.  

“Sweetheart, you’re so beautiful down there,” Jeongguk groaned.

Jimin was mesmerized by how skillfully his lover took him. He felt almost nothing except the weight of his cock inside of him. With one small buck of his hips, Jeongguk was completely inside, filling him fully. Jimin caught his breath. His hands tangled around the sheets, desperate for stability as he felt the force of his lover’s rocking hips. The glide of Jeongguk’s cock was so satisfying. He’d never felt more loved than when he was being fucked. 

 Jeongguk’s strokes were deliberately slow, lazy and delicious. There was not one errant move. He rotated in and out with varying degrees of depth, increasing the speed in tandem with his breathing. As he always did when he felt he was cumming too soon, he withdrew rapidly, leaving Jimin with a cold emptiness that unsettled him. 

Jimin allowed his lover to go through the motions and do whatever necessary to return to him. He could feel the sweetness of Jeongguk’s soft lips kissing the outline of each of the moons on his back. The younger one briefly buried his face in Jimin’s back as he hitched his hips forward to enter him again. After several more strokes, he stopped once again.

“Ride me,” he begged.

They maneuvered themselves into position. Jimin climbed on top and lowered himself over Jeongguk’s glistening cock. As gingerly as possible, he began to bounce, taking Jeongguk’s dick at his own pace, to his own satisfaction. His eyes remained open and he watched the beautiful facial contortions of his baby bun. He pushed himself all the way down causing Jeongguk’s cock to completely disappear inside of him. He sat there, refusing to move, staring down at the sexy beast that he called his own. 

Jeongguk gripped his waist, not able to speak. The bed violently began to shake in tandem with Jeongguk’s quivers. Being so deeply embedded inside of Jimin’s body was surreal. His orgasm was triggered. The last memory before he exploded was the vision of Jimin’s ethereal beauty floating over him. With his eyes clenched shut, he begged Jimin not to move. 

Jimin touched his stomach. He could feel the tip of Jeongguk’s cock throbbing in his guts. He sat as still as possible, despite his instinct to ride him hard. But there was only so much he could take. Just as Jeongguk exploded inside of him, he began bouncing again, his tight ass siphoning every drop of fluid from his boyfriend’s tip. He fucked him savagely, leaking a mess of cum all over the sheets of the expensive bed.

How quickly their moans became tears when they realized that this may be the last time they made love before enlistment. The reality hit them both hard - mid orgasm before they even had a chance to reconcile their competing emotions. It was over. There was no guarantee of a time or date they would be together again. 


The following morning began with Jimin pensive in thought. He arose early and packed for both he and Jeongguk to allow Jeongguk to sleep in a little longer. It was a sad morning for him, one that started and ended in tears. But the tears were for a good reason. They were due, they were needed.

As Jimin sat quietly on the steps of the Jacuzzi, he peered reflectively over the chilly grey sky. His thoughts roamed everywhere from playing cards with his brother and longing for his mother’s stew to sitting with his father in the cafe and talking over a cup of coffee. All of it ran through his mind. In a sense he was mourning his most cherished memories coupled with the people he loved the most; simply because of how much he was going to miss them. Managers, friends, the other members, all of them rested on his mind as well. Life as he knew it was coming to an end, albeit temporarily, an end just the same. Because even after military service, everything would be different. 

He worried about everything. The quality of the food he’d be eating. His weight. His skin. His overall health, especially considering his chronic shoulder injury. He had an Idol life to maintain and his body had to remain in top form. He had to protect his career while protecting his country. He had mixed feelings about the concept of war, fighting, and taking up arms. There were so many morally reprehensible positions taken by the military that stood staunchly opposite his own. How was he going to battle through all of it? How was he going to be a good little soldier? It felt like he was selling a part of his soul.

Would life be better? Worse? Intolerable? Would the wasted years serving his country steal irreplaceable moments of his youth? 

How would he be treated? Would he be bullied, abused, taunted? Or would he be able to make life-long friends just as his hyungs did? Would the name Jimin of BTS get him places or make his life miserable? He didn’t know. And it was the not knowing that made him sick to his stomach.

Time was ticking. December 12th was quickly approaching and there was still so much to do. The list of tasks kept growing: closing out his utility bills, rerouting his mail, giving away his furniture, moving his belongings to storage, even visiting everyone at the office one last time. Again, tears dropped. Again, he felt so unsure.

