Sealed Lips: A Jikook Canon Fic | eBook


During my official hiatus, I promised that I would continue to drop short stories on different platforms for my Diamonds to read while I am away. This is my first attempt at a canon fic since 2017. But AYS just really motivated me to write a few snippets of how their relationship works behind the scenes; from a Dawn perspective of course. I hope you like these short little snippets. This one will be delivered in 3 or 4 parts. I wanted to do something a little different with adding images to the text. There are so many thoughts and ideas that are sparked from their expressions and in my mind, I imagined what they were REALLY thinking when they weren't on camera. This will be a different presentation than my normal work on AO3, but I really, really hope you enjoy it. I'll be back soon to my regular style of writing on the AO3 platform, but for right now, please enjoy the whimsy of these simple yet erotic stories.



Something about the fresh sea air of Jeju drives everyone crazy. With minds cloudy, bodies Horney and an insatiable appetites for more than just food, the Ace duo find themselves in a world of trouble. And it's trouble of their own making. 


  • One Shot
  • NSFW (21+) 
  • Porn with Plot
  • Hurt/Comfort
  • Mild Angst
  • Canon and Canon divergent
  • Lies/Deceit/Betrayal
  • Everybody's Lips are Sealed
  • Graphic Sexual Content
  • Homosexuality


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