A quick check of his watch revealed that it was time to go. If they wanted to stop and have a nice lunch before heading to the airport, then they needed to get on the road. The drive back to the airport was a full three hours. He needed to wake Jeongguk and get him sorted. 

There was one source of comfort in his life. One man who sacrificed it all just to be there with him. One man who planned to enter the military four years early to stay with his brothers. The man who lost more of his youth than any other, yet never complained a single day about it. And that man lay snoring soundly in Jimin’s bed. 

“Koo Koo. Wake up honey. Wake up.” Fully clothed, Jimin cuddled behind him and snuggled against his back. Together they lay agglutinated like baby peas in a pod. 

After several comfortable reassuring minutes, Jimin called him again, “Baby, we have a flight to catch. Time to get up.”

Jeongguk rolled to his back and pulled Jimin to his chest. He stroked his hair and kissed the crown of his head. “You ok? How’s your body?” His first concern was always Jimin.

“I’m good. A little sore but nothing compared to the muscle aches I had after we went snowboarding. I’ll be able to do my choreography and everything with no problem. You did good…you felt good.” Jimin smiled. 

“Just good?”

“Ok, incredible. You felt absolutely incredible. And you…how are you feeling? I wasn’t exactly easy on you either.”

“I feel better than I ever have. Thank you for a wonderful night.”

“You’re welcome. Now get dressed. It’s time for us to go. We have a flight to catch,” Jimin gave his boyfriend a sloppy kiss. 

Jeongguk pulled away to take a closer look at Jimin’s face. “You’ve been crying. You always get so melancholy at the end of our vacations.”

“It’s more than that.”

“I know. Trust me…I understand.”

Jimin needed to get a few things off of his chest, “Every single day I thank God that we’ll be serving together. I couldn’t live without you…not for eighteen months.”

“I’m grateful too. Plus…I’m going to be cooking for you. An added bonus. You’ll always know what’s in your food. You’ll know what to eat and what not to eat. You’ll get homemade seaweed stew for your birthday.”

“Good, maybe you can help me keep my weight down by making sure they serve more healthy stuff.”

“I can’t guarantee that, but I’ll definitely give you the dirty little secrets,” Jeongguk laughed. More importantly, he made Jimin laugh. 

Jimin pulled Jeongguk to his feet. He was still naked and mildly bruised from their lovemaking the previous night. Jimin surveyed him, adored him. He wanted him all over again, but time was not their friend. Just as he moved in for a kiss, his text buzzed. 

“Whoa! It’s Sejin. It’s about time. I’ve been trying to contact him for almost three days.”

“Call him, right away. I have to go shower, but I’ll be right back. I need to know what he knows,” Jeongguk disappeared into the bathroom.

Jimin was already dialing. Sejin picked up on the very first ring. “Hey Jimin. Sorry I’ve been out of pocket. My mother was in bad shape. It was a tough few days, but she’s home now and everything is good. What’s this question you have about strange accommodations? I’m hearing from the staff that arrangements were changed at the last minute? What arrangements?”

“Upgrades, bottles of champagne, luxury restaurants, couples suites, honeymoon suites, matching pajamas, candle light dinners, rose petals, and a bunch of other stuff we never asked for. Stuff that really made the show look overly romantic. We were painted as a couple at every turn and it wasn’t us doing it. We’re hoping you can tell us what happened. Who did this? It had to be someone from the inside. Someone is trying to ruin our show and get it pulled from Disney. Someone is sabotaging us.” Jimin hated to ask, but he had to know “Was it…,” Jimin paused, “someone on our staff?”

“No Jimin, it wasn’t. You should know better. These people have been with you since you were kids. And by the way, you seem pretty ungrateful for all of the “upgrades” and gifts that were showered onto you.”

“It’s not that we’re ungrateful. It’s just…it goes against everything we wanted to do with this part of the show. We made promises. We vowed to keep this show platonic and…,” Jimin paused. He didn’t want to say too much. Even though he knew that Sejin knew all of their secrets, he didn’t want to come out and confess anything willingly. 

“Oh cut the bullshit. I know Jimin. I know about you and Jeongguk. I know you’re fucking. I know you’ve been fucking since that night in Jeju. I know you were making out in the closet at Jeongguk’s GOLDEN party. I know that you sneak away from the cameras to be together. I know that you cut vital conversations out of your footage because you’re talking about private matters. I know you sneak into each other’s hotel rooms when we’re on tour. I know Jeongguk bought that house because he hopes you will move in with him. I know that you’re in love. I know you’ve been in love for years, possibly since the beginning. I know everything. And I will take all of that information to my grave,” Sejin unloaded. 

Jimin was silent. The truth was sobering.

“As for sabotaging this show…no one on our team would ever do that. No one is trying to sabotage your show. In fact, I think just the opposite is happening here. I have to go. I need to check on my mom. I’ll see you when you get back in town. But one more thing, if you want answers so badly, give Namjoon a call.”

“Namjoon? What does he have to do with anything?” Jimin asked.

“Call him.” Sejin disconnected.

Jeongguk returned just in time to hear the latter part of the conversation. “Why does he want us to call Joonie?”

“No idea. He says that Namjoon has answers. Answers to what I wonder?”

Jimin did as Sejin suggested. He dialed Namjoon immediately. His first thought was that Namjoon had somehow seen the pre-edited Sapporo footage and he was angry. He likely assumed the worst, just as he did when he saw the original Jeju and U.S. footage. Jimin was terrified to talk to him, but he had to if he was going to get to the bottom of the mystery. 

“Jimin! Have you guys made it home yet?” Namjoon answered happily.

“Joonie…uh hi. No, we’re still in Japan. Our flight leaves in about six hours. We’re going to stop and get some lunch and then we’re heading straight for the airport.”

“Well toughen up soldier. We’ve only got a few days of freedom left. Are you going to the states with Jeongguk to film with Usher?”

“No…I-I have work of my own to do. He’s going alone.”

“We’re scheduled to all do a final V-Live together.”

“Yea, I know.  Look Joonie, I didn’t call to make small talk. I need to ask you something.”

“Sure. What is it?”

Jeongguk sat on the bed next to Jimin. He placed both of them on speaker phone. 

“Hey RM,” Jeongguk said politely.

“Hey Jk! How’s Japan.”

“It’s been like a fairy tale. I’ve never been happier in my life,” he said as he held Jimin’s hand.

Jimin intervened. He really had no time for bullshit. He needed answers. “We can tell you all about the trip when we get home tonight. But I need to talk to you. This is going to sound strange but please be patient. I don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to ask you or how to ask it. Sejin told me you had answers, but I don’t know the questions.”

“Making me a bit nervous, but go ahead. What are you trying to figure out?” Namjoon waited patiently.

“There’s been some really strange shit going on while we were traveling. Joonie, I made a promise to you. We promised to behave, to keep our feelings under control…and we did that. But other things outside of our control happened around us.”

“I have no idea what you’re trying to say. Explain, please,” Namjoon laughed at Jimin’s feeble attempt to ask him the question.

“We believe that someone from inside of our camp has been trying to sabotage this trip.”

Jeongguk chimed in to help. “Weird shit RM. Like being booked in couples lodges with heart shaped tubs and sex lube all over the place.”

“Roses, candlelight dinners, and private outings,” Jimin added. “Joonie, we’re going to work with the editors to make sure that this stuff gets edited as tightly as possible. But we just want you to hear it from us. We didn’t do this. We didn’t plan this.”

Jeongguk tried to explain again, “On film it’s going to look very suspicious, very deliberate. But you have to know we had nothing to do with it. Everywhere we went, we were the only ones there. Someone paid to give us exclusive access to the whisky museum and the hotels. The entire ski resort was empty. We had the entire place to ourselves like a couple on their fucking…”

“...honeymoon?” Namjoon interrupted.

Both Jimin and Jeongguk went quiet. They stared at each other in stunned silence.

“Yes…exactly like a honeymoon,” Jimin reiterated.

Namjoon continued, “Like the honeymoon you never had.”

Jimin immediately started to tear up, “It-it-it was you!”

Namjoon laughed at their stunned expressions. “It was…us. Me and the rest of the guys decided to chip in to really amp up your last trip together. Yoongi is the one who changed all of your hotel reservations to honeymoon suites and exclusive mansions. I’m the one who paid all of the local attractions to remain closed for the day while you were visiting. Tae and Hobi had each of your rooms filled with roses and fancy liquors. And…that asshole Jin is responsible for putting designer astroglide in each of your rooms. He thought it was hilarious.”

“We used most of that…,” Jeongguk began to speak but Jimin shoved him in the ribs. 

“We hid most of it…from the cameras…before throwing it out…that’s what he meant to say,” Jimin covered. Under no circumstances was he going to admit to using Jin’s lube to fuck. 

Namjoon said more, “Our conversation was important Jimin. I heard every word you said. I could feel just how deeply in love you are. I just…I just wanted to do something in return to show how much we support you. The other members agreed. This was our last chance to do something grand, to show you our love. To give you that honeymoon. It was a bit sneaky, but fun nonetheless.”

“I can’t believe you did this. After all of that talk about not making a scene and being discreet. You made the biggest scene of all,” Jeongguk said quizzically. 

Jimin chimed in, “I’m so confused right now. I thought we agreed to keep this under wraps, to keep our relationship private.”

“We agreed to that. And we will all keep that agreement. What goes on between you and Jeongguk is not anyone’s business. We especially can’t let this get out to the public or to the fandom. I’ll make myself clear once again, you cannot go public with your relationship.”

“Well then why did you set us up by making everything so couple coded?” Jimin raised his voice.

“Because we love you and we wanted you to have something special. It wasn’t a set up. It was a gift, a wish for you to have the best time ever. We had faith that the editors would take care of everything. Disney editors stepped in as well because there was a conversation about labeling the show as LBGTQ+.  Hybe disagreed, so they took special care to clean up after our clean up.”

Jeongguk laughed, “Wait! Disney wanted Are You Sure to be a LGBTQ+ show?”

“Yep. The people who saw the first few uncut versions tossed the idea back and forth. They even changed some of the ratings. From what I hear, your team worked overtime to make sure that it didn’t get a 18+ rating. They made cut after cut after cut until they finally got it right,” Namjoon explained.

“How do you know all of this?” Jimin asked.

“Because I was called in to answer questions. You two have a lot of freedom but at the end of the day, I’m still the leader and I’m held responsible for what happens in the group,” Namjoon said calmly.

“We’re sorry you had to defend us,” Jimin stated.

Namjoon smiled with his perfect pinpoint dimples, “I will always defend you. I will always fight for you, until my last breath. It’s all good guys. Nothing came out of it. And anything that does squeak through, well, there’s nothing we can do about it. But trust me, we’re in the clear. You two are the best of friends and no matter what you do, that will always shine the brightest.”

 There was nothing more for them to say except, “Thank you. And thank the other guys. This truly was the best trip of our lives. Every detail mattered. Nothing was missed or overlooked. We didn’t have to worry about fans wanting autographs or people sneaking pictures of us. We were really able to relax and be ourselves. It was truly extraordinary. I guess we were just so paranoid that we thought it was too good to be true,” Jeongguk explained.

Jimin added, “We were so blinded by skepticism that we missed the generosity. Joonie, we will never forget this. It really was an act of love.”

“Anytime fellas. I know this is hard. I know you want the world to know but that’s the one thing I can’t give you. For now, you must keep your lips sealed. Your day will come, eventually.”

“Yea,” Jeongguk sighed. 

“Yea, thanks Joonie.” Jimin disconnected.

He sniffled and wiped a tear. This was not the ending he expected, but it was an ending that he could accept. 

“Not our time. I’m so fucking tired of hearing that,” Jeongguk complained.

“Me too. But this story has a happy ending. I just know it does.”

“Until then, we have to be dutiful. We have to protect everyone, including ourselves. We can’t allow any slip ups during enlistment. We have to be good little soldiers,” Jimin said sadly.

“At least, we’ll be together.”

“That is the most important. Grab your stuff, let’s go eat. We have a long drive.”

“I’m going to drive us all the way back to the airport. I want our last few hours to be alone. I have to fly to the states in a couple of days and I don’t know when I’ll see you again. The next time we meet, it’ll almost be time to head to camp.”

“One last V-live before we go.”

“Yea. I’ll take all of the luggage downstairs to the car. You check to make sure I didn’t leave anything. You know how bad I am about forgetting stuff.”


“Your lips look beautiful when they’re sealed,” Jeongguk leaned in and gave Jimin one last kiss.

“And so do yours. I love you.”

Thank you for reading

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